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在国家大力发展职业教育政策的引领下,我国各高职院校专业课程建设越具职业特色,ESP教学模式已逐渐成为高职英语教学发展的方向。本文在分析高职英语教师转型诱因的同时,基于德宏职业学院为例,探讨边疆少数民族地区高职英语教师应做怎样的转型准备。  相似文献   

丽江市的边疆少数民族地区,因经济社会发展较为滞后,外出务工人员增多,导致留守儿童也逐渐增多。留守儿童的家庭教育主要存在三个方面的问题,即:父母监护角色缺失,家庭教育碎片化、临时化,父母教育理念及方式存在误区。为了有效解决这些问题,该研究提出一系列对策:首先,要以政府为主导,突破城乡发展不平衡的二元社会结构;其次,学校应加强对留守儿童的关爱与照顾,以弥补家庭教育的不足;第三,应积极开展社区活动,营造温馨环境,对留守儿童的社会化过程予以正确合理引导;第四,应强化对监护人的教育培训,帮助他们树立正确的教育挂念,掌握科学的教育方法。  相似文献   

少数民族档案是少数民族珍贵文化遗产中的重要组成部分,它形式多样,涉及的范围非常广泛.甘肃省是一个多民族的省份,各少数民族都有着非常悠久的历史,在长期的社会实践和与自然斗争的过程中,各民族都逐渐形成了丰富的,独具特色的文化,留下了许多弥足珍贵的档案资料.但是,由于人们对档案的保护和利用意识的淡薄,致使许多珍本、善本、逐渐受到了不同程度的毁坏甚至完全被毁灭.本文将主要针对收集和保护少数民族档案对甘肃省的意义以及收集的对象和保护的途径展开一系列的论述.  相似文献   

贵州省台江县既是森林资源丰富的地区,又是苗族聚居的地区,林权制度经过几十年的变迁,形成具有当地特色的集体林产权安排和山林管理模式。通过分析台江县林权改革对当地森林管理的影响,发现改革中存在的问题,为贵州省林权改革提供依据,也为制定符合少数民族地区特点的集体林权改革方案提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

文章从对张力、意象,以及意象张力等文学范畴的分析,以云南彝族汉语诗歌为例,概述了云南彝族汉语诗歌发展历程,从而总结了意象张力在云南彝族汉语诗歌中的表现特征,其视域与论点必将形成对云南少数民族汉语诗歌审美、鉴赏、评论理论的一种构建意见,从而实现中国少数民族文学评论的多元化建设。  相似文献   

我国是一个多民族和谐共生的发展中国家,现实情况决定了少数民族地区的发展问题是我们建设社会主义现代化国家过程中不可忽视的关键一环。少数民族地区的发达程度也关乎全面建成小康社会的速度与质量。为促进少数民族地区的稳步发展,准确认识中国少数民族地区在新的历史时期面临的新矛盾,掌控少数民族地区未来经济社会发展的新趋势,要求我们必须以创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的"五大发展理念"为指挥棒,引领广大的少数民族地区不断向前发展。  相似文献   

封绚  张晓洁 《现代妇女》2014,(1):90-90,94
本文以云南地区少数民族为例,根据当地情况,我们进行研究讨论,主要阐述了影响少数民族地区学生英语听说的几个主要因素,以及学校结合本地区的具体情况所采取的一系列教学改革措施,旨在探讨怎样全面提高少数民族地区学生的英语水平。  相似文献   

我国的大学生志愿服务是在新时期社会体制变革、价值观多元化的社会环境中逐渐发展起来的,如何引导大学生积极参加志愿者服务活动、树立正确的核心价值观和人生观是一个值得研究与探讨的重要课题。少数民族大学生作为一个特殊的群体,有着不同于普通大学生的特质,笔者通过实证研究(问卷调查),基于工作实践和分析研究对少数民族大学生参与志愿服务提出了对策和建议,做出了有益探索。  相似文献   

在旅游地开发与发展过程中,应注意到人与生态环境和谐相处,良性互动,并融为一体。本文根据复合生态理论,运用层次分析法,并以重庆市武隆县为实证分析对象,分别对该地的自然生态环境、经济生态环境,社会生态环境进行了定性与定量的评价,从而得出武隆县旅游生态环境的整体现状。  相似文献   

学校教育是人才培养的最重要形式和方法,教育水平的高低也决定着国民素质的高低,尤其是中小学教育更为重要.少数民族是中华民族的重要组成部分,少数民族的接受教育程度对其素质的影响也很深刻.笔者立足于少数民族地区中小学生接受教育的现状,深刘反思引起该现状的原因,并试图提出相关的对策及措施,以便于对改善其现状不足之处起到借鉴作用.  相似文献   

胡峪龙 《职业时空》2013,(10):114-116
民族地区社会工作的特点是:社会工作人才队伍规模小、专业化程度低.社区工作者与服务对象的沟通和服务能力不足;民族社会工作表现为文化敏感性对多民族地区社会工作的影响很大,族群优势对社会工作的帮助功不可没.但是民族地区社会经济发展存在许多问题,文章针对存在的问题,提出了解决的方法.  相似文献   


Despite increasing societal acceptance of sexual-minority individuals, there are still gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) adolescents who experience negative mental health outcomes. Minority stress theory posits that stigma-related stress associated with sexual-minority status drives increased risk among GLB individuals. Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that minority stress impacts emotion regulation (ER), identified as a particularly important risk factor for sexual-minority youth (SMY). Current research has identified some aspects of parenting contribute to GLB youth's mental health. We review the literature in these areas, and also integrate research from the broader developmental field on families and emotion socialization in order to identify the need for studies of parenting that go beyond existing data on parental acceptance and supportiveness of youth's sexual orientation. Limitations of the current literature and directions for future research are discussed, with specific focus on implications for interventions with SMY and their families.  相似文献   

Rates of alcohol use for sexual minority youths are nearly twice that of their heterosexual peers, yet specific risk and protective factors associated with alcohol use among sexual minority youths remain unclear. Structural equation modeling is used to examine relations among alcohol use, peer and family support, and discrimination among 207 diverse sexual minority youths. Discrimination had no relationship to alcohol use; however, it was negatively associated with peer and family support. Peer support was associated with greater alcohol use among bisexual youths. This study adds to our understanding of the roles of discrimination, social support, and alcohol use among diverse sexual minority youths.  相似文献   

随着新世纪我国城市化进程步伐的加快,小城镇发展也必然会加速.当前小城镇发展面临新的机遇.一是城镇进镇户口全面放开.国务院批准今年10月1日起开始实施小城镇户籍管理改革制度,农村人口进入小城镇的户籍制度阻碍清除.  相似文献   

The dual trajectories of Japanese sociology and Japan itself are poised at a watershed moment in their shared history. In recent years, Japanese sociology has enlarged its international presence in unprecedented fashion and the Tokyo Olympics have positioned the global spotlight on the entire nation of Japan, making it an opportune moment to reflect on the future of Japanese sociology in connection to Japanese society by way of internationalization. This article draws on the author's reflections on the latest 92nd Japan Sociological Society Annual Conference in the context of recent socio‐structural and intellectual transformations in counterpart sociological cultures in Anglo‐America. Drawing on three theorizations of disciplinary development by Abbott, Connell, and Burawoy, this article articulates two dimensions (socio‐structural and intellectual) with which to examine (i) what Japanese sociology can contribute to improve the internationalization decolonization, and pluralization of global sociology; and (ii) what global sociology can do to advance Japanese sociology's public contribution to improving and preserving LGBTQ minorities' societal well‐being.  相似文献   


Despite tremendous heterogeneity in culture, native language, values, socioeconomic status and a steadily growing presence in the United States, Asian Americans are viewed as a monolithic group under the model minority stereotype. Using the focus group approach with youth, young professionals, key/community leaders, and parent participants, the authors determined that in reference to Filipino Americans living in the diverse ethnic and cultural landscape of Hawai'i, the model minority label does not apply. Implications for policy, practice, and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

张明录 《职业时空》2012,(2):141-143
少数民族大学生在大学生中占有重要比例。大学生就业难的问题已经成为全社会普遍关注的焦点,尤其是少数民族大学生的就业问题更为突出,主要表现在以下方面:少数民族大学生就业率逐年下降、就业过程艰辛、就业层次低、结构性失衡等等。解决少数民族大学生就业问题需要政府、高校、社会、家庭和少数民族大学生自身的共同配合和共同努力。  相似文献   

易红  王植  王志章 《城市观察》2014,34(6):97-109
基于生态文明理念,以重庆市为实证研究对象,采用案例分析、层次分析法、风玫瑰分析法对重庆宜居城市建设的现状进行了评价分析,发现重庆市的生态宜居性总体水平较差,虽然其经济发展与基础设施建设良好,但是文化教育、生态环境、社会保障三项指标存在明显短板。在今后的建设中,重庆应该积极寻求"新常态"下高效率、低成本、可持续的宜居城市建设之路,坚持五大功能区的定位延续其组团式的城市空间格局,大力发展生态产业,完善城市公共服务体系,加强科教文卫事业的投入,以此构建山水城市、宜居城市。  相似文献   

Sexual minority women were divided into four groups to study their gender identities (butch and femme), and gender expression (traditionally gendered and non-traditionally gendered women who do not identify as butch or femme). Experiences of heterosexist events (discrimination, harassment, threats of violence, victimization, negative emotions associated with these events), mental health (self esteem, stress, depression), and supports for a sexual minority identity (social support, outness, internalized homophobia) were examined across these groups. Findings suggested that butch-identified women experienced more heterosexist events than femme women or women with non-traditional gender expressions. There were no differences in mental health variables.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the prevalence of and associations between sexual orientation–based verbal harassment and reported utilization of health services across levels of sexual orientation in a diverse sample of adult recipients of Los Angeles County–funded HIV-related health and social services. Thirty-two percent reported they had experienced verbal harassment, the majority (80.3%) of whom identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB). Those who reported being verbally harassed received significantly more services overall than those who were not verbally harassed, and service utilization varied by sexual orientation. These findings inform future efforts to identify and assess social discrimination in health and social service settings.  相似文献   

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