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正黑暗人格,一般意义上是指暴力、侵略、滑头、自恋、冲动、喜欢追求刺激、爱撒谎、冷酷以及善于玩弄权术等性格特征。就目前国内外心理学界的研究成果来看,黑暗人格主要由自恋人格、权术人格(马基雅维利主义)和精神病态人格三者构成。在领导关系中,领导干部和下属都有可能被自身潜藏的黑暗人格所主宰,滋生出违反组织原则的  相似文献   

人格魅力是指一个人在性格、气质、能力、道德品质等方面具有的很能吸引人的力量,其核心要素是热忱、诚信、责任、正直、忠恕、宽仁、顽强和勇毅.人格魅力对领导干部而言,是一种具有强大吸引力和感染力的特殊气质禀赋与宝贵精神财富,是一种能够激发和召唤部属胜利前进的精神动力与精神旗帜.伏尔泰认为:"造就政治家的,绝不是超凡出众的洞察力,而是他们的人格."林肯也认为:"坚守人格,是世界上最伟大的一种力量."  相似文献   

<正>领导干部与媒体打交道时在心理素质和能力方面存在的主要问题是心理素质不适应,导致能力欠缺。所谓素质,心理学上指人的某些先天的特点,指人与生俱来的以及通过后天培养、塑造、锻炼而获得的身体上和人格上的性质特点。素质包括心理素质、道德素质、智力素质、身体素质、审美素质、劳动技能素质等。我这里主要指心理素质,包括情感,信心,意志力和韧性等等。  相似文献   

<正>魅力,是指一种能吸引人的无形力量,它是一个人的素质能力、人格特征和人格力量的综合表现。魅力起初被用于描述少数人拥有的特殊天赋,这些天赋使他们具有成就非凡事业的能力。将"魅力"一词与领导联系起来的是马克斯·韦伯,他用"魅力"一词描述建立在优秀和异乎寻常的个人品质基础上的影响力,这些特点使他们不同凡响,具有特殊的吸引力和感召力,能够对其追随者产生一种深远而非同一般的影响,从而成为魅力型领导者。罗伯特·豪斯也对领导魅力进行了深入研  相似文献   

李小三 《领导科学》2006,(22):36-37
“面子”这个词,包含的意义很丰富。从词典上看,面子的原意是指物体的表面,后引申为体面,指表面的虚荣,又借指情面。爱面子并不全是坏事,关键看如何对待面子。正确地对待面子,能使人讲自尊、讲人格,能激励人积极进取、奋勇争先;错误地对待面子,则会使人好大喜功、弄虚作假、掩盖问题、害怕真理。对领导干部来说,爱面子不是一桩小事。因为不同的“面子”观,可以折射出领导干部不同的世界观、人生观、价值观和荣辱观,可以反映一个领导干部是否树立了科学发展观和正确政绩观,可以反映一个领导干部的官德和人品。因此,领导干部应当理性地对待面…  相似文献   

"打铁还须自身硬"这句话经习近平总书记提出后,立即引起了国内外媒体的广泛关注.那么"自身硬"到底"硬"在何处,是制度?是法律?是多元主体的监督?还是社会文化习俗?本文认为,"硬"最核心的是人内在品行的驱动效能,而人内在的"硬",最核心的则是健康的人格. 一、当前我国官员人格失范的表现形式及原因 人格一词来自英文personality的翻译,它源于拉丁文的persona,本意是指面具.人格可以定义为个体在行为上的内部倾向,它表现为个体适应环境时在能力、情绪、需要、动机、兴趣、态度、价值观、气质、性格和体质等方面的整合,是具有动力一致性和连续性的自我.而人格失范的本质是指个人行为方式或动机背离了主流社会意识形态的要求,并且因个人所处行业或职位的差异表现出不同的特点.  相似文献   

健康人格在一个人的发展过程中有着十分重要的作用,而幼儿期是人格形成的关键期,是幼儿身心全面和谐发展的重要组成部分.幼儿健康人格的培养是新时期人才培养宏伟工程的基础,那么幼儿健康人格具有哪些典型特征呢?  相似文献   

正新时代背景下,如何有效推进全面依法治国成为当前领导干部必须思考的重大问题,而领导方式的法治化就是其中一项关键内容。领导方式的法治化是指将领导干部的领导行为纳入法治的轨道,受法律的约束,使其领导方法和领导观念遵从法治化的原则。提高领导干部的领导方式法治化水平,既是顺应全国逐步推进全面依法治国的新趋向,又是适应改革发展新时代背景的客观要求。一、领导干部提高领导方式法治化水平的现实必然性  相似文献   

华玮 《决策探索》2008,(6):82-83
一、素质教育 所谓素质,是指由知识、能力、观念、情感、意志等多种因素综合而成的一个人的内在品质,表现为一个人的人格、气质、修养.素质教育,则是将人类优秀的文化成果通过知识传授、环境熏陶以及自身实践使其内化为人格、气质、修养,成为人的相对稳定的内在品质.  相似文献   

蒋勋功 《领导科学》2004,(14):16-16
“凡事预则立,不预则废”。这里的“预”指的是预见性、感知力。领导干部由于其所处的特殊位置和承担的社会责任,必须时刻保持清醒的头脑,具有高度的敏锐性和洞察力,善于洞烛先机。洞烛先机,是指对未来事物的预见和洞察。未来的事物因为没有发生和出现,具有很大的不确定性和可变性,很难预知和把握。智者之所以成为智者,就在于其比一般人看得远一两步,所以掌握了主动权。领导干部的事业成功与否,最大的竞争在于洞烛先机上,洞烛先机是领导干部应具有的一种基本能力。洞烛先机方可应对复杂多变的形势。形势有复杂和多变两重性,令人捉摸不定,但…  相似文献   

Personality Correlates of Risk Perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of the present study was to systematically examine the variations of the effects of (1) transitional anxiety states and enduring anxiety dispositions, and (2) worldviews (hierarchic, egalitarian, individualist, and fatalist), as a function of the type of hazard considered. Ten risk factors were identified. Transitional anxiety contributed significantly to the prediction of four of these risk factors. The more anxious the respondents, the higher were their scores for the Common Individual Hazards, Pollutants, and Outdoor Activities factors, and the lower were their scores for the Public Transportation and Energy Production factor. Enduring anxiety contributed significantly to the prediction of the Psychotropic Drugs factor. The more anxious the respondents, the lower were their scores. The four worldview factors contributed significantly to the prediction of three of these risk factors. The more fatalistic the respondents, the lower were their scores for the Pollutants factor, and the higher were their scores for the Public Transportation and Energy Production factor; the more egalitarian the respondents, the higher were their scores for the Pollutants factor; the more hierarchic the respondents, the lower were their scores for the Public Transportation and Energy Production factor; and the more individualistic the respondents, the higher were their scores for the Pollutants and Deviance, Sex, and Addiction factors.  相似文献   

品牌个性维度的本土化研究   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
品牌个性维度一直是营销理论研究和营销实践领域中的一个热点课题。Jenniffer Aaker于1997年首次系统地发展了基于美国的品牌个性维度及量表,日本和西班牙的品牌个性维度及量表也相继诞生。然而,中国的本土化品牌个性维度及量表却仍然是一个空白。本文首先采用了西方的词汇法、因子分析和特质论作为方法论基础,以来自中文语言、中国的品牌为内容,经中国消费者的实证研究发展出中国的品牌个性维度及量表,并从中国传统文化角度阐释了中国的品牌个性维度——“仁、智、勇、乐、雅”。然后本文对中国的品牌个性维度与美国、日本的品牌个性维度进行了跨文化比较研究。  相似文献   

Risk Perception and Personality Facets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The present study examined the relationship between personality facets and risk perception using the Big Five model. A broad range of hazards was considered: energy production, pollutants, sex, deviance, addictions, weapons, common individual hazards, outdoor activities, medical care, and psychotropic drugs. Key personality facets that were most predictive of risk perception compared to (or in association with) age, gender, educational level, and personality factors were identified. They were moderation and tranquility (associated with energy production or pollutants), rationality and efficiency (associated with pollutants, sex, deviance, addictions, or weapons), creativity, imagination, and reflection (associated with energy production, pollutants, or common individual hazards), self-disclosure (associated with outdoor activities), and nurturance and tenderness (associated with sex, deviance, addictions, or medical care). These facets may be recommended for use in future studies on risk perception.  相似文献   

This chapter provides an overview of a new theoretical framework that serves to integrate personality psychology and other fields, such as organizational behavior. The first section describes a structural model of personality that incorporates traits, motives, abilities, and narratives, with social roles. The second section describes basic patterns of continuity and change in personality and how this might be relevant to organizational behavior. The third section describes the ASTMA model of person–organization transaction (attraction, selection, transformation, manipulation, and attrition), which describes the primary transactions between personality and organizational experiences across the life course. The goal for the chapter is to build a bridge between modern personality psychology and organizational behavior, such that the two fields can better inform one another.  相似文献   

邓小平同志是中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的总设计师,是建设中国特色社会主义理论的主要创立者。邓小平同志的人格魅力是我们党、国家和民族的强大精神支柱,总结它、学习它,对提高领导干部的综合素质,推进中国特色社会主义事业,都具有极其重要的现实意义。邓小平同志的人格魅力可归纳为六大方面。一、坚定不移的政治信念邓小平同志具有坚定不移的政治信念,也就是伟大的共产主义理想。1920年,16岁的邓小平勇敢地走出家门和国门,带着朴素的工业救国的理想到遥远的异国他乡———法国求学。在法国留学的几年间,他接受了马克思主义,实现了…  相似文献   

A total of 900 participants completed two personality tests (Revised NEO Personality Inventory; Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and reported their managerial level in their organization. Results showed that conscientiousness, extraversion and MBTI intuition were positively correlated with managerial level, and neuroticism, MBTI introversion and sensing were negatively correlated with managerial level. These findings attest to the utility of personality tests used within the occupational community, for selection and assessment of suitability for promotion to senior managerial roles.  相似文献   


Prior meta-analyses and quantitative reviews have examined the construct-related true-score correlations by personality in predicting important organizational outcomes or have focused on relatively specific, practical problems generally associated with using personality tests in selection. However, there lacks a theoretical integration of major theories developed in the literature. In this review, we propose an integrative research paradigm for personality research by identifying key mediating and moderating mechanisms explaining why, how and when personality traits predict employee work effectiveness. Based on the compatibility principle, we develop a theoretical model to reconceptualize the effect of the five-factor model (FFM) on broadly defined work effectiveness outcomes. We contend researchers have not exploited the breadth of the FFM bandwidth and thus have underestimated the predictive power of personality. In support of our new propositions, we systematically review the almost overwhelming literature by focusing on retaining productive employees, in order to contribute theoretically by identifying a few key generalizable findings and to improve managerial efficiency by uncovering possible “best practices”.  相似文献   

Personality and organizational health: the role of conscientiousness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organizational health research identifies processes through which the work environment and individual differences combine to influence both individual and organizational outcomes. This study investigated the contribution of conscientiousness to organizational health. Research in the areas of occupational stress, work performance, and organizational climate was used to develop a framework for integrating different elements of organizational health. Within this framework, the work environment was assessed by perceptions of workload and role clarity ; individual well-being was assessed by psychological distress and job satisfaction ; and behaviour important for organizational success was assessed by contextual performance. Conscientiousness was investigated within the framework using self-reports from a sample of 104 Australian employees. Conscientiousness directly influenced contextual performance but did not influence well-being or perceptions of the work environment. Conscientiousness also reduced the impact of role clarity on both psychological distress and job satisfaction. The role of conscientiousness in a comprehensive model of organizational health is discussed.  相似文献   

Occupational choice frameworks suggest that personality factors influence person-job fit. This paper focuses on personality factors and career satisfactions of human resources (HR) managers. ‘Big Five’ and narrow personality traits as well as managerial style variables were drawn from an archive of 1846 HR managers and 1375 non-managers. Results indicated that HR managers differed from 51,297 individuals in other occupations and from non-managerial HR specialists on many of the study variables, most of which were also related to career satisfaction. Implications for differentiation selection and development of HR managers were discussed.  相似文献   

This study is an empirical investigation of constructive-developmental theory as a theoretical framework for understanding leadership and as a predictor of 360-degree leader performance ratings. Constructive-developmental stage (conceptualized as Leadership Developmental Level) was found to predict performance ratings from all rater sources (superiors, peers, and subordinates). Furthermore, the predictive ability of Leadership Developmental Level is compared to that of Big Five personality dimensions in a model of 360-degree leader performance ratings. Leadership Developmental Level was found to account for a unique component of the variance in leader performance as rated by peers and subordinates, even above and beyond that which can be accounted for by personality.  相似文献   

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