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My goal in this paper is to revisit interaction ritual theory as a theoretical underpinning of West and Zimmerman’s ‘doing’ gender paradigm in order to develop a more nuanced understanding of what is taking place inside the interactions of men and women as they ‘do’ gender. Recent work in ritual theory, specifically the work of Bell (Ritual theory, ritual practice, 1992) and Collins (Interaction ritual chains, 2004) expands the role of the individual in the ritual process by conceptualizing ritual as a form of ‘practice’ that can be mobilized in the pursuit of emotional energy. Through the narratives of 24 married couples, I explore how domestic labor functions as an interaction ritual that is driven by ‘emotional energy’. This emotional energy shapes the localized intentions of men and women as they ‘do’ gender thus transforming gender into something that we ‘use’ as well as ‘do’. These emotions and intentions can be seen most clearly through a new ‘window’ of ritual.
Jennifer A. JohnsonEmail:

The aim of this article is to examine the determinants of couples’ childbearing intentions, by explicitly taking into account the agreement or disagreement of the two members of the couple. The relevance of the partner’s reproductive intentions has been well recognised in the literature, but few studies have provided in-depth analyses of the fertility plans of both partners. In our study, we used the household-level data from a survey on “Family and Social Subjects”, carried out by the Italian National Statistical Office in 2003, which provides characteristics on both partners. We adopted a couple’s perspective which allows us to give a unitary picture of the concordant or discordant nature of partners’ first child intentions. We found that a lack of agreement in the reproductive decision-making process is likely to occur in the Italian couples where the role of the woman is less traditional. In particular, cohabitant, highly educated and working women are more likely to be in disagreement with their partners in the decisions concerning having a first child. Being religious may be also a source of discordance in the couples’ reproductive plans. Our findings support the utility of taking a couple-based approach in studies on fertility intentions.  相似文献   

Research and interventions for intimate partner violence in current use largely consist of practices aimed at getting victims to leave their abusers, rather than helping perpetrators stop their violence. In the context of parenthood, the focus on programs targeting women experiencing violence has resulted in an emphasis on mothers’ responsibility for mitigating the adverse effects of witnessing violence on children. This has led to insufficient understanding of violent men’s identities as fathers. This narrative review employed content analysis to analyze the discursive constructions of men and women as parents in a selection of peer reviewed articles about the prevention of intimate partner violence during childbearing years that were published between January 2000 and January 2015 (N = 37). A quantitative word count was conducted in order to determine the frequency with which these articles referred to men and women in their parental roles when employing prevention and intervention strategies. Women were consistently identified as mothers in all areas of the literature, while the prevalence of men’s identities as fathers was confined only to the specific, specialized area of the literature that is aimed at men alone. The implications of these findings for future research and practice in the area of prevention and intervention of intimate partner violence specifically in the context of parenthood are discussed.  相似文献   

Charlotte Bronte in one of the distinguished English novelists of themid-19th century.As a gifted woman of the 19th century,she has  相似文献   

An Analysis of Chinese Loanwords Used in English林秋云(外语系)AnAnalysisofChineseLoanwordsUsedinEnglish¥//Englishisahybridizedtongu...  相似文献   

心理学是一门缺乏“范式”的学科,但它内部却存在着许多对“范畴”,其中的一对就是:实证主义方法论和现象学方法论。范畴有两个明显的特征,一是导向性,另一个是对立统一性。作为一对范畴的心理学的两大方法论也不可避免地体现了这两个特征。  相似文献   

Gender mainstreaming is a global strategy to ensure gender-equality in agriculture and other economic sectors. However, the operationalization of gender mainstreaming is often contested in the global south. Using a concurrent mixed method design, this study investigates if the gender mainstreaming narratives embedded in agricultural extension and food security policies in Ethiopia are practical for improving agriculture-based gendered development among smallholder users of climate-smart agricultural technologies. Results demonstrate that women smallholders’ needs that are essential to the use of agricultural technologies are overlooked. Despite they are “users” of agricultural technologies; women’s access to agricultural inputs and extension services is restricted. There is a lack of synchronized activities and strategies to guide the implementation of gender mainstreaming, as well as separate gender budgets to address gendered agricultural problems. Increasing agricultural production is a national policy goal, although gender equality in production growth is not a key priority in the implementations of agricultural policies. Although improvement in the institutionalization and implementation of the GAD approach for addressing strategic gender needs is a priority in gender mainstreaming, an interchangeable and concurrent institutionalization and implementation of the Women in Development approach for addressing practical gender needs and the Women Culture and Development approach for addressing constraints that emanate from the multiple realities and identities of women are also required. Identifying and addressing the practical gender needs of women and problems that emanate from their multiple identities and realities are essential prerequisites for the practicality of gender mainstreaming for gender equality in agricultural development. Furthermore, there is a need to design and implement locally specific gender-mainstreaming strategies that address the distinct needs of women smallholders, as well as separate gender budgets to reach local contexts.  相似文献   

After several decades of stagnation, mortality in most Central European countries started to decrease after 1989. The Czech Republic and Poland were the first former Communist countries in this region to experience a rapid and sustained increase in life expectancy. This study focuses on the trends in cause-of-death mortality that have contributed to the recent progress in these two countries. The analysis is based on the cause-of-death time series (1968–2013) reconstructed in accordance with the 10th ICD revision, which makes the data fully comparable over the full period under study. Actual trends in cause-specific mortality are presented, and age, sex and causes of death components of life expectancy changes are disentangled. In both countries, the reduction in cardiovascular mortality at adult and old ages was crucial for the increase in life expectancy after 1991. Results are discussed in the context of institutional changes that occurred after the fall of Communism, such as the reorientation of health policies and the emergence of non-governmental organizations. Changes in health-related attitudes and behaviours as well as structural changes in societies, notably the rising share of persons with tertiary education, are also discussed.  相似文献   

This special issue of the European Journal of Population focuses on possible economic consequences of low fertility in Europe. This introduction reviews the history of falling fertility in Europe and the literature that explores its causes, its potential implications, and possible policy responses. It also summarizes the evolution of thinking about the relationship between population growth and economic development, with attention to recent work on the mechanisms through which fertility decline can spur economic growth if the necessary supporting conditions are met. The introduction also identifies some of the challenges of population ageing that are associated with low fertility and suggests that there may be less reason for alarm than has been suggested by some observers. The articles that appear in this special issue are also summarized.  相似文献   

Atthebeginningofthiscentury ,EzraPound ,with“asenseofcolor”〔1〕(P10 4 8) ,triedeverywaytofindthepoets“whoarepurered ...puregreen ,”〔1〕ofwhomknowledgeisasessentialtoapoetasthefindingofgoodcolorsistoapainter .Tohisgreatjoy ,PoundfoundtheminclassicalChinesepoetry .Hes…  相似文献   

Despite increasing research on the causes, consequences, and measurement of low fertility, questions about the nature and the extent of popular concerns over low fertility have yielded more speculation than examination. We address this gap in the literature through an analysis of 328 German newspaper and news magazine articles mentioning low fertility from 1993 to 2001. Our analysis reveals a paradox: while fertility rates have remained well below replacement levels and governmental discussions of low fertility have increased, discussion of low fertility as a concern in and of itself has been small and unchanging over time. We find this to be true because the problem of low fertility is rarely invoked as a concern in its own right, but is most often used as a tool in the popular debate to discuss other problems – political, economic, and cultural.  相似文献   

How do changes in employment uncertainty matter for fertility? Empirical studies on the impact of employment uncertainty on reproductive decision-making offer a variety of conclusions, ranging from gender and socio-economic differences in the effect of employment uncertainty on fertility intentions and behaviour, to the effect of employment on changes in fertility intentions. This article analyses the association between a change in subjective employment uncertainty and fertility intentions and behaviour by distinguishing male and female partners’ employment uncertainty, and examines the variation in these associations by education. Using a sample of men and women living in a couple from the Swiss Household Panel (SHP 2002–2011), we examine through multinomial analysis how changes in employment uncertainty and selected socio-demographic factors are related to individual childbearing decisions. Our results show strong gendered effects of changes in employment uncertainty on the revision of reproductive decisions among the highly educated population.  相似文献   

In the light of the recent reversal of fertility trends in several highly developed countries, we investigate the impact of economic development and its components on fertility in OECD countries from 1960 to 2007. We find that the strong negative correlation between GDP per capita does no longer hold for high levels of per capita economic output; the relation and fertility instead seems to turn into positive from a certain threshold level of economic development on. Survival of an inverse J-shaped association between GDP per capita and fertility is found when controlling for birth postponement, omitted variable bias, non-stationarity and endogeneity. However, gaps between actual and predicted fertility rates show implicitly the importance of factors influencing fertility above and over per capita income. By decomposing GDP per capita into several components, we identify female employment as co-varying factor for the fertility rebound that can be observed in several highly developed countries. Pointing out to important differences with regard to the compatibility between childbearing and female employment, our results suggest that fertility increases are likely to be small if economic development is not accompanied by institutional changes that improve parents’ opportunities to combine work and family life.  相似文献   

This paper examines how youth whose parents came from sub-Saharan Africa negotiate racialized forms of masculinity and femininity in Vancouver, Canada. The study is based on interviews with second generation African-Canadian men and women, and explores gendered and racialized dimensions of growing up in neighbourhoods where they were usually the only African and Black children. In this context, the second generation engages with representations of Black masculinity and femininity widely circulated through American popular culture, especially through hip hop, constituting a dominant frame of reference among adolescents that contributes to the great popularity of African-Canadian teenage boys, while girls find it much harder to fit in.  相似文献   

Ubiquitous learning (U-learning), a potential shortcut for China to modernize its education, is treated in this discussion as a mentality and means for citizens in high-tech society to seek a lifelong education. Thus situated, this article presents an exploration of “superb competences”—material intelligence, internet thinking, and brain-related neuro knowledge—in college teachers outside their trained professional areas. It is believed that once the teachers are equipped with the material intelligence, internet thinking, and brain-related neuro knowledge, real U-learning practice is ensured and its rationale will be developed. Material intelligence and internet thinking are evolved from and closely related to technological development, and therefore constitute the essential requirements of U-learning in terms of technical and educational cognitive framework. A good knowledge of brain related neuroscience, the third competence, guarantees the scientific rooting of every element in the designing of U-leaning tasks, whose success resides in a serious respect of cognitive nature and rules of the brain. The building of such superb competences, as is argued at the end of the paper, relies on various supports, like policies and technological aids, from all levels of educational administration in the country as well as each individual teacher’s personal understanding and efforts.  相似文献   

IntroductionOwingtothepopularityoflearner-centeredteach ingapproach ,theteacher-centeredteachingapproachinwhichateacherspeaksallthetimeislosingitsdominat ingplaceinFLclassroom .Inthecaseofintensiveread ing,greatchangeshavealsotakenplace .Contrarytotheteach…  相似文献   

This article addresses the gender dynamics of the included canonized literature of each edition of the Norton Anthology of English Literature as related to the gender dynamics of the editorial staff, the publication date of each of the eight editions, and the feminist criticism prominent at the time of publication. The project combines quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the construction of the literary canon. The project finds that there is a direct correspondence between the number of women editors and the percent of the total pages of each edition occupied by works by women writers. The project also finds a correlation between the gender makeup of the editorial staff and a leap in included women writers in the fifth edition and the emergence of gynocriticism in the 1980s. The project recognizes the establishment of a separate canon for women’s literature that corresponds with this shift. The research indicates that as time passes, the inclusion of women writers in the literary canon and the editorial staff of the Anthology generally increase.  相似文献   

After Poland’s accession to the European Union in 2004, Polish migration within Europe has increased considerably. Still, little is known about this large and growing group of immigrants. Using unique panel data from the Dutch population registers, we first apply sequence analysis to explore and describe the variety of family life courses among young adult (aged 20–30 at migration) Polish migrants in the Netherlands. Each individual family life career is followed for a 5-year period on a monthly time base. Optimal matching analysis is applied to compute (dis)similarities between individuals, in order to cluster into predominant life paths. Second, a series of logistic regression analyses were carried out to determine the main factors of importance on the different family life paths. Findings showed a strong impact of the partner’s origin on the type of union and likelihood of return migration. Unemployment was found to be another important trigger of return migration. With regard to gender differences, we found that men are more likely to remain single and to leave the Netherlands at some point, while women more often cohabit and tend to stay.  相似文献   

杂合现象普遍存在于各学科领域,引起了学者的广泛关注与研究。在翻译领域,学者普遍认为杂合是两种语言、两种文化接触的必然产物。在对中国观众产生重要影响的美剧字幕翻译领域,杂合也显示出其优势,为影视字幕翻译研究带来了新的视角和启发,在跨文化交际中具有积极的意义。杂合的美剧字幕翻译文本既丰富了汉语语言文化,同时又确保了译文的可读性,从而促进了中西方文化的相互交流。  相似文献   

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