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开会是机关单位的一项重要工作内容,是总结、部署和推动工作的有效形式。召开会议通常都有会议主持人。日常工作性会议均由领导者自己边发言边主持,稍大型的会议则需要专门的会议主持人。由于会议主持人在会前来不及或不可能全面了解会议的全部内容,因此就需要准备一个主持词。  相似文献   

胡亚学 《秘书之友》2013,(10):21-24
数字是以“数”为基本符号,用以揭示事物发展的质与量及其联系的文字统称。由于给人以具体、准确之感,在应用文中数字往往成为真实材料的代名词。应用文要解决生活和工作中的具体问题,或描摹事物的“量”,或分析事物的“率”,或明确事物的“序”,都离不开对具体事物量与质的分析,也就都离不开数字。  相似文献   

主持人语:本栏目围绕党和国家,省委、省政府新近制订的方针政策、作出的重大决策,结合广大干部群众的思想实际进行有说服力的阐释。所谓“新”,一是指所“论”的主题必须是“新”的,二是指所述内容要从一个“新”的视角作出“新”的概括。近期,本栏目要结合学习贯彻“七一”讲话、十五届六中全会、中央经济工作会议,省委第六次党代会精神刊发一批有说服力的文章。欢迎各级领导干部、理论和实际工作者赐稿,对其中小而精、实而新的文章将优先刊用。  相似文献   

“主持人”是个舶来品,在英语中,英国人管它叫做“PRESENTER”直译的意思是“展示者”,而美国人则把它叫做“ANCHORMAN”,意思是“黑暗的领路人”,可见主持人在 节目中所起的作用之大,在受众人心目的影响之深。从某种意义上讲,主持人是节目的窗口,是一个栏目的灵魂,直接起着引导受众,影响受众的作用,因而广播电视节目主持人的素质高下,直接决定着电视事业的发展与兴衰。  相似文献   

朱磊 《管理科学文摘》2013,(20):107-108
“主持人”是个舶来品,在英语中,英国人管它叫做“PRESENTER”直译的意思是“展示者”,而美国人则把它叫做“ANCHORMAN”,意思是“黑暗里的领路人”。可见主持人在节目中所起的作用之大,在受众心目中的影响之深。从某种意义上讲,主持人是节目的窗口,是一个栏目的灵魂,直接起着引导受众,影响受众的作用,因而广播电视节目主持人的素质高下,直接决定着电视事业的发展与兴衰。  相似文献   

“主持人品牌”作为广播电视媒体经营的一种理念正在逐步推广运用,电视“有声有色”对广播“有声无色”的冲击,对广播节目也提出了更为现实的要求。尤其是受众的眼睛和耳朵都越采越挑剔的今天,单靠声音打天下的广播,其传递信息效果的体现者——主持人,更是举足轻重,许多广播节目因突出主持人的个性化色彩,彰显出独特的魅力,增强了频道市场竞争力。  相似文献   

著名作家朱自清先生说:“人生不外言动,除了动就只有言,所谓人情世故,一半儿是在说话里。”可见说话实在是小觑不得。 一、讲自己的话。忌照本宣科。刚走上领导岗位的年轻干部,或出于谨慎考虑,或由于紧张所致,讲话时往往离不开讲话稿,有时甚至照本宣科念一遍,尽管表述得很准确,但难以引起听众的共鸣。  相似文献   

一个好的会议应该是紧密围绕着主要的议题,每一位与会者都积极发言,贡献自己的想法,并认真听取其他人的意见,会议的气氛和谐而又充满活力,会议也达到了较高的成效。但现实中常常会遇到两种情形:一是发言过“冷”。会议中只有极少数人发言或参与讨论,甚至会出现大家都不发言的冷场现象。  相似文献   

名氏 《领导文萃》2007,(6):157-161
一天,美国知名主持人林克莱特访问一名小朋友,问他说:“你长大后想干什么呀?”  相似文献   

形式是内容的载体,任何工作都离不开一定的形式,但是过分强调或夸大形式,偏离或脱离打赢目标,就容易使形式变为“形式主义”。两者只有一步之遥,辨别起来并不容易。对此,马克思认为:“如果形式不是内容的形式,那么它就没有任何价值了。”对于部队来说,最重要最核心的“内容”莫过于能打仗、打胜仗,因此,凡是与打仗无关的、与打赢无助的工作,其实都是形式主义。  相似文献   

刘祥全 《领导科学》2001,(21):30-31
县委书记与县长的关系如何,影响着一个县的工作成效。因为他们之间的关系不只是个人与个人之间的关系,从某种意义上讲,也是县委与县政府关系的缩影,所以在一个县的领导层中,党政一把手的团结特别重要,上上下下对此都十分关注。可以说,上级组织在搭配班子……  相似文献   

黄培忠 《领导科学》2001,(13):15-15
现在什么工作都强调抓一把手,一把手抓,一把手负总责;工作没有做好,拿一把手是问,要求一把手引咎辞职……这些做法有其一定道理,是符合现代管理的能级管理原则的。但是,作为下级一把手如果离开了上级领导……  相似文献   

况晨光 《领导科学》2001,(22):14-14
领导者离开原来的领导岗位,一般有这样几种情况:被提拔重用,平调交流,离休,退休,降职,免职或撤职等.不管属于哪种情况,都会有后任来接替其领导工作.作为前任领导者,能否正确对待后任,能否恰当处理与后任的关系,事关领导工作的延续与发展,必须慎重对待.笔者认为,前任领导应该为后任领导留下一片有利于发展的天空,具体应注意以下三个问题.  相似文献   

Widespread trade liberalization and economic integration characterize the current era of globalization. While this approach has resulted in significant job creation, improved living standards, and a wider variety of cheaper consumer goods and services, opponents question if globalization's benefits outweigh the dislocations and downsides that it causes. Protestors are intent on stalling or rolling back globalization's progression and our review of the history of globalization reveals that a backlash is not without precedent. The article carefully examines the myth and reality of these two opposing positions on four key areas of the globalization debate: jobs; inequality and poverty; national sovereignty and cultural diversity; and the natural environment. This information is then utilized to derive a broad set of feasible policy recommendations that could help bring about a more sustainable form of globalization.  相似文献   

Choosing a diversification project in a regulated economy involves consideration of a large number of micro and macro issues. In order to make an optimal choice of strategy, a formal approach to diversification planning is necessary. This article develops an approach which aims at breaking up the problem of identification and selection of projects into manageable components. The approach involves three steps: identification of broad industry groups: identification of specific projects within each broad industry group; and comprehensive feasibility study. The major benefit of this approach lies in providing a systematic mechanism for reducing the number of alternatives and in recognizing the link between the internal management processes of strategy formulation with the political and administrative processes in government and regulatory bodies. The article is based largely on the Indian experience.  相似文献   

This paper establishes the asymptotic distribution of an extremum estimator when the true parameter lies on the boundary of the parameter space. The boundary may be linear, curved, and/or kinked. Typically the asymptotic distribution is a function of a multivariate normal distribution in models without stochastic trends and a function of a multivariate Brownian motion in models with stochastic trends. The results apply to a wide variety of estimators and models. Examples treated in the paper are: (i) quasi-ML estimation of a random coefficients regression model with some coefficient variances equal to zero and (ii) LS estimation of an augmented Dickey-Fuller regression with unit root and time trend parameters on the boundary of the parameter space.  相似文献   

人非圣贤,孰能无过?当下级工作出现某些失误时,上级往往会为下级承担一些责任,这就是所谓的挑担子.这既是上级的职责所在,也是体制所规定的.但是,这种挑担子,决不是无原则的庇护.为下级挑担子,要在搞清楚失误的性质、责任归属、主客观因素的前提下,有选择地"挑".无原则地"挑",既是对干部的放纵,也会给今后的工作造成更大的隐患,反而会害了干部;有原则地"挑","挑"好了,则可以达到爱护干部、调动干部积极性、融洽上下级关系、促进工作之目的.那么,如何为下级挑担子呢?  相似文献   

陈兆森 《领导科学》2002,(10):17-17
人的个性具有多样性.认识好、打造好、引导好和制约好有个性的下属,是领导者取得成功的重要条件;反之,如果领导者不能很好地驾驭有个性的下属,那就可能影响到单位内部的团结,削弱战斗力,对事业造成损害.  相似文献   

Let T = (V,E,w) be an undirected and weighted tree with node set V and edge set E, where w(e) is an edge weight function for e E. The density of a path, say e1, e2,..., ek, is defined as ki = 1 w(ei)/k. The length of a path is the number of its edges. Given a tree with n edges and a lower bound L where 1 L n, this paper presents two efficient algorithms for finding a maximum-density path of length at least L in O(nL) time. One of them is further modified to solve some special cases such as full m-ary trees in O(n) time.  相似文献   

This paper explores why powerless firms are faced with the dilemma of whether or not to collaborate with other powerful firms. Two natures of power, competitive and cooperative natures, are compared to study such an imbalance between firms in market power and social power. Testing the syndicated underwritings in the U.S. from 1998 to 2009, we find that egos of low market power are less likely to partner with alters of high market power. In contrast, egos of low social power are more likely to collaborate with alters of high social power. Moreover, the results show that collaborations with powerful partners are not necessarily beneficial or detrimental for the performance of powerless focal firms; only when the high power partners possess a high network constraint which constrains opportunism and facilitates trust, do collaborations with such partners help the performance of powerless focal firms.  相似文献   

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