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Bayesian inference for pairwise interacting point processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pairwise interacting point processes are commonly used to model spatial point patterns. To perform inference, the established frequentist methods can produce good point estimates when the interaction in the data is moderate, but some methods may produce severely biased estimates when the interaction in strong. Furthermore, because the sampling distributions of the estimates are unclear, interval estimates are typically obtained by parametric bootstrap methods. In the current setting however, the behavior of such estimates is not well understood. In this article we propose Bayesian methods for obtaining inferences in pairwise interacting point processes. The requisite application of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques is complicated by an intractable function of the parameters in the likelihood. The acceptance probability in a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm involves the ratio of two likelihoods evaluated at differing parameter values. The intractable functions do not cancel, and hence an intractable ratio r must be estimated within each iteration of a Metropolis-Hastings sampler. We propose the use of importance sampling techniques within MCMC to address this problem. While r may be estimated by other methods, these, in general, are not readily applied in a Bayesian setting. We demonstrate the validity of our importance sampling approach with a small simulation study. Finally, we analyze the Swedish pine sapling dataset (Strand 1972) and contrast the results with those in the literature.  相似文献   


Fernández-Durán [Circular distributions based on nonnegative trigonometric sums. Biometrics. 2004;60:499–503] developed a new family of circular distributions based on non-negative trigonometric sums that is suitable for modelling data sets that present skewness and/or multimodality. In this paper, a Bayesian approach to deriving estimates of the unknown parameters of this family of distributions is presented. Because the parameter space is the surface of a hypersphere and the dimension of the hypersphere is an unknown parameter of the distribution, the Bayesian inference must be based on transdimensional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms to obtain samples from the high-dimensional posterior distribution. The MCMC algorithm explores the parameter space by moving along great circles on the surface of the hypersphere. The methodology is illustrated with real and simulated data sets.  相似文献   

We consider an adaptive importance sampling approach to estimating the marginal likelihood, a quantity that is fundamental in Bayesian model comparison and Bayesian model averaging. This approach is motivated by the difficulty of obtaining an accurate estimate through existing algorithms that use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) draws, where the draws are typically costly to obtain and highly correlated in high-dimensional settings. In contrast, we use the cross-entropy (CE) method, a versatile adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm originally developed for rare-event simulation. The main advantage of the importance sampling approach is that random samples can be obtained from some convenient density with little additional costs. As we are generating independent draws instead of correlated MCMC draws, the increase in simulation effort is much smaller should one wish to reduce the numerical standard error of the estimator. Moreover, the importance density derived via the CE method is grounded in information theory, and therefore, is in a well-defined sense optimal. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed approach by two empirical applications involving women's labor market participation and U.S. macroeconomic time series. In both applications, the proposed CE method compares favorably to existing estimators.  相似文献   


Recently, the Bayesian nonparametric approaches in survival studies attract much more attentions. Because of multimodality in survival data, the mixture models are very common. We introduce a Bayesian nonparametric mixture model with Burr distribution (Burr type XII) as the kernel. Since the Burr distribution shares good properties of common distributions on survival analysis, it has more flexibility than other distributions. By applying this model to simulated and real failure time datasets, we show the preference of this model and compare it with Dirichlet process mixture models with different kernels. The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation methods to calculate the posterior distribution are used.  相似文献   

Bayesian analysis often requires the researcher to employ Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to draw samples from a posterior distribution which in turn is used to make inferences. Currently, several approaches to determine convergence of the chain as well as sensitivities of the resulting inferences have been developed. This work develops a Hellinger distance approach to MCMC diagnostics. An approximation to the Hellinger distance between two distributions f and g based on sampling is introduced. This approximation is studied via simulation to determine the accuracy. A criterion for using this Hellinger distance for determining chain convergence is proposed as well as a criterion for sensitivity studies. These criteria are illustrated using a dataset concerning the Anguilla australis, an eel native to New Zealand.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the statistical inference based on the Bayesian approach for regression models with the assumption that independent additive errors follow normal, Student-t, slash, contaminated normal, Laplace or symmetric hyperbolic distribution, where both location and dispersion parameters of the response variable distribution include nonparametric additive components approximated by B-splines. This class of models provides a rich set of symmetric distributions for the model error. Some of these distributions have heavier or lighter tails than the normal as well as different levels of kurtosis. In order to draw samples of the posterior distribution of the interest parameters, we propose an efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, which combines Gibbs sampler and Metropolis–Hastings algorithms. The performance of the proposed MCMC algorithm is assessed through simulation experiments. We apply the proposed methodology to a real data set. The proposed methodology is implemented in the R package BayesGESM using the function gesm().  相似文献   

In this paper we present a review of population-based simulation for static inference problems. Such methods can be described as generating a collection of random variables {X n } n=1,…,N in parallel in order to simulate from some target density π (or potentially sequence of target densities). Population-based simulation is important as many challenging sampling problems in applied statistics cannot be dealt with successfully by conventional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We summarize population-based MCMC (Geyer, Computing Science and Statistics: The 23rd Symposium on the Interface, pp. 156–163, 1991; Liang and Wong, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 96, 653–666, 2001) and sequential Monte Carlo samplers (SMC) (Del Moral, Doucet and Jasra, J. Roy. Stat. Soc. Ser. B 68, 411–436, 2006a), providing a comparison of the approaches. We give numerical examples from Bayesian mixture modelling (Richardson and Green, J. Roy. Stat. Soc. Ser. B 59, 731–792, 1997).  相似文献   

Viewing the future order statistics as latent variables at each Gibbs sampling iteration, several Bayesian approaches to predict future order statistics based on type-II censored order statistics, X(1), X(2), …, X(r), of a size n( > r) random sample from a four-parameter generalized modified Weibull (GMW) distribution, are studied. Four parameters of the GMW distribution are first estimated via simulation study. Then various Bayesian approaches, which include the plug-in method, the Monte Carlo method, the Gibbs sampling scheme, and the MCMC procedure, are proposed to develop the prediction intervals of unobserved order statistics. Finally, four type-II censored samples are utilized to investigate the predictions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for model fitting and inference in the context of Bayesian models of the type f(Y | X,θ)f(X|θ)f(θ), where Y is the (set of) observed data, θ is a set of model parameters and X is an unobserved (latent) stationary stochastic process induced by the first order transition model f(X (t+1)|X (t),θ), where X (t) denotes the state of the process at time (or generation) t. The crucial feature of the above type of model is that, given θ, the transition model f(X (t+1)|X (t),θ) is known but the distribution of the stochastic process in equilibrium, that is f(X|θ), is, except in very special cases, intractable, hence unknown. A further point to note is that the data Y has been assumed to be observed when the underlying process is in equilibrium. In other words, the data is not collected dynamically over time. We refer to such specification as a latent equilibrium process (LEP) model. It is motivated by problems in population genetics (though other applications are discussed), where it is of interest to learn about parameters such as mutation and migration rates and population sizes, given a sample of allele frequencies at one or more loci. In such problems it is natural to assume that the distribution of the observed allele frequencies depends on the true (unobserved) population allele frequencies, whereas the distribution of the true allele frequencies is only indirectly specified through a transition model. As a hierarchical specification, it is natural to fit the LEP within a Bayesian framework. Fitting such models is usually done via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). However, we demonstrate that, in the case of LEP models, implementation of MCMC is far from straightforward. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a methodology to implement MCMC for LEP models. We demonstrate our approach in population genetics problems with both simulated and real data sets. The resultant model fitting is computationally intensive and thus, we also discuss parallel implementation of the procedure in special cases.  相似文献   


Cluster point processes comprise a class of models that have been used for a wide range of applications. While several models have been studied for the probability density function of the offspring displacements and the parent point process, there are few examples of non-Poisson distributed cluster sizes. In this paper, we introduce a generalization of the Thomas process, which allows for the cluster sizes to have a variance that is greater or less than the expected value. We refer to this as the cluster sizes being over- and under-dispersed, respectively. To fit the model, we introduce minimum contrast methods and a Bayesian MCMC algorithm. These are evaluated in a simulation study. It is found that using the Bayesian MCMC method, we are in most cases able to detect over- and under-dispersion in the cluster sizes. We use the MCMC method to fit the model to nerve fiber data, and contrast the results to those of a fitted Thomas process.


In this paper, we use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods in order to estimate and compare stochastic production frontier models from a Bayesian perspective. We consider a number of competing models in terms of different production functions and the distribution of the asymmetric error term. All MCMC simulations are done using the package JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler), a clone of the classic BUGS package which works closely with the R package where all the statistical computations and graphics are done.  相似文献   

In this paper an attempt has been made to examine the multivariate versions of the common process capability indices (PCI's) denoted by Cp and Cpk . Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are used to generate sampling distributions for the various PCI's from where inference is performed. Some Bayesian model checking techniques are developed and implemented to examine how well our model fits the data. Finally the methods are exemplified on a historical aircraft data set collected by the Pratt and Whitney Company.  相似文献   


In this article, we propose a new distribution by mixing normal and Pareto distributions, and the new distribution provides an unusual hazard function. We model the mean and the variance with covariates for heterogeneity. Estimation of the parameters is obtained by the Bayesian method using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. Proposal distribution in MCMC is proposed with a defined working variable related to the observations. Through the simulation, the method shows a dependable performance of the model. We demonstrate through establishing model under a real dataset that the proposed model and method can be more suitable than the previous report.  相似文献   


This paper presents an improved method to calculate the delay distribution of a type k customer in a first-come-first-serve (FCFS) discrete-time queueing system with multiple types of customers, where each type has different service requirements, and c servers, with c = 1, 2 (the MMAP[K]/PH[K]/c queue). The first algorithms to compute this delay distribution, using the GI/M/1 paradigm, were presented by Van Houdt and Blondia [Van Houdt, B.; Blondia, C. The delay distribution of a type k customer in a first come first served MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 queue. J. Appl. Probab. 2002, 39 (1), 213–222; The waiting time distribution of a type k customer in a FCFS MMAP[K]/PH[K]/2 queue. Technical Report; 2002]. The two most limiting properties of these algorithms are: (i) the computation of the rate matrix R related to the GI/M/1 type Markov chain, (ii) the amount of memory needed to store the transition matrices A l and B l . In this paper we demonstrate that each of the three GI/M/1 type Markov chains used to develop the algorithms in the above articles can be reduced to a QBD with a block size which is only marginally larger than that of its corresponding GI/M/1 type Markov chain. As a result, the two major limiting factors of each of these algorithms are drastically reduced to computing the G matrix of the QBD and storing the 6 matrices that characterize the QBD. Moreover, these algorithms are easier to implement, especially for the system with c = 2 servers. We also include some numerical examples that further demonstrate the reduction in computational resources.  相似文献   

In this paper, a competing risks model is considered under adaptive type-I progressive hybrid censoring scheme (AT-I PHCS). The lifetimes of the latent failure times have Weibull distributions with the same shape parameter. We investigate the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters. Bayes estimates of the parameters are obtained based on squared error and LINEX loss functions under the assumption of independent gamma priors. We propose to apply Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to carry out a Bayesian estimation procedure and in turn calculate the credible intervals. To evaluate the performance of the estimators, a simulation study is carried out.  相似文献   

We investigate two options for performing Bayesian inference on spatial log-Gaussian Cox processes assuming a spatially continuous latent field: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA). We first describe the device of approximating a spatially continuous Gaussian field by a Gaussian Markov random field on a discrete lattice, and present a simulation study showing that, with careful choice of parameter values, small neighbourhood sizes can give excellent approximations. We then introduce the spatial log-Gaussian Cox process and describe MCMC and INLA methods for spatial prediction within this model class. We report the results of a simulation study in which we compare the Metropolis-adjusted Langevin Algorithm (MALA) and the technique of approximating the continuous latent field by a discrete one, followed by approximate Bayesian inference via INLA over a selection of 18 simulated scenarios. The results question the notion that the latter technique is both significantly faster and more robust than MCMC in this setting; 100,000 iterations of the MALA algorithm running in 20 min on a desktop PC delivered greater predictive accuracy than the default INLA strategy, which ran in 4 min and gave comparative performance to the full Laplace approximation which ran in 39 min.  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms have revolutionized Bayesian practice. In their simplest form (i.e., when parameters are updated one at a time) they are, however, often slow to converge when applied to high-dimensional statistical models. A remedy for this problem is to block the parameters into groups, which are then updated simultaneously using either a Gibbs or Metropolis-Hastings step. In this paper we construct several (partially and fully blocked) MCMC algorithms for minimizing the autocorrelation in MCMC samples arising from important classes of longitudinal data models. We exploit an identity used by Chib (1995) in the context of Bayes factor computation to show how the parameters in a general linear mixed model may be updated in a single block, improving convergence and producing essentially independent draws from the posterior of the parameters of interest. We also investigate the value of blocking in non-Gaussian mixed models, as well as in a class of binary response data longitudinal models. We illustrate the approaches in detail with three real-data examples.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate simulation methodology for Bayesian inference in Lévy‐driven stochastic volatility (SV) models. Typically, Bayesian inference from such models is performed using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); this is often a challenging task. Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) samplers are methods that can improve over MCMC; however, there are many user‐set parameters to specify. We develop a fully automated SMC algorithm, which substantially improves over the standard MCMC methods in the literature. To illustrate our methodology, we look at a model comprised of a Heston model with an independent, additive, variance gamma process in the returns equation. The driving gamma process can capture the stylized behaviour of many financial time series and a discretized version, fit in a Bayesian manner, has been found to be very useful for modelling equity data. We demonstrate that it is possible to draw exact inference, in the sense of no time‐discretization error, from the Bayesian SV model.  相似文献   

Introduction: We use data from Spain on roads and motorways traffic accidents in May 2004 to quantify the statistical association between quick medical response time and mortality rate. Method: Probit and logit parameters are estimated by a Bayesian method in which samples from the posterior densities are obtained through an MCMC simulation scheme. We provide posterior credible intervals and posterior partial effects of a quick medical response at several time levels over which we express our prior beliefs. Results: A reduction of 5 min, from a 25-min response-time level, is associated with lower posterior probabilities of death in roads and motorways accidents of 24% and 30%, respectively.  相似文献   


The generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is known as the limiting result for the modeling of maxima blocks of size n, which is used in the modeling of extreme events. However, it is possible for the data to present an excessive number of zeros when dealing with extreme data, making it difficult to analyze and estimate these events by using the usual GEV distribution. The Zero-Inflated Distribution (ZID) is widely known in literature for modeling data with inflated zeros, where the inflator parameter w is inserted. The present work aims to create a new approach to analyze zero-inflated extreme values, that will be applied in data of monthly maximum precipitation, that can occur during months where there was no precipitation, being these computed as zero. An inference was made on the Bayesian paradigm, and the parameter estimation was made by numerical approximations of the posterior distribution using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Time series of some cities in the northeastern region of Brazil were analyzed, some of them with predominance of non-rainy months. The results of these applications showed the need to use this approach to obtain more accurate and with better adjustment measures results when compared to the standard distribution of extreme value analysis.  相似文献   

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