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甘肃东乡族人口变迁、分布及特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东乡族是我国55个少数民族之一,也是甘肃省特有少数民族之一。中华人民共和国成立后,东乡族人口有较大幅度的增长。从人口绝对数来看,仍是一个人口规模相对较小的民族。本文以2000年第五次人口普查为基础,根据历次人口普查统计资料,对甘肃东乡族人口变迁与分布状况作了分析,试图探索其发展特征和分布特点。  相似文献   

东乡族是我国甘肃境内的一个古老民族。自五十年代起,开始大量迁入新疆,多居住在伊犁河流域。新疆的东乡族人口现在已达40,326人.占全国东乡族总人口的14.43%,其中居住在伊犁地区的东乡族为30,265人。占全疆东乡族人口的75.05%。成为伊犁地区在人口数量上仅次于维吾尔、哈萨克和回族而占第四位的少数民族。1964年至1982年的18年间。新疆的东乡  相似文献   

东乡族是我国人口较少的一个少数民族,据1982年普查数字,共有人口279,397人,主要分布在甘肃省临夏回族自治州境内洮河以西,大夏河以东和黄河以南的山麓地带。在新疆维吾尔自治区和宁夏回族自洽区也散居有一小部分。居住在甘肃境内的东乡族人共237,858人。同1964年普查时的138,467人相比,增长了71.8%。比全国同期汉族人口增长幅度(43.8%)和全部少数民族人口增长幅度(68.4%)都大。其中半数以上聚居在东乡族自治  相似文献   

人口与经济发展的实践证明,100多年前马克思作出的“贫困会产生人口”的论断,是一句至理名言。然而贫困何以会“产生人口”,人口经济学家多从贫困条件下边际孩子成本较低,特别是从抚养费用低这方面加以分析。无疑这种分析是正确的,对指导生育实践是很有意义的。但我以为这样的  相似文献   

东乡教育事业的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临夏回族自治州所辖之东乡族自治县,为甘肃省中部十八个干旱县之一。全县人口202,702人(1986年底),面积1466,47KM~2,人口密度为138.2人/KM~2。居民以甘肃特有少数民族东乡族为主,(149,976人)比重为74,0%。次为汉族和回族,分别占15.8%和10.2%。研究兼有民族和贫困两大特点的东乡族自治县教育事业存在的问题和对策,不仅有其特殊意义,而且对具有类似背景的其它地区,也有一定借鉴之处。  相似文献   

武陵山区农村小康社会建设进程中的人口贫困化问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈德祥  吕学芳 《西北人口》2009,30(2):100-105,109
新世纪。武陵山区农村贫困人口散居分布在自然条件恶劣的边区,贫困切口率高、贫困程度深、返贫率高、扶贫开发难度大.已经严重制约了武陵山区小康社会建设的历史进程。恶劣的自然条件、资源禀赋要素差造成经济发展的先天不足;历史性贫困造成经济发展的起点基础低;人力资源供给不足、政策制度设计不当造成的经济发展后天弱化:社会封闭、思想观念保守的加剧共同导致武陵山区农村人口贫困化。扶贫开发、人力资源开发以及引导贫困人口合理有序的流动迁移是治理武陵山区农村人口贫困化的主要对策。  相似文献   

景晓芬 《西北人口》2006,(6):33-35,40
本文通过对东乡族女性婚姻家庭状况的研究,描述了东乡女性的家庭建立、家庭规模、家庭关系和家庭网络状况,对东乡族女性的家庭生活作了一个较为全面系统的研究。  相似文献   

中国老年贫困人口特征分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
利用中国老龄科研中心于2000年12月组织的“中国城乡老年人口一次性抽样调查”的原始数据,在得到中国老年贫困人口规模估计的基础上,将总体规模按照老年人的人口、社会、经济、健康等多种特征,对老年贫困问题进行描述分析。通过分析发现:在中国的老年人口中,女性贫困人口大大多于男性;高龄老年人的贫困比例高于低龄老人贫困的比例。受教育程度低的老年人,遭受贫困的风险明显高于受教育程度高的老年人;农村老年人贫困的比例高于城市老年人贫困的比例。  相似文献   

<正> 达斡尔族分布在黑龙江北岸中、上游地区,是经济文化较发达历史比较悠久的少数民族。清初迁到黑龙江南岸和新疆塔城地区。1990年第四次全国人口普查手工汇总资料统计,达斡尔族人口为121,357人。达斡尔族人口在其族源形成、人口变迁及其文化素质等方面,都有其民族特征。  相似文献   

刘欢 《人口学刊》2017,(6):71-80
伴随人口老龄化加速和养老模式的变迁,农村人口养老问题越来越成为学术界关注的重要议题。农村老龄人口在养老上不仅面临较大的经济压力,同时由于成年劳动力的外流,在养老服务上也面临着供给不足。农村老龄贫困家庭尤为值得关注,老龄人口的自理能力是否会对家庭贫困产生影响?家庭贫困与老人自理能力及服务需求存在什么样的关系?这些问题都急需解决,基于此,文章以精准识别家庭贫困成因为思路,以老龄化为视角,探析农村老龄人口自理能力、服务需求与家庭贫困三个变量之间的关联性。具体方法是基于CHNS数据库19892011年9次调查面板数据,通过建立联立方程模型分别对各个假设进行面板Logit回归估计检验。检验结果表明,农村老人自理能力与服务需求显著正相关,与低收入家庭、家庭规模呈现显著负相关;老人服务需求与家庭收入、生活质量呈显著负相关,自理能力对服务需求有显著的正向作用;服务需求满足程度、个人收入与医疗保险对老年家庭贫困有显著的负向作用,自理能力对农村老人家庭贫困影响并不显著。进一步的研究发现非老人家庭中自理能力、服务需求与家庭贫困也有显著的关联性。因此,自理能力、服务需求与家庭贫困存在显著的相关性,针对农村老年贫困家庭,应优先满足其经济和健康需求,从而为精准识别老年贫困和精准帮扶贫困家庭提供支持,在此基础上,逐步改善农村老龄人口养老服务状况,提升其生活质量。  相似文献   

Z Ma 《人口研究》1983,(5):41-43
For a long time, the Dongxiang nationality has lived in the area of Dongxiang, which is a part of Gu Hezhou in Gansu Province. Among the various minorities in China, the Dongxiang people has been noted for their small population. In recent years, however, their population growth rate has been very high. Statistics show their annual population growth rate was 13.5% in 1970 and 32.8% in 1980. This situation is caused mainly by the young age of the population (young persons under the age of 19 constitute 55.7% of the entire population). Because of the popularity of Islam among the people, the custom of early marriage and having children at an early age has long been a tradition. Rapid population growth has created numerous problems. Food production has been unable to keep up with the speed of the population growth, and economic development cannot satisfy the needs of the rapid growing population. The Dongxiang people are physically healthy and strong, and marriages between close relatives is prohibited. Because of the backward condition in education and culture, efforts to promote the quality of the Dongxiang population have remained slow and ineffective. Starting in 1974, the local government in Dongxiang launched extensive birth control projects and positive results have been achieved. At the present time, about 62% of its population have taken birth control measures, and the natural population growth rate dropped to 15.34% in 1982.  相似文献   

W Wu 《人口研究》1983,(6):35-37
The Zang nationality in the Muli region is a major branch of the Tibetan people now living in Sichuan Province. Before 1949, the social economy in the local area was rather backward, public health was poor, the infant mortality rate was high as 50% and the overall population growth was slow. Since 1949, because of changes that have taken place in the social and economic system, the development of the population has also changed on a large scale. According to a recent survey, numerous households are still trying to change their poor financial condition through a population increase. Conversely, there are also some households with a better financial situation who prefer not to have too many children. In addition, fecundity also differs between women with some education and those who are illiterate, and the social impact on fecundity is very obvious. The influence from traditional concepts and psychological factors is also strong. At the present time, the national ploicy of China is for family planning and birth control to prevent an unlimited population growth. Ideological education and propaganda are needed to alter the people's traditional outdated concept of birth so that the common goal of controlling population growth may be achieved.  相似文献   

C Wang  S Di 《人口研究》1983,(3):42-45
The Guangxi Autonomous Region has the largest number of minorities in China. Since 1949, great progress has been achieved in the areas of politics, the economy, culture and education, public health, science and technology, and production businesses. The living standard for the minorities as been raised, and the minority populationshows a trend toward rapid growth. As a matter of fact, the population growth for the minorities exceeds that of te Han people, and an imbalance exists in the population growth of minorities. Population growth does not match the development and production of material resources. The rapid population growth has an adverse impact on the increase in average income and an adequate supply of consumer goods for all the people. In addition, great pressure has been experienced in education, public health, and other developments at the local level. The promotion of population quality for the minorities has also been slowed because of the rapid population growth in quality. At the present time, minorities in the Guangxi area need to develop their economy with greater effort. In addition, they need to practice effective family planning measures with more enthusiasm so that they may gradually reduce the population growth rate and reach a harmony between economic growth and social development.  相似文献   

马玉梅 《西北人口》2008,29(1):90-92
由于多种原因。使得东乡族女童教育面临着严峻挑战。本文在分析了东乡族女童教育的现状及其形成原因的基础上.尝试性地探讨了东乡族女童教育的发展路向。  相似文献   

Ghana and Kenya have had long experience with population policies, while some other countries just recently adopted such policies. In Ghana the population growth rate is 3.1% a year, which hampers the country's development. 45% of the population is under the age of 15, constituting a high dependency burden on the economy. The adverse effects of high population growth are manifested in overgrazing and desertification. The number of the aged is also increasing, which has socioeconomic implications. There are also over 1 million people with disability requiring rehabilitation and medical care. Women, children, and young people are adversely affected by rapid population growth because of unemployment, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, prostitution, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/ AIDS. Educational programs are needed to modify lifestyles that make people vulnerable. The 1969 population policy and the Revised National Population Policy recognize the importance of the law in addressing these issues. This involves tax laws and regulations affecting family size, the licensing of medical practice and paramedical personnel, laws concerning the importation and distribution of contraceptives, regulations on vital statistics, abortion, child and youth welfare and education, and the status of women. Ghana has also signed international charters such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Ghana was the first country to sign the World Leaders' Declaration on Population in 1967. During the 1962-63 session of the United Nations Ghana had sponsored a resolution on population growth and economic development. Ghana also endorsed the Kilimanjaro Plan of Action on Population and Sustainable Development (1984) and the Dakar/Ngor Declaration on Population and Sustainable Development (1992). The National Population Council has embarked on the reform of laws to accommodate population issues, to influence behavior, to empower women, and to counteract harmful traditional practices.  相似文献   

X Z Hua 《人口研究》1982,(3):47-49
Hai-nan Island is under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province and has a population of 5,520,000, of which 85% belong to the Han ethnic group, and 13.4% to the Li ethnic group, and there are other small minorities. Since 1949, the population of Hai-nan Island has more than doubled, and a serious population problem exists. Among the minorities, the population growth for the Li people in 1 autonomous region of the Island has been very rapid for 2 reasons: 1) the large number of immigrants moving in from other places, and 2) a high fertility rate among the Li people. In order to slow down the rate of population growth on the Island, the 1st step should be to slow down the growth rate of the largest ethnic group, the Han people. The Li people live mainly in rural and poor areas, and their production level has been very low. In the past 30 years, tremendous progress has been made to improve the health care and livelihood of the Li people. Before 1949, the total number of Li people was only 300,000. By 1980, the Li population had increased to more than 740,000, more than doubling the 1949 figure. This rapid population growth has helped economic development in the areas inhabited by the Li people. On the average, each household in the Li autonomous region has 5.3 children. In order to further improve the living standard of the people, family planning is needed for the Li community. The traditional belief of having more children is currently undergoing a change in the minds of the Li people. The policy of offering economic reward to those who follow family planning regulations is working, and more work is needed to curb rapid population growth.  相似文献   

K Zhu 《人口研究》1982,(3):50-51
The Yemen Arab Republic conducted a national census on February 1, 1975 and collected accurate and useful information for population research. Such information can be used to understand various factors in this country's development process and to set up a longterm plan for the country's economic development. According to this census, the total population of the country was 4,705,337. About 54.4% of its population was under the age of 16, and the average age for the population was 16. This young age population structure shows that the number of people who need employment is high, and the pressure on social and economic development is strong. Because of a poor living standard and backward health care, the birthrate and death rate have remained very high, and economic growth has been very slow. Because of the poor geographical condition, the distribution of population in the country is rather scattered. Every residential area has an average population of less than 83 persons, and this is a great obstacle in the country's socioeconomic development. The cultural level and education remain very backward, and the illiteracy rate is high. The illiteracy rate among women is 97.6%. Most women do not participate in social labor. In the labor market, the percentage of underage workers is extremely high. Many young children have to work to support themselves because of the backward economy and poor living conditions. All these are obstacles to this country's economic development.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of social change and economic growth on intergenerational relationships and the formation of families in Taiwan. Using data from two island-wide surveys in 1973 and 1980, the analysis shows that, as expected, social change has been accompanied by rapid changes in family structure and relationships, including the spread of schooling, the employment of young people outside the family, increasing separation of the residences of parents and children before and after marriage, growing independence of young people, and increases in premarital sex and pregnancies. The position of a family in the social structure also influences the way young people interact with their parents and form their own families: women with educated fathers have more nonfamilial experiences than others, and farm origins tend to exert a traditional influence on the life course. Finally, experiences early in the life course have important ramifications for later behavior and transitions.  相似文献   

李强  侯杨方 《西北人口》2009,30(2):53-57
本文通过留存至今的一份抗战后江南地区的保甲户籍册及上世纪50年代初的土改户赋册中所蕴含的人口及家庭信息,对这一时间段内该地区的人口与家庭进行了微观分析,表明各地区之间存在如下共同点:未成年及青壮年人口占有较高的比例,呈现出一种增长型的年龄结构;总体性别比很低;简单家庭是最主要的家庭类型,主干家庭是次主要的家庭类型:男女都普遍结婚。但在职业及教育程度上各地区之间有显著差异。  相似文献   

通过全国第五次和第六次人口普查数据对比分析,发现十年间我国人口流动的区域分布格局变化不大.东部沿海仍然是最主要的人口流入地.中部地区人口大量外迁的趋势依旧.西部地区作为人口流入地的吸引力有所下降;越来越多的人选择城市作为流动目的地.超一半的流动人口来自于镇;流动人口的受教育程度略有提升但务工经商人群文化程度普遍偏低,外出年龄有所推迟:留守儿童与留守老人数量激增。造成上述特征及变化的原因主要有区域经济发展格局、城乡发展差距与要素集聚格局以及流动人口接纳安置能力与政策等方面的因素。今后我国人口流动需要随着区域经济发展格局的变化.以及新型城镇化、主体功能区等新思路的安排进行舍理引导与配置。  相似文献   

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