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Based on the research that they are presently conducting on female religious communities in Quebec, the authors offer some thoughts, in this article, which could draw feminist theory out of the dead-end confining it and facilitate the analysis of the ongoing reorganization of gender relations. Their research follows the tradition of the work on the private and collective social appropriation of women. Firstly, the authors locate their approach in the system formed by feminist theories inspired by materialism, a system which has evolved through four stages in the past 20 years. They then construct an analysis of gender relations in which they try to integrate all of the forms, past and present, of private appropriation and collective appropriation, as well as the modalities ensuring their cohesion. These forms and modalities of appropriation constitute systems of ‘sexage’; two such systems are described briefly. A partir de leur étude portant sur les communautés religieuses de femmes au Québec, les auteures présentent, dans cet article, quelques réflexions susceptibles de sortir la théorie féministe de ?impasse où elle semble enfermée et de faciliter ?analyse de la réorganisation présentement en cours des rapports sociaux de sexe. Leur recherche s'inscrit dans la lignée des travaux sur ?appropriation privée et collective des femmes. En premier lieu, les auteures situent leur approche dans le système que forment les théories féministes s'inspirant du courant matérialiste, ce système ayant traversé quatre étapes depuis les derniers vingt ans. Elles construisent ensuite une analyse des rapports sociaux de sexe où elles cherchent à intégrer toutes les formes, passées et présentes, de ?appropriation privée et de ?appropriation collective ainsi que les modalités assurant leur cohésion. Ces formes et ces modalités de ?appropriation constituent des systèmes de sexage, deux ?entre eux y étant présentés.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) has developed a special approach to corporate social responsibility by incorporating it into its strategies of employment and social cohesion and of sustainable development. This should make it possible to diffuse the European social model inside and outside the EU. Through an unprecedented dialog between institutions and “civil society”, the EU planned to explore the possibility of a consensus on a framework for corporate social responsibility. This article seeks to shed light on the perilous disconnection between European institutions, companies and society at a time when the corporate social responsibility practiced by European firms has turned into a vector of innovation in labor relations by becoming a subject of transnational negotiations. It has also become a litmus test of the limits of a self-regulation, worldwide, of labor questions.  相似文献   

As this study of experiments with organizing the fruit and vegetable market from the 1950s till the end of the 1970s shows, there were alternatives to the principle of distribution, for instance: the modernization of traditional wholesale marketplaces (carreau) or the establishment of veilings (marchés au cadran) controlled by producers. After exposing the rationale underlying each of these arrangements, the empirical conditions are examined for actually modernizing markets. Attention is drawn to the factors that weigh on players in the market, in particular the tensions, on the one hand, between homogenization and concentration and, on the other hand, the singularity of products and transactions.  相似文献   

En étudiant le cas d'entreprises en Australie dont les salariés ont pu préserver leurs droits acquis lorsque leur société a été mise en liquidation, l'auteure analyse les facteurs ayant contribué à cette issue favorable. En comparant ces cas avec d'autres situations, où les salariés n'ont pas été aussi chanceux, elle montre que la protection efficace des droits des travailleurs résulte souvent d'une association de facteurs: synchronisation des événements, choix stratégiques, approches novatrices, intervention du régulateur, pressions syndicales, opportunisme politique ou heureux concours de circonstances. Quelqu'un, quelque part, a fait les bons choix. L'auteure tire les leçons des cas analysés.  相似文献   

Following several crises, the French Food Safety Agency was set up in 1999 to solicit scientific opinions as part of assessments of health-related risks. The principle was retained to avoid a conflict of professional and economic interests in making assessments. Observations of how a committee of experts on prions operated has shown that its judgement is the outcome of a variety of resources and procedures (involvement in quite contextualized technical studies, a sharing of tasks with the agency's personnel, etc.). The actual work of the experts involved taking into account both the requirement of legitimation and a concern for examining the case presented and answering the questions that were set.  相似文献   

Les auteurs analysent l'effet de la directive européenne relative à l'information et à la consultation des travailleurs sur les pratiques participatives en entreprise au Royaume‐Uni et en Irlande. Dans une analyse conceptuelle et empirique, qui fait appel à la théorie des jeux, ils formulent trois hypothèses explicatives, qu'ils cherchent à vérifier avec des données qualitatives recueillies auprès de seize entreprises. La démonstration permet de comprendre pourquoi la coopération, gage de gains mutuels, n'est pas la solution qui l'emporte dans les pays examinés, et elle nous en dit un peu plus sur l'effet des normes sur la gestion participative dans les économies de marché libérales.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of energy buyers in big industries, this article inquires into the different ways of explaining the actions they perform in situations of high, uncontrolled uncertainty. Describing energy buyers’ activities, the uncertainties and contradictions affecting them, shows how hard it is to explain them, make them visible or justify the decisions made. Energy buyers develop two forms of “accountability”: they claim to have been granted decision-making powers and ask to be evaluated on the basis of their results; or else they “socialize” their activities by involving corporate managers in decision-making. It is argued that “accountability” is stabilized in line with a collective learning process where the experience of uncertainty has a key place.  相似文献   

The work of mailmen is mainly defined by the delivery routes to which they are assigned. Since this special organization of work grants them broad autonomy, the processes for delimiting, defining, and conducting routes must be analyzed by taking into account observations from three levels. The first one focuses on the French Post Office’s managerial standards, which, though increasingly determined by objectives for making a profit, have little impact on mail deliverers’ activities. The second centers around this occupational group’s own regulations, which stem from a hierarchy based on seniority and control over mail delivery and routes. The third level of observation takes into view the strategies for delivering mail that postmen adopt on their routes. These strategies reflect different relations to managerial objectives and to customers; and they reveal contrasting conceptions of the job of delivering mail. Emphasis is laid on the fact that the situations for working at lower levels in the service sector cannot be separated from the factors defining and organizing these situations.  相似文献   

Contrary to the French model, the German detention and deportation centre for irregular migrants that has been studied here does not allow for any third parties other than chaplains. However, their scope of action goes far beyond spiritual assistance and extends to the defence of detained aliens’ rights and political contestation of the confinement regime. The detention centre therefore brings together two professional groups, chaplains and police officers, whose goals are a priori irreconcilable. After explaining the origins of this unique juxtaposition, I will analyse here the impact of the presence of religious actors within the state confinement regime on the construction, by each group of actors, of its professional legitimacy and on the practices of assistance and control that go along with it.  相似文献   

En matière de migrations de main‐d'?uvre, le nombre des travailleurs admis par un pays dépend souvent de l'étendue des droits qui leur sont octroyés. Cette constatation est au c?ur de l'ouvrage publié par l'auteur en 2013 sous le titre The price of rights. Ici, celui‐ci revient sur ses principaux arguments et ses grandes conclusions, et il répond à une lecture critique de son ouvrage publiée dans la Revue internationale du Travail en 2015, tout en renouvelant son plaidoyer en faveur d'un débat sans a priori sur les liens entre migrations, droits et développement aux échelons national et international.  相似文献   

This research explores the representations of two minority religions in United States, the Amish and the fundamentalist Mormons (FLDS), in two reality shows produced in 2013: Breaking Amish and Breaking the Faith. To which extent these reality shows contribute to reinforce stereotypes about these minority religions? The hypothesis postulates that there is a convergence in the representations of minority religions in these reality shows which contributes to the reproduction of stereotypes. Based on theories of identity construction and on the study of new religious movements, the analysis shows that the same guiding lines are recurrent in both reality shows.  相似文献   

The positions taken on nanotechnologies by trade union organisations, whether European or French, reveal a shift in union action. Traditionally, the trade union approach to occupational risk has been embedded in the field of professional relations, where “technical progress” is accompanied by demands formulated in terms of risk prevention. With nanotechnologies, the union response is framed in precautionary terms, with an emphasis on protection of the environment and human health before innovations are introduced. From this perspective, the study will show how the trade union movement has tackled the issue of nanotechnologies, moving from an initially work-related approach to one that places the accent on public concerns that go beyond traditional union preoccupations.  相似文献   

Les auteurs examinent l'évolution des tâches accomplies par les travailleurs au Royaume‐Uni entre 1997 et 2006, qu'elle soit due à une reconfiguration des professions elles‐mêmes (marge intensive) ou à une variation de leur part respective dans l'emploi (marge extensive). Ils se fondent notamment dans cet examen sur des données de la Skills Survey, enquête britannique sur les compétences. Leur analyse montre que la variation à la marge intensive est notable et aussi importante que la variation à la marge extensive. Une analyse économétrique fait ressortir en outre que le progrès technique joue un rôle dans l'évolution à la marge intensive, mais pas les délocalisations.  相似文献   

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