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企业社会责任报告模式的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
温素彬  张建红  方靖怡 《管理学报》2009,6(2):246-251,263
全球报告倡议(GRI)、社会责任8000(SA8000)、责任1000(AA1000)、可持续管理整合指南(SIGMA)是当今世界最具代表性的4种社会责任报告模式.从目标、内容、框架结构、实施机制等方面对4种典型的社会责任报告模式进行了比较,并总结了我国企业社会责任报告体系的不足.研究表明,全球报告倡仪(GRI)是最合理并且易于执行的社会责任报告模式.  相似文献   

陶文杰  金占明 《管理学报》2012,(8):1225-1232
基于我国A股上市公司发布的企业社会责任报告,在探究中国情境下企业社会责任信息披露、媒体关注度与企业财务绩效的相互关系后,发现企业社会责任信息披露与企业财务绩效之间存在相互制约和相互促进的关系。此外,验证了媒体关注度在社会责任信息披露和企业财务绩效的交互关系中存在中介效应。  相似文献   

企业社会责任受到国内外广泛关注已有时日,但企业社会责任定义尚未有共识;企业社会责任实践与企业社会责任观念提出初衷不尽一致的状况依然存在。究其原因,与企业社会责任的核心是什么这个问题一直没有得到应有的重视不无关系。由此,首先界定了企业伦理责任并回答了相关问题;其次,论证了为何企业伦理责任是企业社会责任的核心;最后,讨论了明确提出企业伦理责任及其在企业社会责任中的核心地位对未来研究和实践的重要意义。  相似文献   

本文利用国泰安数据库和锐思数据库中2010年-2012年的我国上市公司管理层数据、公司财务数据,以及润灵环球责任评级2010年-2012年我国A股上市公司的企业社会责任评级数据,从社会网络的角度出发,探索我国上市公司社会责任履行行为的相似性。研究结果发现,公司之间存在的社会网络会造成企业社会责任履行行为具有一定的相似性。当企业越是处于核心地位,越是容易传播信息,控制能力越强的时候,该公司同与之相关联的公司在社会责任履行行为方面越是具有相似性。这一结论为改善我国企业社会责任履行现状提供了一个全新的思考方向。  相似文献   

晁罡  袁品  段文  程宇宏 《管理学报》2008,5(3):445-453
企业领导者的社会责任取向、企业社会表现和组织绩效存在一定关系。根据以往的研究,企业社会责任取向包括经济取向、法律取向、伦理取向和慈善取向4个维度。在研究中,把企业社会表现拟合为员工、消费者、股东、强制环保、自觉环保、社区和特殊群体7个因子,把组织绩效分为市场绩效、财务绩效和人力绩效3个因子。研究发现,在企业社会责任取向、企业社会表现和组织绩效3者的关系中,企业社会表现起着中介作用。此外,对国外学者设计的企业社会责任取向问卷进行了本土化,并首次将企业社会责任取向、企业社会表现和组织绩效纳入一个研究框架中。  相似文献   

CSR对企业声誉及顾客忠诚影响的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文试图将企业社会责任划分为六个方面,将企业声誉划分为认知声誉和情感声誉两个方面,构建一个企业社会责任(CSR)对企业声誉和顾客忠诚影响的概念模型,并通过结构方程模型方法对模型进行检验,以探索企业社会责任各方面对顾客忠诚的影响程度,以及企业声誉作为中介变量的合理性。研究结果表明,企业社会责任对顾客忠诚的影响主要来源于企业社会责任中的经济责任、企业对消费者的责任、法律责任和慈善责任;企业声誉划分为认知声誉和情感声誉是合理的;企业声誉是企业社会责任影响顾客忠诚的中介变量;企业社会责任通过企业声誉影响顾客满意,从而影响顾客忠诚。  相似文献   

经济、社会与环境发展的强联系性和巨复杂性,要求企业建立可持续发展的理念和战略,即在追求经济绩效的同时,要兼顾与社会责任和生态环境的平衡.鉴于此,人力资源管理要从绩效目标理论架构,转换至经济绩效、社会责任和生态环境平衡的理论架构.在对人力资源管理的演化历程进行梳理的基础上,依据以往学者的人力资源系统模型,构建可持续性人力资源管理架构,并以企业社会责任和可持续性理论对该架构进行理论解释.最后,在此基础上提出相关研究命题,以期为进一步研究提供新的方向和视角.  相似文献   

The use of government incentives tied to market prices as means of boosting corporate social responsibility (CSR) has expanded notably in recent decades. Enhanced business tax deductions for charitable donations and credits for conservation easements are notable cases. While providing incentives for socially desirable behavior to achieve legislative goals has intuitive appeal, the broader economic consequences are not always fully understood. In this study, we examine such wider consequences for supply chains when subsidies for CSR are offered. One effect we identify is that since incentives are typically tied to market value, firms have not only an added incentive to achieve societal objectives (say by donating inventory) but also an incentive to raise output (retail) market prices. A second consequence is that since firms forgo potential revenues by engaging in socially desired behavior, they become increasingly sensitive to supplier pricing; in an uncoordinated supply chain this leads to input (wholesale) price concessions. Among other things, the results underscore that incentives put in place to meet broader societal objectives also have notable ramifications for suppliers, retailers, and consumers in primary markets.  相似文献   

通过对587位企业家的有效调查问卷的实证分析,发现利益相关者响应在企业社区慈善责任对财务价值创造的影响中起到完全中介的作用;在企业内部(或外部)利益相关者责任对财务价值创造的影响,以及企业内部(或外部)利益相关者责任、企业社区慈善责任对非财务价值创造的影响中起到部分中介的作用。企业社会责任与企业财务价值创造的关系中利益相关者沟通不具有调节作用,在内部利益相关者责任、社区慈善责任与企业非财务价值创造的关系中起到调节的作用,而在外部利益相关者责任与企业非财务价值创造的关系中未起到调节的作用。  相似文献   

理论上企业披露社会责任信息既可能抑制股价崩盘风险,亦可能加剧股价崩盘风险;新闻媒体作为社会责任披露的重要载体在其中既可能弱化也可能强化这种影响,对这些问题的探讨是近年来公司金融领域研究的热点,但学者对当前的研究结果尚存在较多争论。鉴于此,本文首先在理论上导出社会责任披露对股价崩盘风险的双向作用机制,然后引入新闻媒体研究其可能的传导途径。基于我国A股市场所有上市公司2010-2018年面板数据的研究结果显示:上市公司通过披露企业社会责任指数能够显著降低股价崩盘风险;企业履行社会责任会显著增加媒体报道的数量,而媒体报道数量增加能够显著抑制股价崩盘风险,即媒体报道在企业社会责任影响股价崩盘风险的过程中起到中介作用;进一步的拓展研究发现:企业社会责任指数中的股东责任对股价崩盘风险影响最大,而供应商、客户和消费者权益、社会责任的影响不显著;与中性媒体报道相比,正面媒体报道和负面媒体报道的中介作用效果更强。  相似文献   

李茜  徐佳铭  熊杰  刘海鑫 《管理学报》2022,19(2):245-253
基于工具性利益相关者理论,以A股上市公司为研究对象,考察了企业社会责任时间和结构这两类一致性对财务绩效的影响,并检验了信任因素在该过程的中介作用,以及企业社会责任水平和不同利益相关者关注的调节效应。研究表明:企业持续地承担社会责任(时间一致性)有助于提升财务绩效,而公平地承担社会责任(结构一致性)则对财务绩效有负面影响;信任因素是一致性和财务绩效之间的中介机制,“时间/结构一致性—信任—财务绩效”是社会责任发挥作用的逻辑路径之一;企业社会责任整体水平的提升将强化结构一致性的负面作用,而外部利益相关者中分析师的关注会强化时间一致性的积极影响;对于结构一致性而言,包括公众和分析师在内的外部利益相关者的关注会强化其负面影响,而内部独立董事的关注则有助于缓和这一负面影响。  相似文献   

This study addresses the controversial issue of how non-financial performance affects the cost of debt capital and access to it. The relationship between corporate social performance and two measures of debt cost (accounting-based and market-based) and the measure of debt access are analysed by means of a multi-theoretical framework combining economics with social theories. By observing a sample of listed European non-financial firms over an 8-year period from 2005 to 2012, we find a negative relationship between corporate social performance and interest rate. Consistent with this result, we find a positive relationship between corporate social performance and debt rating. Thus, corporate social performance has a positive role in reducing the cost of debt capital. Moreover, firms with better corporate social performance are more attractive to lenders in terms of leverage allowance. Overall, our findings provide deeper insight into the reasons why companies should improve their corporate social performance.  相似文献   

This paper explores how large UK financial institutions (FIs) pursued a private corporate governance agenda with their portfolio companies. It also investigates the role of financial reporting in private and public corporate governance. The case financial institutions argued that the limited quality of public information, especially in financial reports, was a major constraint on their ability to act in fund management and corporate governance roles. However, the financial reporting cycle determined a private institutional and company meeting cycle and this created opportunities for private information collection and for governance influence by FIs. In addition, the perceived limitations of public governance mechanisms such as voting encouraged private governance approaches. As a result, the case financial institutions had the incentive and the means to improve the quality of their sources of corporate information and to obtain a competitive edge over other financial institutions and the market through their direct contact with companies. Despite the limitations of public information, the paper reveals how public disclosure in financial statements and the financial reporting cycle played a central role in corporate governance. Public sources of information were combined with private sources to create a financial institutional knowledge advantage. The institutions used this knowledge to diagnose problem areas in strategy, management quality, and the effectiveness of the board, and their impact on financial performance. The financial reporting cycle meant that the quasi insider financial institution had the access opportunity and the joint public/private insight to influence companies across a wide corporate governance agenda and in a range of corporate circumstances. The case institutions exploited these private access and knowledge advantages for investment purposes and for Cadbury style corporate governance purposes. Thus, the private governance process was critically dependent on the FI knowledge advantage, which in turn relied on both financial reports and private disclosure. This wide ranging governance behaviour by institutions corresponds to recommendations subsequently made by the Hampel report in 1998 concerning UK corporate governance. The paper ends by exploring how the private institutional and company meeting agenda can suggest new directions for financial reporting and public disclosure and how this can further improve public and private corporate governance.  相似文献   

企业社会责任(CSR)及信息披露已成为当前社会各界共同关注的热点问题。本文利用独立机构发布的我国A股上市公司CSR报告的评级数据,验证了当前时代背景下我国企业社会责任信息披露与企业财务绩效的关系,以及作为信息传递媒介和公众日程设置者的媒体的关注对于二者关系的影响作用。研究发现,高水平披露社会责任信息的企业的绩效明显高于低水平企业,但是这种作用关系是在媒体关注度这一变量的完全中介作用之下实现的。这一新发现不仅丰富和拓展了企业社会责任及信息披露的理论研究框架,对于基于战略性CSR思维制定相关战略的企业管理者也深具启发意义。  相似文献   

基于消费者认知度的企业社会责任行业差异性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
向阳  曹勇  汪凤桂 《管理学报》2010,7(2):311-316
以食品饮料行业和日化行业的企业为调查对象,从消费者认知度视角出发,通过问卷调查、因子分析、相关分析,以及回归分析等方法研究了企业社会责任的行业差异性。结果表明,企业社会责任的诸因子与消费者认知度的关系因行业不同而有显著差异;企业社会责任的消费者因子因行业不同对消费者认知度的边际效应也存在较大差异。  相似文献   

在“用工荒”已经出现并将持续存在的情况下,中国劳动密集型制造业企业面临其特有的“生产力困境”.追求高度分工的运营策略虽然提高了企业的运营效率,但也使企业变得脆弱且反应迟钝,难以应对“用工荒”的挑战.本文尝试从企业社会责任的角度寻找帮助企业走出困境的办法.运用结构方程模型(SEM)通过对大样本(N=1185)企业员工问卷数据的分析,我们发现员工感知到的企业的社会责任努力能有效降低员工的离职意愿,同时提高其工作绩效;而且当企业采用高度分工策略时,上述关系变得更强.员工离职率的降低能有效提升企业应对“用工荒”的能力从而降低企业运营风险,员工工作绩效的提升将有助于改善企业整体运营效率.因此,我们认为企业的社会责任行为有助于缓解企业运营效率与运营灵活性之间的矛盾,帮助企业走出“生产力困境”.  相似文献   

To explore the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities on the consumer purchasing situation, we arranged a scenario where participants (n = 451) purchased workout clothes. The results (r = 0.996, p = 0.000) show that (1) relative to other relevant marketing activities, CSR activity was not the most salient antecedent stimulus, (2) general CSR activities may have a lower impact on purchasing behavior than more specific CSR activities, (3) some CSR activities may have a negative impact on purchasing behavior, and (4) CSR activities may have a different impact on different segments. We propose that the impact of CSR can be understood as rule-governed behavior situated in the consumer’s situation. A functional understanding of the impact of CSR on the purchasing situation could help companies to develop more effective marketing campaigns and, in addition, maintain activities that benefit not only the company but also society as a whole.  相似文献   

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