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Intersectionality emerged in the border space between social movements and academic politics as a means of better understanding and confronting interlocking systems of oppression. For scholars studying social movements, it offers a framework for better understanding the power dynamics of movements (the inclusions and exclusions). It is also something to be studied. Women of color, and other groups at the intersection of multiple marginalities conceptualized intersectionality as not only a type of integrated analysis or heuristic, but as an active political orientation to be put into practice. In this essay, I review and discuss the benefits and challenges of studying social movements intersectionally (an analysis that might be applied to the study of any movements), as well as the growing literature focused on social movement intersectionality, that looks for and at intersectionally oriented movements and the praxis of intersectionality within movements. This developing area of study provides new ways of understanding and troubling social movement solidarity.  相似文献   

We present an analysis and discussion of the tanda, a multiperson pooled credit and savings scheme (a rotating credit association or RCA), as described by two informants from Mexican immigrant communities in California. In the tanda, participants contribute regularly to a common fund which is distributed to participants on a rotating basis. We analyze the tanda at multiple levels (as a mathematical, cultural, and distributed practice) and identify points of intersection and conflict. Contrary to many formal or school-based conceptions of mathematics, mathematical work in the context of the tanda is in service of, and intimately tied up with, cultural goals and values. Likewise, cultural means and mathematics are employed to personal ends. We argue that the tanda should be of enduring interest, particularly among educators interested in bringing more authentic, culturally-relevant mathematics into classroom settings, because it so clearly illustrates how mathematical and cultural processes can interact in the context of personal goals, and provides a potentially valuable template for engaging, consequential, and successful mathematics.  相似文献   


This article engages with questions of the integration of different scales of analysis in the study of labour and radical movements: ‘transnational’, ‘national’ and ‘local’ or ‘trans-local’. The article places the study of transnational anarchism in a ‘national’ and ‘trans-local’ perspective. The analysis of the intersection between the networks of those who migrated from Italy and those who remained provides a fruitful means to uncover dynamics within the transnational anarchist movement and the interplay, in both directions, between home country, exile communities and host countries. The article focuses on the crucial, but still unexplored, contributions of communities of Italian anarchists abroad (in, among other places, London, Paris, Berne, Marseille, Barre and Buenos Aires) to the anti-militarist campaigns against the Italian colonial enterprise in Libya from 1911 to 1914, in terms of propaganda, theoretical debate, financing and countercultural production. The investigation of the initiatives of anarchist exiles and how they coordinated with their comrades in Italy provides a significant case study, not only to understand network-based transnational anarchism but also to reflect on mechanisms of political migration and their influence on the development of social conflicts.  相似文献   

This article provides reflections on the intersection of religion, identity, occupation, and organizational culture as it occurred in my professional life.  相似文献   

This essay examines the intersection and history of esthetics and politics. Esthetics now provides specific forms or categories of understanding for politics and public life; in the language of social movements, esthetics often supplies the ‘frames’ by which we perceive the world. I discuss the sociological literature on esthetics, and explore some of its connections to politics broadly conceived. I argue that an adequate sociological approach to esthetic politics must explore the history, characteristics, and intersection of the esthetic sphere and popular culture, for these two realms have influenced political ideas and practices.  相似文献   

National policy initiatives to encourage entrepreneurial behaviour are often developed with limited knowledge of the contextual constraints and causal factors. In this paper, we adopt a social realist approach, generally associated with critical realism, as a framework for analysing levels of entrepreneurial behaviour. The trigger for our study is the apparent anomaly of low levels of German entrepreneurship. We apply the morphogenetic framework of the sociologist Margaret Archer to Germany and then compare this to the United States. We conclude that particular so-called situational logics at the intersection of structure and culture constitute mechanisms which provide strategic direction for the decisions of potential entrepreneurs. We argue that a social realist stance based upon Archer’s sociology provides a practical grounding for research and policy development.  相似文献   

This article reviews research at the intersection of genetics and sociology and provides an introduction to the current data, methods, and theories used in sociogenomic research. To accomplish this, I review behavioral genetics models, candidate gene analysis, genome‐wide complex trait analysis, and the use of polygenic scores (sometimes referred to as polygenic risk scores) in the study of complex human behaviors and traits. The information provided is meant to equip readers with the necessary tools to (a) understand the methodology employed by each type of analysis, (b) intelligently interpret findings from sociogenomic research, and (c) understand the importance of sociologists in the ever‐growing field of sociogenomics. To unify these three tasks, I rely on various examples from recent sociogenomic analyses of educational attainment focusing on social stratification and inequality.  相似文献   

Moving Fragments     
This article examines three films as they wrestle with the problem of madness through the construction of narrative: Grizzly Man (Director, Werner Herzog, 2005), Capturing the Friedmans (Director, Andrew Jarecki, 2003), and Tarnation (Director, Jonathan Caouette, 2003). There is progression in the narrative capacities depicted and enacted in each film: from the representation of a boundary with the unsymbolizable, through the failed figuration of sexuality, to the realization of a self-reflexive and thus transformational narrative. Working at the intersection of the personal and the social, the article postulates that films can serve as social containers for the elaboration of narratives that allow subjective cultural intelligibility. We are transformed through viewership. Specifically, the relatively new use of videography as a means of recording and shaping life experience creates novel forms of personal narrative that function as social containers. Narratives of personal madness are seen to constitute the true residence of sanity.  相似文献   

Recent research on the intersection of race and media describes a trend of progressive, even antiracist, narratives that showcase close inter‐racial friendships and camaraderie on the silver screen. Films in which one character saves or helps another from some unholy or disastrous plight are common in films like The Green Mile (1999), Bruce Almighty (2003), Amistad (1997) and The Blind Side (2009). While these films present a stark change from the patently racist and on‐screen segregationist history of Hollywood cinema, these films often trade on racist meanings and expectations. Many of these films are what critics call “Magical Negro” or “White Savior” films – cinema in which implicit and explicit racial stereotypes are employed to structure the inter‐racial interactions where one character labors to redeem another. In comparing these two genres, this article provides an overview for how both cinematic forms reproduce racist messages by naturalizing the supposed cerebral rationality, work ethic, and paternalistic morality of select White characters while normalizing Black characters as primordially connected with nature, spiritually connected to the carnal, and possessive of exotic and magical powers. Together, these films subversively reaffirm the social order and relations of racial domination by reproducing centuries’ old understandings of racial difference.  相似文献   

This article proposes that Butler's recent writing encourages understanding of an intersection of forces, specifically the undoing of feminism and the socialist tradition. This occurs as the traces or residues left behind by these now outmoded movements are seemingly taken into account, so that they are all the more repudiated and discounted. Re-regulation takes place by these means in the fields of sexuality and kinship. There is also a crisis in the politics of hegemony through processes of disarticulation, as queer politics breaks its earlier ties with socialist feminism through narrowly presenting claims of entitlement in terms of being for (or against) marriage. If radical democracy is itself radically insufficient (so that it remains open and necessarily unrealizable), nonetheless this produces vulnerabilities. Butler leads us in this context towards Levinasian ethics, as both other than and prior to politics. This permits, through the encounter with the face of the other, a steadfastness and defiant presence and proximity in terms of being for the other, while that other – for example, the woman of Afghanistan – is being sought as the subject of liberation by western hegemony. Thus, ethics can be expansive of the ‘sheerly political’.  相似文献   

It is well documented that Black women tend to experience lower marriage participation than non-Black women because of the marriage squeeze, including an unequal sex-ratio within age cohorts, and the increase in economic precarity among Black men. The experience of the marriage squeeze impacts poor, and college educated Black women, but this is only one viewpoint. Drawing on work and family research at the intersection of racial identity, gender, and class, I argue that marriage provides Black middle-class women access to privileges and resources like safety and kin networks within a U.S. nation-state constrained by racism and sexism. By relying on marriage, Black middle-class women can realize personal and familial desires, as well as encounter patriarchal oppression. I end this review with a discussion on future directions for research in this area, and a discussion on imagined futures for Black women that incorporates self-love and self-actualization.  相似文献   

In the ordinary framework, the factorization of a weak preference relation into a strict preference relation and an indifference relation is unique. However, in fuzzy set theory, the intersection and the union of fuzzy sets can be represented different ways. Furthermore, some equivalent properties in the ordinary case have generalizations in the fuzzy framework that may be not equivalent. For these reasons there exist in the literature several factorizations of a fuzzy weak preference relation. In this paper we obtain and characterize different factorizations of fuzzy weak preference relations by means of two courses of action which are equivalent in the ordinary framework: axioms and definitions of strict preference and indifference.This work is partially financed by the Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Educación y Cultura, Proyecto VA057/02), Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Plan Nacional de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (I+D+I) (Proyecto BEC2001-2253) and ERDF. I am indebted to José Luis García-Lapresta and an anonymous referee for his helpful comments.  相似文献   

This article explores how the intersection of gender and foreignness shapes the experiences of skilled migrant women. Drawing on interviews with skilled migrant women working in Qatar, we situate their experiences in institutional, organizational and sociocultural terms to show how the intersection is articulated and mobilized to subordinate, marginalize and exclude them in work and social spaces. Findings show that the intersection is used to reinforce the status of the women as outsiders to the country (foreignness) and its cultural order (gender), resulting in structural and qualitative differences in the experiences of the group. In highlighting their nuanced experiences, we contribute to debates about gender, skilled migration and work in the Middle East. We also contribute to intersectionality debates by expanding the conceptual limits and analytical use of social categories of difference to explain experiences of work and unpack the simultaneity of subject positioning within institutional, organizational and sociocultural dynamics.  相似文献   

Taking its cue from an exhibition of lynching photographs produced in 19th and 20th century America, this article explores the issue of how death is imaged in contemporary media accounts of atrocity. Drawing on examples from Israel‐Palestine, Sierra Leone, South Africa and the Sudan, this article highlights the importance of social context in the construction of pictorial meaning. It argues against conventional views that see the media as replete with images of death and thereby contributing to a diminution in the power of photography to provoke. Instead, this article maintains that the intersection of three economies (the economy of indifference to others, the economy of “taste and decency” whereby the media itself regulates the representation of death and atrocity, and the economy of display governing the details of an image’s production) means we have witnessed a disappearance of the dead in contemporary coverage which restricts the possibility for an ethical politics exercising responsibility in the face of crimes against humanity.  相似文献   

Public relations theory addresses strategic processes, including rhetorical strategies, that enable critical understanding of why and how communities develop, promulgate, and use text, in this case, statues and monuments, to establish narrative continuity based on moral judgment in the pursuit of relatedness. That paradigm reasons that narratives provide enactable continuity that binds the past, present, and future to culturally guide coordinated discourse and action. How statues and monuments are important to that end can be demonstrated by public relations practice in the United States: Post-Civil War to today. To develop that theme, this paper discusses how statues and monuments serve as textual resources that bind time and moralize behavior through commemoration/counter commemoration. As an intersection with narrative theory, epideictic rhetoric has celebrated (or condemned) citizenship actions that reflect and define moral behavior. Such rhetoric uses moral standards to judge acts, and advocates acts as worthy of praise as they exemplify moral standards. If standards change, acts that once were lauded can become condemned as unworthy of praise. Using the civil society intersection of narrative continuity, epideictic rhetoric, and relational capital, three eras will be examined to demonstrate the issue cause-related intersection of statues/monuments in the USA: (1) Post-Civil War and Reconstruction (roughly 1868–1900), (2) Jim Crow era (late 19th and early 20th century); and (3) recent efforts to erect, protect, and remove statues and monuments that support or disrupt the narrative continuity that enacts race-based marginalization and disempowerment as relatedness tensions.  相似文献   

Theories and traditions emphasizing the centrality of caring have guided the evolution of the healthcare professions. In contemporary practice, creating a therapeutic context in which healing can occur relies not just on the caring dispositions of individual clinicians, but also on the collective relational capacities of interprofessional healthcare teams. This article describes the intersection and complementarity of relational and interprofessional learning approaches to health education, provides exemplars of shared learning models and discusses the benefits and obstacles to integrating relational and interprofessional philosophies into real world practice.  相似文献   

This investigation provides inquiry into Disability Critical Race Studies to analyze the intersecting attributes related to race, gender and disability. The application of Disability Critical Race Studies revealed the ways in which race/ethnicity and gender merge to erroneously typecast African-American men who are wheelchair users as reformed ‘gang bangers’ or ‘victims’ of neighborhood gun violence. This investigation examines urban pre-service teachers’ understandings of disability and underscores the challenging intersection of race, gender and disability within urban communities.  相似文献   


The year 1947 saw the opening of Oxfam’s first permanent charity shop on Broad Street in Oxford. It was the prototype of what was soon to become a national franchise of Oxfam shops and it marked the genesis of widespread popular engagement with charity in the form of consumption. Donations and purchases of goods in this second-hand shop space were not simply a financial means to a humanitarian end, these shops offered active engagements with the charity; engagements that shaped donor and shopper knowledge of the organisation and that cemented a particular form of charity participation. This interdisciplinary analysis contributes to an emerging body of historical and geographical scholarship that is exploring the intersection between charitable action and consumption by beginning to fill a lacuna of research on the development of charity shopping as a key form of popular philanthropic action.


Intersectionality theory is concerned with integrating social characteristics to better understanding complex human relations and inequalities in organizations and societies (McCall 2005). Recently, intersectionality research has taken a categorical and quantitative turn as scholars critically adopt but retain existing social categories to explain differences in labour market outcomes. A key contention is that social categories carry penalties or privileges and their intersection promotes or hinders the life chances of particular groups and individuals. An emergent debate is whether the intersection of disadvantaged characteristics (such as female gender or minority ethnic status) produce penalties that are additive, multiplicative or ameliorative. Research is inconclusive and as yet pays little attention to moderating factors such as employer type, size, geographic location or work profile. Drawing on administrative records for individuals qualified as solicitors in England and Wales, collected by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), combined with aggregated workforce data and firm characteristics of their law firms, we undertake a statistical analysis of the intersection of gender and ethnicity in the profession with a degree of precision and nuance not previously possible. In response to calls to broaden studies of inequalities and intersectionality beyond their effect on pay or income (Castilla 2008) we focus on career progression to partnership as our key measure of success. The original contribution of our study is twofold. First, we establish statistically different profiles of law firms, showing how the solicitors’ profession is stratified by gender, ethnicity and socio‐economic background, as well as the type of legal work undertaken by developing a model of socio‐economic stratification in the profession. Second, we demonstrate that while penalties tend to be additive (i.e. the sum of the individual ethnic and gender penalties) this varies significantly by law firm profile and in some situations the effect is ameliorative.  相似文献   

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