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合同诈骗罪的主规要件作为区分罪与非罪的界限,具有非常重要的意义。在合同诈骗罪的犯罪构成中,主观要件表现为故意、并且行为人具有非法占有的目的。非法占有的目的与民法意义上的理解是有区别的,认定非法占有目的,必须从实际情况出发,综合各方面因素多角度分析。合同诈骗罪作为目的型犯罪,其心理态度只能是直接故意。  相似文献   

德国环境刑法在罪过形式立法上既有择一罪过立法,又有双重罪过立法。择一罪过立法明确规定了同一犯罪可以由故意构成也可以由过失构成;双重罪过立法主要是指结果犯的罪过形式立法,由行为人对行为的心理态度和对结果的心理态度构成。这两种罪过形式立法是刑法明确性原则的重要表现,既有利于深度贯彻责任主义,也有利于实现刑法的全面评价,进而实现刑罚公平。与此相比,我国环境刑法在罪过形式立法上则显得粗糙得多,对法治原则的贯彻明显不够。所以,德国环境刑法中的罪过形式立法值得我国学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

票据犯罪罪过形式比较复杂 ,属于刑法理论疑难问题之一。本文探讨了票据故意犯罪和票据过失犯罪的罪过特点 ,并就票据犯罪是否存在复杂罪过和模糊罪过等学术争议问题提出了否定的观点。如何认定票据犯罪罪过 ,是当前急需解决的司法实践问题 ,本文提出了若干条认定行为人罪过的要点  相似文献   

马建文 《社科纵横》2006,21(2):59-61
盗窃未加盖公章和印鉴的无效空白支票,通过伪造公章和印鉴获取财产的,应定诈骗罪而不宜定盗窃罪。盗窃印鉴齐全的空白支票,自填数额、用途等,取款、转款或购买物资,其自填数额达到较大标准的,亦应按盗窃罪处理。流窜盗窃分子供述的盗窃或扒窃事实、情节与缴获的赃款赃物,与同案人的供述相一致,也应予以认定。行为人以非法占有有价凭证、有价证券、有价票证的财产为目的而取得了上述票证,但在持有过程中,行为人放弃了非法占有的故意或目的,未有领取款物而将票证归还原主或毁弃的,可按犯罪中止处理。盗窃他人合法占有、控制的自有物,应视为“他人”物,可以构成盗窃罪。普通物品在认定盗窃数额时,应根据其价格和价值特点,分别确定计算标准和办法。特殊商品中,假冒伪劣残次品的价值计算,应按其实际价值计算。在处理赃物时,对一些特殊性质的赃物,应采取特殊方法处理,不能按照处理一般赃物的办法处理。  相似文献   

关于重大责任事故罪的罪过形式,刑法学界存在分歧。一种观点认为。它只能表现为间接故意,因为重大责任事故罪的发生以违反规章制度为前提,而违反规章制度大都属于明知故犯;另一种观点认为,它既可表现为过失,也可表现为间接故意;而绝大多数同志则认为,重大责任事故罪的罪过形式只能是过失。笔者认为后一种观点最符合立法原意。 首先,从刑法第11条和第12条的现定不难看出,故意犯罪与过失犯罪的根本区别就在于行为人主观上对危害结果的认识及所抱态度,而不是对行为本身的认识。将重大责任事故罪的罪过形式误解为间接故意的原因就在于混淆了行为…  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(十一)》对高空抛物罪的增设,其目的在于强化对公共场所秩序法益的保护,以弥合危害公共安全犯罪、侵犯人身财产犯罪罪群体系上的处罚罅隙.高空抛物行为及其发生的场域复杂多样,应采取具体危险犯的判定模式,"情节严重"之标准要求足以引起公共场所周边不特定公众的紧张与恐慌,扰乱正常的社会生活秩序.高空抛物罪的主观罪过仅限于故意,排除过失形式.在主观认识要素上要求行为人对抛掷物品的材质、密度等物理特性以及抛物之时空环境具有认识或认识可能性.为了避免社会治理"过度刑法化",高空抛物罪的规制范围不宜过于扩张.高空抛物罪的增设势必会对刑法体系中的其他罪名产生竞合或交叉,有必要从解释论上予以衔接、融贯,构建高空抛物行为司法应对的系统方案,以实现罪责刑相适应.  相似文献   

俄罗斯的现行罪过理论与德国的罪责规范论同是对罪责心理论的否定之否定,即在新基础上的再生,但否定的思路各不相同.俄罗斯没有走近罪责规范论是多种因素的合力致成的,其中最主要的是它遵循的世界观和方法论与德国有别.罪过与犯罪的主观方面均系行为人与行为、结果的心理联系,在内容上两者是否重合,关键要看刑法上的规定.不能断言定势理论是揭示无认识过失犯罪的心理内容的最佳理论,但它至少为我们解读这种心理内容提供了心理学上的根据.  相似文献   

王威 《社科纵横》2009,24(6):63-65
合同诈骗罪与民事欺诈行为之间的界限,是司法实践中颇为棘手的问题。要正确区分二者,首先要了解合同诈骗罪的犯罪构成要件;从而可以看出二者在主观目的、客观表现、行为阶段、法律后果等方面存在不同。  相似文献   

徐跃飞 《社科纵横》2010,25(11):44-48
危险犯除传统分类为具体危险犯和抽象危险犯外,依据严重危害结果是否发生,可分为非实害危险犯和实害危险犯。依据主观罪过形式的不同,可分为故意危险犯和过失危险犯。与危险犯相对应的实害犯不是结果加重犯,而是危险犯。应承认过失危险犯的存在。非实害危险犯不属于犯罪既遂,而是属于犯罪未遂。确立非实害危险犯未遂说使危险犯成立中止有了理论依据。  相似文献   

涉区块链金融犯罪呈现利用工具的便利化、犯罪场所的平台化、被告人的职业由白领向虚拟领转化等特征。然而,综合治理论、多元善治论等传统金融犯罪治理理论无法有针对性地化解这一新型犯罪现象,刑法治理面临新的挑战。适用于白领犯罪的“便利理论”,形成了经济维度、组织维度、行为维度的理论框架,具有适用于以虚拟领为主的涉区块链金融犯罪之价值,可有效解释其生成机理,阻断犯罪机会。其具体适用路径在于,在经济层面阻断行为人预期的利益;在组织层面强化平台金融监管,以刑法规制组织维度的各个环节,惩治关联犯罪;在行为维度降低行为人的犯罪动机;在技术维度基于智能合约推动代码治理。全面破除涉区块链金融犯罪的便利条件与犯罪情境。  相似文献   

扩大洗钱犯罪的上游犯罪刍论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洗钱罪的上游犯罪,是指具有洗钱性质的基础犯罪。中国刑法关于洗钱罪的上游犯罪仅仅限制在毒品犯罪、黑社会性质的犯罪、走私犯罪和恐怖活动犯罪四类犯罪。因范围过窄,导致在其他犯罪中,即使存在着完全相同的洗钱行为,也不能以洗钱罪定罪量刑。因而很难达到"罪刑相适"的立法诉求和形势发展的实践要求。因此,必须适时扩大洗钱罪的上游犯罪的范围,将清洗一切严重犯罪所得及其收益的行为都认定为洗钱罪的上游犯罪,才能有效地打击洗钱行为。  相似文献   

赵微 《求是学刊》2003,30(2):72-76
中国犯罪构成理论在构建之初学习前苏联的模式,认为犯罪与犯罪构成的关系是一般与特殊的关系,而俄罗斯刑法理论已经修正了犯罪与犯罪构成的关系,认为犯罪的外延大于犯罪构成,犯罪构成中没能容纳的决定刑事责任大小的因素都由犯罪概念加以补充,这一理论进步值得我们学习与借鉴.但中国刑法理论与前苏联及俄罗斯一样,都把犯罪构成作为刑事责任的根据,笔者认为,犯罪构成之外存在诸多影响刑事责任的成立及其程度的主、客观要素;司法实践证明,仅以犯罪构成来定罪而无视其他主、客观要素的价值 ,将不足以支持量刑.构筑合理的犯罪构成理论乃是中俄两国刑法理论走向成熟与发展的必经之途.  相似文献   

Objective. The objective of this article is to provide evidence about the effectiveness of drug law enforcement as a tool for reducing other types of crime. Considerable resources are devoted to enforcing our nation's drug laws, but existing research suggests that intensifying drug law enforcement may serve to increase, rather than decrease, crime. Method. Using data for 62 counties in New York State for 1996–2000, we estimate a set of models that evaluate the effects of recent drug arrests on reported rates of assault, robbery, burglary, and larceny. The estimated statistical model includes controls for fixed effects, time effects, autocorrelation, and heteroskedasticity. Results. The consistency of results is striking—there is no model in which drug arrests are found to have a significant negative relationship with crime. All crimes are positively related to arrests for the manufacture and sale of “hard drugs.” Increases in total per capita drug arrests and arrests for “hard drug” possession are accompanied by higher rates for all crimes except assault. Increased arrests for the manufacture or sale of marijuana are associated with increases in larcenies. Conclusions. The empirical findings raise serious questions about the effectiveness of drug enforcement as a crime‐control measure and suggest that significant social costs may arise from existing approaches to drug control.  相似文献   

This article uses a new method to gauge eighteenth-century crime. It counts the crimes committed against metropolitan London's justices noted in newspapers and in the Old Bailey Sessions Papers, and finds crime more prevalent than current historiography acknowledges. The article contests current claims that the manner in which newspapers noted crime constructed their readers' perception of crime, making their readers believe crime was much more horrific, and the judicial system much more just, than readers would otherwise have thought they were. The article also argues that some crimes were attacks on the powerful because they were powerful.  相似文献   

Although crime statistics are relatively less developed in Australia than in many other advanced western nations, the information that is available suggests that crime is on the increase. To talk of overall crime rates is, however, to overlook important differences between crimes, between geographical areas, and between different time periods. Examination of crime statistics for the New South Wales north coast reveals just how difficult it is to identify general trends.  相似文献   

Objectives . The study of crime directed at gay and lesbian targets is hampered by two measurement problems: Police agencies provide unreliable data on hate crime, and tract-level census data contain no direct information about gay or lesbian population density. This article attempts to gauge two quantities that cannot be measured directly or unambiguously: the size of the gay and lesbian populations and the number of hate crimes directed at gay and lesbian targets. Methods . Population data for New York City were gathered from market research lists and from a special tabulation of the 1990 Census. Hate crime data were obtained from the Anti-Violence Project and the New York Police Department. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the reliability of each measure and the correlation between latent population density and hate crime. Results . Each of these measures offers a reliable means by which to assess cross-sectional differences in the population density and victimization of gay men. Census and police data prove to be inferior indicators of lesbian population density and antilesbian hate crime. For both men and women, population density is strongly correlated with the incidence of hate crime. Conclusions . Despite the fact that advocacy groups record many more antigay incidents than do the police, both sources of data are in agreement about where hate crimes occur. The strong correlation between population density and hate crime against gay men implies that Census data could be used to forecast the occurrence of hate crime in areas where no police records exist.  相似文献   

In a paper illustrating the shifting ground of Australian criminological debate Braithwaite and Biles claim the results of the National Crime Victim Survey (showing the unemployed have higher victimization rates for certain crimes: breaking and entering, peeping and assault, than ‘the wealthy’ or ‘the poor’) amount to a refutation of ‘a long tradition of radical criminology’. This tradition is portrayed as ‘crime is a manifestation of working class rebellion against the ruling class’. It is argued that this belated entry into confrontation with marxist oriented radical criminology, evaded for so long, is to be welcomed. However certain formal requirements: properly reading, representing, documenting and referencing ‘the radical critique’ are essential for theoretical advance. On these criteria the Braithwaite and Biles paper is deficient and distorted. The results of the victimization survey bolster rather than deny adequately represented radical critiques.  相似文献   

近20年来,中国铁路犯罪呈下降趋势,但在犯罪类型上呈现出侵犯财产类犯罪占比大、毒品类犯罪持续上升的态势.通过回归分析等实证研究方法,发现中国铁路犯罪的发展与铁路经济、人口因素以及社会整体犯罪均无统计学上的关联性.铁路犯罪的异常主要出现在2004-2009年前后,该时期的异常下降状况,无法完全以铁路系统的经济、人口状况变化、铁路公安管辖权范围缩减等外在因素来解释,铁路公安转制带来的不稳定性应对此数据异常担责.  相似文献   

传统犯罪网络变异的原因是多方面的,直接诱因是网络空间的技术性代际差异;传统犯罪的网络变异表现为犯罪构成要件要素的变异、社会危害性的变异和犯罪形态的变异三个方面。扩张化的司法解释是解决这一问题的首要选择,但其局限性也是明显的;面对网络空间中传统犯罪的变异态势,将部分预备行为提升、独立化为实行行为,将部分共犯行为加以正犯化,将会是未来刑事立法无法回避的两个选择。  相似文献   

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