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郑红 《社科纵横》2011,26(2):48-49
薪酬期望是影响高职毕业生就业去向重要因素。通过抽样问卷调查对高职毕业生的薪酬期望及相关因素分析,表明高职生对薪酬期望有显著的差异;其次高职男生和女生对薪酬期望存在明显差异,以及父母受教育程度对男女生对薪酬期望的影响关系分析。并在此基础上提出高职学校就业指导的建议。  相似文献   

学校系统是一个人员比较单一,管理比较完善,安排比较稳定的环境,社工作为第三方插入进来,必然要面临不同服务、不同专业的融入问题,而目前中国的教育主要以学习成绩来衡量学生,以升学率来衡量学校,而这与社工关注学生综合素质有偏差,导致社工在开展工作的时候容易受到限制。  相似文献   

学校系统是一个人员比较单一,管理比较完善,安排比较稳定的环境,社工作为第三方插入进来,必然要面临不同服务、不同专业的融人问题,而目前中国的教育主要以学习成绩来衡量学生,以升学率来衡量学校,而这与社工关注学生综合素质有偏差,导致社工在开展工作的时候容易受到限制.  相似文献   

贺光烨 《社会》2018,38(2):213-241
高等教育的扩张大大缩小了两性受教育程度的差距,年轻一代的女性接受大学教育的比例甚至超过了男性。研究高等教育横向分层维度对理解劳动力市场的性别不平等尤为必要。基于“首都大学生成长追踪调查”数据,本研究从大学专业隔离的角度入手,分析大学毕业生初职获得的性别差异。分析发现,首都高校存在明显的专业性别隔离:女生更多地集中在文学、历史、艺术等专业,而男生更多地集中在理工科类专业。大学专业对毕业后个体能否进入男性主导职业具有显著影响。相较于男性,女性进入男性主导职业的概率更低,在控制了专业后,这一差异显著降低。非线性Blinder-Oaxaca分解结果进一步显示,若男女在专业分布上没有差异,不同性别群体进入男性主导职业的概率差异会减少40%~50%。该发现对理解城市高等教育水平劳动力市场中职业性别隔离现象的形成机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

高学德  张焱  张莉 《社科纵横》2007,22(2):155-156
运用量表法对兰州市355名高职高专大学生进行了人格测定。结果如下:⑴无论是男生还是女生在个性上都较为热情开朗、乐群外向、富于幻想,能与他人友好相处,同时,也较谦逊、恭顺、保守、服膺传统、依赖、随群、独立性较差;⑵男女高职高专大学生之间相比,女生在个性上具有外向、开朗、活泼的特点,富于幻想,也较为敏感,适应性较强,而男生多忧虑、抑郁、苦闷,适应性较差;⑶一年级学生和二、三年级学生相比在大多数人格因素上有显著的差异,而二、三年级学生的人格特征没有太大的差异,高年级学生的心理健康问题更值得关注。  相似文献   

大学生在学习期间谈恋爱,已经成为学生工作不可忽视的现象。近几年来,这种现象在各大专院校有增无减,影响了学生的学习成绩和身心健康。为了使学生在学习期间全神贯注地努力学习,培养学生成为又红又专的建设人才,有必要研究这个问题,把恋爱观的教育列入学生政治思想教育中去。  相似文献   

性别与英语学习成绩间的关系研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张彬  杜翠琴 《社科纵横》2004,19(1):127-128
本文以非英语专业大学生为受试对象 ,运用定量研究的方法 ,探讨了性别因素与大学英语四级考试 (CET4)成绩之间的关系。研究结果表明 :性别与英语学习成绩之间存在显著相关 ,男生与女生的大学英语四级考试成绩呈显著差异 ,女生的成绩明显高于男生。文章对男女生英语成绩呈现显著差异的原因进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

在美国 ,由于雇主和家长对学校在基本技能教育方面的无能而怨声载道 ,实行教育改革和推行新的教育标准就成为众望所归。目前 ,美国国内流行着两种观点。一种观点是 :把教育标准与学生的学习成绩挂钩 ,推行标准责任制。这样既有助于提高教师的教学水平 ,也激励学生取得更好的学习成绩。殊不知 ,新标准的成功与否 ,以及学生的学业进步归根结底取决于标准的内涵 ,即内容和质量。另一种观点认为 :将学习主题与学习目标挂钩 ,实行技能 (职业 )教育 ,学生的学习兴趣会更浓 ,因此所有的学习活动都应该在工作环境或现实环境中进行 ,以培养学生的工作…  相似文献   

调查分析发现当前研究生对校园生活满意度不高,不同性别对校园生活满意度有差异,但不显著,男生在导师关心程度、制度方面和学校浴室的不满意程度要高于女生,女生在住宿不满意程度和本专业就业不乐观情况要高于男生,男女生共同对学校后勤服务的不满意度高。  相似文献   

翻转课堂是信息技术与教育教学深度融合的产物。现阶段,翻转实训课堂的教学满意度提升路径不明确,导致其在实训课程中应用的效果欠佳。该文以物流综合实验实训课程教学为例,通过实证研究对翻转课堂在物流综合实验实训课程中的应用情况以及教学满意度的影响因素进行分析,实证研究结果显示:学生的自主学习情况、课堂互动与互评、学习态度和学习动机对翻转实训课堂的满意度均有积极的影响,且男生对翻转实训课堂的满意度高于女生,男生的自主学习情况、适应性和学习态度均优于女生。最后,根据分析结果,对翻转实训课堂的教学满意度提升路径提出了建议。研究结果丰富了实训课程教学改革的理论研究内容,为翻转实训课堂教学满意度提升提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

China’s educational enterprise has achieved great successes since reform and opening up in 1978, but the constraints imposed by a number of factors mean that the problem of unequal distribution of high quality educational resources among groups from different strata is becoming increasingly noticeable at the basic education stage, leading to socioeconomic segregation in schools. We utilize baseline data from the China Education Panel Survey for 2013-2014 to investigate this phenomenon in junior high schools and its influence upon students’ educational expectations. Our findings show that marked segregation currently exists at the junior high school level. The extent of the segregation varies from region to region and place to place (urban or rural), and school socioeconomic composition (SEC) exerts a significant influence upon students’ educational expectations. The higher the school’s average SEC or the greater its heterogeneity, the higher the educational expectations of its students. The effect of school SEC upon the educational expectations of students varies depending on the characteristics of different student groups; students who have lower cognitive abilities and fall behind at school are more likely to benefit from an increase in school socioeconomic status (SES) and heterogeneity. Because educational expectations are a decisive factor in academic achievement and educational attainment, the influence of school socioeconomic segregation upon educational equity should not be overlooked. Lessening the degree of school socioeconomic segregation and encouraging integrated schools would be an effective measure for ensuring educational equity in China.  相似文献   

This article identifies organizational structures and practices in schools that influence the frequency of interracial interactions, the likelihood ofcross-race friendships, and students' attitudes and behaviors toward members of different racial and ethnic groups. These formal and informal organizational practices include curriculum tracking, assignment to classes, attendance at school level functions, and extracurricular activities. The article discusses how the quality of interracial interactions and the resultingrelationships among students is influenced by the contexts of these different organizational practices, including students' status expectations, cooperative versus competitive modes of academic and extracurricular interactions, and educators' views on racial/ethnic issues and their preferences for instructional methods. By taking these effects into account, schools can make significant advances in promoting positive race relations.  相似文献   

吴愈晓 《社会》2012,32(4):112-137
一直以来,中国城乡居民教育获得的性别差异逐渐缩小,最近甚至开始出现女性超过男性的趋势。利用“2008年中国综合社会调查”(CGSS2008)数据,本研究探讨中国城乡居民教育获得性别不平等的变化趋势,并着重检验影响教育获得的各主要因素是否存在性别差异。研究发现:第一,性别不平等存在城乡差异,农村户口居民的性别不平等程度高于非农户口居民;第二,父亲的职业地位指数(ISEI)或父母的受教育水平越低,教育获得的性别不平等越严重;第三,兄弟姐妹人数越多的群体,教育获得的性别不平等越严重;最后,不同教育层次入学机会的性别不平等程度也不相同,教育层次越低,升学机会的性别不平等越严重。笔者认为上述教育获得的性别不平等模式来源于不同的社会群体对父权制观念或传统性别角色观念的认同感的差异。  相似文献   

Brown v. Board of Education (1954) emphasized that segregation in schools leads the stigmatized students to withdraw from and lower their educational and professional aspirations. I consider this process in a modern sample by examining the relationship between the number of friends students report having at school and their goals and plans and their enjoyment of achievement activities in a sample of elementary and middle school students ( N = 80). Students of color were more isolated at school, and this isolation was negatively correlated with interest in academic work. Among White students, however, no relationship between social isolation and interest in academic work was found. Discussion focuses on the role of the social climate in fostering or inhibiting achievement among students of color .  相似文献   

Objectives. To explore the continuing consequences of segregation for students in elite colleges and test whether male and female students experience the effects of segregation in different ways. Methods. Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen (NLSF, 1999–2003) are used to predict the odds of elite‐college graduation separately by gender. Theories on childhood gender socialization are addressed using OLS and logistic regression models to test for gendered pathways through which childhood segregation affects the likelihood of college graduation. Results. Males are exposed to higher levels of violence and disorder than females throughout childhood, and the gender gap in exposure grows as levels of segregation increase. The effect of segregation and its sequella on academic performance, however, appears to operate through different channels for males and females. Females experience significant negative effects of ongoing family stress, whereas males at elite colleges do not. Academic preparation, operating through college GPA, remains the single biggest factor affecting the likelihood of college graduation, although the strength of association is greater for males. Conclusions. Growing up in racially segregated environments affects long‐term educational outcomes in ways that are not gender neutral. Despite having reached the “ivory tower,” females and males continue to experience the effects of segregation, although in different ways and degrees.  相似文献   

叶晓阳  丁延庆 《社会》2015,35(3):193-220
本文利用2011年首都高校生发展状况调查的数据,分析北京高校学生的分层现状,并讨论了1999年高等教育扩张对大学生入学和就业分层的影响,发现这一轮扩张强化了社会阶层的复制而非再生产。一方面,在其他条件不变的情况下,来自社会优势阶层家庭的学生有更大概率进入具有更好教育质量的精英院校,这说明中国高等教育在这一时期具有排他性的特征;家庭的社会阶层背景对子女教育分层的影响在中学阶段更加明显;家庭背景对专业选择没有显著影响。另一方面,在控制家庭社会经济背景的影响后,教育质量与学生选择市场化部门就业的概率和工作起薪显著正相关。如果高等教育扩张降低了教育质量,就可能削弱高等教育对社会阶层流动的促进作用。  相似文献   

The distribution of school funding has been a controversial topic for decades particularly since the Australian Government introduced a new funding model for private schools in the late 1990s. Recent research shows that changes in the funding of private schools have encouraged growth in the number of private schools allowing parents with the financial means to select from an increasing range of options for their children. For this article, I conduct analyses of data from the 2003 cohort of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth project to examine differences in the outcomes of students according to the type of school attended. The results presented in this article show that students with highly educated parents were more likely than other students to attend independent schools. After controlling for the level of economic, social and cultural status of the school population, type of school attended was not associated with academic achievement, as measured by the Programme for International Student Assessment tests. Furthermore, there was no statistically significant association between type of school attended and employment status, occupation or earnings at age 24, net of level of educational attainment.  相似文献   

How do boys from diverse backgrounds manage in an elite boys' school? Interviewing a representative sample of 27 boys, blocked for race, class, and academic performance, we found that they navigated the school's academic geography by mastering "a drill" that included hard work, unwavering commitment, a will to win, a cool style, and self knowledge as learners. Some developed a transformative love of learning. But many marginalized boys struggled with the school's social geography. African American boys managed most effectively as they developed intra-group discourses of race and class enabling them to take up the school's offers of "hegemonic habitus" without "selling out." We discuss the liberating implications of helping students in both independent and public schools develop similar critiques .  相似文献   


The way we perceive and experience touch is a first step in understanding how touch influences design and designers. Early memories of touch were explored among male and female design students taking classes at a large US metropolitan university. Male and female students were compared in terms of recall of what was touched and how it felt. Response categories of what was touched were similar between males and females, although contexts and exposures differed. Specific sensations were analyzed and categorized. Results pointed to the influence of a gender discourse within a culture that takes place in defining touch experiences more than differences arising from being male or female. Experiences of touch need to be expanded, made explicit, and understood in terms of design and creativity.  相似文献   

Objective. Decades of research suggest that parental involvement is vital for positive student academic achievement and thus one often‐proposed solution to alleviate the poor educational outcomes of minority students is to increase their parents' participation in school. Building on a psychological motivation argument, I investigate how the symbolic effects of minority representation impact minority parent involvement. Method. I test my hypotheses with original survey data from 324 Latino parents in Chicago. Results. My analysis suggests that, as hypothesized in the symbolic representation literature, Latinos in positions of power within schools send important heuristic cues to Latino parents that change their orientations to participation and ultimately manifest as increased school involvement. Conclusions. These results support education policies that attempt to increase the minority presence in schools at the administrative and governance levels, and highlight the need for greater enforcement of current diversity requirements under NCLB.  相似文献   

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