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Unequality of educational opportunity is related to school structure. Comparison of the attainment process in France and the United States reveals the consequences of structure for individuals' attainments. Turner's (1960) typology of educational systems is applied. The French educational system is shown to be closer to Turner's “sponsorship system,” and that of the U. S. closer to the “contest” type. Inequality of educational opportunity, as indicated by the effect of father's occupational status on years of schooling completed, is greater in France than in the U. S. The difference is accounted for by school structural variables, indicating the importance of structure for inequality of opportunity. Other differences concerning the causes of educational attainment in France and the U. S. are also discussed.  相似文献   

鲁迅与中国近代启蒙思潮的嬗变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洪峻峰 《文史哲》2006,5(5):103-110
鲁迅早年的立人思想从属于20世纪初的改造国民性思潮。他在五四时期结束沉默,加入新文化人的启蒙呐喊,不是对早年立人思想的回复,而是对新的启蒙课题的重新认同,是他早期思想发展的一个飞跃。鲁迅从早年的立人思想到五四时期对思想启蒙的重新认同,鲜明地体现了中国近代启蒙思潮从20世纪初的改造国民性思潮到五四思想启蒙的嬗变。这种嬗变主要表现在:启蒙的根本目标由民族自救转变为民主追求,启蒙的中心任务由改造国民性转变为道德革新,启蒙的基本手段由引进西学转变为反传统。  相似文献   

The calculations of sophisticated voters who successively eliminate undesirable strategies are analyzed in three-person voting games in which one voter with complete information can, as a deceiver, induce the other two voters with incomplete information to vote in such a way as to ensure a better outcome than the deceiver could ensure in a game of complete information. Deception which is “tacit,” wherein a deceiver votes consistently with his announced preference scale, is distinguished from deception which is “revealed,” wherein a deceiver's action deviates from his announced preference scale. Among the conclusions drawn from the study is that revealed deception is generally a more potent tool than tacit deception in securing a more-preferred outcome, and deception opportunities are greater the more disagreement there is among the nondeceivers.  相似文献   

Areas of the world's three largest empires or states at any given time are listed at 100- or 50-year intervals, from 3000 b.c. on. Area measurement definitions and techniques are described. Major empire size has tended to increase, approaching the world's dry earth area in an approximately logistic way. This pattern suggests that a world state is still many centuries away. Sudden increases in empire size have occurred around 2800 b.c. due to emergence of cities, around 600 b.c. due to a power delegation breakthrough, and around 1600 a.d. due to a communication speed revolution. A graph of the world's largest empire areas throughout times offers somewhat novel perspectives on world history, making one realize the Western bias of many “world history” texts. Areas of 20 largest states that ever existed are listed. Subsequent papers will deal with historical periods in more detail.  相似文献   

This paper develops the concept of “targeted education,” a theoretical ranking of college curricula, into a multidimensional framework. The new scales, based on the traditional stratification dimensions, prestige, authority, and income, are then used in a study of sex differences in the process of occupational achievement among men and women with college degrees. The targeted education scales predict occupational prestige and wages 7 years after the college degree, and they point out interesting differences between male and female attainment processes. In general, targeted education has a greater quantitative impact for men's occupational outcomes than for women's prestige and income, but results also suggest significant qualitative differences between men and women. A large proportion of women target their education toward, and end up in, an under-employed labor pool for the primary and secondary school system.  相似文献   

中国传统文化与郑和下西洋   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈尚胜 《文史哲》2005,(3):74-80
“天子有德四海来归”的传统文化资源,对于通过武力夺得皇帝宝座但却缺乏政治权威的朱棣来说,提供了一个通过对外交往来改变自己“篡逆者”形象的行动指南。而郑和使团面对着不同宗教信仰所坚持的“和而不同”立场,和对某些海外势力的挑衅行为所采取的“以德服人”方针,也确保了朱棣赋予他们的外交使命的成功实现。  相似文献   

The history of content analysis is reviewed and reasons for its continuing underutilization are identified. The technique's isolation from mainstream social science results in low-quality studies and methodological underdevelopment. Still, advantages of the method indicate it has great potential for social science. Specific suggestions are made for applying established research techniques to content analysis. Sampling, research design, reliability and validity assessment, concept operationalization, and related principles and techniques are illustrated with a content analysis study of religious belief popularization. The relative merits of coding manifest content versus latent, thematic analysis are assessed. Manifest characteristics can be coded more reliably but thematic indicators provide greater measurement efficiency in the example. Implications for computerized coding are discussed. Inference from communication texts and the value of empirically studying communication patterns for social scientific objectives are presented as complementing research on individuals and social structures.  相似文献   

主体性问题在马克思的思想发展过程中占据着重要的位置。马克思在大学时期追求主体的自我意识哲学,《莱茵报》和《德法年鉴》时期开始探索无产阶级主体的革命作用,在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中转而研究作为劳动主体的工人的异化问题,在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》和《德意志意识形态》中确立了"现实的个人"作为实践主体的思想,在《共产党宣言》中描述了无产阶级主体的历史使命,在《资本论》及其手稿中展开对资本的主体性批判,标志着马克思主体性思想的成熟。通过研读不同时期的马克思的文本,发现可以从主体性的视角呈现出马克思追求人的自由和解放思想演变的历史逻辑。  相似文献   

A method is described which, on the basis of Mosteller's modification of Thurstone's “Case V,” estimates interval scales from observations given on an ordinal scale. The approach differs from previous analyses in the way it determines sample sizes, provides confidence limits for the estimates, permits verification of statistical hypotheses regarding the interval scales, and proposes an internal-consistency statistic suitable for all situations. The superiority of the approach is demonstrated in numerical examples. A computer routine is given in the Appendix.  相似文献   

This paper reports some evidence bearing on the value hypothesis of intergenerational status transmission. The point of departure is the studies of Kohn (1969, Class and Conformity: A Study in Values, Dorsey, Homewood, Ill.) and Wright and Wright (1976, American Sociological Review, 41, 527–537) on the social class related value orientations called “self-direction” and “conformity.” Our research examines whether children's valuations along this dimension are associated with the valuations of their parents, as the value hypothesis would argue. Key associations consistent with the hypothesis are found although there is, overall, considerable variation in children's valuations not related to variation in the valuations of their parents. Implications of the finding for future examination of the value hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

“中介”是最为常见的哲学概念之一,也是马克恩主义哲学中重要的范畴之一。1993年出版的《中介论——改革方法论》,标志着当代中国哲学中介论的诞生。这一理论为中国改革开放进行了哲学定位,对解决改革开放中遇到的一系列问题具有方法论意义,同时也符合邓小平“特色哲学”的基本精神。  相似文献   

爱因斯坦的科学创新思维方法论探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔灵爱 《齐鲁学刊》2005,1(3):121-124
爱因斯坦是20世纪最伟大的科学家,他在科学探索和追求中,开创了一套崭新的科学创新思维方法。结合爱因斯坦的创新实践,探讨其科学创新思维方法,其意义是重大的。爱因斯坦的科学创新思维方法论的思想内涵是非常丰富的,而归纳起来主要包括:坚信自然界的客观性、可知性以及和谐统一性是其方法论的哲学信仰基础;对传统的怀疑、批判和叛逆精神是其方法论契机;大胆的探索性演绎的思维路线是其方法论路径;“内在的完备”原则是其方法论的本质展现;科学和哲学的交汇是其方法论的不竭之源。  相似文献   

求实创新 博大精深——杨向奎先生治学的开拓进取精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐鸿修 《文史哲》2001,(2):5-12
作为史学界蜚声中外的著名学者 ,杨向奎先生继承和发扬了前辈学者的优良传统 ,并运用新方法 ,发掘新史料 ,开拓新领域 ,由史学而经学、小学 ,由实学而哲学 ,由哲学而理论物理 ,均有卓越贡献。仅就史学成就而言 ,他的治学具有如下特色 :一、由信奉“层累地造成的古史”说到接触马克思主义 ,并以之为指导而形成科学方法论 ;二、尊重前贤而又不迷信权威 ,为《左传》、《周礼》洗冤以使之免于湮没 ,并主持发掘整理了孔府档案资料 ,丰富和开拓了史料建设 ;三、熟练地运用以考古资料和文献资料来互相印证的“两重证据法” ,取得高水平的成果 ,并根据亲历凉山彝族考察进而掌握了以文化人类学资料印证古代史的“三重证据法”。求实创新的不懈探索 ,博大精深的学术成果 ,使杨向奎先生巍巍然成为一代史学大家。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of attitudinal factors on the employment of white married female college graduates with and without children. A model of the employment status of these women 3 and 7 years after graduation is estimated using data from the NORC longitudinal study of 1961 college graduates. Taste for housework was found to affect the employment of nonmothers only, whereas “child care ideology” affected the employment of mothers. Husband's income had a negative effect on the wife's working both in 1964 and in 1968. Age of youngest child in 1964 had a positive, and number of children a negative, impact on a mother's working in 1964. The negative effect on employment status in 1968 of the birth of a child between 1964 and 1968 was much greater for those women for whom it was a first birth than for those who already had children.  相似文献   

吴亚楠 《理论界》2014,(2):103-106
宋明理学的创生和发展是在与经学的具体互动中实现的;具体到张载来看,"太虚"的概念虽然在宋朝之前更为道家和道教所盛言,但是张载利用《易》之"幽明"与"形"、"象"诸说,最终将其内化为儒家体系中的一个重要概念,并成为驳斥佛老理论的重要依据。本文从确定"太虚"的意涵入手,进而具体分析张载对于《易》的利用与其发明"太虚"气本的关系,并以此为理学与经学之互动备作一解。  相似文献   

邬“存在领域的分割”理论是在信息时代条件下对以往哲学研究范式的批判质疑和转换。它改变了哲学在物质和精神二元对立前提下思考问题的研究习惯,确立了在物质和信息双重维度的复杂相互作用中理解现实世界的崭新思维方式。意味着人通过信息创造超越了精神在“存在领域”中的低层次地位,人因此而成为最杰出的信息创造者;人的实践活动本质上是信息创造活动;人的现实世界因人的信息创造而成为“一个物质世界,三个信息世界”非线性相互作用的复杂世界。人只有在实践活动中不断创造出新信息,人的生命、价值、本质力量才能得以彰显;人的信息创造力将成为最重要、最优质的战略资源,而每个人也必须为自己的信息创造担负责任。  相似文献   

When subjects express preference for one type of family composition over another, their judgments have the useful property that they can be referred to the ‘objective’ characteristics defining the stimuli. Pair comparison preference data from the Bollen-Delbeke study are “internally” analyzed according to the Carroll-Chang “Points of View” vector model and Coombs' Unfolding (distance) model. The distance model was found to give a better fit. Secondly, the models are compared within the framework of Carroll's Preference Mapping hierarchy of models, referring the data to the ‘objective’ structure underlying the stimuli. The simple distance model is found to give a much better fit.The methodological and substantive implications of this finding are discussed.1  相似文献   

叶翔羚 《理论界》2014,(2):136-139
"思乡盼归"是苏词的重大主题之一,其中因"乡"之内涵、"归"之指向的不同而寄寓的情志不尽相同:"乡"之内涵由故土向精神家园转向,"归"之指向则由外在的具体行动转向了内在的精神栖居。这一过程向我们展示了苏轼丰富复杂的精神世界与洒脱超迈的人生态度。  相似文献   

丁振中 《北方论丛》2016,(1):126-130
帕菲特的道德哲学是在规范并分析“理由”和“合理性”概念的基础上展开的,其理论“大厦”是在“理由”和“合理性”基石上建立起来的。帕菲特认为,人是宇宙唯一的能够回应理由的理性存在。我们应该接受某些基于价值的、客观的理论,行为的理由从那些给予我们理由去拥有欲望或目标的事实中获取力量。实践合理性与认识论的合理性的关键区分,在于对实践理由的自发回应和对认识论的理由的非自发回应。  相似文献   

自然的权利与环境法的伦理选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张锋 《齐鲁学刊》2005,(3):143-145
环境伦理的突出功能表现在对人与自然关系的调整上。从法学的视角并以“权利”作为文本来分析,人类中心主义与非人类中心主义在“自然的权利”上存在重大的理论分歧,在理论上应当对“非人类中心主义”、“自然的权利”进行环境法的伦理定位,自然的权利是环境法的伦理基础,是环境法变革的关键。  相似文献   

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