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This exploratory study examines the potential relationship between parenting stress, child maltreatment, and alcoholism in a pilot data set. Twenty-four participants (six African-American, six European-American, six Mexican-American, and six Native-American) completed four questionnaires (Parenting Stress Index, Conflict Tactics Scale Parent-Child, Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test, Chemical Dependency Assessment Profile [PSI, CTSPC, MAST, and CDAP]). Through principle component analyses and multiple regression analyses, it was suggested that self-perceived parenting strength or competence directly affect a parent's tactics to deal with parent-child conflicts. Results indicated that self-confidence as a competent parent was related to the frequency of using verbal degrading and physical punishment. Parents who reported that the child's temperament bothers them a lot were more likely to physically abuse the child. Though all the participants could be categorized as alcoholic by the MAST, parents' alcoholic abuse did not appear to elevate the severity of child maltreatment, as measured by the CTSPC.  相似文献   

Recently, there have been several empirical studies exploring the effects of abortion on child outcome by correlating the availability of abortion to a mother at the time of a child's birth. This paper presents a model that helps explain the process, as well as establish that the incidence of child neglect is also reduced by access to abortion. It argues that the birth of a child reduces the desired quality of not only that particular birth but of all previous and subsequent offspring. More specifically, a family does not reduce the quality invested in a particular child, whether unwanted or not, but in all family members. Several propositions derived from the model are empirically tested. Some of the findings include that access to abortion reduces the neglect of children, yet is positively associated with sexual abuse. Furthermore, unlike the stylized facts, blacks and female-headed households are no more likely to neglect and abuse their children than other households once availability of abortion, employment status, income and other variables are taken into account. Finally, income and the poverty rate are found to be unrelated with maltreatment, while other variables such as the unemployment rate have better explanatory power.  相似文献   

Hundreds of thousands of children are being abused and neglected in the United States annually. The structures devised to respond to this abuse and neglect have been unsuccessful. The United States government continues to spend billions of dollars on programs to deal with the effects of these unsuccessful responses. Child abuse and neglect in the United States now represent a national emergency. In this article, we will provide a historical, cultural, and contemporary perspective on child abuse and neglect. This perspective throws light on the complexity of the national emergency and provides a context for further exploration of the issue.  相似文献   

An up-to-date and accurate picture of the evidence on the impact of poverty is a necessary element of the debate about the future direction of children's social care services internationally. The purpose of this paper is to update evidence about the relationship between poverty and child abuse and neglect (CAN) published since a previous report in 2016 (Bywaters et al., 2016). A systematic search was conducted, identifying seven reviews. Poverty was found to be consistently and strongly associated with maltreatment, be that in terms of familial or community-level poverty, or in terms of economic security. Findings demonstrated that both the type and the quantity of economic insecurities impacted child maltreatment. Certain economic insecurities – income losses, cumulative material hardship and housing hardship – reliably predicted future child maltreatment. Likewise, as families experienced more material hardship, the risk for maltreatment intensified. In some studies, the relationship between poverty and maltreatment differed by abuse type. Future reviews need to investigate individual papers and their findings across different CAN measures, definitions, samples, abuse types and conceptualisations of poverty to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current research base and the directions which need to be taken to further understand and prevent CAN.  相似文献   

The current study examined children and families who presented for treatment through Project SAFE (Sexual Abuse Family Education) following childhood sexual abuse. Pretreatment assessment data were used to develop clusters of participants with significantly differing presentation of symptom outcome following abuse. Four clusters were discovered: (a) a Highly Distressed group, whose members had clinically elevated scores on all self- and parent-report measures; (b) a Problem Behaviors group, whose members had scores within the normal range for self-report measures and elevated scores on all parent-report measures; (c) a Subclinical group, whose participants had scores below the mean and below cutoff scores for all self- and parent-report measures; and (d) a Self-reported Distress group, whose members had elevated scores on self-report measures and scores below clinical cutoffs for all parent-report measures.  相似文献   


Adolescent development of youth in foster care holds great interest for society. This article examines a random sample of 200 adolescents currently placed in foster care on developmental outcomes. Using face-to-face interviews, the present study found that a majority of foster youth have biological families experiencing multiple problems and experience many developmental difficulties. A large percentage of the sample youth experience mental illness, school failure, substance abuse, and other antisocial behaviors. This paper considers implications from the study findings for policy and interventions designed to foster better developmental outcomes among youth in the child welfare system.  相似文献   


The United States has been experiencing a severe sexual health crisis in the last decade. This paper reviews these sexual health challenges and discusses a major initiative and a “Call to Action” that was launched by the U.S. Surgeon General in 2001 to promote sexual health. This led to several initiatives to overcome obstacles that were preventing the development of a sound, scientifically based public health policy to promote sexual health. This paper specifically outlines the components of the Sexual Health Program housed at the Morehouse School of Medicine's National Center for Primary Care, including the National Advisory Council and the National Consensus Process.  相似文献   

Recent government policy has focused on the provision of a safe environment for all children. Parenting support is increasingly being recognised as a core method of safeguarding children, and this is of particular importance, given the widespread prevalence of maltreatment and poor parenting practices, the overwhelming number of child protection referrals and the inherent flaws in risk assessment. Until recently, there was no formulation of an overall model of practice based on these changes. In this paper, we present compelling reasons for believing that a public health approach to safeguarding is the only way of ensuring that all children are protected within a population, including children at high risk. The rationale for the delivery of such a model is presented alongside the application of one such evidence‐based population‐level strategy, which has been demonstrated to reduce population‐level indicators of maltreatment. Novel approaches to the delivery of parenting interventions including media‐based strategies are discussed in terms of their potential for reaching families who may be missed by traditional services. The economic aspects of a public health model are discussed, and their relevance for middle‐ and low‐income countries. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Citing Literature

Number of times cited: 23

  • Angelo P. Giardino, Michelle A. Lyn and Eileen R. Giardino , Introduction: Child Abuse and Neglect , A Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect , 10.1007/978-3-030-00635-8_1 , (3-26) , (2018) . Crossref
  • Christina M. Rodriguez and Shannon M.O. Wittig , Predicting child problem behavior and maternal/paternal parent-child aggression: Identifying early prevention targets , Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology , 10.1016/j.appdev.2018.11.001 , 60 , (76-86) , (2019) . Crossref
  • Barry Luckock, Jane Barlow and Chris Brown , Developing innovative models of practice at the interface between the NHS and child and family social work where children living at home are at risk of abuse and neglect: a scoping review , Child & Family Social Work , 22 , S4 , (62-69) , (2015) . Wiley Online Library
  • Shilpa Boppana and Christina M. Rodriguez , Mediators between Parenting History and Expected At-Risk Parenting: Role of Conformity, Coping, and Attitudes , Journal of Child and Family Studies , 26 , 11 , (3237) , (2017) . Crossref
  • Peter Sidebotham , Fatal Child Maltreatment , The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Child Maltreatment , (48-70) , (2017) . Wiley Online Library
  • Nick Axford and Vashti Berry , Perfect Bedfellows: Why Early Intervention Can Play a Critical Role in Protecting Children—A Response to Featherstone et al. (2014) ‘A Marriage Made in Hell: Child Protection Meets Early Intervention’ , The British Journal of Social Work , (2017) . Crossref
  • Wendy Nicholson and Gillian Turner , School Nursing: Making a Difference in Adolescent Health and Well-Being , International Handbook on Adolescent Health and Development , 10.1007/978-3-319-40743-2_26 , (489-510) , (2016) . Crossref
  • Tanya S. Hinds and Angelo P. Giardino , Policy Direction: Focus on Prevention , Child Physical Abuse: Current Evidence, Clinical Practice, and Policy Directions , 10.1007/978-3-319-61103-7_4 , (113-147) , (2017) . Crossref
  • Christina M. Rodriguez, Tamika L. Smith and Paul J. Silvia , Parent–Child Aggression Risk in Expectant Mothers and Fathers: A Multimethod Theoretical Approach , Journal of Child and Family Studies , 25 , 11 , (3220) , (2016) . Crossref
  • Christina M. Rodriguez, Tamika L. Smith and Paul J. Silvia , Multimethod prediction of physical parent–child aggression risk in expectant mothers and fathers with Social Information Processing theory , Child Abuse & Neglect , 51 , (106) , (2016) . Crossref
  • Susan J. White and David G. Wastell , Epigenetics Prematurely Born(e): Social Work and the Malleable Gene , British Journal of Social Work , (bcw157) , (2016) . Crossref
  • Christina M. Rodriguez, Enrique Gracia and Marisol Lila , Multimethod prediction of child abuse risk in an at-risk sample of male intimate partner violence offenders , Child Abuse & Neglect , 60 , (27) , (2016) . Crossref
  • A. Gonzalez‐Izquierdo, A. Ward, P. Smith, C. Walford, J. Begent, Y. Ioannou and R. Gilbert , Notifications for child safeguarding from an acute hospital in response to presentations to healthcare by parents , "Child: Care, Health and Development" , 41 , 2 , (186-193) , (2014) . Wiley Online Library
  • Adele D. Jones, Ena Trotman Jemmott, Priya E. Maharaj and Hazel Da Breo , Collective Complacency and Engendering Community Action , An Integrated Systems Model for Preventing Child Sexual Abuse , 10.1057/9781137377661_6 , (198-223) , (2014) . Crossref
  • Madeleine Stevens , The cost‐effectiveness of UK parenting programmes for preventing children's behaviour problems – a review of the evidence , Child & Family Social Work , 19 , 1 , (109-118) , (2012) . Wiley Online Library
  • Karen Whittaker , Supporting parents and parenting practices: The health visiting context , Journal of Health Visiting , 2 , 5 , (250) , (2014) . Crossref
  • Matthias Albrecht , Prävention von Gewalt gegen Kinder und von Kinderunfällen - Plädoyer für eine integrierende Betrachtungsweise , Kindesmisshandlung und -vernachlässigung , 17 , 2 , (112) , (2014) . Crossref
  • Matthew Mullen , Getting serious about the human right to play , Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science , 3 , 2 , (130) , (2014) . Crossref
  • Sarah Skeen and Mark Tomlinson , A public health approach to preventing child abuse in low‐ and middle‐income countries: A call for action , International Journal of Psychology , 48 , 2 , (108-116) , (2013) . Wiley Online Library
  • Peter Sidebotham , Rethinking Filicide , Child Abuse Review , 22 , 5 , (305-310) , (2013) . Wiley Online Library
  • Stuart Logan, Ruth Gilbert and Jenny Woodman , Developing services for a public health approach to child maltreatment , The International Journal of Children's Rights , 20 , 3 , (323) , (2012) . Crossref
  • , Public Health Approaches to Safeguarding Children , Child Abuse Review , 20 , 4 , (231-237) , (2011) . Wiley Online Library
  • MISSING-VALUE MISSING-VALUE , Influence of legal/professional context on parental and professional activity , Therapeutic Assessment and Intervention in Childcare Legal Proceedings , 10.4324/9781315719429-6 , (114-130) , (2015) . Crossref

Volume 20 , Issue 4 July/August 2011

Pages 238-255  相似文献   

This paper explores the role and importance of the relationship in the treatment of a young foster child. Because of parental neglect and loss, the child related in an inauthentic manner in order to engage her parents. Her manner of relating arose from old patterns, which were defensive adaptations to traumatic situations. The authors employ a relational theory of the self to conceptualize the processes from an intrapsychic and interpersonal perspective. The paper emphasizes that all the interactions between child and therapist, both in and out of the traditional therapy office, converged into a multidimensional authentic relationship. The authors define this relationship experience as the life space and believe that the establishment of the life space contributed to progress in the therapy.  相似文献   

Gambling and the Health of the Public: Adopting a Public Health Perspective   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
During the last decade there has been an unprecedented expansion of legalized gambling throughout North America. Three primary forces appear to be motivating this growth: (1) the desire of governments to identify new sources of revenue without invoking new or higher taxes; (2) tourism entrepreneurs developing new destinations for entertainment and leisure; and (3) the rise of new technologies and forms of gambling (e.g., video lottery terminals, powerball mega-lotteries, and computer offshore gambling). Associated with this phenomenon, there has been an increase in the prevalence of problem and pathological gambling among the general adult population, as well as a sustained high level of gambling-related problems among youth. To date there has been little dialogue within the public health sector in particular, or among health care practitioners in general, about the potential health impact of gambling or gambling-related problems. This article encourages the adoption of a public health perspective towards gambling. More specifically, this discussion has four primary objectives:1. Create awareness among health professionals about gambling, its rapid expansion and its relationship with the health care system;2. Place gambling within a public health framework by examining it from several perspectives, including population health, human ecology and addictive behaviors;3. Outline the major public health issues about how gambling can affect individuals, families and communities;4. Propose an agenda for strengthening policy, prevention and treatment practices through greater public health involvement, using the framework of The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion as a guide.By understanding gambling and its potential impacts on the public's health, policy makers and health practitioners can minimize gambling's negative impacts and appreciate its potential benefits.  相似文献   

Health professionals often lack adequate protocols or knowledge to detect, manage, and prevent elder maltreatment. This systematic review describes and evaluates existing literature on the effectiveness of educational interventions to improve health professionals' recognition and reporting of elder abuse and neglect. Fourteen articles described 22 programs ranging from brief didactics to experiential learning and targeted a variety of health and social service audiences. Most evaluations were limited to satisfaction measures. These programs may result in increased awareness, collaboration, and improved case finding. However, using the published literature to guide new program planning is constrained by lack of details and limited evaluations.  相似文献   

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