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Dynamic Programming (or DP as it is commonly known) is a mathematical programming method which would appear to be a very powerful technique for use in management decision problems. A great number of theoretical texts have been written on the mathematics of DP and a few articles have been published on the more practical aspects, but DP has remained very much on the theoretical shelf as far as practising management has been concerned. This paper gives the results of a survey carried out at the beginning of 1972 and is intended to provide some insight into the use of DP in real management problems in U.K. companies and to show what sort of problems are apparently restricting its use. The findings demonstrate that several firms have used DP in various applications with considerable success. There are also some enlightening comments on the difficulties involved, and on the future potential of DP in industry.  相似文献   

Gordon E Greenley 《Omega》1985,13(3):175-180
This article is concerned with an investigation of the approaches taken by companies in making product decisions. The first part is concerned with a review of the range of product decisions as presented within the literature. This range is established within the context of corporate planning, with a major split between long term strategic planning product decisions, and short term operational planning product decisions. The second part of the article is concerned with the results of a survey that was designed to investigate the criteria that companies use within their product decision making. These criteria included those applicable to strategic planning, but also incorporated a range of criteria applicable to short term operational planning, as proposed in a recent article by Greenley [8]. The overall conclusion to the survey results was that a common and universal approach to product decision making cannot be identified within this sample of companies. A low level of agreement as to the relative degree of importance of the criteria was evident, and, little attention to differentiating product decisions with time was also evident. The results also challenge the importance given by the literature to the concepts of product life cycle, portfolio analysis and synergy. Finally, the author suggests two implications as a consequence of these results.  相似文献   

This article is based on a study which examined hypotheses about Japanese marketing using a matched sample of British companies and their major Japanese competitors. Japanese subsidiaries in Britain were shown to be much more marketing-oriented, more responsive to strategic opportunities, and more single-minded in their pursuit of market share. Organizationally, there were few differences between the two groups. The Japanese subsidiaries, however, were more inclined to use product or market-based divisions and continuous, informal planning and control procedures. The result is that managerial focus and responsibility are centred upon overall product-market rather than financial or production performance, with continuous feedback facilitating rapid adaptation and implementation of marketing plans and strategy.  相似文献   

The present system has its origins in the 1961. Plowden Report, which spawned both the Public Expenditure Survey and the Medium Term Assessment. The ramifications and requirements of the former provide the hard backbone of U.K. planning; formal indicative planning has not been attempted since the National Plan of 1965. Instead, the Medium Term Assessment provides a feasible range of scenarios for the next 5 years, circulated only within the Treasury but used as background for the main public expenditure and other economic policy decisions, for advice given to nationalized industries, and for information given to NEDO. However, the emphasis in Government relations with the private sector has shifted firmly away from indicative planning to the ‘bottom-up’ approach of the Industrial Strategy. This general framework appears likely to endure.  相似文献   

The general principles of constructing scenarios and using them to explore policy options have been described in an earlier paper1. This paper summarizes the results of a preliminary examination of the three scenarios described there and referred to as ‘business-as-usual’, ‘technical-fix’ and ‘low-growth’. The investigation departs from conventional discussions of fuel policy in that it emphasizes the management of fuel demand, and the interaction between fuel demand and life-style, rather than emphasizing fuel supply policies. The relationship between life style and fuel demand can be quantified using the methods of energy analysis.2 This method is capable of fine disaggregation and relatively high accuracy. However the aim of the studies reported here was to establish the range of feasible options and the types of policies needed to accomplish them. For this purpose high accuracy is not important so considerable data aggregation has been retained. The detailed analyses presented in this paper are estimated to be accurate to ±15 per cent.The first part of the paper sets out the analysis of the base year (1968) on which the future projections are based. This involves explaining the principles of energy analysis and the method of projection used. The next sections examine the three scenarios in some detail, starting with the estimation of fuel demand and then looking at the fuel supply and management policies needed.  相似文献   

The paper is a case study describing the experience of a single company which uses OPT software for production scheduling. The company produces a range of over 500 different items. Optimized Production Technology (OPT) is a proprietary computer software. Although the OPT software requires a similar database to MRP systems and addresses the same problems, OPT is a finite scheduler, unlike MRP which assumes (unrealistically) infinite capacity. The paper defines the underlying terminology and explains the major features of the algorithm underpinning the software. Details of the scheduling frequency, scheduling routine and reports are described. Practical implications observed are the necessity of short process routes and a multi-skilled workforce (somewhat like the case of JIT cells). Benefits of using the system are discussed.  相似文献   

LA Wills  JE Beasley 《Omega》1982,10(4):433-440
In this paper some of the techniques available for strategic planning are reviewed. Four techniques are presented, the experience curve, the growth-share matrix, the directional policy matrix and the PIMS program. The results of a survey into the use of these techniques in the United Kingdom are also presented.  相似文献   

Today Britain is at a crossroads in terms of industrial strategy. Its relative share of world trade in manufactured goods has declined; the pound has dropped steadily over these past years; productivity in Britain has not increased; the country is heavily over-taxed from the point of view of personal taxation; legislation and general attitudes, combined with the current recession, have caused corporate profits to be depressed to a dangerously low level, thus discouraging risk-taking investment.However, although there are weaknesses arising from attitudes, there are also inherent strengths which Britain itself and her critics tend to overlook. This paper will attempt to correct misapprehensions and put the situation into its proper perspective.  相似文献   

Nowadays, suppliers’ product and service quality has risen in importance with a manufacturer’s push to develop core competencies and capitalise on global operations and markets. However, due to the complex features of business service, suppliers are facing significant challenges in providing service effectively and developing business collaboration. This is further complicated by the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This paper thus attempts to investigate the factors influencing buyers’ e-service (EBS) requirements and the impact of these requirements on business collaboration. Based on a questionnaire survey with 500 UK telecommunication manufacturers, this research identifies buyers’ different EBS requirements for different types of suppliers and the impact of ICTs on EBS requirements. While for suppliers our findings provide insights into buyers’ EBS requirements, they can help buyers to develop appropriate supplier selection criteria. The findings also contribute to a better understanding of the development of buyer and supplier business collaboration.  相似文献   

In the last of this series of three papers on vertical integration in the petrochemical industry, the structures of ten companies in this field are presented and analysed. The paper concludes with a retrospective review of the three papers and provides some answers to the executive questions raised earlier on vertical integration.  相似文献   

This study presents the first attempt to develop classification models for the prediction of share repurchase announcements using multicriteria decision aid (MCDA) techniques. We use three samples consisting of 434 UK firms, 330 French firms, and 296 German firms, to develop country-specific models. The MCDA techniques that are applied for the development of the models are the UTilités Additives DIScriminantes (UTADIS) and the ELimination and Choice Expressing REality (ELECTRE) TRI. We adopt a 10-fold cross validation approach, a re-sampling technique that allows us to split the datasets in training and validation sub-samples. Thus, at the first stage of the analysis the aim is the development of a model capable of reproducing the classification of the firms considered in the training samples. Once this stage is completed, the model can be used for the classification of new firms not included in the training samples (i.e. validation stage). The results show that both MCDA models achieve quite satisfactory classification accuracies in the validation sample and they outperform both logistic regression and chance predictions. The developed models could provide the basis for a decision tool for various stakeholders such as managers, shareholders, and investment analysts.  相似文献   

张成福  杨兴冲 《决策》2010,(9):46-48
结果显示,15%左右的调查对象反映对自己的总体经济状况比较满意,而40%的调查对实反映对自己的总体经济状况不满意,两相比较,还是对自己经济状况不满意的居多。  相似文献   

Harassment is a major deterrent for productivity, loyalty, and commitment to one’s job and organization. Unfortunately, many employees tend to experience various forms of harassment in the workplace. The focus in this article is to understand the extent to which the law protects a person from harassment, first based on the explication and application laws in the United Kingdom. The article then provides comparative discussion of laws and practices against workplace harassment in the United States. A major objective of this article is to help employers and managers become more expert in preventing and correcting harassment.  相似文献   

Due to the lack of consistent data, direct and robust comparisons of cross‐country labour markets have been virtually impossible. This study uses a new panel data series that controls for inconsistencies, thus overcoming this problem. This study estimates gender wage differentials and gender discrimination in the German and UK labour markets. Panel estimates are used to identify general wage differences between the two countries, with cross‐sectional comparisons undertaken to identify changes that have occurred between 1991 and 1993, that are consistent with known labour market policies. It is found that gender wage differentials are greater in the UK than Germany with employer discrimination against females attributed with the majority of the difference in both countries.  相似文献   

Following a tragic accident in 1993 involving the deaths of teenagers while kayaking a new regulatory regime was imposed upon some adventure sports providers in the United Kingdom. In particular, a new regulatory body, the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA), was established to oversee the sector. Yet in 2010, a government‐sponsored review recommended that AALA be abolished and this recommendation has been quickly accepted by government. This article explores the background to these developments through documentation, interviews with those affected by the AALA regime, and court cases. Evidence reported here, perhaps surprising, is that AALA itself is seen in a very positive light by many, even those it regulates. What may have happened is that AALA became caught up in a wider debate about the place and management of risk in life beyond the workplace, which has been simmering in the United Kingdom for a decade or more, and of which it fell foul. It may also be that adventure sports, because they entail voluntary engagement with high consequence hazards, starkly expose serious questions about the application of conventional, factory‐originated risk assessment approaches to life in general.  相似文献   

Since the late 1960s some U.K. nationalized industries have undertaken corporate planning as a means of exercising control. In the early 1970s, the U.K. Government, on the advice of one of its select committees, required that all U.K. nationalized industries undertake corporate planning. This requirement has been reinforced through a White Paper in 1978, in which the government reiterated that it saw corporate planning as a major instrument of control both for the nationalized industries themselves, and also for government in its relationships with the industries.This paper examines the development of corporate planning in nationalized industries. The findings are based on research carried out since 1976 in which discussions have taken place with corporate planners in most of the major U.K. nationalized industries. The method followed was to send planners a structured questionnaire covering the field of enquiry, and to follow this by an interview (or interviews) at a high level which would allow further discussion, particularly on the issues seen as important to the organization. The questionnaire was subsequently completed in consultation with the people concerned.  相似文献   

翟校义  王双环 《决策》2011,(5):36-38
尽管《公务员法》实施5年来,在公务员管理制度化、规范化方面取得了诸多成效,但实践中依然有许多需要改进的地方。  相似文献   

Terence Moll 《LABOUR》1992,6(3):45-70
Abstract. Since the later 1970s, earnings inequality in the United Kingdom has been rising steadily. It is argued that this rise reflects increasing returns to skills, as proxied by factors like education and occupation, while the strengthening labour market position of relatively skilled workers was also reflected in improving relative unemployment and labour force participation rates. These trends are best explained by a rise in the relative demand for skilled labour, implying that the most efficient way of restraining earnings inequality growth is through vigorous educational policies.  相似文献   

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