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The diffusion of the Internet: Trend and causes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last two decades, the Internet has changed various facets of social life, creating many social concerns. To better assess the impact of the Internet, it is important to understand the pattern of its diffusion. Using the Current Population Survey, this paper examines the diffusion process of the Internet between 1994 and 2007. The CPS provides seven cross-sectional data sets on Internet use over the period, four of which are spaced close enough to be turned into panel data sets. Simple trend analyses show that a logistic S-curve fits the seven observations very well, and that the diffusion took off around the time when the graphical user interface was introduced. Findings from multivariate trend analyses and panel data analyses include; (1) the digital divide is not likely to be closed in the near future, (2) exposure to the technology at school and workplace are important factors of initial and continued use of the Internet, and (3) of different online activities, email use is the most important predictor of continued use, implying that the diffusion process is highly social, rather than individualistic.  相似文献   

方法论个体主义和方法论集体主义的分歧源于社会理论中的能动性与结构问题。方法论个体主义体现了一个极端,即强调行为主体而不是社会结构,是一种试图仅用个体相关的方式处理社会结构、制度和其他总体现象的方式。方法论集体主义体现了另一个极端,强调整体结构而不是个体,认为所有个体倾向或行为能够也应当从社会的、结构的、文化的或者制度的现象中得到解释。这两个极端都有其缺陷:个体主义否定结构影响,不承认多层次系统中存在着不同的"质"层级,集体主义对改变个体的过程和机制也未给予充分的关注。而对这两者的超越与综合则包括了结构化理论、批判实在论、凡勃伦制度主义、奥地利传统的互动主义以及基于现代系统论的系统主义等。结构化理论和批判实在论试图从实体层次上分离能动性与结构,凡勃伦制度主义和互动主义试图从不同的角度解释能动性与结构之间的双向因果关系,系统主义则采用系统论的思考方式,强调不同层级和不同网络中的循环因果关系。  相似文献   

利用广东省东莞市新生代农民工调查数据的研究表明,经济融入因素中,每天工作时间、职务层次和个人月收入对新生代农民工的参保意愿具有显著影响;社会生活融入因素中,与邻居的相熟度和参与社区活动的频率对新生代农民工的参保意愿具有显著影响;文化心理融入因素中,愿意参与本地社会事务、愿意和本地人交朋友对新生代农民工的参保意愿具有显著影响。此外,年龄、户口和受教育程度也都对新生代农民工的参保意愿具有显著影响。  相似文献   

A range of social science research suggests Americans are becoming more self-oriented over time, and that this focus comes at a cost to general concern with community. Examining data from a large-scale national study of college students, we explore this influential hypothesis on two fronts. First, we empirically investigate whether people who are especially concerned with personal achievement are necessarily less concerned about contributing to their community. Contrary to most iterations of the individualism thesis, we find that significant numbers of individuals are concerned with both personal success and political/social involvement. To explore further, we expand this supposed single dimension into a fourfold typology, showing that many people are ‘idealists’ (concerned with both self and others) and ‘apathists’ (relatively unconcerned with either). After broadening the taken-for-granted egoist/altruist continuum, we explore antecedent social structural, aspirational, and social psychological factors that predict membership in these value preference groups. The findings from our preliminary model suggest that these broad orientations are shaped by a complex array of factors across multiple domains.  相似文献   

This study explores the role played by social media in reshaping the repression-mobilization relationship. Drawing on the case of the Occupy Wall Street movement, we examine the impact of Facebook and Twitter on the spatial diffusion of protests during a period of heightened state repression. Results from event history analyses suggest that the effects of repression on protest diffusion are contingent on the presence of social media accounts supporting the movement. We find that state repression at earlier protest sites encouraged activists to create Facebook and Twitter accounts in their own cities, which then served as important vehicles for the initiation of new Occupy protests. Moreover, results suggest that repression incidents can directly facilitate future protests in cities that already have Occupy Facebook accounts. This study highlights the potential of social media to both mediate and moderate the influence of repression on the diffusion of contemporary movements.  相似文献   

司法公正与维护社会稳定一直是最为普遍关注的一项课题,专家学者都从不同角度进行广泛、深入的探讨和研究。司法公正本身具有两个方面的含义,具体地说一是指司法机关对诉讼当事人作出的裁决或处理结果是公正的,二是指诉讼活动的过程对有关人员来说是公正的,或者说诉讼参与人在诉讼过程所受到的对待是公正的。从司法公正的含义、司法公正与社会稳定的关系以及如何实现司法公正等方面切入,以司法公正作为执政的一个重要环节和基础,作为社会发展的前题和途径,作为维护社会稳定的重要手段和最后的"关卡"为视角,对如何通过司法公正促进社会稳定进行了深入的探究。  相似文献   

Alcohol use is pervasive in adolescence. Though most research is concerned with how friends influence drinking, alcohol is also important for connecting teens to one another. Prior studies have not distinguished between new friendship creation, and existing friendship durability, however. We argue that accounting for distinctions in creation–durability processes is critical for understanding the selection mechanisms drawing drinkers into homophilous friendships, and the social integration that results. In order to address these issues, we applied stochastic actor based models of network dynamics to National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health data. Adolescents only modestly prefer new friendships with others who drinker similarly, but greatly prefer friends who indirectly connect them to homophilous drinkers. These indirect homophilous drinker relationships are shorter lived, however, and suggest that drinking is a social focus that connects adolescents via proximity, rather than assortativity. These findings suggest that drinking leads to more situational and superficial social integration.  相似文献   

随着知识经济的发展,给我国的高等教育以合理的定位,是教育界关注的问题。笔者在本文中详尽阐明了知识时代的概念及特征,指出了我国高等教育的发展需遵循两个方向:一是完成社会责任,培养高素质人才。二是科研成果向生产转化,为社会经济服务。  相似文献   

Sociologists have long been interested in the impact of social, economic, and political changes on societal openness. Among other questions, they have asked whether the transition from a preindustrial agrarian society to an industrial socialist state creates more opportunity and equality. Using recent developments in loglinear modeling, this paper tests competing theories about temporal change in social mobility in Hungary in the past half-century. While occupational persistence declined significantly between older cohorts of men and women, the decline slowed or halted in recent cohorts. This suggests that a process of restratification occurred after the socialist revolution. Gender differences in mobility are also prominent. On the one hand, women are less likely than men to enter their fathers' occupational class. On the other hand, women's occupational destinations are more strongly determined by occupational origins. Furthermore, there are significant gender differences in occupational opportunities.  相似文献   

This article tackles the issue of social inequalities in voting and identifies how and when differences in learning political engagement are influenced by social background in the school environment between the ages of 11–16 in England. Using Latent Growth Curve Modelling and Regression Analysis on the Citizenship Education Longitudinal (CELS) data this research identifies two elements that influence the political socialisation process: access to political learning and effectiveness in the form of learning in reducing inequalities in political engagement. The results show that there is unequal access by social background to learning political engagement through political activities in school and through an open classroom climate for discussion. However, there is equal access by social background to Citizenship Education in schools and this method of learning political engagement is effective at the age of 15–16 in reducing inequalities in political engagement.  相似文献   

从诠释学审视中国古代易学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林忠军 《文史哲》2003,2(4):68-73
就文本而言 ,古代易学有重文本符号和重文本意义两种倾向 ,从而导致象数易和义理易两种不同的诠释学 ;而易学诠释活动 ,汉唐清代偏重文本本意 ,宋明偏重心理创造 ;从易学诠释学承传看 ,易学诠释是以批判为特色的解构 ,惟有解构才使得易学整合发展成为可能。  相似文献   

当前学术界关于中国社会管理创新已经形成了一些基本共识,但这些共识基本上是建立在市民社会理论、治理理论和新公共管理理论基础上的,虽然可以在理想类型的意义上为人们思考当代中国社会管理创新提供一种初步的分析框架和认知路径,却无力在中观层面揭示出社会管理实践中诸多组织机制间的复杂因果链条和微妙互动关系。因此,我们需要将理论分析的层次由宏观层面降至中观维度,进而形成一些更具洞察力和分析效力的研究框架。中国的创新社会管理实际上同时面临着两条相互影响的主线:第一条主线是如何适应当前社会分化的客观情境,发展出有中国自身特色的横向秩序协调机制。这个问题的复杂性远远超出诸如"发育社会组织"之类的简单理论预设。第二条主线是如何在纵向秩序协调机制几近高峰的当代中国建立起一种纵横结合的秩序整合新框架。在很大程度上,解决这个问题遇到的挑战并不在于如何设计一些形式上的保障制度,而在于如何在实践中找到一种理性克制纵向秩序整合机制无限自我强化的现实路径。社会管理的创新关键在于如何处理好纵向整合与横向协调机制之间的有效衔接,即以何种方式能够推动公众参与并形成有效的社会协商,在激发社会内在活力的同时来强化纵向秩序的合法性,实现有效的社会整合。  相似文献   

城市社区公共空间的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市社区公共空间是一种场域与规则的统一体,也是实现公共空间这一功能的最小单位。除具有公共空间的一般特性外,还兼具结构松散与潜规则并行、市民和新市民社会整合的初级单位、文化内涵的符号统一等特点。我国城市社区公共空间的功能从单一走向多元,但其建设过程中存在有效供给不足,居民公共意识不够、空间建设特色不明显等诸多问题。需要把城市社区公共空间建设成为人性化场所,把它当成一种可回收的资源.一种实现社会整合的有效途径。  相似文献   

与马郎妇相关的佛教故事的流传与改写,具有广泛深远的影响,它其实还与观世音菩萨的中国化关系密切。马郎妇故事的不断被改写,无论在宗教、文学还是文化上都有重要意义。中国古代社会各阶层在接受观音信仰过程中对其形象解读的分歧是马郎妇故事不断被改写和形象演变的深层原因。中国僧人的主动适应对文化融合起到了重要作用,这使得佛教文化更加广泛传播且具有民间信仰特征。  相似文献   

Previous studies on social integration of immigrants were predominantly of static nature. This article provides a dynamic account by distinguishing differences in social integration that develop shortly after immigrants’ arrival in the host country from changes with length of stay. We examine contacts in leisure time between natives and non-western immigrants in the Netherlands. Theories from research on ethnic intermarriage are applied to these more common forms of contact. We use pooled cross-sectional survey data from 1988–2002. The results show that on average social integration increases with length of stay. Ethnicity, migration motive and home country education account for differences in integration that develop shortly after arrival and are maintained or even increased with length of stay, while the size of the immigrant group matters mainly at entry and then loses its influence over time. Age at migration exclusively explains differences in social integration that develop with length of stay.  相似文献   

试论中西方上古社会的平民阶层   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古希腊罗马与中国商周时期的平民,在政治斗争方面存在着明显的特点差异,主要原因是平民在经济生活与法律制度诸方面处于完全不同的地位,从而对国家的建构、社会的发展也都产生迥然不同的影响。本文探讨了其中相关的发人深省的历史话题。  相似文献   

经济发展方式转变的制度化进程与企业战略反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋铁波  曾萍 《学术研究》2012,(3):52-59,159,160
经济发展方式转变已经成为当前中国社会经济生活的一种制度安排,企业针对这种制度安排构成的压力选择新战略反应.作者构建了一个制度压力下企业战略反应的模型,并运用模型分析当前的制度压力下,经济发展方式转变制度化进程对企业战略反应的影响.研究认为,制度压力下组织可以采用适合于自身的战略反应;当前中国的经济发展方式转变的制度压力尚不够强大,龙头企业将根据自身战略目标与外部制度压力一致性程度的高低,选择顺应程度不同的战略反应,不同的战略反应将对外部制度压力产生强化或者消退作用,进而影响到其他企业的决策,最终促进或者阻碍了经济发展方式转变.  相似文献   

社交媒体平台可以从“推-拉-系泊”方面进行有效管理,以满足用户需求,促进平台发展。基于前人的研究提炼相关变量,基于PPM(push-pull-mooring)理论框架,采用结构方程模型,使用227个有效样本对模型进行验证。研究显示,系统质量缺陷、信息质量缺陷和感知隐私风险等显著影响用户的负面性感知价值,对用户的转移意愿产生推动作用,替代品吸引力作为拉力因素显著影响转移意愿,转移成本作为系泊因素对习惯无显著影响,技术自我效能和社会影响作为系泊因素显著影响用户习惯,从而显著影响用户转移意愿,且转移意愿显著影响其转移行为。  相似文献   

Social integration is considered crucially important for understanding the adverse effect of unemployment on mental health. Social integration is assumed to either bring about the health effects of unemployment (causal pathway hypothesis) or shield the unemployed from such effects (buffering hypothesis). However, there is scarce empirical evidence, especially based on panel data, regarding these two hypotheses. In our analysis, we use up to ten waves of the “Labour Market and Social Security” (PASS) German panel study and apply fixed effects panel regressions to account for unobserved confounders. We test several indicators that cover different aspects of social integration (numbers of strong and weak ties, conflict in the household, employed friends, general and job search-specific social support). We find no empirical support for the causal pathway hypothesis and only very limited support for the buffering hypothesis.  相似文献   

东莞市和中山市社会养老保险城乡一体化总体上大同小异。两市在社会养老保险城乡一体化的经济社会条件、成本支付能力和基本改革思路三个方面表现出较强的趋同性,在制度整合的个别细节以及保障城镇未就业人员的做法上则呈现出一定的差异。推进"农保"转"城保",必须具备比较成熟的经济社会条件和转轨成本的财政支付能力,制定切实可行的制度整合方案。  相似文献   

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