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现如今,人们对服装提出了新的评价标准,“有趣、有意思”在一定程度上取代了“好看”的评价.对服装趣味性的要求达到了一个新的高度。因此趣味性对服装设计创意提出了新的要求,对浅谈增强服装设计趣味性的方法进行研究,展示服装的个性化风格.对现代服装的发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

王亚茹 《现代交际》2014,(3):102-102
民族风格服装设计就是将民族服饰的一些形式要素运用于现代服饰设计之中所产生的设计风格。深入挖掘民族文化历史,并将其与服装设计相整合,可以从视觉审美、艺术情境、结构特征等方面增强服装的视觉冲击力,并体现出我国民族服装的艺术内涵。民族元素在现代服装设计中的应用体现了物质文化和精神文明的有机结合,高度概括化地反映了民族服装的本质特征。  相似文献   

服装本身是艺术与技术的结合,目前高校服装教育主要在对服装设计和工艺两方面进行服装教学。但高等院校的教育是为社会培养高级服装人才.仅仅教授服装设计和服装工艺课程是不够的。目前.中国服装业更缺乏设计策划、市场营销、供应链管理人才,而高校服装专业通常对这类涉及服装商务的教学不够重视.授课方式不专业。加强服装商务的教学是提高高校服装教育质量,完善高校服装教育结构的重要方面。  相似文献   

现阶段,随着人们审美观的提升,针对服装方面的要求也愈加的多,由此许多设计师在服装设计中引入了美学元素。而人们相应的审美观念,包括服装原料以及生产工艺均处于不断变化的状态,现代服装愈发的具有创新性。不同于我国传统形式上的服装,现代服装款式更加的丰富、新颖。本文主要对现代服装所表露出来的特点进行了探讨,并对其中所应用的美术设计元素展开了分析。  相似文献   

几何元素很早就在服饰中得到运用,发展到现在,或以几何纹饰出现,或以几何图案出现,更是产生了不同的几何造型,以及在服装配饰中融入了大量的几何元素。可以说,几何元素的运用成为了现代服装设计中不可或缺的要素。文中对服装设计中几何元素的运用方式进行归纳,为服装设计师提供设计参考。  相似文献   

褶裥的设计与应用在服装造型艺术中占有重要的位置,在现代服装设计中被广泛应用。"褶"作为服装造型的一种手段,主要目的是增加服装的审美情趣、表现着装形式的多样性。本文介绍了褶裥的早期形成,褶裥的构成原理和其对现代设计的影响,认识到在服装造型和设计中,褶裥作为一种重要的装饰手段和形式语言,蕴涵了实用与审美的双重内涵,具有良好的实用功能性和视觉审美性,是平面性与立体性的结合点。  相似文献   

随着经济发展的变化,人们对服装设计的需求度也越来越高,对自身的审美观和品位也日趋渐进,本文主要从抽象绘画和服装的关系以及抽象绘画和服装的统一与变化来写绘画在服装上的应用,紧接着又写到抽象绘画在服装设计中的共通性。并结合人们在当今的审美形式总结出了抽象绘画在服装设计中的应用。  相似文献   

曹雪 《职业》2012,(9):172
钩针编织是任何一种当代纺织服装技术也不可取代的产品形式。笔者在此从钩针编织技法的起源,谈一谈它的发展历程以及在服装设计中的具体应用。一、钩针编织技术的起源钩针编织的起源,有多种说法。某些理论认为钩针编  相似文献   

概述解构主义产生的背景以及兴起与发展,解构主义在服装设计中的运用,东西方设计师的解构风格,并以解构主义哲学和美学为基础,从服装的廓形、结构、材料、色彩等方面探索研究解构主义的设计思路与方法。解构主义是服装设计表达的方法之一,归纳和总结服装中的解构设计方法,利于拓展设计师的创意思维,丰富服装表现形式,充实服装文化内涵。  相似文献   

王春艳 《现代交际》2010,(2):41-41,40
本文通过对女性地位的提高,及其对服装设计影响的研究,探讨服装设计师如何更好地抓住新时期女性的审美特征,并将其融入到现代设计中。  相似文献   

How do salespeople negotiate “clothing identities” with customers? To answer this question, I conducted fieldwork in the women's departments of several luxury goods stores in Paris that sell ready-to-wear clothes. In this negotiating context of personalized service, lower-status individuals (salespersons) propose new identities to higher-status consumers. This comparison of how saleswomen and gay salesmen negotiate clothing identities with women customers examines both their identification with the customers and the role-playing involved. The sales area as a “backstage” permits the “expertise” of the sales staff to mitigate the status differences and gives gay male sales staff latitude in their interactions with female clients. Through a construction of clothing identity from articles from the store, saleswomen present an image of possibilities to customers. Playing the role of personal audience, gay salesmen use their ambiguous gender identity to sell clothing.  相似文献   

随着消费观念的转变,越来越多的人开始喜欢自己动手做出的时尚。比如眼下不少年轻女性都爱上了DIY制衣,这种通过自己的一针一线为衣服赋予生命的创意理念,渐渐成为了一种新的潮流。  相似文献   

The ‘cultural turn’ in social movement studies has brought a renewed outlook on new social movements and lifestyle movements. In this development on the symbolic challenge of contemporary movements, research has expanded to both music and art. However, little is known about the role of clothing in movements and how activists use it for social change. In making the case for a greater consideration of clothing’s tactical use in identity work, this paper explores the case of the Tibetan Lhakar movement. I argue that for Lhakar activists, clothing is the materialization of the political consciousness of the movement and symbolically acts as a mechanism of communication in shaping its political goals. By using social media to observe individualized collective actions of wearing Tibetan clothing, the paper demonstrates how activists frame and create new political opportunity structures for civic participation in a one party state that controls all speech and movement.  相似文献   

The government's community care proposals give importance to the role of voluntary and not-for-profit organisations in meeting the needs of elderly and disabled people, and underline the need for local authorities to foster their development. To do this, they must ensure their financial security. This paper reports the decline of the specialist clothing workshops which, because of changes in government funding, have dwindled from more than 20 in 1988 to five at present. The importance of this service to disabled people is discussed. Although many value skilled advice and sympathetic personal attention, for a few there is no other alternative than specially made or adapted clothing. It enhances self-esteem, independence and participation, as well as practical benefits. However it is an expensive service, so that subsidy is essential. Recommendations for the future of the service are outlined.  相似文献   

在中国人眼里,人生四事——衣、食、住、行,衣在其中有着特殊的地位。衣是脸面,是包装,是身份的体现。所谓"三分长相,七分打扮","人靠衣服马靠鞍",都是在说我们中国人对衣服的看重。而国人的百年服饰就如同社会变革的晴雨表,无时不与中国的政治、历史乃至经济发展、社会变革紧密相联。  相似文献   

This paper presents an ethnography of contemporary media practices in Vanuatu, with a particular focus on media narratives and debates around gender equality and women's clothing, exploring how the discourses of kastom, Christianity and ‘modernity’ are being employed and communicated across various media platforms. The use of community media to promote awareness of gender equality through participatory and entertaining content, and the use of mainstream media to communicate a narrative that reinforces existing gendered power structures are each explored. In addition, social media platforms are identified as an emerging communication tool through which users can straddle the line between producers and consumers of media content and narratives, and engage in frank debate around the issue of gender equality.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of the dismantling of the Multi-Fiber Arrangements on the Tunisian exporting textile and clothing sector, we divided the suppliers of the EU into three groups: local suppliers, constrained by the contingent, and non-constrained, among them figure Tunisia. In the same way, we used Armington’s technique, which consists in differentiating the products by country of origin. The results showed that with the abolition of the quotas, the second group succeeded in increasing its exported quantity by 50%, and attended an increase in value of 30% for its sales. On the contrary, the third group saw its exported quantities decreasing by 30%, and the value of its sales outside, by 16%. Tunisia belonging to the third group would see its share of market, which was ensured by the quotas decreasing appreciably. It would lose 16% of its exports in value, and 30% in quantity. The implications of the results for the Tunisian textile and clothing sector strategies are discussed.
Ben Soltane BassemEmail:

This essay describes the influences, academic and personal, that led the author to her current research interest in clothing and older women.  相似文献   

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