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后发优势是欠发达国家发展的重要依据.但是,对后发优势的研究并不深入和系统.甚至对于后发优势的内容都没有清晰的界定,似乎欠发达国天然具有优势.理论上的模糊,导致实践中欠发达国家与发达国家之间的差距不断加大.如何利用后发优势,对于中国的发展有着特殊的意义.后发优势的实现,固然需要利用好发达国家的技术、资本乃至于管理经验,但是更重要的是提升劳动力的素质.  相似文献   

比较优势与后发优势理论的发展与融合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统比较优势和后发优势理论曾对发展中国家的经济发展产生过十分重要的影响,但两者在发展中国家的优势来源、所涉范围及作用机理的认识上存在差异.二战后,在以日本为首的新经济体快速发展的带动下,两种理论也获得了相应的发展.比较优势理论出现了内生化和动态化的趋势,而后发优势理论也从过去的纯理论探讨转向实证检验和模型论证.在重点考察、比较后发优势和比较优势理论新进展的基础上,着重探讨了比较优势和后发优势理论之间出现的相互影响、相互印证和相互融合的新趋势.  相似文献   

李培 《创新》2008,2(1):59-61
要加快广西北部湾经济区开放开发,形成经济发展新一极,首先应理顺行政区划与发展、利益与发展、和谐与发展三方面关系,从而将区位、港口、资源等优势,转变为经济优势、后发优势,实现经济又好又快发展。  相似文献   

印度软件企业国际化中的政府作用探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
戴永红  朱方明 《南亚研究》2005,1(1):14-19,44
实践证明,发展中国家要充分发挥后发优势实现经济的跨越式发展,政府起着关键性的作用。印度现有的经验充分表明,后进国家政府通过为企业营造一系列良好的政策、制度、政务、市场、人才和法制环境,加之企业自身的努力,完全可以实现某一类具有潜在比较优势的产业的跨越式发展,从而带动该国整个国民经济的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

黑龙江省产业结构演进实证分析--基于偏离份额分析模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黑龙江省产业结构在近15年的演进过程中,存在农业增长缓慢,基础不稳;工业化程度较高但工业结构不合理;第三产业发展滞后;产业后发优势和比较优势不明显等问题。为了实现产业结构演进的合理化、高级化,黑龙江省应该在加强区域经济合作的基础上,实现工业、服务业的产业结构调整和优化升级,同时保证农业的战略地位。  相似文献   

后发优势理论与赶超发展战略的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
落后国家采取什么样的发展战略尽快摆脱落后面貌赶上西方发达国家,这是我们必须思考的问题。落后国家的经济发展具有“后发优势”。后发优势理论提供了一个解释不发达现象与赶超发展战略选择之间存在高度相关性的理论分析框架。  相似文献   

卢巧玲 《学术交流》2004,(12):50-53
新型工业化道路是工业化与信息化的互动发展,信息化促进了工业化的发展,工业化为信息化提供了必要的平台。两者的互动发展是我国利用后发优势,实现生产力跨越式发展的必然选择。我国对于新型工业化道路的选择不仅对全面建设和实现小康社会具有重要的政治意义,而且对于加快和推进现代化进程也具有重大的战略意义。为此,我们应为新型工业化道路提供良好的制度和环境保障。  相似文献   

中国与发达国家在经济增长质量上差距明显,而且没有随着经济发展而得到显著改进。中国经济增长方式的转变是一个长期的艰苦进程。从发达国家转变增长方式的经验来看,科技进步起了决定性作用,必须大力增加科技投入和提高经济增长中的科技贡献率。“后发优势”和“政策干预”是发展中国家实现经济集约化的捷径。中国要实现这种转变必须推进科教兴国战略、提高人口质量和实现以可持续发展为目标的综合发展战略。  相似文献   

时序进入2010年.青岛西海岸的资本构成、产业结构和投资环境正稳定成型,并具有极大的后发优势.  相似文献   

我国具有较好发展物联网产业的政策、市场、人力资源和技术的国内外环境,同时也面临缺乏顶层设计、核心技术缺失、标准体系不完善、商业模式不成熟、规模化应用不足等主要问题。在物联网产业国际化和市场化背景下发展中国物联网产业,应借鉴发达国家的产业发展模式,进行动态优化选择,走可持续发展,产业集群化、生态化发展道路,对于激发中国物联网产业巨大的发展潜能、发挥后发优势,实现产业迅速崛起具有关键性的战略意义。  相似文献   

We examine whether the recent GOP efforts to make Latino cabinet appointments have appealed to young Latinos who comprise a large proportion of the Latino electorate. We found that young Latinos were not aware of many of these appointments and the appointment of Alberto Gonzales to the post of Attorney General was the most visible Latino appointment. Though many did not support Gonzales’ appointment, those we surveyed were eager to see more visible Latino appointments in the future and reported that their perceptions of the Republican Party and former President Bush were improved by the appointment. We also found that young Latinos’ support for the president was greatly impacted by their perception of presidential interest in their community and we argue that Latino representation in appointments may become increasingly important as the Latino population expands.  相似文献   

I critically examine the eliminativist theories of race or racism, and the behavioral theory of racism, which provide the theoretical foundation, respectively, for the nominalist and substantive conceptualizations of the idea of a post‐racial era. The eliminativist theories seek to eliminate the concepts of “race” or “racism” from our discourse. Such elimination indicates a nominalist sense of the idea of a post‐racial era. The behavioral theory of racism argues that racism must be manifested in obviously harmful actions. And because such harmful actions are not prevalent today, this implies that we are in a post‐racial era in a substantive sense. I conceptualize some subtle forms of racism that are prevalent today, which cannot be captured by the behavioral theory, but can best be captured by doxastic theories of racism. I conceptualize a substantive idea of a post‐racial era, and then argue based on such conceptualization, that we are not in a post‐racial era because subtle forms of racism are still prevalent today.  相似文献   

本文主要针对广西社会工作人才队伍建设中存在的一些问题,提出了一些较为全面系统地对策建议,主要是设置社会工作管理机构。解决岗位编制问题,在公办、民办社会服务机构开发与设置社会工作岗位,加大培养培训力度,对社会工作服务的资金保障,建立健全培养、评价、使用、激励机制等,推动广西社会工作人才队伍建设。  相似文献   

The extent of income poverty and its socio‐demographic composition are examined using all ABS income surveys conducted over the period 1982 to 2004. There has been some increase in the proportion of the population in poverty, particularly since 1997, but of more note are the substantial changes in the socio‐demographic composition of those in poverty. Compared with the start of the sample period, persons in poverty at the end of the period were much more likely to be older, in families without dependent children, holding post‐school qualifications and/or foreign‐born. In part, these changes reflect broader changes in the composition of the population. However, changes in the risks of poverty associated with different characteristics have also produced large changes in the composition of the poor, and have in some cases counteracted or reversed effects of demographic change. Specifically, the risk of poverty has increased for the elderly, non‐dependent youth, single people, foreign‐born persons and those without post‐school qualifications, and it has decreased for sole parent families and residents of Queensland, the ACT and the Northern Territory.  相似文献   

This article explores the provision and effects of a program devised to facilitate the professional transition of skilled migrants from non‐English‐speaking backgrounds (NESB) arriving in Australia on permanent visas. The program (‘Skilled Professional Migrants Program’—SPMP) was delivered by AMES Australia and internally evaluated through a telephone survey of 337 past participants. A report of survey results, primarily gauging short‐term post‐program employment outcomes, presented a very positive picture. In this paper we take a fresh look at the quantitative and qualitative survey data in order to analyse the success of the program from the perspective of gender. The paper focuses on gender differences in professional employment transition post‐program in the context of the structural impact of the gendered labour market. We found a significant difference between NESB men and women in their post‐program labour market incorporation into professional jobs that matched their skills. The gendered structures also influenced the ‘networking effect’ of the professional transition program.  相似文献   

Shared, or alternating, residence for children when their parents separate is increasingly common. Sweden adopted a new policy in 1998 (modified in 2006) which gave courts the mandate to order 50/50 alternating residence against the will of one parent. Since then, the 50/50 alternating residence has become the legal norm in Sweden in cases of disputed custody. In this article, we ask how Swedish policymakers reasoned in relation to the potentially conflicting values of equal parenting post‐separation and the interests of children. More specifically, we investigate how they addressed some of the most common objections to court‐ordered alternating residence. We found that all three issues were discussed extensively during the policy‐making process, but that, in the end, none of them was seen as contradictory to the goal of promoting more equal parenting roles post‐separation through the introduction of court‐ordered alternating residence. This policy outcome, we argue, should be seen in light of Sweden's long‐standing commitment to strengthening the role of fathers in the care of children.  相似文献   

In the late 20th and early 21st century, social exclusion has become something of a trope around which is pegged justifications for various reforms. The notion of social exclusion has found its way into the lexicon of all major global governance institutions. How has this happened, and what are its implications for scholars of contemporary welfare reforms? In this article, we consider the ‘rise and rise’ of the discourse of social exclusion, with particular reference to its development as a policy paradigm within the European Union. We note that its initial iteration was anchored in a functionalist discourse of social organisation but that this was quickly challenged both by post‐structuralist and post‐colonial perspectives and by research findings that undermined the view of mainstream institutions as fundamentally integrative and inclusive in nature. The debate about social exclusion, we suggest, is simultaneously a debate about the historical and social dynamics of European modernity.  相似文献   

An increase in new drugs first launched in the U.S. and shorter lags between first global drug launch and U.S. approval indicate that the U.S. drug lag has declined. This paper examines the impact of these changes on drug safety using adverse drug reaction data for FDA-approved drugs in 1990 to 2004. Results show two different effects. First, drugs having longer U.S. launch lags (more foreign market experience) have fewer post approval drug risks compared to drugs with shorter launch lags. This result implies that foreign market experience prior to U.S. entry provides information to help alleviate drug-related risks for U.S. patients. Second, drugs that are first launched in the U.S. have fewer serious drug reactions compared to those that were first launched abroad. This result is surprising, and may suggest that first U.S. drug launch signals information about unobserved application quality, which translates into lower post approval drug risks.  相似文献   

顶岗实习是高职院校实践教学改革、创新人才培养模式的一个重要环节,但目前的管理类专业顶岗实习运作过程中存在着一些问题,影响学生顶岗实习的效果。广州城市职业学院旅游管理专业课题组依据顶岗实习"校企合作、工学结合"的本质要求和运作规律,结合三年来顶岗实习的运作实践,构建"五方联动,二元一体,全方位评价"的顶岗实习"三阶段"运作模式。  相似文献   

通过研读唐五代女性诗歌,我们发现其传播方式有石刻——女皇帝、皇后的女性意识的流露;驿壁屏风——公主的控诉;袍、树叶、金锁——宫女的愿望;燕足、石壁、写真——弃妇的哀怨;龟形——征妇的渴望;寺壁、观壁——勇敢女子宣言;红绡帕——“疯女人”的行动;青楼妓馆的墙壁——妓女的心声。  相似文献   

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