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伦理维度:公共政策研究中不可缺失的研究向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢金林  胡宁 《唐都学刊》2007,23(1):42-47
公共政策目标是实现以人为本的全面、协调、可持续的社会发展,人的问题是公共政策的核心问题。从公共性出发,以公共利益为基本价值导向,立足于公平公正的伦理要求,制定合乎伦理要求的公共政策,这是和谐社会的必然性要求,也是党与政府提升执政能力的根本性要求。所以,伦理维度是公共政策研究不可缺失的研究向度。如果仅以工具理性为基础,忽视价值合理性,必定会导致公共政策异化。  相似文献   

政策作为一定政治系统的产物是一种政治行为,具有明显的政治统治功能.公共政策的政治统治功能在于公共政策活动是社会公共权威对社会进行有机控制,进而促进社会协调和有序发展的政治行为,而这种政治行为又往往取决于政府管理是否有效.公共政策具有政治管制功能,通过公共政策可以规定政策对象能做什么和不能做什么,以此达到政治统治的目的.由于政策学的研究对象是为解决公共问题而进行的政府活动,因而研究公共政策必须首先从分析政府工作开始.公共政策的制定是政府的特权,政府官员是这一过程的主体.从这个意义上说,政府决策也就是政治统治决策,政府能力是保证公共政策质量的基础.政策的政治统治功能与政府活动的有效性是紧密联系在一起的,二者在实现社会发展总体目标的进程中是交织在一起发挥作用的.  相似文献   

政治参与是确保政策符合民意及政策合法化的根本途径,网络的发展为地方政府制定公共政策拓展了收集民意的渠道,降低了参与主体的参与成本。网络环境对公共政策具有双重效应:一方面扩大了公共政策中的公民参与,推进了公共政策的民主化;另一方面又导致公共政策中的公民有效参与不足,妨碍了公共政策的科学化。  相似文献   

公共政策评估是社会发展和公共管理的需要与结果。现代意义上的公共政策评估首先是在以美国为代表的西方发达国家诞生和发展起来的。本文在回顾国外公共政策评估研究兴起与发展的基础上,分析了该领域的最新研究动态。理论方面,通过与前三代评估理论比较,得出价值判断是政策评估的基础,比较具有代表性的是费希尔提出的事实与价值相结合的"实证辩论"评估框架; 评估方法方面,自下而上的评估方法更适合社会发展的需要,未来的评估方法更注重利益相关者的参与; 实践方面,主要集中于研究理论与实践难以结合问题、评估政策与评估实践之间的关系,以及评估主流化问题等方面。  相似文献   

和谐社会与公共政策的利益协调机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王春福 《学术交流》2006,1(1):120-124
和谐社会是一个社会利益关系协调的社会。社会利益主体多元化、社会利益结构失衡、强弱群体分化明显,使政府面临的协调社会利益关系的任务非常艰巨。公共政策是政府用来协调社会利益关系的重要手段。要有效地发挥公共政策在协调社会利益关系中的作用,必须完善公共政策的利益协调机制。  相似文献   

气候变化问题不仅是我国生态文明和现代化建设过程中所面临的一项严竣挑战,也是当今人类生存和发展面临的一项严峻挑战。为加强国内外气候变化与公共政策研究方面的学术交流,江苏省高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地南京信息工程大学。气候变化与公共政策研究院”联合《阅江学刊》编辑部在前两届学术会议成功举办的基础上,拟定于2013年10月26日(周六)在南京信息工程大学举办第三届“气候变化与公共政策国际学术会议”,热忱欢迎国内外相关研究工作者参加。  相似文献   

社会公共生活需要公共秩序.建立公共秩序需要以公共政策的产生为前提,公共秩序也是公共政策的最终归宿.公共政策既以公共利益为取向,为构建公共秩序提供了基础,又以公共权力为依托,为构建公共秩序提供了可能.公共政策通过对社会公共价值的权威性分配,来实现公共利益,从而也为社会生活建立起新的公共秩序.公共政策由于其自身的特点和在社会公共生活中的特有功能,逐渐成为社会规范体系的核心,在构建和谐社会中发挥着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

发展农业物流在农产品的各个环节都起着相当重要的作用,它有助于解决中国的"三农"问题,对于增加农民收入、增强农业产业化发展能力以及提高农产品产销效率是不可忽视的解决策略。本文首先阐述了农业产业化应当包含农业物流,其次分析了当前农业物流存在的问题以及建立在农业产业化基础之上发展现代农业物流的重要性。最后,本文提出了基于农业产业化发展农业物流的途径。  相似文献   

和谐社会本质上是一种公平、平等和正义的社会,是人类孜孜以求的目标,也是我国社会政治发展的战略选择,但目前,我国正处于社会转型时期,社会层次结构在分化,利益关系格局在调整,导致我国社会矛盾和冲突急剧增加,社会不和谐现象越来越多。公共政策活动具有引导利益观念、协调利益冲突、整合利益分化和分配社会利益价值等功能,而这些功能的充分发挥依赖于公共政策活动利益协调机制的完善。即健全公共政策活动的利益表达机制、健全公共政策活动的利益妥协机制和健全公共政策活动的利益相关者参与机制  相似文献   

吴崇伯 《创新》2014,(1):25-28,33
低碳农业是低碳经济体系的一个重要组成部分,我国在发展低碳农业方面存在诸多问题与不足,发展低碳农业区是当务之急,应尽快转变农业发展方式,充分发挥农业在减少污染、增加绿化、培育碳汇方面的独特作用,降低农业生产过程中的碳排放,以"绿色"为抓手。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,北京市对农业政策进行了多项改革。土地政策方面考虑首都土地的长远发展,没收地主、富农土地收归国有,并在一定程度上保护了富农的利益;建立了互助组,出现了土地不分红的高级社;在爱国增产、生产救灾以及农业税收、农业贸易等方面均制定了卓有成效的政策。在各项政策的支持下,北京市的农业生产逐渐恢复。  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展要求政府承担促进农业农村发展的责任。我国政府以国家干预、政府主导为特征的农业农村政策,在农业发展、农民增收和城乡协调发展等方面都已取得较大进展,但现有农业政策在提高农业生产率方面的限度日益显现。有鉴于此,急需构建一个政府调控和引导农业农村发展的新的分析框架,在其中,政府需要界分与市场、农村社会组织之间的行为边界,在充分尊重市场配置资源的基础性作用、尊重农村社会自主管理的基础上,体现政府职能的"兜底"特征;而且,政府在构建市场/社会运行的基本制度、匡正和补充市场/社会失灵、培育市场/社会主体等职能中需要进行逻辑先后排序。应用这一新分析框架,加强和改善政府对农业农村发展的调控和引导,就需要基于农业市场化取向改革农村基本经营制度和农业支持保护体系,注重对农业生产市场主体的培育;需要以政府为主体构建城乡一体化的基本公共服务体系,创新农村社会管理体制,充分调动社会力量参与公共事务治理;需要基于城乡一体化要求重构政府行政管理体制,确保农业农村发展政策的落实。  相似文献   

“保护和可持续利用海洋和海洋资源以促进可持续发展”被写入联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》,全球海洋经济的可持续发展已成为国际社会共同关注的热点问题之一,部分国际组织和沿海国家已率先启动了相关研究工作。本文总结了海洋经济的范畴及全球研究进展,提出了影响2030年全球海洋经济发展的七个主要因素,即全球经济的增长前景、技术创新与进步、人口增长及城镇化和老龄化问题、世界能源结构变化、地缘政治风险、气候变化与海洋的相互作用和海洋经济政策的实施;分析了未来全球海洋产业的发展趋势;最后提出了促进我国海洋经济可持续发展的五点对策建议。  相似文献   

In Senegal, as in many developing countries, the agricultural sector plays a key role in the economy. In addition to supplying food, agriculture is the most important source of employment, especially for women. Through the Plan for an Emerging Senegal (PES), the Senegalese government is implementing an ambitious financing plan to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector and enhance employment opportunities for women. Our study assesses the impact of two PES measures (investment subsidies and an increase in production subsidies for the agricultural sectors) on economic growth, women's employment, poverty and inequality using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model linked to a microsimulation model. The results show that both policies have generally positive effects in reducing poverty and gender inequalities. However, investment subsidies in the agricultural sectors have stronger impacts in reducing gender inequality and poverty in the long term.  相似文献   

The regulations of fruit trade for safe consumption are taken seriously in the EU and US markets to protect the health of the consumers, animals, plants and environmental safety, and thereby reduce health expenditures. The fruit safety regulations as trade policy measures could be either trade-promoting or -impeding. The extensiveness and intensiveness of fruit safety regulations in these markets often have consequences for exporters from Africa and their desire to attain sustainable economic development. The effects of fruit safety regulations are heterogeneous across economic agents. To this end, many stakeholders in Africa’s food system have perceived compliance with these food regulatory measures as necessary conditions to access the developed countries’ markets, particularly in the EU and US. Besides, the competitiveness of Africa’s fruit exports has been impacted by the preponderance of the measures despite its comparative advantages in the fruits sub-sector. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of the EU and US sanitary and phytosanitary measures on Africa’s fruit exports. The empirical strategy involves the use of an augmented gravity model which explore the disentangling of these impact at the extensive and intensive margins of exports. Given the nature of trade data and specifically for this study, the zero trade flows are considered at both margins of exports for 45 African countries from 1995 to 2017. This study finds that the US market is more trade-impeding to Africa’s fruit exports than the EU market. Thus, Africa needs policies tweaking in the fruit value chain quality infrastructure, fruits’ quality and standards enforcement, capacity development, continuous update and modernisation of the fruits’ safety laws, directives and/or regulations. This will enhance the fruits’ quality to propel their access to the transatlantic markets.  相似文献   

贺圣达 《创新》2007,1(1):17-23
本文在东盟发展的总体趋势和中国与东南亚国家关系特点的大背景下,考察了当代东盟与中国的关系,认为现阶段中国—东盟关系处于历史上最好的时期,分析了东盟作为一个东南亚国家的区域性组织对华政策的基本定位、核心内容、重要目的,提出东盟对华关系实际上存在着一个整体(东盟)、两大板块(半岛和海岛)和10个国家三个局面,探讨了近期和从更长时期看影响中国—东盟关系的一些重要因素,并对进一层深化和发展中国—东盟关系提出了建设性的建议。  相似文献   

This article explores the importance of new forms of governance in active labour market policies (activation) in two countries: Denmark and the Netherlands. Drawing on research with key stakeholders in these countries, we analyse how new governance, and particularly processes of contracting-out and localization, have found expression in recent reforms to activation. We conclude that localization and contracting-out may have a future role to play in the development of more locally responsive and individually focused services. But both countries have encountered problems in promoting joined-up services through local jobcentres, while contracting-out has not always led to the tailored, individually focused services envisaged by policy-makers. In both countries, there are also concerns that the restriction of the Public Employment Service to a 'gatekeeping and signposting' role will lead to inconsistencies in the quality of services, exposing the most disadvantaged to greater social risk.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to understand the similarities and differences between social enterprise (SE) systems in Korea and Bangladesh in terms of the emergence, background, development, and current status of the SE's policies and support systems in these two countries. This study employs a conceptual qualitative analysis, and the data used in this study were obtained from multiple reliable literature reviews. The data were analyzed based on a text‐by‐text comparison of social enterprises in the two countries, and the results were revealed through written explanation. In Korea, the SE system emerged as social employment creation plan after the currency crisis in 1997. Later, in 2007, this movement turned into the “Social Enterprise Promotion Act.” Conversely, in Bangladesh, the SE system emerged as a result of NGOs’ activities to “alleviate poverty” and “facilitate job creation” after the War of Independence in 1971 in an informal socioeconomic conditions. There is no explicit legal form of SEs in Bangladesh. This study also suggests the nature and scope of SEs and the barriers to sustainability of SEs in both countries. The study also emphasized the foundations to develop relevant policies as well as clear regulations for the future sustainability of the SEs of these two countries.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that an individual’s socioeconomic status (SES) is negatively associated with attitudes toward redistributive policies. The objective of this study is to examine whether the relationship between an individual’s subjective SES and his or her attitudes toward redistribution is contingent upon perceptions of inequality of opportunity. A series of multilevel analyses was performed using data from 28 countries from the 2009 International Social Survey Program (ISSP). Results revealed that the relationship between individual SES and attitudes toward redistribution was weaker among individuals who more strongly believed that success lies beyond the control of individuals. Shared perceptions of inequality of opportunity at the country level were also significant. The relationship between SES and attitudes toward redistribution was weaker in countries with higher levels of public perceptions of inequality of opportunity. In conclusion, people commensurately support redistribution policies (even contrary to their own self-interest) as they recognize the significance of inequality of opportunity. The greater the support among people for redistribution against their self-interest, the weaker the social cleavage in attitudes toward redistribution across different SES strata, and the higher the overall level of support for redistribution in society.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, Burkina Faso has intensified the implementation of supporting policies to enhance the access to capital and liquidity in the informal sector. This paper analyzes the effects of these public policies on incomes, employment and economic growth by taking into account the interactions between the informal sector, the formal sector and the agricultural sector. For that purpose, policy shocks are simulated through the Partnership for Economic Policy Network's static computable general equilibrium (CGE) model which is adapted to the structure of a 2008-based social accounting matrix developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute. Our results highlight mixed effects including a paradoxical contraction of the informal sector, the formal sector and economic growth as well as an improvement of the informal households and the farmers’ incomes.  相似文献   

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