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李自然 《回族研究》2013,(1):125-128
因其特殊的文化特性和象征作用,清真食品产业已成为一些地方政府的支柱产业,"清真化"也已成为国内外部分企业扩大市场份额的一个重要手段。在此大好形势下,国内外清真产业发展迅速,但由于人们多热衷于其美好前景,对其本身的认识尚显不足,从而引发了诸多问题。文章着重分析了清真食品产业的真正产业特性,并在此基础上对政府管理和企业建设提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

"清真文化"作为一种独特的文化现象,是伊斯兰教中国化的产物,具有丰富的文化内涵和精神品质.本文是从狭义上提出这一概念,也就是回族"清真文化",体现了回族文化内在特质.我们认为发现和挖掘回族"清真文化",是全球化背景下回族文化发展所应具有的一种"自知之明".当代回族"清真文化"的"美人之美"对于回族文化的可持续发展有着特殊的意义和价值.  相似文献   

编辑同志:随着改革开放的深入,商业战线逐步推行的"四放开"政策(用工、经营、价格、分配四放开),对增强企业自我发展能力,搞活流通体制是非常必要的,但是,对几乎遍布全国的清真饮食行业来说,却是一次新的挑战.从总体看,现在的清真饮食企业,除了小部分档次高,经营有绝活的以外,绝大部分都不大景气,尤其是散居地区的清真餐馆,清真  相似文献   

为重塑爱国诚信企业理念,打造清真诚信知名品牌,繁荣民族特色文化,被海内外誉为"建国60周年老百姓对中国清真产业的首次大规模表彰汇总排行榜"的中国首届清真食品用品企业评选活动目前已进入尾声。该活动由宁夏回族自治区人民政府、中国伊斯兰教协会监督指导,中国民族报社、中国民族经济对外合作促进会、中国少数民族文化艺术基金会主办,宁夏回  相似文献   

"清真"一词不是阿拉伯语,而是古代汉语,它的原意是作纯洁质朴解。唐宋时期不少文人墨客都喜欢以"清真"一词入诗。唐代姚合《寄石书院僧》一诗中有"不行门外地,斋戒得清真"的诗句;李白的几首诗中有"裴子含清真""、右军本清真"、"垂衣贵清真"等诗句;宋代陆游《园中赏梅》诗中,有"阅尽千葩百卉春,此花风味独清真"的诗句。到了明代中叶,穆斯林逐渐赋予"清真"一词新的涵义。明清之际的回族穆斯林学者在解释教义时说,"清"是指真主清净无染、不拘方位、无所始终";真"是指真主独一至尊、永恒长存、无所比拟。他们以"清净哉,真主"和"真主至清至真,  相似文献   

文章阐释了清真产业的概念、特征及分类,论述了宁夏清真产业集聚区域的战略布局和建设的重点领域。认为,宁夏清真产业必须在产业"集聚"上下功夫。要加强"一会,五大平台"建设,构筑宁夏"一核一带两区"联动发展的清真产业集聚区域,打造国内外经济合作圈,逐步加快发展清真食品和穆斯林用品产业、清真商贸物流产业和穆斯林文化创意产业,将宁夏建设成为国内清真产业汇聚、宁夏走向世界、世界清真产业通过宁夏走向全国的清真产业集聚区。  相似文献   

本文探讨了"清真"和清真元素在品牌战略中的性质,在此基础上谈到清真品牌差异化竞争中需要注意的几个问题。希望能够让当下政界、学界和企业界对清真产业和清真品牌等基本问题有一个较为准确的认识。  相似文献   

在民族地区企业发展品牌的策略中,充分发掘商标的价值,应用商标法律制度是创建民族地区企业品牌的核心.本文以商标的功能为出发点,结合我国商标法的规定,针对民族地区企业品牌创建各阶段的特点和易出现的问题,提出了设计、维护、提升全方位的商标培育策略.  相似文献   

本文提出清真产业的概念,分析其形成机理,认为它是伊斯兰教文化嵌入产业化过程的结果,伊斯兰教是其形成的制度基础和基本前提,并决定了其边界范围.充分认识并发挥伊斯兰文化对经济的影响和作用、重视技术进步和促进穆斯林企业成长是发展清真产业的关键.  相似文献   

清真食品认证与宁夏清真产业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马佳 《中国民族》2012,(6):62-63
宁夏有"中国回族之乡"、"中国清真美食之乡"等美誉,回族等穆斯林民族与其他民族共同孕育出独具特色的清真饮食文化,成为中华伊斯兰文化的一朵奇葩。这些特有的人文资源,已成为宁夏发展特色民族产业得天独厚的优势,清真产业已成为宁夏重要的支柱产业之一。2008年1月,宁夏清真食品国际贸易认证中心、宁  相似文献   

China’s resurgence as an economic power has brought it increased interconnectivity to international global markets, and with it, increased exposure to transnational crimes. The rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the resulting increase in religious-inspired terrorist attacks have been of particular concern for the Chinese leadership. This paper aims to highlight the processes of resistance and assimilation of China’s two largest Muslim minorities, the Hui and Uyghur, in successive Chinese Empires since the eighth century CE and how critical events in the past two decades have affected the way in which the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has approached relations with its Muslim minority communities. The purpose is two-fold: to expose these groups’ stabilizing and destabilizing influence throughout the 1300 years of Muslim-Chinese coexistence, and to assess the effectiveness of the Chinese Communist Party’s Policies towards its Muslim minorities.  相似文献   

郭成美 《回族研究》2007,(2):119-125
唐宋时期,在当时的杭州、明州(宁波)等地,建立了有外国侨民居住的“蕃坊”。随着中国对外开放的进行,大量的中外穆斯林到浙江义乌来经商贸易,定居生活,使义乌成为新的“蕃坊”。通过对义乌穆斯林的人口变迁,义乌的清真寺、寺管会、阿洪和墓地,义乌穆斯林的职业构成,义乌穆斯林的婚姻家庭与子女就学情况,义乌穆斯林的精神生活状况等方面的论述,使人们对这一新的“蕃坊”有一个较全面的了解。浙江义乌新的“蕃坊”的出现,也反映了伊斯兰文化与中华文化均重视和谐与和平的共同价值取向。  相似文献   

朝觐是穆斯林的五功之一,具有了深层意蕴和文化内涵。在文化人类学的视角下,朝觐是每个穆斯林一生中一个典型的"过渡礼仪",是引起穆斯林社会身份和地位的变化的一个宗教礼仪活动。理解朝觐文化的深层内涵,我们认为朝觐可以视为穆斯林复命归真的一次实践。  相似文献   

How are perceptions of self and ummah (community) reflected in social media use by members of Muslim minorities in two Western countries, Australia and the United States? This paper explores the use of social media by members of minority communities for the purposes of self-representation and community-building, and perceptions of social media use among members of Muslim minority communities, as a means for them to challenge the narrative of Islam found in mainstream media associated with homogeneity, violence and militancy. The paper is based on analysis of responses of a targeted sample of members of representative Muslim student organizations at two tertiary institutions in Australia and the United States. Asian countries of origin are strongly represented in the migrant and international student communities of these two countries. The survey respondents were asked about their use of social media in relation to how they engage in public discourse about Islam, and how it is used in the negotiation of their religious and secular identities.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies are concerned with the ways in which the religious practices of Europe's minority populations are accommodated on the political, national and local levels. In this article, I present a case study of Muslim practices in Danish schools. The study is an investigation of how and why six selected practices are governed in Danish schools: halal food, fasting, prayer, head scarves, holidays and mosques. The results underline the importance of the specific practice in question for the way in which it is governed: some practices are easily accommodated, while others are rejected outright by the schools. Furthermore, the study demonstrates how governance of Muslim practices is developed in the absence of national regulation and against the prevailing ideals in the Danish public debate. In fact, the governance developed seems to be a direct response to the number of Muslim children in school and in line with general school ideals of inclusion. However, the results also indicate that more direct involvement by local or national authorities might push schools to be more exclusive with regard to Muslim practices.  相似文献   

拨开西方话语霸权的迷雾探求伊斯兰的本真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以《古兰经》经文为依据,辩驳了当前以亨廷顿的“文明冲突论”为代表的西方世界关于穆斯林“好战不宽容”和“穆斯林妇女服饰压制妇女的权益”的错误认识,论证了西方文明面临的问题根源在其自身内部,而非来源于外部的威胁。  相似文献   

大屠杀记忆影响了犹太民族认同的塑造,带来了基督教和犹太人之间道义资本的重新分配,使其在国际政治斗争中有了战略性意义。以色列及其支持者以大屠杀劫难为由,将犹太民族描绘成"受害者",要求获得特殊对待。对于来自阿拉伯或穆斯林世界政治对手,则通过将之"指认"为"纳粹"或"法西斯主义",否定其合理的政治诉求。对于那些以色列占领政策的批评者,则往往将他们贴上"反犹主义"标签,施加舆论压力。但在犹太民族内部,对于沉迷和滥用大屠杀记忆的倾向也存在着许多担忧和批判。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a qualitative study in Britain on international Muslim students’ perceptions of media portrayals of Islam. Eighteen international students were interviewed; they came from a range of countries so that a diversity of opinion could be gathered. The paper reveals that participants perceived the representation of Islam in the British media to be negative, being associated with conservatism, economic backwardness and terrorism. Participants criticised the media’s tendency towards the homogenisation of Muslims and of Muslim communities and countries. They also called on media organisations to balance the negative portrait of Islam with positive news stories and to be more responsible in their reporting of terrorism. Interestingly, it could be observed that their direct consumption of UK media was limited, pointing to the possibility that their views were either “discursively” driven or were the product of “passive media consumption”.  相似文献   

元代时,昆明已形成较大的穆斯林社群。在13世纪到19世纪的近六百年时间里,这一社群在昆明一直和平发展,最终形成"五坊"穆斯林社群的传统格局。然而,在19世纪中叶的"咸同事变"中,昆明穆斯林社群被完全摧毁。经历近一个世纪的发展,到20世纪50年代时,昆明穆斯林又重新恢复了传统的"五坊"格局。半个世纪之后,在各种现代性因素的作用下,昆明穆斯林社群传统格局最终解体。  相似文献   

近百年来,在海南岛、广州、泉州、福州、杭州、扬州、北京、宁城等地发现了大量元代中国穆斯林墓葬石刻。通过发现地点集中在中国东部地区这一现象,可以看出元代中国东部地区的穆斯林主要是迁入中国的穆斯林侨民,故较多地保留了原有的伊斯兰文化特点;数量颇为可观的元代穆斯林墓葬石刻的主要价值,在于更清晰地说明了元代中国穆斯林的汉化程度并不深。  相似文献   

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