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The author argues that Vietnamese patriarchal views regarding gender roles have led to greater educational advancement among Vietnamese women as compared to men in the US. Data for this study were obtained from the 1990 census and from interviews in 1994 at two high schools located near a Vietnamese community and at a public high school for honor students. The survey sample included 402 Vietnamese students from the three schools. The sample was 90% of all Vietnamese students enrolled at these schools and 75% of high school students living in the neighborhood near the schools. Census data showed that Vietnamese women over age 25 were more likely than similarly aged men to have less than a high school education or a college education. The education gap between men and women declined among the population aged under 25 years. Among married men and women aged 16-24 years, there were few gender differences in the proportion of school drop outs. However, among the unmarried aged 16-24 years, young women were significantly more likely to be enrolled in college and were less likely to drop out of school. Among the sample student population, findings indicate that female students had significantly higher grades and spent more time on home work. Census reports reveal that women were more likely both to report the lack of plans for college and to report that college was very important to them. Fathers stressed the importance of obedience until marriage and achievement among daughters. Fathers expected daughters to advance educationally for a number of reasons. Mothers agreed with fathers that the education and employment of women was not a rejection of traditional Vietnamese values. Mothers believed that daughters would be increasing their potential resources by improving their educational status. Adolescent males held more traditional attitudes towards wives as mothers. Young women reported stricter social controls of behavior from parents.  相似文献   


The question of how women in contemporary Indonesia integrate their work and family roles is addressed. Pertinent literature is reviewed and personal observations about this topic are shared. Theoretical framework is provided by Janet Chafetz who has developed a theory of sex stratification. It is concluded that family‐work role integration is probably easier to achieve in Indonesia than in the United States because there may be less sex stratification, with males having the most advantage, in Indonesia. Specifically, the degree of gender differentiation and degree of occupational segregation by sex appear to be less in Indonesia than in the United States. Moreover, the concepts of masculinity and femininity are rarely used to distinguish attitudes and behavior of the sexes. Ideological support for sex stratification is unclear. As Indonesia develops economically, it will probably become more stratified by sex which will negatively affect the current ease of family‐work role integration of mothers.  相似文献   

Return migration: changing roles of men and women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study concerns Greek returnees from the Federal Republic of Germany and explores changes in task sharing behaviour and gender role attitudes resulting from changes in cultural environments.
A group of return migrants was compared with a group of non-migrants, both living in villages in the District of Drama, Greece. Groups were interviewed to investigate the extent to which each spouse shared house tasks as well as their attitudes towards gender roles in the family.
The data were factor analysed and a t-test was used to determine any differences between the groups. In addition to demographic variables, those concerning the "time lived abroad" and the "number of years in Greece" after return were inserted into a series of regression analyses for the purpose of explaining task sharing and gender role attitudes.
The results showed that: (a) task sharing of return migrants differs from on-migrants with respect to tasks which are peripheral to house organization. It seems that migrants' task sharing behaviour changes to a certain degree as a result of their changing socio-cultural environments. Results also suggest that migrant husbands and wives either take on new patterns of behaviour or maintain traditional ones only when these are congruent with the financial aims of the family or can be integrated into living conditions in Greece upon return. (b) Lack of differences between groups in an Attitude Questionnaire suggest that gender role attitudes have changed for both migrants and non-migrants over the last 15 to 20 years, although for different reasons and the different conditions under which these groups had lived.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of self-esteem during childhood on men’s and women’s occupational prestige in young adulthood. By combining first-hand information from parents in the Swedish Level-of-Living surveys (LNU) 2000 and their children in the Child-LNU in 2000 and the follow-up study in LNU-2010, we are able to assess how self-esteem during adolescence is related to occupational prestige in adulthood. Multivariate analyses were used to determine whether associations between self-esteem (global and domain-specific) in childhood (aged 10–18 years) and occupational prestige in young adulthood (aged 20–28) exist and, if so, what the magnitudes of these associations are for each respective gender.

For women, there is a positive association between confidence in mathematics and prestige, even when accounting for actual math grades. Global self-esteem is positively related to later occupational prestige as well. For men, self-esteem is unrelated to occupational prestige. Only actual performance in mathematics is important for men’s occupational achievements.

These results indicate the importance of taking gender differences into account when investigating how self-esteem is related to outcomes in young adulthood. A possible implication is the importance of focusing on the development of self-esteem among children, particularly girls, in school.  相似文献   

In the USSR, the state statistics for the 1930s through the 1970s seem to reflect the development and completion of a process of active and almost universal transition of women from individual housework to socialized production. The statistics also provide a graphic picture of the most important tendencies in the qualitative aspects of women's labor. Determining the special characteristics of women's job activities within the general structure of employment in the USSR that have offers some idea of the progressiveness of the changes that have occurred in women's occupational position and the contradictions and unresolved problems remaing. Notable is the substantial change in the predominant types of work, particularly a marked decrease in the number of women employed in agriculture. The urbanization of the USSR, the development of an urban economy, and the high rates of industrialization all contributed to the expansion of labor, involvement in industry, construction, and the system of sociocultural, trade, and labor services. This process directly influenced the nature of women's labor force activity. During the 1930-70s period, the proportion of women employed in industrial work, as well as in work relating to information, increased from 13% to 52%. The proportion of women performing industrial labor which requires training increased from 5% to 13-14% during this period. The relative proportion of women doing different types of service-type work increased from 11% to 25%. Women participated most actively in creating and developing the system of medical and cultural services, children's nurseries and kindergartens, trade enterprises and restaurants. The proportion of women in charge of work collectives and organizing the activity of people was negligible at the end of the 1930s and had increased to 4-5% by the 1970s. Yet, about 40% of women working in the economy are employed in unskilled or low-skilled labor, which requires no vocational training. This index is about 30% for the entire employed population. Some specific differences in areas of work and in working conditions, and hence perhaps in pay, most likely exist owing to the psychosocial characteristics of females and to prohibitions against women working in various types of harmful jobs. Yet, these differences testify to elements of inequality continuing to persist in women's occupational status.  相似文献   

Little attention has been given to the vulnerable populations of migrant women agricultural workers. A systemic review in PubMed was carried out (1990-2008) using terms related to migrant agricultural workers, with specific focus on women. Case studies from Lebanon and California are presented to highlight key physical, psychosocial, and cultural risk factors among these working populations. The review revealed a host of potential problems that span from pesticide exposure and musculoskeletal disorders to socio-cultural barriers. Comprehensive exposure-outcome and intervention studies focusing specifically on migrant women in agriculture are lacking. In depth studies focusing on the work environment of migrant women workers in the agricultural sector are needed. Personal and environmental factors that influence health should be considered in any effective intervention aiming to influence policy making and have a positive impact on these vulnerable working populations.  相似文献   

This study explores the adoption and use of WeChat, the most popular mobile instant messaging (MIM) platform in China, among middle-aged residents in urban China. Previous technology diffusion studies have paid little attention to this demographic. Based on diffusion of innovations and uses and gratifications theory, the study aims to identify the predictors of adoption and use of WeChat by middle-aged individuals. Data were collected in Xiamen from a sample of 300 tourists aged from 36 to 60 years. The results showed that the perceived relative advantages of WeChat significantly predicted its adoption by the middle-aged users in the sample. However, the effects in predicting usage were limited when the perceived need for WeChat were taken into account. In addition, the results indicated that demographic variables (i.e., age, gender, and income) and personal innovativeness were significant predictors of the adoption and use of WeChat among middle-aged individuals.  相似文献   

The occupational distributions of the native-born and foreign-born in the Australian labor market differ greatly. The disparity between the occupational distributions is greatest among the middle age-bracket, and among immigrants from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region. Analysis of occupational attainment using unit record data from the 1981 Census shows that as duration of residence in Australia lengthens, the occupational distribution of the overseas-born converges toward that of the Australian-born. Moreover, birthplace groups differ in the degree of upward mobility associated with length of residence in Australia: immigrants from non-English-speaking countries tend to make greater occupational advances than their counterpart from English-speaking countries. This suggests a higher degree of international transferability of human capital skills among immigrants from English-speaking countries. The analysis also highlights the concentration of immigrants from non-English speaking countries in low-ranked occupations, and the relatively minor influence of education on the occupational attainment of immigrants from these birth place regions.  相似文献   

Sexual self-disclosure among university women   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Although there has been considerable research about self-disclosure, there has been a lack of research regarding disclosure of sexual topics. In order to increase our understanding of sexual self-disclosure (SSD), a scale was developed to measure SSD, and 10 variables were tested as predictors of SSD. The subjects were 203 unmarried university females aged 18-22. SSD was measured separately for each of the target groups of mother, father, close friend, and dating partner. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were performed separately for virgin and non-virgin subjects. The one variable which was significant for each of the target groups in each of the analyses was sexual comfort level of the target person. The variables of sex guilt and target person's sexual attitudes were significant for disclosure to each of the target groups among the nonvirgin subjects but to only some of the target groups among the virgin subjects. The remaining seven predictor variables were significant for at least one of the target groups. In the multiple regression models, the proportion of variance explained ranged from 28% to 58%. The results indicate the value of controlling for both target group and virginity status when analyzing the relationship of predictor variables to SSD.  相似文献   


Two explanations for sex differences in psychiatric impairment (depressive symptomatology) are tested on a rural sample of white respondents drawn from Middle Tennessee. Gove's notions of role strain and role overload and Radloff's ideas concerning learned helplessness are placed in the context of traditional rural values undergoing change. The results reveal that there are no overall sex differences in depressive symptom scores among these respondents except when considering employment and marital status; married working females are more depressed than their male counterparts. Multiple Classification Analyses indicate that helplessness is the most efficacious explanation of sex differences. The implications of these findings for future research on depressive symptoms are discussed.  相似文献   

There has been relatively little qualitatively or quantitatively published research to guide the field in identifying and addressing barriers to seeking help for older women who experience domestic violence. Women over the age of 45 have seldom been participants in research on domestic violence. This paper describes results from a qualitative study that focused on reactions to and internalization of abusive behaviors of an intimate partner. Twenty-one focus groups were conducted with 134 middle- aged and older women. Analysis of the data identified six factors that describe reactions to abusive behavior that become barriers to help seeking, including self-blame, powerlessness, hopelessness, the need to protect family, and the need to keep such abuse secret from others. These.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Experience, Mature Women's Cohort, this study examined the extent to which discrimination influenced pension receipt and levels of pension income among women aged 55-69 in 1992. It found that discrimination affected the level of pension income beyond that of demographic and human capital variables, when controlling for wage-related income, only among moderate-to-affluent near-elderly women. No relation was found between discrimination and receipt of pension income.  相似文献   


Women represent one of the fastest growing segments of the homeless population and employment is often central exiting homelessness. However, little research considers employment experiences among unaccompanied women, a particularly vulnerable sub-population. This study explored how unaccompanied women experiencing homelessness (n?=?20) perceived and negotiated employment in a mid-sized community. Thematic analysis revealed four themes: limited work experience, limited aspirations, the holding pattern, and individual barriers. Findings endorse the need for Housing-First interventions to prioritize stable housing and employment-friendly shelters.  相似文献   

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