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《曾国藩家书》是曾国藩的书信集,成书于清咸丰年间,它不仅是一部记录家常的书信集,还是一部蕴含着为人处世、持家教子的人生智慧书,当代家庭教育应汲取传统文化精华,以培养良好向善的人性为目标。曾国藩的家庭教育思想对当今的家庭教育有很多启示。 相似文献
《红楼梦》作为中国宗法社会的代表作之一,以贾宝玉、林黛玉和薛宝钗的爱情婚姻故事为主线,揭示了宗法制度下,上层社会大家族腐朽的一面。社会的没落直接决定着家族的没落,而教育作为影响人的重要因素,在《红楼梦》中体现的淋漓尽致。从《红楼梦》中塑造的现实家庭教育观以及作者营造的他所希冀的家庭教育入手进行探索分析,对当时社会的教育制度进行揭露,批判地继承与分析,为现代社会教育思想的实施与问题的结局提供借鉴与指导。 相似文献
家庭是孩子成长的第一所学校,父母是孩子的第一任老师。在中国传统的家庭教养模式下,母亲对孩子的教育以及亲子关系的构建形成了孩子生命的底色。著名作家池莉在其小说《来吧孩子》中所记述的自己女儿吕亦池的成长过程,每个片段和故事都透露出自己的教育方法和教育理念,值得探究。本文主要从母亲与教育、池莉与《来吧孩子》以及从书中所体会到的教育启示来谈谈自己的感受。 相似文献
韩国儿童公民道德教育有其自身的特点,既坚持政府主导贯穿于整个教育系统,又坚持民间宣传为辅覆盖全社会,成功的将儒家传统文化的精华和西方民主文明的优秀成果结合起来,取其精华,推陈出新,创造出了公民道德教育的新途径。因此,我国在进行公民道德教育的过程中,应该借鉴其成功的经验,转化、运用到我国的实际中来,以推进我国思想政治教育事业的发展。 相似文献
孙蔷 《青春岁月:学术版》2015,(15)
魏微是一名70后女作家,她的文字细腻柔美,她的故事舒缓温暖,尤其那些常态下的小城小镇的人与事、景与情在她的笔下无一不生动感人,朴实诚恳.《大老郑的女人》就是这样一篇典型的魏微式的作品,普通的人物身上都是不普通的爱与情. 相似文献
《科学教育改革的蓝本》是为美国读者写的,但书中的内容对我国的教育体制非常有借鉴性,书中的精髓对我国的教育工作者弥足珍贵。 相似文献
顾禄所著《清嘉录》主要讲述苏州及其附近地区的节令习俗,文中大量引证古文地志、诗文、经史,并逐条考订,其中对苏州地区的岁时节日记录可谓独具特色,表现当地的节日活动一是神鬼崇拜的浓厚,二是宴游聚会等娱乐活动盛行;三是节日活动氛围下商业贸易的发展。 相似文献
社会公德的特性与教育——对大学生社会公德教育的一点思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
社会公德是社会的公共道德,它是现代社会的产物.社会公德具有公共性、情境性、实践中的具体条件性以及发展性等特性.社会公德的特性对我们加强大学生的社会公德教育提供了诸多启示. 相似文献
Bloke Modisane 《Social Dynamics》2013,39(3):457-478
Departing from a consideration of Jacob Dlamini’s book, Native Nostalgia, this essay critically reviews the conceptual terrain implied by “nostalgia,” re-situating it in relation to memory, especially where it intersects with debates over the status of “truth” in relation to “history.” We explore nostalgia through three dualities that underpin a burgeoning literature: remembering and forgetting, witnessing and testimony, and mourning and melancholia. Against conceptual oppositions that pit remembering against forgetting, or alternatively, that seek to remedy the fallibility of memory by seeking access to the “truth” of history, we suggest that nostalgia is probably more usefully understood as a practice of coincident temporalities. Nostalgia, in this sense, denotes a specific way of enfolding the past into the present, and indeed the future. We discuss two projects of post-apartheid testimony that work from, and on, the presumed antagonism that nostalgia sets up between “truth” and its possible distortions in memory: the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of 1996–1998, and the Apartheid Archive Project initiated in 2009. We conclude by suggesting that South Africans may need to pursue what Ackbar Abbas has called an “affective politics of disappointment” if the past is to be brought more creatively to bear on South Africa’s future. 相似文献
Gay, lesbian, and queer individuals with a Christian upbringing often experience conflict between religion and sexual identity. The purpose of this grounded theory study was to understand how gay, lesbian, and queer-identified individuals with a Christian upbringing resolve conflict between sexual identity and religious beliefs. Analysis of in-depth interviews with 15 participants led to 3 conclusions. First, resolving the discord between sexual identity and religious beliefs is a five-stage process of internal conflict resolution. Second, personal and contextual factors affect every aspect of the resolution process. Finally, faith development and sexual identity development are intertwined and fluid constructions. 相似文献
TWO years ago, I traveled to the UnitedStates on private business when I wasembarrassed by a new discovery; nomatter what a person's racialbackground, if he could read MandarinChinese, be would mention ZhangZbongxing. At Harvard Square inBoston, an African-American studenttold me that Zhang's work featured thenobility and cultural tradition of Chineseliterary elites from the past 5,000 yearsand reflected the freedom and 相似文献
Nancy Wallace 《Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy》2005,26(4):193-199
This article describes mothers' own reports of bringing up a son diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The effects of this widely misunderstood condition on the child, the family, and the wider social network (including medical and education systems) are many and complex. Although there is evidence for a biological basis for this condition, ADHD symptoms are also seen in children of abusive, or other disordered parenting. Children showing ADHD symptoms are often seen to be undisciplined, and their parents assumed to be either abusive or overindulgent. Many problems suffered by these families, particularly the mothers, may be due to the confusion of these two aetiologies. Rather than being seen as suffering from brain dysfunction, children are responded to with generalised social disapproval and ultimately ostracism. The article will describe the effects of the behavioural symptomatology as it influences the thinking, in accordance with the beliefs of casual observers, about its underlying causes. 相似文献