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This paper outlines therapeutic group work with young childrenin response to acute community trauma in Northern Ireland. Thechildren in question were the focus of a highly publicized disputeconcerning access to their school. The work was carried outby NOVA, a Barnardo’s (Northern Ireland) trauma supportservice. Part one outlines the theoretical framework. It highlightsthe relevance of ‘continuous traumatic stress syndrome’(Straker, 1987) in this context and its challenge to individualistictrauma accounts. Developmental considerations in trauma arealso outlined and the role of protective factors is discussed.Consideration is also given to the socio-political context.Part two summarizes group preparation, process and perceivedbenefits. Process observations are made with reference to threekey outcome themes: (i) reducing fear; (ii) increasing control;(iii) restoring connections. Perceptions of group benefit frompre- and post-questionnaires are then outlined with referenceto implications for achieving these outcomes. Questionnaireresponses highlighted four tasks and processes for effectivepractice in this context: (i) communication; (ii) emotionalsupport; (iii) management strategies and (iv) meaningmaking.Further, active partnerships with the whole support matrix–parents,teachers and community–are highlighted throughout as centralto good outcome.  相似文献   

《诗经》里的《国风》,崇尚自然、真挚,直抒对生活的真实感受,这也许是从民间汲取营养的“农民诗歌”的最初作品.数千年来,多少无名的农民诗人湮没于历史尘埃之中.直到上世纪五十年代,被誉为“庄稼汉诗派”的“农民诗歌”创作一时兴起,从此,中国文学史有了“农民诗人”这个称呼.中国第一个“农民诗社”——“春泥诗社”兴起于青岛平度这片热土.悠久的历史、灿烂的文明,让青岛平度这片古老的土地积淀了深厚的文化内涵,“春泥诗社”出现后,使整个平度都具有了抒情的特质.张文华、张素兰、崔瑞青、刘成爱、刘旭良、王奎高、郑书联、于兆杰……这些农民诗人创作的诗歌充满着向上的朝气,就像大地上的庄稼,自然而朴素,蓬勃而充满生机.  相似文献   

庄晓惠  侯钧生 《社会》2008,28(2):128-128
20世纪80年代,俄罗斯社会开始转型,90年代以后,俄罗斯的社会阶层发生了明显的分化。本文主要从以下几个方面描述和分析俄罗斯的社会阶层分化:1、社会收入的差距(包括个人的收入差距,政府各部门之间、社会各行业之间的收入差距,俄罗斯区域间的收入差距)。2、“社会边缘群体”和“新贫困者”。“社会边缘群体”是一些不能确定自己的社会地位和群体归属的“被社会边缘化”的人群。“新贫困者”是指前苏联时期,以教授、工程师和医生等知识分子为主体的社会阶层,俄罗斯社会改革前,他们生活安逸,有很高的社会地位,而现在却生活艰难,变成了俄罗斯的穷人。3、新中产阶级。 俄罗斯在社会政治、经济转型过程中,旧的以知识分子为核心的社会中间阶层消失了,出现了新的以企业主为中心的中产阶级,俄罗斯新中产阶级的出现使俄罗斯的社会阶级结构发生了巨大的变化。  相似文献   

日本记者俱乐部作为日本各大媒体获取消息的常规正式渠道,相当多的研究认为它是日本保守政治势力控制舆论的制度工具.但尽管国际国内批判不断,任何关于记者俱乐部的改革举措都未能取得实质性进展.针对这一矛盾,本文提出记者俱乐部制度并不止反映政治单方面对舆论的控制,而是反映了保守政治势力与主流媒体之间的契约同盟关系.这种关系使得主流媒体很难自发产生反对约束、要求增强新闻报道独立性的要求.而来自制度外部的改革动力或压力,都因为力量弱小或影响范围有限而难以取得实质性进展.  相似文献   

社会经济发展中的弱势群体及其社会支持   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
张敏杰 《浙江学刊》2003,(3):126-131
社会弱势群体是一个具有相对性和比较性特征的概念 ,该群体的成员是社会福利和社会保护的对象 ,并且是任何时代任何社会都存在的一种普遍现象。本文以浙江省为个案 ,认为在社会经济发展水平领先的地区也不能漠视弱势群体的存在 ,弱势群体问题的解决不是一个自然的过程。随着弱势群体问题日益成为新世纪影响社会稳定的一个重要因素 ,建构弱势群体社会支持系统的任务越来越紧迫。为此 ,作者以浙江为例 ,对弱势群体支持系统的构成与机制进行了分析 ,对弱势群体能获得的社会支持程度与经济社会发展水平的关联进行了论证  相似文献   

从社会工作与农村社会工作发展的现状入手,论述了社会工作尤其是农村社会工作的基础、特征、使命,强调农村社会工作的实践性与反思性,在此基础上提出丰富本土社会工作知识,加强与国际社会工作的对话能力。  相似文献   

Because both the individual and the state call for simultaneous investigation in social psychology, one could argue that in some sense Serge Moscovici, with the publication of Psychoanalysis, put forward the first systematic large scale empirical study of cognitive representations in, as it happily proved, various blocs of French understandings of psychoanalysis, admitting, characteristically, doubts about the individual, bloc, and the state representations.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was on the social networks of preschool children and on the interface between network characteristics and the child's acceptance by peers and teachers. Fifty-six children and their mothers were interviewed about the child's social support network. Social acceptance measures included peer sociometric ratings and teacher ratings of child preference and relationship quality. Frequency of contact with mother-nominated child network members was a determining factors in the concordance of mother and child reports. From the child's perspective, social acceptance was related to the presence and supportiveness of siblings and extended kin. Mother reports were less predictive, with only one significant association between parental support and teacher preference. In general, the children's perceptions regarding the structure and function of their social networks were found to be reliable and to relate meaningfully to social acceptance in the preschool domain.  相似文献   

杨明伟 《社会工作》2011,(22):61-62
发展社会事业、促进社会公正、加强社会管理、完善社会体制是新的历史时期社会建设的主要内容。创新社会管理就是要以主动的建设和变革为手段,以改善社会的状况、建设一个更好的社会。公平正义既是创新社会管理的有效途径,也是社会工作的专业价值追求,因此,社会工作的发展必将为创新社会管理注入新的活力。  相似文献   

Summary City Centre Project has been working with drifting and homelessyoung people and we considered it important to study not justthe clients, but also the project workers. The discipline andmethods of social anthropology appeared to offer unique advantagesin this attempt However, in the course of our fieldwork, weencountered situations which led us to question the validityof using participant observation with clients, and to explorethe tensions between social workers and academic researchers.We then altered our methods for gathering data, and realizedthat our experience had important implications for researchersconsidering the use of qualitative methods in a social worksetting. This article is our first attempt to generalize fromour particular experience, and to raise questions about powerrelations among the parties to research and action.  相似文献   

杨明伟 《社会工作》2011,(11):61-62
裴梅镇是江西省万年县南大门,周边同弋阳、贵溪等县市接壤,境内有锦黄公路纵贯南北、皖赣线横跨东西,交通便捷。万年县富林敬老院就座落在这南大门的闹镇中。富林敬老院环境静谥、洁净优雅,院内绿草如茵,亭台楼榭,鸟语花香,一排排粉墙绿瓦的小楼掩映  相似文献   

Summary Theories of social work are usually defined by reference totheir oppositions regarding the subject in social work and theaims of practice. This position connects up with a dominantview of theories of social work which regards them as opponentsengaged in a struggle to dominate the field. This paper characterizesthis view as a ‘gladiatorial paradigm’ It assaysthe vaidity of this paradigm. lists the main defects, and setsout the case for a structuralist approach to social work.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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