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We examined associations of maternal and child emotional discourse and child emotion knowledge with children's behavioral competence. Eighty‐five upper middle‐income, mostly White preschoolers and mothers completed a home‐based bookreading task to assess discourse about emotions. Children's anger perception bias and emotion situation knowledge were assessed in a separate interview. Children's prosocial behavior, relational aggression, and physical aggression were observed during a preschool‐based triadic play task. Mothers' emotion explanations were correlated with children's emotion situation knowledge and relational aggression. Both mothers' and children's emotion explanations predicted prosocial behavior whereas mothers' use of positive emotional themes was negatively associated with children's anger perception bias. Physical aggression was predicted by mothers' emotion comments, children's anger perception bias, and lack of emotion situation knowledge. Maternal emotion socialization variables were less strongly related to children's behavioral competence after accounting for demographics and child emotional competence. Implications of these findings for future research on emotion socialization are discussed.  相似文献   

Intergroup dialogue is an interdisciplinary field of practice that seeks to improve intergroup relations and effect social change. The use of dialogue as a method is growing within numerous social science professions including social work, and an understanding of the origins of dialogue will allow current practitioners to place their work within a larger context. This article provides a historical overview of the application of dialogue theory and methods, an analysis of the relationship between social constructionism and intergroup dialogue, and provides important directions for social workers who can utilize intergroup dialogue to promote social justice.  相似文献   

This article describes the pedagogical and facilitation approach of a yearlong youth empowerment program that engaged a group of adolescents who were racially and socioeconomically diverse in participatory action research. Nine adolescents from inner-city neighborhoods and suburban communities across the metropolitan Detroit, Michigan, region completed a Photovoice project. As part of the project, the youth documented racial segregation to inform community-based advocacy efforts. Pedagogical principles from intergroup dialogues were used to help facilitate participants’ understanding of differences across race and socioeconomic status. The article outlines the four-stage curricular design used to organize group activities. Those stages are (1) group formation, (2) exploration of differences and commonalities, (3) discussion of controversial issues, and (4) action planning. This article illustrates how facilitation of a diverse group in participatory action research may require a dialogic approach that addresses cross-cultural differences and builds positive intergroup collaboration skills.  相似文献   

The paper explored how to promote constructive intergroup relations among children and young people in a context of protracted conflict. Across two studies, the Empathy–Attitudes–Action model was examined in middle childhood and adolescence. More specifically, we tested the relations among dispositional empathy, out‐group attitudes, and prosocial behaviors for youth born after the peace agreement in Northern Ireland. In one correlational (Study 1: N = 132; 6–11 years old: M = 8.42 years, SD = 1.23) and one longitudinal design (Study 2: N = 466; 14–15 years old), bootstrapped mediation analyses revealed that empathy was associated with more positive attitudes toward the conflict‐related out‐group, which in turn, was related to higher out‐group prosocial behaviors, both self‐report and concrete actions. Given that out‐group prosocial acts in a setting of intergroup conflict may serve as the antecedents for peacebuilding among children and adolescents, this study has intervention implications.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated trajectories of Black‐White biracial children's social development during middle childhood, their associations with parents’ racial identification of children, and the moderating effects of child gender and family socioeconomic status (SES). The study utilized data from parent and teacher reports on 293 US Black‐White biracial children enrolled in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study‐Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS‐K). Growth curve models suggested increasing trajectories of teacher‐reported internalizing and externalizing behaviors between kindergarten and fifth grade. Parents’ racial identification of children predicted child externalizing behavior trajectories such that teachers rated biracially identified children's externalizing behaviors lower relative to those of Black‐ and White‐identified children. Additionally, for White‐identified biracial children, the effect of family SES on internalizing behavior trajectories was especially pronounced. These findings suggest that in the USA, how parents racially identify their Black‐White biracial children early on has important implications for children's problem behaviors throughout the elementary school years.  相似文献   

宋丽萍 《唐都学刊》2007,23(6):116-120
印巴分治后,印度穆斯林身份认同经历了三个阶段的发展变化:认同世俗主义政治、穆斯林集团意识的增强和宗教意识的增强。这一变化是多方面因素综合作用的结果,国大党世俗政策的衰微和印度教民族主义运动的复兴是其中最重要的原因。从总体来看,虽然印度穆斯林的宗教意识在增强,但一直在世俗民主政治框架下调整自己的身份认同,而这对于印度社会的稳定是非常重要的。  相似文献   

Issues of identity and its development are of huge importance in transracial/ethnic adoptions. Theoretical approaches that relate to racial/ethnic identity development include Cross's racial, Phinney's ethnic identity development, Berry's acculturation model. This article examines these models and their relevance in understanding identity development of transracial/ethnic adolescent adoptees. Successful negotiation of one's racial/ethnic identity is crucial to the development of a functional self-concept and positive self-evaluations for transracial/ethnic adoptees. Practitioners need to be aware of the unique experiences of transracially adopted adolescents that shape racial/ethnic identity development and take an active approach in helping transracial adoptees build positive self-images of themselves.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to better understand the experience of grandparents who are raising their grandchildren in New South Wales, Australia. In‐depth interviews were conducted with 34 grandparents and their narratives transcribed and studied using paradigmatic analysis to reveal common themes among the stories told. Identity theory further informed the discussion of these findings. Woven throughout the grandparent narratives is a story of paradox – of experience simultaneously made up of pain/pleasure, myth/reality, inclusion/exclusion, being deserving/undeserving, visible/invisible and voiced/silenced. The findings signal a significant role‐identity conflict for grandparents who are parenting grandchildren. This study points to the need for policy and practice that more closely reflects the complexity of experience associated with the grandparent‐as‐parent role.  相似文献   

Does the way we think about our personal self‐complexity affect how we accept others? Researchers have offered various conceptualizations of how individuals manage their complex identities, while others have identified links between cognitive complexity and acceptance of outgroups. This paper integrates the two bodies of work by positing a route by which personal identity conflicts may lead to cognitive and cultural pluralism. For individuals committed to multiple identities perceived as conflicting, the intra‐psychic experience of value conflicts may lead to a recognition of self‐complexity, which is then transposed from the personal domain to the social one and expressed as a pluralistic attitude towards others. This argument find support in a study of Israeli Jewish Orthodox psychoanalytic therapists who belong to what they perceive as non‐pluralistic religious groups, yet express value pluralism, which they attribute to their complex identities. One of the educational implications of this study is that facilitating engagement with internal complexity, multiple identities and personal value conflicts may promote pluralistic thinking for individuals in religious societies.  相似文献   

社会冲突与阶级意识——当代中国社会矛盾研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
李培林 《社会》2005,61(1):7-27
如何认识和分析社会主义建设时期的社会矛盾,实际上存在着三 种路径: 第一种是"阶级斗争"的分析方法,它的基本假设和断定是,社会主 义时期的一切社会矛盾,归根结底是无产阶级和资产阶级的阶级斗争 的反映,共同的阶级就意味着共同的社会地位和共同的利益,后者又进 一步意味着共同的社会意愿、共同的社会态度和共同的社会行动。在 这种逻辑推论下,中国在改革开放前的很长一个时期,"以阶级斗争为  相似文献   

In Northern Ireland, most research on the impact upon children of living through the ‘troubles’ and in a divided society has assumed that children are from either the Catholic or Protestant community. There has been very little research with children from cross‐community families who have one parent from a Catholic background and one from a Protestant background. It is known, however, that these children are over‐represented in the public care system in Northern Ireland. The study reported in this paper addresses this gap in knowledge by exploring the experiences and views of children from cross‐community families who are in public care in Northern Ireland. The study has key messages for the development of services for looked after children from cross‐community families, if these are to be delivered in accordance with legislative duties in Northern Ireland and in an anti‐sectarian manner.  相似文献   

论转型期的价值冲突与公共价值理念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄建炜 《唐都学刊》2005,21(1):68-72
在中国社会的转型时期 ,存在着社会整合机制的削弱、文化的分裂以及价值观的冲突与紊乱等现象 ,使整个社会面临着群体与个体、道义与功利、公平与效率、和谐与竞争、自由与规范等多方面的价值冲突。对此 ,在价值观教育的取向及其战略选择上 ,应主要从以下两个方面做出努力 :一是着力培育适应时代要求的公共价值理念和文化精神 ;二是注重社会主导价值观念———适应社会主义市场经济体制的、社会本位的“新集体主义价值”的引导与建设  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between two aspects of intergenerational conflict (acculturative and developmental) and depression among Korean American adolescents as well as the role of ethnic identity as a moderator of the relationship. First, the results of the study demonstrate that acculturative conflict has a greater impact on depression than developmental conflict. Second, the study indicates that ethnic identity predicts a decreased risk of depression. Finally, the study shows that the effect of acculturative conflict on depression is moderated by ethnic identity. In addition, the results suggest the need for further research in the area of ethnic identity and its unique relationship to psychosocial factors. Granting limitations imposed by the study design, the study supports the buffering role of ethnic identity and suggests a need for the enhancement of ethnic identity among Korean American adolescents.  相似文献   

协力行政可以说是与传统的干涉行政、给付行政以及计划行政相并列的新的行政类型.从行为角度来看,它是行政主体为谋求行政效益,作出借助私主体协力、配合达成既定行政目标的行政行为;从制度角度来看,它是现代行政国家为有效达成既定行政目标,通过吸纳私主体进入行政过程,双方相互协力、合作的手段、方式和途径的总称.  相似文献   

Disclosure of government information involves the interests of the applicant, third parties and the public. Both systems for assessment of the public interest and the lessening importance of the applicant’s qualifications make public interest the principal driver for disclosure of information. Exemptions to disclosure contain an implicit public interest. In conflicts between opposing interests over disclosure and non-disclosure, public interest is the key to balancing interests. Public interests supporting disclosure are related to such values as the right to know, democracy and public participation, whereas the interests supporting non-disclosure tend to be implicit in the exemptions to disclosure. Multiple interest entities and the two-sidedness of public interest increase the complexity of weighing the interests involved. Full and comprehensive analysis of interests and the exclusion of unrelated considerations are the premise for assessment of interests. Prioritizing the public interest and prioritizing openness are institutional values of the laws on disclosure of information and the fundamental principle for assessing interests.  相似文献   

Because of increased attention to the issue of trustworthiness of clinical practice guidelines, it may be that both transparency and management of industry associations of guideline development groups (GDGs) have improved. The purpose of the present study was to assess a) the disclosure requirements of GDGs in a cross-section of guidelines for major depression; and, b) the extent and type of conflicts of panel members. Treatment guidelines for major depression were identified and searched for conflict of interest policies and disclosure statements. Multi-modal screens for undeclared conflicts were also conducted. Fourteen guidelines with a total of 172 panel members were included in the analysis. Eleven of the 14 guidelines (78%) had a stated conflict of interest policy or disclosure statement, although the policies varied widely. Most (57%) of the guidelines were developed by panels that had members with industry financial ties to drug companies that manufacture antidepressant medication. However, only a minority of total panel members (18%) had such conflicts of interest. Drug company speakers bureau participation was the most common type of conflict. Although some progress has been made, organizations that develop guidelines should continue to work toward greater transparency and minimization of financial conflicts of interest.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that intergenerational tensions in the United States reflect a strategy for serving the aged that stresses the underlying values of individualism and self-reliance. Using national survey data, we examine the extent to which Americans' view of public responsibility for the aged has shifted between the mid-1980s and late-1990s, a period characterized by the intensification of "generational" politics, as well as a growing hostility toward "big government." We consider four factors that may be responsible for the escalation of intergenerational tensions as they are manifest in the erosion of public support for programs and policies serving the elderly: (1) Declining intergenerational solidarity with the aged ; (2) Increasing concerns over age-inequity in public programs ; (3) Increasing concerns over resource-inequity in public programs; and (4) Increasing opposition to big government . Results indicate that the public has generally grown more apprehensive about the value and costs of government programs serving both the elderly and the poor. Yet, the fact that Social Security enjoys far more support than social programs serving the poor suggests that the elderly are perceived as more deserving of their benefits than other dependent groups in society. The public also appears increasingly reluctant to redistribute old age benefits according to need. Age-group contrasts revealed little evidence of direct tension between the generations. The results suggest that growing distrust of government and reluctance to help the poor has indirectly fueled opposition to public spending on the older population. Proposed changes to programs and policies affecting the elderly will need to take into account the ambivalence felt by many Americans toward a government they expect to make good on its promise to care for all older citizens, but to use fewer resources in doing so.  相似文献   


A clinical experience of an Asian Indian therapist working with a client of a similar ethnic background is analyzed. The relational dynamics in the therapy and the impact of a perceived shared identity are examined. Transference and countertransference processes are emphasized. A shared perceived ethnic identity created complexities in the therapeutic relationship and affected the therapy in surprising ways. Assumptions related to a shared ethnic identity affected the ability to form a therapeutic alliance.  相似文献   

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