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This paper presents the results of an exploratory study of one hundred sixty-six domestic violence organizations that use the World Wide Web. Domestic violence agencies primarily used the Web to promote agency visibility and provide community education, and to a lesser extent for advocacy, direct services, and securing resources. Agency satisfaction with their Website is generally high, although more than one-third of agencies reported problems. Related issues discussed include Web-based sources of client victimization, agency legal liability, agency vulnerability to online disruption, the need to create access for low-income clients, and evaluation of Web services.  相似文献   


This article reports the findings of an exploratory, multi-method study conducted for a state health authority to examine stakeholder perceptions of existing genetic services and service ideals using survey and focus group methodologies. A web-based survey of medical providers and allied health professionals (N = 567) examined the knowledge needed by service providers to deliver competent genetic care. A second web-based survey of programs (N = 15) viewed as potential partners in the delivery of genetic services was conducted to explore the potential for interagency coordination, the family-centered nature of these services, existing training, and general agency ideals and values. Focus groups were also conducted with 4 groups of families and 3 groups of service providers to explore their perceptions of current and ideal services. The strategies yielded important information around service needs, resource issues, barriers to service, psychological issues, and education and information needs related to the delivery of genetic services. Implications for professional education, especially social work education, are also covered.  相似文献   


It is frequently argued that computerized decision support lends itself more easily to structured than to semi- or unstructured decisions. This paper discusses decision tasks of human service practitioners and surveys emerging research in decision theory and associated decision applications. It provides examples of an Information System, a Decision Support, and an Expert System, and examines under what conditions they can facilitate decision making in human services. A number of future issues and concerns are addressed, including ethical and legal questions, and computer literacy in human services education and practice.  相似文献   


Computer literacy in human services is defined as an intersection of both computer and human services abilities. With different levels of ability possible, a matrix is created which can be used to operationally define computer literacy within any area of human service practice. Child protective work is used to demonstrate the utility of this definitional approach. Various issues within computer literacy are also discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-six child welfare workers completed an online survey examining their experiences regarding the impact that electronic communication and social media use has had on their practice with youth and families. Workers reported e-mail and text message use have made work with youth easier, yet distinct difficulties have emerged for practitioners in relation to electronic communication and social media use. New elements have also emerged including issues with harassment and the ethics related to monitoring clients' online activities. Comparisons with a previous study conducted by Finn indicate that the use of technology within social work practice has evolved over time. Implications for social work practice and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   


Social media and other online technologies have transformed communication between social workers and service users, with many practitioners engaging and working with clients through social networking sites. While there are numerous ethical issues associated with online practice related to con?dentiality, dual relationships, and boundary crossing, there is lack of clarity about how to deal with such issues. This article uses a case example to develop a nuanced understanding of ethical issues and ethical behaviour in online spaces. We argue that social workers need to link their knowledge of the complex interplay between discourses that underpin daily practice like those related to power, permanency, authorship, audience, embodiment, and professionalism to social media created spaces. In doing this, social workers must retain their commitment to ethical values and critical reflective practice. We conclude with recommendations for education, research, and practice.  相似文献   


The Internet is a relatively new community practice tool with immense potential for more effective and efficient delivery of services. The lack of research about Internet community practice is an obstacle to the effective and efficient use of Internet tools. This research used the Delphi technique to elicit the opinions of experts on how the Internet tools of email, newsgroups, text, listservs, search engines, and chat are used by the four primary models of community practice found on the Internet (information dissemination, organization building, mobilization, and community planning). Findings show that a substantial number of people use community practice sites. The most useful Internet tools for the four Internet community practice models studied were text presentation and email. The least useful tools were newsgroups and chat. Barriers to Internet community practice include quality and currency of information, bandwidth, staff time, agency support, rapid technological change, marketing, browser consistency, user skills, and the lack of Internet access by potential users. The study concluded that Internet community practice is effective and will continue to grow as society enters the information age. The findings are particularly relevant for community practice agencies interested in setting up or enhancing an agency Web site to help provide services.  相似文献   


The Internet can assist social workers and other human service professionals to obtain information that may potentially benefit both themselves and their clients. There is little doubt among those who are familiar with the Internet that this electronic medium has revolutionized the way we communicate and access knowledge. This article provides school social workers and other human service professionals with links to resources that can be incorporated into practice by offering specific Web pages related to school social work practice.  相似文献   


This article describes the development and empirical status of guided Internet-delivered self-help. The treatment approach combines the benefits of bibliotherapy with book-length text materials and the support given online via web pages and e-mail. Interactive features such as online registrations, tests, and online discussion forums are also included. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) guided the research and clinical implementations of this approach, as it lends itself more easily to the self-help format compared with other presently available psychotherapy approaches. We include an overview of the research, current issues and research in service delivery, lessons learned through a program of research, and directions for future investigations.  相似文献   


As the Internet grows, so does its use by mental health professionals and by clients seeking mental health services. Drawing on his own experience as an example, the author describes how the Internet can enhance clinical practice. Social service professionals can utilize the Internet to provide a supportive forum for patients grappling with issues of self-identity; facilitate communication between therapist and client; provide community education about mental health issues; provide referrals to local social service professionals; market a private psychotherapy practice; and provide patient billing, scheduling, and record keeping.  相似文献   


This chapter describes the case management process-a process for assisting individuals and families with multiple service needs-and its use in various fields of practice including mental health, human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), and services for older adults. It addresses the role of the case manager as the person responsible for ensuring the timely and adequate delivery of suitable community-based services. The integration of formal services with informal care by family and friends as an intervention strategy is also discussed.  相似文献   


This article reviews legal issues related to providing mental health services via the Internet. It provides a general overview of the field and discusses jurisdiction, licensure, legal duties (competence, consent, confidentiality), and other legal concerns related to the business of online counseling. It surveys potential criminal and civil liability issues, noting procedural and substantive aspects of the relevant law. The author concludes that, although providers face a variety of challenges, their efforts in providing a service needed and desired by an important segment of the help-seeking population are worthwhile.  相似文献   


Graduate social work curricula and human service organizations (HSOs) are behind in the use of current information technology (IT) for professional social work practice. Knowledge and use of computer run client advocacy based management information systems (CAMIS) are key prerequisites to the management of professional practice in HSOs. Discussion is augmented by focus on an automated CAMIS (IBM-PC, Rbase) used in the classroom as well as agency settings. Software demos are available.  相似文献   


An assessment tool was designed to assist service providers in identifying lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) clients who present for assistance related to substance use concerns. Items were designed to facilitate self-disclosure of the individual's sexual orientation and identify concerns of LGB clients that will be relevant to treatment planning for substance use concerns. Therapists in general assessment and LGB-specialized services of a large treatment agency were trained to use the tool. This paper presents client and therapist comments made during the pilot study regarding the use and value of the assessment tool.  相似文献   


The present article reports on a study of the attitudes and behaviour of young people towards help-seeking during times of emotional distress and, in particular, when contemplating suicide. Twent- one young people aged between 16 and 24 years, as well as six parents and 14 youth service providers who lived in ‘Subcity’, a metropolitan community, were interviewed about their understandings of youth suicide and effective interventions. Nearly all the young people, service providers and parents identified a range of barriers that impede or prevent young people from asking for help when they need it most, including issues related to trust and confidentiality, parental support and fear, stigma and perceived loss of esteem. Implications for social work practice include an emphasis on developing parenting skills and community development related to education about suicide and the provision of appropriate support services.  相似文献   


HerWay Home is a multi-service drop-in and outreach program women for with substance use issues and who also may be affected by mental illness, trauma, and/or violence. Philosophical foundations of the program include harm reduction and being relationship-based and trauma-informed. This article presents the program’s evaluation findings related to cross-sectoral service collaborations and outcomes for service partners as well as for women and families, including prevention of children going into care. For service partners, HerWay Home provided peace of mind, knowing that vulnerable women’s needs would be met and also led to increased understanding about substance-using women and best practice approaches.  相似文献   


Much has been written about the effects of new technology on the human services and about its possible implications for agencies, practitioners and service users. There is also an important and expanding literature on the implications of new technology for society as a whole, including much which addresses issues of social justice. Until recently, however, there have been only a few attempts to explore the range of issues specifically concerning the relationship between social justice and the human services. My main purpose here is to start to sketch out the parameters of the field of study relating new technology to social justice in the human services and to explore some of them in depth.

Three examples of different definitions of social justice are introduced, viz.; justice as equity; flexible individualised justice; and empowerment. Then normative and ethical considerations in relation to new technology in the human services are briefly reviewed. In the main body of this paper these issues are brought together in relation to three key areas (i) the manager/professional interface (ii) strategies for new technology implementation-top down or bottom up and (iii) the relationship between social worker and service user. Finally some conclusions are drawn about the possibilities for a synthesis between competing visions of social justice.  相似文献   


The development of a university-based cybercounseling certificate program through the continuing education department of a graduate faculty of social work is described. This web-based program consists of two levels: introductory and advanced, and offers experienced face-to-face counselors training in an asynchronous, e-mail form of cybercounseling. Ethical issues such as cross-jurisdictional concerns, client appropriateness, and counselor insurance are discussed. A system developed to provide online e-mail security through web-based access and encryption is highlighted. Several techniques for e-mail counseling such as presence, and spacing and pacing are discussed and illustrated. Demographics of learners and feedback from graduates are presented and lessons learned are discussed.  相似文献   


Evidence on how to engage isolated parents in formal services tends to rely on professional commentary, practitioner discourse, and parents who use services. It is critical to also hear the perspectives of isolated parents to inform practice and service design, yet there are clearly practical difficulties in researchers talking directly to families who do not use services–– not the least of which is how to find them. This paper reports on in-depth interviews with 20 financially disadvantaged sole parents of young children in the inner north of Canberra who define themselves as not well-connected to services. The study finds that these parents often lack the social networks needed to “introduce” them to services; their contacts with formal services in the past have left them feeling judged and under surveillance, and the services which they regularly “brush up” against miss critical opportunities to link them with avenues for support. A small but significant group who resist all formal services indicate they are most likely to be assisted in everyday environments that are normal and nonstigmatising, rather than through formal agency settings.  相似文献   


Human service professionals have begun to explore the Internet's potential as a therapeutic medium for individuals, families and groups, but we still know very little about the ways that Internet-mediated communication affects interventions. This paper uses examples from a recent study of a short-term, listserv-based support group that helps social workers cope with job stress to discuss issues related to the use of online support groups.  相似文献   

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