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迟帅 《社会》2017,37(1):156-185
世俗化及逆世俗化范式的对立其实蕴含着更大的连续性,即如何理解宗教多元主义背后的诸神之争,总的来说,韦伯之后那些解释宗教变迁的理论范式均未突破韦伯对宗教的比较研究范畴,难以在当前复杂而多元的文化环境下为个人提供总体指导,但是二者共同揭露了诸神之争条件下西方宗教工具理性和价值理性交互作用所促成的理性化的动力机制,即西方宗教维护自身价值理性的方式从中世纪教会主导的政治性垄断过渡到现代性条件下宗教多元主义的市场化竞争。  相似文献   

Altered Roles     
Elderly individuals whose partners have been placed in long term care experience unique problems as they attempt to cope with the drastic changes in their lives. The "community spouses" in this study expressed loneliness, an inability to get on with their lives, and difficulties related to the placement itself as major problems areas in adjusting to a new role. The uniqueness of their situation makes it difficult for family and friends to fully understand issues related to being a community spouse. This paper discusses these issues as well as social work intervention strategies that may help community spouses cope with their difficult role.  相似文献   

50年,我们走到了哪里?——中国妇女解放与发展历程回顾   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
无论从妇女解放运动还是从妇女生活和妇女研究角度,近50年均可分为两个阶段从1949年至1976年的女性的“社会性解放”时期和从1977年至今的“女性意识”和“主体意识”的觉醒时期。经过近20多年的探索,在走向女人、走向自主的个性化生活方面,中国妇女走出了自己的“本土”特色,同时也正在实现与现代化、与国际社会和国际妇女运动的接轨。  相似文献   

Women's pensions in Sweden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article analyses the effect of the Swedish pension rules on women's and men's pensions. This is done on the basis of an empirical analysis of a representative sample of the population. The study indicates that the rules are least advantageous for women in typical low-wage occupations. I also relate different people's pension benefits to what they have had to pay into the pension system in the course of their working lives. My calculations show that female low-wage earners probably have to pay more for their pensions than other groups.  相似文献   

Anthropological studies of women's same-sex relations in non-Western societies provide an important source for theorizing women's sexuality because they allow us to go beyond a narrow focus on Western cultures and concepts. Looking at studies from groups other than the dominant societies of Europe and America, I explore the diversity of women's sexualities and the sociocultural factors that produce sexual beliefs and practices. This article argues that sexual practices take their meaning from particular cultures and their beliefs about the self and the world. Cultural systems of gender, in particular, construct different sexual beliefs and practices for men and women. I conclude the article by suggesting some broad patterns at work in the production of women's sexualities across cultures.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Kwong-leung Tang, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong. E-mail: kltang{at}cuhk.edu.hk Summary In the face of rampant violations of women’s human rights,women’s activism for change has extended beyond the nationalboundary. This paper discusses the importance of the UnitedNations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discriminationagainst Women (Women’s Convention) in the promotion ofwomen’s rights. Adopted by the UN General Assembly in1979, this Convention has been ratified by over 170 nations.As an anti-discrimination treaty, it has both strengths andweaknesses. Recently, it has been strengthened through the introductionof an individual complaint mechanism (the Optional Protocol).It also provides for the conduct of special inquiry into violationsof women’s rights. To draw benefits from the Convention,women across the world must understand and act upon its keyprovisions. Social workers should support and facilitate itsimplementation by educating women about its main provisions,assisting them in the complaint procedure and overseeing states’full compliance with the Convention.  相似文献   

The revitalization of the Feminist Movement in the late 20th century led to the abandonment of most overt male bias in constitutional law. The Supreme Court replaced its old doctrines that accepted gender discrimination virtually without scrutiny with a rule that gender-based classification must bear a substantial relationship to an important purpose. The limited right to abortion recognized in Roe v. Wade [Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 413 (1973)] has survived 30 years of persistent efforts to negate it. Nevertheless, male bias remains entrenched in American law. Although law is no longer an exclusively male activity, legal rules originated in men's viewpoints and experiences. Examples of this kind of male bias include a concept of self-defense that does not fit the experience of domestic violence victims and child custody rulings that ignore the mother's role as primary caregiver. Unfortunately, constitutional doctrine remains impervious to this type of bias.  相似文献   

印度独立后至今陆续出台了一些有关妇女的重要法规 ,其中如 195 0年印度宪法 ,规定了对公民在宗教、性别和民族上不得有任何歧视 ,确认了男女的平等地位 ;195 6年印度教继承法第一次赋予妇女以财产继承权 ;1976年公布的有关男女同工同酬的规定等。这些法规促进了印度妇女发展事业的进程 ,使妇女的地位有所改善。另一方面 ,“宪法确实赋予了妇女平等的权利 ,但仅有宪法的条文还不够 ,平等鲜花绽放的美好形势还有待营造。……事实上 ,5 0年来印度妇女发展进程极其迟缓。……毫无疑问 ,一些名门闺秀也曾问津高官要职 ,但一般妇女则依然匍匐在原…  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(3-4):153-173
Group work aims both at helping individuals cope with personal difficulties and at eliminating social problems through collective action. Women's groups have made a unique contribution to linking personal and social change through their explicit dual focus. This paper deals with the different ways women use groups to mobilize their strengths towards social change. It begins by explaining why women chose all-female groups as the primary tool for building both individual strengths and a social movement. Key features of different group types are presented, including those focused primarily on social change and those in which social action is a secondary goal. The paper ends with a discussion of obstacles to social change and some ways women's groups can overcome them.  相似文献   

Functional Roles of Group Members   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Objectives. The objective of the study is to examine the underlying explanations for the relative success of the women's movement in Korea. Building on the resource mobilization model, the present research investigates how women's groups in Korea mobilize resources, increase membership and participation, and pursue alliances and coalitions to achieve their organizational goals. Methods. This research analyzes the data collected via a mail survey of women's groups during November 2000 and May 2001. Results. The study finds that disparate women's organizations (radical vs. reformist) have had distinct resources, strategies, support bases, tactics, and relations to others groups to mobilize more support and effect their goals. Conclusions. From an organizational standpoint, it is clear that democratization brought about an increase in the number of women's organizations that turned women's grievances into a capacity to act collectively.  相似文献   

中国妇女非政府组织的发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
刘伯红 《浙江学刊》2000,(4):109-114
非政府组织(Non-governmantal Organization,简称NGO)是当代国际社会一支重要而活跃的力量。由于第四次世界妇女大会等历史契机,中国妇女非政府组织是中国较早大规模接触和参与国际非政府组织活动的群众组织之一。在全球化背景下研究中国妇女非政府组织发展的社会条件、发展状况、主要功能、特色、面临的挑战和发展趋势,对中国经济转型期社会组织的结构变化、对市场经济条件下中国政治民主化进程的发展、对新的历史条件下妇女运动和妇女组织的发展都有积极的意义。  相似文献   

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