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Improve System to Care for Floating, Rural Stay-at-home Children
More than 61 million stay-at-home children and more than 28 million floating children live in rural China. The Chinese Government and countless people in society attach importance to the children's healthy growth. In recent years, officials from the Department for Children, under the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), have emphasized the need for the caring-service system for floating and rural stay-at-home children, and they have explored new methods for providing related services to the children.  相似文献   

Officials in Ma'anshan, a city in East China's Anhui Province, during the past year have done the following to improve the lives and promote the development of left-behind children (whose parents have left home to work elsewhere):  相似文献   

The association between the time a mother spends at work and in different child care activities is investigated, using data from the 1981 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). The mothers who worked on the index day spent almost one hour less time in physical care, one-half hour less time in interactive care, and over two hours less time in passive supervision of their children. The effects of a set of predictors on time use at work, time use in physical care, interactive care, and passive supervision of children were estimated using a covariance structure model. When the effects of these predictors are controlled, the number of hours at work predicts: (a) a small reduction in time spent in interactive care, and (b) larger reductions in time spent in physical care and passive supervision.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. This paper examines the lives, experiences and needs of children who care - those children under the age of 18 who provide primary care for a sick, disabled or elderly adult in the home. It presents data from a recent study into the lives of these children, their responsibilities, their commitments, their pain and their fears. It paints a picture of neglect both by professionals paid to care as well as by other family members. It suggests that child carers are effectively punished for caring. The paper goes on to examine the implications for child carers of the Community Care Act, finally implemented on 1 April 1993, to raise a number of critical questions about the rights of children who care, and to suggest a number of innovative ways forward, based upon the expressed needs of young carers.  相似文献   

This article draws on research with children who provide care for parents with serious mental health problems and signals ongoing research that uses photographic participation methods with these groups of vulnerable children. The intention of this article is to highlight the need to move away from popular and simplistic representations of children with caring responsibilities (young carers) as victims of their parents’ illnesses, as ‘little angels’ whose caring work is condoned through rewards or as (exploited) informal domestic workers whose childhoods are inevitably compromised by the caring activity they undertake. Recommendations are made for generating deeper understanding about the lives and needs of children who are affected by parental impairment that is congruent with the thrust of current UK policy, Every Child Matters and the 2004 Children Act.  相似文献   

Seventy-one U.S. mothers with a physical disability who had a child aged 0 to 3 years responded to a survey about the system of care used for their child. Results indicated that mothers participated in all different types of care (physical, comforting, playing, limit setting, and taking the child outside the home). Partners and participants’ mothers provided the most assistance with care. Mothers were generally satisfied with assistance received from others. This article explores how mothers remain central to their children with others assisting with the child’s care and the impact of such assistance on mothers’ relationships with partners and children.  相似文献   

Previous research on class consciousness has not examined the gendered nature of paid labor. Paid caring laborwork that involves the direct provision of care to clients or customers—now comprises 20% of the labor force. This is work that tends to place workers in conflict with the goals of management. The conflict between caring values and exchange values may lead workers to greater levels of class consciousness. I use national survey data to examine whether workers in caring labor occupations are more class conscious than other workers. Results indicate that caring laborers are more likely to be pro–working-class conscious than other workers after controlling for class position, income, education, government and nonprofit sectors, sex, and race. Workers in high intensity caring jobs are especially likely to be class conscious. This suggests that, at crucial points, the logic of caring and the logic of commodification are at odds.  相似文献   

Foster parents licensed in a central Canadian province were contacted by telephone and invited to participate in a survey that included the question “What are the challenges of fostering a child with the same values, beliefs, and traditions as you?” Participants sorted all responses to the question into concepts that were analyzed using multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis in accordance with the concept mapping method. The final concept map included five clusters that were labeled rebuild confidence, different expectations, resistance, restore connections, and acceptance. Results were compared to the literature. Similarities and differences are presented.  相似文献   

This study concerns 14 women, mothers of children with disabilities, who have extended their family care-giving responsibilities to disability-related public work. Recognized as parent leaders on the local and state levels, the women described their experiences and talked about their work during in-depth interviews. The women's stories offer testimony to the power of experience in personal change and vocational calling. However, the findings from the interviews suggest that the mothers' public missions represented the ambiguities and contradictions present in women's work of caring for others. One problem described by the women concerned the socially devalued status accorded their activities in terms of economic compensation. Although the women received little or no pay, they reported satisfaction and personal fulfillment with their work. Another dilemma existed for some women who desired professional status and credibility, even though they recognized the unique contributions that parents of children with disabilities bring to others. The personal growth and the public service achieved by the women illustrate the potential accomplishments of other parents at home and in public service.  相似文献   

Caring work, which is premised on caring for and caring about recipients, involves a great deal of emotion management. Feeling rules shape expectations about emotion management and are informally shared through workers’ narratives about quality work. Using qualitative data from hospice workers in the southwestern US, I find that narratives of quality within hospice include emotion‐management skills such as listening, truly caring, keeping calm and maintaining boundaries. Through an analysis of how workers discuss and map skills onto individual women and men co‐workers, this article highlights two gendered patterns. First, even when women and men are thought to share high‐quality skills, the ways these skills are described reinforce naturalistic understandings of gender. Second, men are seen to hold a broad range of emotion‐management skills, but women are not described as holding the most important emotion‐management skill: keeping boundaries. Understanding this differential application of emotion‐management skills helps us to understand how gender and gender inequality are reproduced within caring work.  相似文献   

Modern medicine has dramatically increased the chances of survival following major trauma such as a severe head injury or high level injury to the spinal cord. Greater numbers of seriously disabled people are thus returning to live in the community. This article examines the situation of the wife who assumes a caring role following the onset of severe disability in her husband. The study examines community care for people with traumatic disabilities and the social expectations of women's role in the provision of that care. Reference is made to the British situation although similar experiences are shared by women in other developed countries. As health care and social service professionals seek to serve the needs of their physically disabled client it is recommended that they view also the needs of their other client-the carer.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on social problems work concerned with children and young people. Social problems work involves assessing particular people, events and circumstances as instances of social problems. We focus on how social problems work is organized within discourses of childhood and youth, how it is a site for holding children and young people accountable, and how normalization is an aspect of social problems work. Our review brings together analytic themes in the literature on social problems and that on children and young people. We also point to topics that might be elaborated upon in future research on social problems work concerned with children and young people.  相似文献   

The UK Government has categorically stated in its Knowledge and Skills Statement for Children and Family Social Work what social workers need to know and be able to do when responding to concerns about children. The Hope for Children and Families modular systemic interventions programme provides evidence informed responses for targeting harmful parenting and the associated impairment of children. The training resources, developed by Bentovim et al., apply the ‘common elements approach’ and are aimed at qualified practitioners. However, there also appears to be scope for their use in social work qualifying programmes. This paper will review the development of an undergraduate children and families module using the materials. It discusses how these resources were incorporated into a learning, teaching and assessment strategy which aims to develop and test the interpersonal components of knowledge and skills alongside technical/procedural knowledge. The outcomes indicate that these resources have contributed significantly in closing the gap between study and practice by providing an applied starting point from which learners can critically engage in the complexities of what they need to know and be able to do to be effective practitioners. Further use of these resources across programmes is recommended.  相似文献   

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