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Evaluations of behavioral health interventions have identified many that are potentially effective. However, clinicians and other decision makers typically lack the time and ability to effectively search and synthesize the relevant research literature. In response to this opportunity, and to increasing policy and funding pressures for the use of evidence-based practices, a number of “what works” websites have emerged to assist decision makers in selecting interventions with the highest probability of benefit. However, these registers as a whole are not well understood. This article, which represents phase one of a concurrent mixed methods study, presents a review of the scopes, structures, dissemination strategies, uses, and challenges faced by evidence-based registers in the behavioral health disciplines. The major findings of this study show that in general, registers of evidence-based practices are able, to a degree, to identify the most effective practices meet this need to a degree. However, much needs to be done to improve the ability of the registers to fully realize their purpose.  相似文献   

Most family business research on managing work and family conflict focuses on the family unit while ignoring non-family employees. This study investigates how family businesses manage the work and family conflicts facing non-family employees by examining the adoption of work–family practices in family-owned firms. Two research questions are addressed. First, to what extent do family-owned firms adopt work–family practices? Second, do family-owned firms offer the same level of work–family practices as non-family-owned firms? Results indicate that when family-owned firms do adopt work–family practices, they favour flexible scheduling arrangements for non-family employees to reduce work–family conflict. In general, however, work–family practices are used less in family-owned firms than non-family-owned firms.  相似文献   


It seems that there are no clear and mutually exclusive categories of modernity and traditionalism in modern Africa. Modernity still includes forms of traditionalism and at the same time modernity creates its own traditions in what Kaphagawani terms as C4-Contemporary Confluence of Cultures on the Continent of Africa.

We need to position ourselves somewhere between the over-romanticized idea of a golden era in the past and an overly pessimistic view of the family as a disappearing primary care institution; between the “warm, loving, caring, socially-oriented …” African generations and the “cold technology-oriented” Western generations. This search for a relative social realitywill be dealt with by a narrative/discursive approach. This framework should, for a start, aim towards intergenerational programmes with at least one of three outcomes: transmission of positive values, relevant imageries and a developmental approach.  相似文献   


The paper considers the levels of coherence and dissonance between the education and training needs of social work practitioners working in a virtual environment and the focus of the requirements and learning and teaching approaches currently in use on social work programmes within education settings in England. The paper argues a gap exists in the way information and communication skills are currently conceptualised to support the education and training of social workers. It appears that e-learning is often considered in relation to its functional advantages and that similarly ICT skills are considered in terms of computer program literacy. The much wider question of the development of competence for virtual practice and how e-learning may support this development require much greater consideration and application.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem that health and social care practitioners, intending to satisfy their ethnic minority users’ cultural preferences, end up providing services against their wishes. In particular it points out that this problem is caused by over-emphasising two key assumptions of ethnic minority groups. The first assumption is that all members of the same ethnic minority group organise their health and social care according to their cultural principles. The second assumption is that their cultural principles are monolithic. Demonstrating that these two assumptions may not necessarily be applicable to all ethnic minority groups, this paper discusses the diverse strategies used by Chinese people in Britain to organise their health and social care, and the differences between their two important cultural principles, Taoism and Confucianism. In order to demonstrate to professionals and the Government that they should not over-emphasise these two assumptions and that they need to pay attention to ethnic minority groups’ diverse needs, the paper suggests that different ethnic minority groups may need to unite to increase their influence in the service provision process. However it also warns that this tactic may lead to the subordination of minority group interests in the articulation of those large groups.


The teaching of international public relations has expanded across American universities in recent times. The dominant paradigm of many of these courses is that a college education should enable public relations practitioners to understand cultural, societal and professional differences across cultures in order to implement campaigns with a global reach. This paper suggests that many of the current approaches to teaching international public relations have overlooked the realities of the professional world. Thus, although maintaining an intercultural approach is still relevant, a truly effective international public relations education should also incorporate professional concerns related to the study of management and business practices.  相似文献   

Current health care discussions often deal with issues such as self-determination, consumer orientation, civil rights and choices for patients and people with disabilities. Other experiences of illness and disability, such as pain and suffering are often avoided in these discussions because these expressions seem to confirm the public prejudice of tragic victimhood of people with disabilities. Various scholars have sought to reintroduce the enactment of the sick and disabled body into the discourses around disability. This essay is a part of that endeavour. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork from a centre for physical rehabilitation, this article questions the idea that suffering turns people into passive victims of their bodies. By articulating the ways in which participants deal with suffering during the day-to-day activities of rehabilitation practice, the paper seeks to demonstrate that people do not passively sink into their suffering, but actively deal with it in the multiple settings and conditions of their embodied living. Three different ways in which rehabilitation participants deal with suffering will be unravelled. First, suffering is translated in the sense that it is transformed and transferred. Second, people actively manage their situation and balance different kinds of misery. Finally, people create a space where suffering is allowed to exist.  相似文献   


The treatment of insomnia in a university health setting is discussed. Transient, stress-related insomnia is distinguished from chronic insomnia, and methods of treatment for each condition are presented. The causes of chronic insomnia include depression, conditioned-arousal insomnia, anxiety, chronic overwork or stress, the Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, and abuse of alcohol and drugs. The author reviews medications used for the treatment of insomnia, emphasizing the importance of communicating to the patient that medication use is to be short term and that the aim of treatment is to restore the ability to sleep without drugs. A list of suggestions designed to help patients encourage normal sleep is included.  相似文献   

Using data collected from surveys conducted in 1990 and 2000, we examine changes in the administrative practices of US-based national and international unions. We examine the hiring, human resource, financial, strategic planning, and organizational practices and how they have changed over time. We find that unions are changing their staff hiring practices in ways that contribute to workforce professionalization and that unions are moving toward more formal human resource policies and more systematic financial and strategic planning practices. These developments appear to be a reaction to the unions’ changing operating environment and reflect the pressure on union leaders to make effective use of their declining resources.
Paul F. ClarkEmail:

Exposure to traumatic experiences among youth is a serious public health concern. A trauma-informed public behavioral health system that emphasizes core principles such as understanding trauma, promoting safety, supporting consumer autonomy, sharing power, and ensuring cultural competence, is needed to support traumatized youth and the providers who work with them. This article describes a case study of the creation and evaluation of a trauma-informed publicly funded behavioral health system for children and adolescents in the City of Philadelphia (the Philadelphia Alliance for Child Trauma Services; PACTS) using the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment (EPIS) as a guiding framework. We describe our evaluation of this effort with an emphasis on implementation determinants and outcomes. Implementation determinants include inner context factors, specifically therapist knowledge and attitudes (N = 114) towards evidence-based practices. Implementation outcomes include rate of PTSD diagnoses in agencies over time, number of youth receiving TF-CBT over time, and penetration (i.e., number of youth receiving TF-CBT divided by the number of youth screening positive on trauma screening). We describe lessons learned from our experiences building a trauma-informed public behavioral health system in the hopes that this case study can guide other similar efforts.  相似文献   

Early intervention (EI) has been characterized by considerable advances in its domain, which has had great repercussions in the implementation of the family-centered approach. These changes have had implications in the practices and in the adoption and learning of new values that should be implemented in EI. This study evaluates the professional perspectives regarding family-centered practices in EI programs in Portugal. The results highlight the importance of effective collaboration and coordination between health, education, and social services and the importance of providing child and family support in a natural context. These results reinforce the need to invest in professional training to improve the quality of services offered to families in EI.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that in their current genealogical and philosophical configuration, qualitative longitudinal research (QLR) practices – and a wider regime of knowledge, ethical, moral, legal, technological, political and economic practices with which they are entangled – embed and enact representational assumptions in which the realities being investigated – time, change and continuity; the past, present and future – are taken as ontologically given and independent of these QLR (and wider) practices. My approach is to conceptualize QLR practices along nonrepresentational lines, through a philosophical framework that is able to materialize the constitutive effects of QLR (and wider) practices on the objects of study and knowledges produced. For this, I turn to Karen Barad’s posthumanist performative metaphysics – ‘agential realism’ – a framework that embodies and enacts a non-classical ontology in which entities are seen as constituted through material-discursive practices. On this account, QLR (and wider) practices are understood as an ineliminable and constitutive part of the realities they help bring into being.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to document the extent to which Brazilian companies in retail channels have committed to adopting environmental sustainability measures, goals and strategies for waste disposal in the evaluation and planning of sustainable transportation. This paper also aims to examine the different viewpoints of sustainability issues and the preventive actions taken by companies in terms of controlling carbon dioxide emissions and proper disposal of tires, lubricant oils, accessories and spare parts. Finally, taking the perspective of these companies, this paper examines their difficulties in meeting environmental regulations. The research involved a survey completed by 185 representatives of different types of companies, including shippers (represented by manufacturers), LSPs (logistics service providers) and carriers. The non-linear canonical correlation was calculated to verify the opinions of these representatives from different companies regarding issues that impact on the environment, the preventive actions they adopt to reduce their environmental impact and their difficulties in meeting environmental regulations. The results show that shippers and LSPs have the same perceptions regarding these sustainability issues and preventive actions. In addition, the companies perceive high costs and the lack of training for their partners as the major challenges experienced in addressing these issues and undertaking preventive actions. Therefore they need to plan their transportation activities.  相似文献   

In their own view, public transportation companies make a very hospitable offer to commuters: if you are ready to travel with us, we will take you for a reasonable price nearly anywhere, every day and almost at any time of the day, under good conditions of comfort and safety. Please, step onboard. But commuters resist being reduced to the thankful guests of their commuting service providers. Commuting is an experience whose rhythm structures daily lives. It is not an innocuous in-between-doors passage, but a social practice intertwined with the routines bound to the home, workplace, and places of leisure which they commute to and from. Commuting routines are a constitutive part of commuters’ lives. Correspondingly, commuters own their commuting space. They do not own it in terms of legal ownership, although they possess a valid ticket; they own it via the degree to which they are at home in their routines and intuitively know through the senses and feelings produced through the normal flow of daily practices, that they are on their own home turf. Home is more than the physical space of the house; it is an embodied perception of a familiar cultural space which is organized in such a way that one has some control and responsibility over. Because commuters grant transportation companies daily access to the intimacy of their homes, they are hosting the companies, not the opposite. Public transportation hospitality is thus a tension-filled drama, co-produced by transportation companies and commuters. In this drama managerial routines meet routines of daily life, legal definitions of ownership meet practice-based ones, and organizational hospitality stands against individual hospitality. Our claim is that the fact that each party considers itself to be the host of the other, the prevailing situation consequently frames the provision and experience of public transportation services as a drama: the drama of hospitality.  相似文献   


Significant changes in external market conditions have resulted in operations placing greater demands on the finance function. Traditional finance departments are increasingly expected to deliver more value and be more proactive in supporting the organization's overall business strategies. Unfortunately, many finance departments are not yet ready to meet such challenges. This article proposes a transformation process to reorganize present day finance functions to become a finance of the future. The proposed process applies tools such as best practices, outsourcing and technology to achieve a desired future outcome.  相似文献   

The paper examines three social dimensions of energy. The first one is cognitive; energy is a way of knowing, a macro-concept which works as a frame. Moreover, energy is conceived as a social product; its physical aspects are inextricably bound up with human interactions and meaning attributions. The second dimension is energy organisation. Energy is an instrument used by human beings in order to achieve a goal. In that sense, energy can be assimilated to a technology: that is, a set of knowledges, tools, and actions assembled according to certain rules and traditions. Of energy as organisation it is interesting to consider how it becomes an institution. Its third dimension is practical: it guides our behaviour. This meaning sums up the other two. Energy consumption makes it possible to understand different lifestyles, different logics of action, different habits or customs. It is intrinsic to the most common practices. Worries about consumption or resources depletion are included in some practices of which energy is one of the most important components. The paper concludes with a comment on the energy crisis as a test for the illustrated multidimensional scheme.  相似文献   


The Boston Lesbian Health Project surveyed 1633 lesbians about their health status, health related behaviors and health problems. This paper reports on those parts of the questionnaire that dealt with sexual behaviors and sexually transmitted diseases. The sample was predominantly monogamous, but few had been in their present relationship for more than five years. Sexual practices were similar to those reported in previous studies of lesbians and to those reported in a study of heterosexual women. Sexually transmitted diseases were rare in women who had never had sex with a male partner. The majority of the sample did report a history of male sexual partners and therefore are at risk for abnormal pap smears and other sexually transmitted diseases.  相似文献   

This paper analyses land tenure reform in South Africa from the perspective of land redistribution and restitution projects. It takes the absence of a clearly defined tenure reform in the country as its point of departure to argue that land redistribution and restitution projects serve as a vehicle through which forms of land tenure in post-apartheid South Africa are expressed. There is dissonance between the official position on giving land to large groups under the legal entity of the CPA and the practice and preferences at project sites. The paper suggests that a progressive land tenure reform policy requires a bottom-up approach that takes into consideration various ways in which beneficiaries of land reform could own and use land.  相似文献   

Drawing on qualitative couple interviews with cohabiting/married mothers and fathers, this paper examines accounts of involved fatherhood in contemporary Ireland. It shows that while the ideal of fathers as heavily involved in day-to-day parenting is widespread, the reality is somewhat different – and this despite increased participation of Irish mothers in the labour market. Given this mismatch between fatherhood ideals and realities, it begs the question: how do we account for this inequitable division of family work? Gender-differentiated parenting experiences, I argue, are strongly influenced by ambivalent attitudes on the part of both fathers and mothers. I argue that mothers draw on ‘primarily mother’ moral rationalities that associates ‘good’ mothering with large amounts of time in direct provision of childcare, while fathers display a ‘primarily worker’ rationality associated with strong commitment to the labour market. It is the clash of these contrasting normative societal demands that gives rise to a pervasive sense of ambivalence about ‘who should do the caring’. This ambivalence, I demonstrate, is especially prominent in single-income families where the father is the sole breadwinner. In dual-income families, several parents go some distance towards reconciling these contradictory claims, these competing moral discourses.  相似文献   

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