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This article describes three models of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) evaluations used by the Family Service Association of Metropolitan Toronto, a major provider of national EAPs in Canada. Each EAP and their subsequent evaluation is tailored to the specific needs of the different organizations. Example l focuses on a case by case review. Example 2 describes a method of determining how well the EAP reaches troubled employees and comments on the effectiveness of the intervention. Example 3 describes how a simple but effective user survey provides information for evaluation purposes. These three evaluation models are examples of how EAPs and their evaluations respond to the uniqueness of various organizations and their respective client groups.  相似文献   

This article argues that formative evaluation is the most appropriate strategy for the current developmental stage of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). Since most EAPs entail multiple interventions and have poorly defined success criteria, the utility of summative evaluation in this field is limited. A method for conducting formative evaluations is outlined. It involves the combination of quantitative and qualitative strategies: using a questionnaire to compare the perceived (actual and desired) role of EAP workers by significant groups in the organization; and, then by studying the organizational culture in which these programs are imbedded through intewicws with key informants. Examples from a study in Israel demonstrate the usefulness of the suggested approach.  相似文献   

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) originated as workplace-focused programs delivered largely by peer employees. Over the past 25 years, the once standard internal EAP has largely been replaced by internal/external hybrid programs or outsourced EAP vendors. Many long-standing internal programs have been downsized or eliminated, along with their internal program manager positions. This qualitative study examined the organizational, leadership, and programmatic characteristics associated with the internal and internal/hybrid EAPs from the perspectives of EAP managers working in programs that have thrived and those that have depreciated. Twenty-four current and former internal or internal/hybrid EAP managers were interviewed using a semistructured interview schedule. Qualitative methods were used to identify patterns and themes within the data to describe the experience of internal and internal/hybrid EAP managers and the critical success and risk factors associated with their positions and programs. Five final themes, with 15 subthemes emerged from the data, suggesting that both individual and organizational characteristics of EAP internal and hybrid programs are important to the program’s sustainability. These findings offer insights regarding best practices and critical success factors to EAP professionals, EAP purchasers, and the EAP industry.  相似文献   

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are workplace resources available to employees with problems impacting work performance. EAPs are well-positioned to address intimate partner violence (IPV), a major public health problem with workplace impacts. A purposeful sample of 28 EAPs across the United States was surveyed to identify policies and programs to address IPV, including perpetration. Most EAPs did not report having standardized approaches for addressing IPV perpetration. EAPs also described significant barriers to identifying IPV perpetrators, with the majority relying on self-disclosure on the part of the perpetrator when contacting the EAP. These results suggest that many EAPs--even when interacting with employees who present with issues known to correlate with IPV--are missing a potential opportunity to assess and intervene with IPV perpetrators.  相似文献   

This paper is a survey report of EAP purpose and practices. One hundred and eighty-two (n = 182) randomly selected EAP practitioners responded to a questionnaire designed to measure purposes, services, staff specialties and characteristics, service users, and related background information. The findings provide an empirical evaluation of the "state of the art" of the growth, development and trends in the employee assistance field. Also, while the findings indicate that EAPs are in transition several basic functions common to all are identified.  相似文献   

This presentation is a review of basic estimation methods geared for assessment of service benefit and cost structure of employee assistance programs (EAPs). The methodologies specify how various benefit and cost items can be organized and measured in dollar figures in order to translate effects of the EAP and operating cost distribution patterns. Based on the calculations, EAPs may assess cost saving patterns and avoid becoming a financial liability to the company. The estimation of benefit/cost ratios can be utilized for establishing program accountability and planning purposes. The methodologies presented in this chapter are at an introductory level. They are geared for EAP personnel and social work students interested in EAPs who have minimal familiarity with cost and benefit structure analysis.  相似文献   

While the number of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) has grown tremendously, opportunities for marriage and family therapists in EAP settings have not been adequately described. This paper addresses issues pertinent to training Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) students to develop the skills needed to become EAP professionals. Qualifications for becoming an EAP professional are described and suggestions are made as to how these skills may be taught within the framework of an academically based MFT training program.  相似文献   

Particularly in the past decade, Employee Assistance Programs (EMS) have become an integral part of the management of public sector and private sector organizations. The evolution of EAPs is briefly traced and the claims of advocates regarding their positive effects are documented. It is also emphasized that, in spite of their ubiquity, little attention has been given to devising strategies for evaluating the success or failure of EAPs. A framework is developed to guide comprehensive evaluations of such programs. A framework is developed to guide comprehensive evaluations of such programs. The framework stresses five aspects of EAP performance: effort, program performance (outcome evaluation), adequacy of performance, efficiency, and process evaluation.  相似文献   


A recent qualitative study explored perceptions of critical issues and challenges from the point of view of experts and key informants working in diverse roles in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) field (Sharar & Hertenstein, 2005). One of the central themes that came out of the study is that EAPs have become a type of platform for the expansion of integrated collateral services, chiefly work-life (WL) programs. This paper presents a variety of perceptions and opinions from experts in the EAP field, both pro and con, on the growing convergence of EA and WL programs, including the rationale to integrate, segregate, and concerns regarding the diffusion of traditional and core EAPs. The paper concludes with the authors? perspectives on implications for the EA field, along with the need to find ways to measure if and when integration leads to employee and organizational improvement.  相似文献   

This paper presents a critical review of the rapidly expanding literature concerning employee assistance programs (EAPs). Several essential features of EAPs are identified and the assumptions underlying these components are examined. The latter section of this report offers some tentative suggestions for correcting this situation so that the EAP movement will no longer suffer from the lack of a firm database upon which to build more coherent and defensible theories and programs.  相似文献   

Historically, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) have been viewed as an employee benefit even though there is documented evidence of their cost-effectiveness for the company. This article presents an integration of the Employee Assistance Program and Case Management as a way of providing a proactive method of containing health care costs. Such an integration will expand the focus of the Employee Assistance Program, strengthen our role as an employee advocate, and provide a method of demonstrating to corporations that EAPs do contribute to the "bottom line" profit margin of the company. This article outlines the components of an effective, comprehensive Employee Assistance Program and discusses the process of integrating a Case Management system that emphasizes local demographic control within the EAP.  相似文献   

There is a great need for better understanding of an overall evaluation scheme of EAPs. The author presents four types or phases of EAP evaluation: (a) intervention planning; (b) program monitoring; (c) impact assessment; and (d) economic efficiency. Under this typology, seven common models of evaluation methods are elaborated with some procedural references: (1) need assessment; (2) program development; (3) utilization analysis; (4) outcome evaluation; (5) net effect assessment; (6) cost-benefit analysis; and (7) cost-effectiveness analysis.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the relationship between EAP referral training and supervisors' interactions with troubled workers. Using a field survey, self-report, retrospective methodology, 224 industrial supervisors' beliefs about impaired employees were examined in connection with the former group's participation in constructive confrontation training and their attitudes toward EAPs. In general, based on Bayer and Gerstein's (1988a) Bystander-Equity Model of Supervisory Helping Behavior, it was predicted that supervisors who had attended training and/or held positive attitudes toward their EAP would report more welldeveloped beliefs about troubled workers than persons who had not received training and/or held negative attitudes toward their EAP. Overall, our results provided support for the idea that constructive confrontation training enhances supervisors' recognition of impaired employees. While we anticipated this finding, we did not expect supervisors to report that their attitudes toward their EAP were unrelated to their beliefs about troubled persons. Alternative explanations for why supervisors behaved differently from what we had anticipated are offered, as are suggestions for how to conduct research on other aspects of the supervisor-impaired worker identification process.  相似文献   


This article considers the commonalities and differences between Australian EAPs and their counterparts in the United Kingdom and the U.S.A. The unique characteristics of Australian EAPs are examined, including an account of the approach taken to the integration of EAP services and other employee services such as work-life and wellness. Three case studies illustrate the forms of integration presently being explored in Australia. It is concluded that efforts to engage in the type of “big picture” thinking characteristic of integration are apparent, even though there is little evidence of the type and degree of collaboration seen to be emerging in the U.S.A.  相似文献   

Between 10-20 percent of the total employee population in any institution of higher education are troubled employees. The lack of visibility and the absence of structure, especially in faculty positions, are risk factors. Higher education has become proactive in developing Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) in response to organizational personnel problems. A needs assessment survey was conducted to ascertain the need for a university-based EAP in a state university in southern California. The findings suggested that EAP services were needed.  相似文献   

Total quality management (TQM) has been thrust into the psyche of corporate America. TQM is not a new phenomena. Introduced in the early fifties to Japanese managers by an American management expert, it served to make Japan an international economic leader. U.S. companies have generally had little international competition. They now recognize he formidable challenge that quality based companies represent and are striving to replicate these successes. To do so will be to remain competitive. To discount the impact of TQM initiatives could spell economic disaster. Employee assistance program (EAP) management is modeled after American management principles. EAPs are also now having to compete for market share in ways for which they were never prepared. The TQM initiatives currently being implemented in many companies may be applied equally well to EAPs. This article presents an overview of the TQM principles formulated by W. Edwards Derning. The article also attempts to critically analyze some of the areas that have been problematic in EAP management. Further, it examines how TQM initiatives could serve to ameliorate some of these problems and lend additional impetus to the competitiveness of employee assistance programs with other behavioral health care service delivery and cost management programs.  相似文献   

The development of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) has accelerated during the last decade. However, the impact of EAPs is slowly reaching small rural communities. A telephone survey of companies in North Central Louisiana was conducted to evaluate the development of programs there. Only 40% of the sample had EAPs and 13% were in the process of developing programs. Companies without EAPs generally assumed no responsibility in assisting with employee problems. This paper focuses on salient factors contributing to the limited development of rural EAPs.  相似文献   


A study was conducted to assess the usefulness of objective measures of personality in (a) the identification of employees in need of an employee assistance program (EAP) and (b) the evaluation of employee mental health change as a result of EAP participation. In addition, comparisons of EAP referred and non-referred employees were made on race, sex, age, and performance variables. MMPI, CPI, and SRA-Verbal Form test data from all or part of a sample of 376 police officers referred for fitness-for-duty evaluations were used in various analyses. Many of the officers were reassessed following an EAP intervention, while others chose not to accept the intervention (forming a natural control group). It was found that the MMPI-2 has the potential utility in both the identification and evaluation stages of the EAP process. Males and black employees were found to more likely to be referees to an EAP. Finally, it was found that referred employee performance was more than a half a standard deviation lower than that of non-referred employees.  相似文献   

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