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This article represents a first step toward a vocational psychology of lesbians that incorporates scholarship in lesbian and women's identity development and that is considered within the larger framework of women's career development. First, literature in lesbian and women's identity development is reviewed, followed by a discussion of the vocational issues of lesbians as related both to identity development and to the literature in the vocational psychology of women. The article concludes with suggestions for research and practice.  相似文献   

This article explores the process through which children in prison with their imprisoned parent have become a target of social concern in Finland. It is asked how the new social problem of ‘children in prison’ has been constructed. The data consist of relevant parts of the legislation and official documents. Three phases of social problem construction are named: (i) Children in prison as a practical and private matter; (ii) intense debate, problem formulation and developing practices and (iii) a public institutionalised practice. The position of children changed from one of invisibility to the target of protection. On the basis of children's rights, children in prison became understood as a group of children who are in need of child protection services. This example demonstrates how the images of problems construct solutions for practices.  相似文献   

Nonprofit arts organizations often struggle for visibility and survival. They may meet these challenges by adopting new marketing strategies, forming administrative alliances with other organizations, or creating programming that appeals to broader audiences. Though these tactics are indeed important, arts organizations must first develop a persistent presence in their communities. This article proposes five key ingredients of persistent presence for nonprofit arts organizations and suggests that persistent presence can be consciously constructed by an organization, by an artistic discipline, and by the larger arts community. The intent of this exploratory framework for persistent presence may guide arts administrators in their work and propel future research in this area.  相似文献   

This study is the first acoustic analysis of voice quality in the two main ethnic dialects of New Zealand English. In a production experiment, narratives from 36 speakers were analyzed and H1‐H2 spectral tilt measures were calculated for each vowel. The results provide instrumental evidence for impressionistic claims about the differing voice quality features of the two main ethnic groups, showing that Maori English speakers are creakier than European New Zealanders. A perception experiment was also carried out to determine the perceptual salience of voice quality for the identification of speaker ethnicity. The results of regression analyses confirm that listeners are sensitive to the phonation differences, and are able to rely on phonation cues in an ethnic dialect identification task. The study demonstrates the role of voice quality as a critical sociolinguistic variable, and highlights the importance of listeners’ previous dialect exposure in terms of sensitivity to prosodic cues. Ko tēnei pūrongo te tirohanga tuatahi ki ētahi āhuatanga o te reo e puta ana i te korokoro o ngā kaikōrero o ngā reo ā‐iwi e rua o te Reo Pākehā i Aotearoa. I tētahi whakamātau i āta tirohia ngā oropuare o ētahi kōrero nō ngā kaikōrero 36, ā, kua tatauria ngā ine H1‐H2 e kīia ana ko te spectral tilt. Ko ngā putanga he taunakitanga mō ngā whakaaro o te tāngata e pā ana ki te rerekētanga o ngā reo o te hunga Pākehā me te hunga Māori, e whakaatu hoki ana he kekē atu te reo o ngā mea e kōrero ana i te ‘Māori English’ i te reo e kōrerohia ana e te iwi Pākehā. He whakamātau whakarongo i whakahaerehia kia kite mena he āwhina tēnei āhuatanga o te reo kia mōhio te kaiwhakarongo ko wai te iwi o te kaikōrero. Ko ngā whakaputanga o ngā tatauranga e kī ana kei te tino mārama tēnei āhuatanga o te reo e puta ana i te korokoro o te tāngata, ā, ka taea ēnei rerekētanga te whakamahi kia whakawehea te tangata Māori i te tangata Pākehā. Nā tēnei ka kitea he āhuatanga motuhake te reo o te korokoro, ā, he mea nui hoki mena kua tino wāia te kaiwhakarongo ki ngā reo ā‐iwi. [Māori]  相似文献   

  --农业部部长韩长赋强调,新农村是升级版的农村,不是缩小版的城市。城镇化要加快推进,但新农村建设也不能忽视。  相似文献   

  --国家发改委规划司副司长袁喜禄认为,房价是除户籍之外另一个横亘在中国人进城路上的巨大障碍,不仅抑制了内需的潜力,而且容易引发社会矛盾。他强调,新城镇化绝不应该走房地产化的道路,尤其是不能高房价化,而必须围绕人生存、发展的需求而进行。  相似文献   

“随着居民收入的提高,消费在其收入中所占的比率下降。由于间接税的征收是建立在消费行为上的,所以富人并没有因为富有而更多地为国家交税。穷人因为有比较固定的消费行为,也并没有因为穷而少交税。”  相似文献   

ON July 11 an exciting sceneunfolded in the Beijing ConcertHall:Jiang Ying,professor ofthe Central Conservatory of Music(CCM),praised by the Chinese Vocal music circleas a person of authority in the European  相似文献   

  --中国社科院世界社保研究中心主任郑秉文直言,在财政分灶吃饭体制下,养老保险制度财权事权不明晰,立法不明确,大家都是模模糊糊,统筹提到哪一级,哪一级实际就成为最终的“出资人”和“兜底人”,所以养老保险提高统筹层次的责任就成了“皮球”。  相似文献   

“目前,户籍制度的最大问题在于,它是门槛式的,即在没有获得户口的时候,什么权益都不能享有;而你一旦有了户口,就享有了所有权益。因此,户籍制度改革应从原来的‘门槛式’过渡到‘阶梯式’。”  相似文献   

  --《人民日报》发文谈教育公平,称农村孩子弃考传递出一个信号,“底层上升通道受阻,社会阶层固化趋势加剧,贫穷将会代际传递,一代穷世代穷”。  相似文献   


This is a collaborative, community-based study of the merger of two Chicago community-organizing groups seeking to expand their geographic base and political power. Although the merger enabled the new organization to increase and use its power, this case also illustrates the various ways the merger presented opportunities for the new organization to maintain effectiveness at multiple scales while sustaining strong internal democracy and connections to local residents. By consolidating and leveraging new and old political relationships, and by maintaining or increasing the civic benefits of organizing, this merger provides important lessons for organizing in diverse community settings.  相似文献   

新疆“7·5”事件发生后不久,笔者在阿拉伯世界具有重要影响的报纸《生活报》上撰文,说明事件的真相,澄清阿拉伯民众对事件及我国民族政策的一些误解。文章引起积极反响,成为我国学者在国际媒体传播中国声音的一个成功案例。本文对撰写此文的有关情况作了说明,并结合这一案例,总结了在国外媒体尤其是阿拉伯媒体传播中国声音的若干体会,并就如何加强和改进我国对外传播工作,提出几点建言。  相似文献   

新疆"7·5"事件发生后不久,笔者在阿拉伯世界具有重要影响的报纸《生活报》上撰文,说明事件的真相,澄清阿拉伯民众对事件及我国民族政策的一些误解。文章引起积极反响,成为我国学者在国际媒体传播中国声音的一个成功案例。本文对撰写此文的有关情况作了说明,并结合这一案例,总结了在国外媒体尤其是阿拉伯媒体传播中国声音的若干体会,并就如何加强和改进我国对外传播工作,提出几点建言。  相似文献   

This study concerns a group of Filipino immigrant workers–mostly trainees or undocumented workers–in Korea. It deals with the influence of immigration on family members and their relations. The stories of sending babies to the Philippines and talking on the phone show how the concept of transnational motherhood can be applied to immigrant workers in Korea. This study also discusses the meaning of invisibility and temporary residency as a two‐control mechanism of immigrant workers in Korea. Korean society keeps immigrant workers invisible and prevents their becoming members of society in many ways. Therefore, Filipino migrant workers do not belong to either their home country or Korea.  相似文献   

Union Voice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

A Missing Voice     

Contemporary gay and lesbian social service literature still heavily focuses on White middle/upper-class issues and uses an isolated and fixed concept of homosexuality. As a result, the discourse has only a limited applicability to people with “dual” or “multiple” identities, accentuating the power of those who control the discourse and the oppression of those with “dual” or “multiple” identities. Using Asians as a case example, I argue that the lack of published articles about Asians in contemporary gay and lesbian social service literature is the result of the different worldviews of Asian and White queers. However, this deficiency is sustained by social structures that are saturated with White middle/upper-class values. Implications of this situation and some directions for social change are discussed.  相似文献   

The emphasis in research on female entrepreneurship remains focused on the impact of gender on women’s experience of business ownership, often demonstrated through comparisons of male and female entrepreneurs. By contrast, this article explores the differences and divisions between women business owners who are silent about gender issues and those who are not. The main data drawn on in the article are e‐mails conducted through a web‐based entrepreneurial network set up to promote and support women in business, supplemented with interview material derived from an interview study of 19 women business owners. By considering the way in which some women business owners not only treat entrepreneurship as gender‐neutral, but also seek to conceal its gendered nature, we can see how some female entrepreneurs are trying to avoid being identified as different from the masculine norm of entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

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