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教育的神话和隐喻:作为过程的教育和教育的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在原子论的哲学语境中,教育的过程被理解为输入知识的过程,学生被理解成为“学习机器”,老师被理解为“机器操纵者”,家长被理解为“机械修理者”。对教育过程的这种理解源自我们自身编造的神话,而过程哲学和中国传统哲学将有助于破除这些神话  相似文献   

Representing the negotiation process with a rule-based formalism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The objective of this paper is to introduce a flexible approach to the structuring of negotiations. The process of negotiations with its intricacies is discussed, and drawbacks of quantitative methods are analyzed. The decomposition of the negotiation process into a certain hierarchical structure is presented. This structure is represented with and/or trees used for knowledge representation in artificial intelligence. The definitions of flexibility and reactions to the opponent's moves are introduced with the help of a rule-based formalism. The implications of these definitions for the analysis of the negotiation process are presented. The approach is illustrated with a set of hypothetical examples.  相似文献   

《水浒传》的"社会风俗史"意义及其"精神意象"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李时人 《求是学刊》2007,34(1):94-105
《水浒传》特殊的“集体累积”成书过程,决定了它是“历史成份”极其稀薄的“英雄传奇”小说,其绾结短篇的特点,使众多“英雄好汉”的出身经历和聚义故事成为这一鸿篇巨制的主体内容。这些主要源于宋元民间“说话”的故事,保留了大量社会生活“原生态”的描写,使《水浒传》在一定程度上具有了“社会风俗史”的意义。在漫长的成书过程中,《水浒传》不仅在叙事艺术上经历了反复锤锻,同时也积淀、凝聚了“近古”以来中国社会广大民众普遍的观念意识和情绪心理,形成了带有时代特征的精神意象。  相似文献   

政治追求是贯穿于20世纪中国文学批评进程的一条鲜明线索.茅盾一生的文学批评活动恰好提供了中国现代"主流"批评生成演化的个人证词.在文学与政治、个人与集体、权力意志与个人思考之间,茅盾一直处在不断的同化与顺应过程中,他的批评成果不仅表现了一代知识分子不断选择、不断徘徊、不断矛盾的心路历程,也显现了"主流"批评发展的历史轨迹.  相似文献   

An analysis of simple counting methods for ordering incomplete ordinal data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurement in the social sciences often involves an attempt to completely order a set of entities on the basis of an underlying attribute. However, limitations of the measurement process often prevent complete empirical determination of the desired ordering. Nevertheless, the ordinal data obtained from the measurement process can be used in attempting to recover or construct more of the underlying order than is provided by the data. Previous research (Fishburn and Gehrlein, 1974a) has shown that a simple one-stage construction method, referred to as the cardinal rule, is fairly effective in correctly identifying ordered pairs in the underlying linear order that are not identified by the measurement process. The present paper re-examines the cardinal rule from the perspective of construction methods based on simple counting measures derived from the data, and argues that it is the best one-stage method in this class when a natural monotonicity assumption holds for the measurement process. The paper then examines two-stage construction rules that are based on the cardinal rule and the simple counting measures. It is shown that one of the two-stage rules gives better overall results than does the cardinal rule by itself.  相似文献   

刘亚秋 《社会》2022,42(4):134-160
哈布瓦赫集体记忆理论提供了“社会性”的视角,但没能深描个体创造社会的过程。普鲁斯特的记忆理论虽然也包含“社会性”维度,但并没有止步于此,而是呈现出社会与个体混融的社会形象,其中,不仅有社会的限制和引导二重性,还有个体的主动适应和创造:社会也内在于个体,个体也非纯粹的心理学意义上的个体,个体的创造离不开社会环境。这源于主客融合的立场,在这一视点下,普鲁斯特的社会形象不是二重性,而是多重的,甚至有无限可能。社会是在个体创造过程中的产物,在这一过程中,社会呈现出丰富的形象,社会的无限可能性蕴含在个体的创造过程中。  相似文献   

本文认为亚洲的道家思想和西方的过程哲学思想之间有一种非二元的对应关系.同时,它也呼吁在西方后现代主义的两大流派--过程哲学和后结构主义之间,揭示那样一种非二元对立的"对比"关系.这两者都和庄子一样,解构了绝对的始源概念,并提出一种相对的在过程中的开端的观念.尤其是在某些后殖民主义理论当中,我们可以看到以道家概念取代从虚无中创世的神学主张的倾向.  相似文献   

凌鹏 《社会》2019,39(6):62-86
费孝通先生的“差序格局”概念是中国社会学中的经典概念。近年来,围绕“差序格局”学界有更加深入的探讨,揭示了其内部的丰富性和复杂性。不过,这些研究并没有探讨“差序格局”的另一面,即如何能从亲属关系推展到天下范围。为了探讨这一问题,本文对京剧《四进士》剧本进行了细致分析,从中发现“异乡人”和“好人”两个重要概念,通过探索其内涵及其相互关系,来理解“差序格局”中“推”的真正含义。在此基础上,本文探讨了“亲属关系”与“异乡人关系”之间的复杂关联,并重新理解“伦理精神”的含义。  相似文献   

宋洪兵 《求是学刊》2005,32(5):107-112
就观念形态的主调而言,日本的近代化,自始至终都是一个"脱儒"的过程.日本徂徕学派对儒法"人情论"所做的近代转换工作,则可视为这一过程的中心和枢纽.徂徕学派对儒法"人情论"取长补短、融为一炉的改造,最终形成了具有近代意义的政治优位、公私分治、政教分离的思想,为日本的早期近代化铺平了道路.  相似文献   

Service integration: something old and something new   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors trace the definition and challenges of "service integration," variously known over time as "collaboration," "coordination," "human services integration," and "one-stop shopping." While the common use of service integration terminology currently may seem to indicate a consensus in favor of a broad systemic reform, motivations and expectations for service integration differ significantly among different players in the service system. The authors conclude that service integration cannot be defined by a particular service model or outcome, but instead should be conceived of as an ongoing reform process. This process, when well-designed and implemented with long-term vision, can reduce duplication, strengthen communities, and improve client outcomes.  相似文献   

王丽萍 《学术交流》2007,(5):146-148
在第二语言习得的研究领域,研究者们基于大量实证研究提出了种种理论模式,用以描述第二语言习得的过程,解释第二语言习得的机制。在诸种理论模式中,克拉申的“监控理论”影响最大,它包括“五大假说”:习得——学得假说,情感过滤假说,监控假说,输入假说,自然顺序假说。通过结合第二语言习得的实际问题对克拉申“监控理论”进行介绍、分析和评述,有助于把握第二语言习得的焦点,并加深对第二语言习得过程和机制的认识。  相似文献   

清末北京话中才出现"干脆"一词,最初为形容词,经百余年的发展到现代已完成了从形容词到语气副词的语法化过程,"直接"这一语义特征和形容词作状语这一句法位置是其变化的主要条件。北京话语气副词"干脆"的意义和用法与普通话略有差异。  相似文献   

Persuasive argumentation in negotiation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

王佳纬  屠瑾 《创新》2007,1(5):76-81
公众参与政府绩效评估的关键在于公众是否能真正有效地参与到政府绩效评估工作的整个过程中去并且发挥核心作用。美国衣阿华州开展的"公众发起的绩效评估项目(CIPA)"让公众全过程地参与政府绩效评估,在许多方面作出了有益的尝试。因此,借鉴国外的成功经验,构建起公众全过程参与政府绩效评估的系统流程和体系是我国公众参与政府绩效评估科学、持续开展的有效路径。  相似文献   

曹刚 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):55-59
应用伦理学的"判例模式"可以取代日益受到质疑的"工程模式"。"判例模式"的运用是在伦理委员会这个"道德实验室"里进行的。它指通过一定的程序,在先前的与现实的道德事件的比较权衡中来解决道德困境,作出道德决策的过程。应用伦理学的"判例模式"的确立,有助于通过一种循序渐进的方法,实现道德与社会需要的动态统一与均衡、创造出新的道德结构。  相似文献   

冯望岳 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):91-93
电视剧《寻常人家》是一曲爱情的绝唱 ,是普通劳动者人性美、心灵美的颂歌。《寻常人家》对“模拉尔姑娘”(道德 )的礼赞与呼唤 ,在以德治国、德法统一、振兴中华进程中 ,有其现实意义。  相似文献   

作为"存在主义马克思主义"的代表人物,科西克以"具体总体"为核心,系统构建了他的全部哲学体系。在追溯"总体"概念发展过程的基础上,科西克对其进行了创造性的发展,提出了他的"具体总体"观。这一概念的提出标志着哲学研究方式的根本转换:将对世界超验本质的思辨转化为对人的存在方式的关注。"具体总体"具有本体论、认识论、方法论三重内涵,它所要揭示的是人如何通过革命性、创造性的实践活动超越资本主义条件下"抽象"的存在状况,实现"具体存在"的过程。  相似文献   

“农村化”现象是中国城市化过程中出现的一种伴生的现象.农村化主要表现为进城务工人员的“就业非农化、身份农村化”和“生活市民化、身份农村化”两个特征.通过对不同时期不同行政单位的流动人口、城镇经济活动人口和非本地户口人口中农村户口人口的统计和分析得出中国城市化进程中农村化现象不断扩散的结论.同时,本文从人口流动政策、户籍制度、隐性失业和城市化方式四个方面分析了农村化现象出现的原因,并且对农村化现象带来的流动人口与当地居民的融合、市民化问题及解决途径进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

日本近世朱子学者林罗山在反对朱熹"理气论"的同时,一方面汲取朱熹的"排佛反释"思想来打击当世之佛教势力,另一方面又借用朱熹的"理"论来构建日本近世新神道"理当心地神道".分析林罗山的这一思想过程与学术取向,不仅有助于对"日本朱子学派"学术性格的把握,而且林家朱子学以"实用主义"与"民族主义"立场来对待和处理外来文化的态度和方法,对于学术界理解和认识日本吸收与消化异域文化的理论装置和思维模式,亦颇具启迪意义.  相似文献   

The process of consultation has become integral to the development, implementation and evaluation of a raft of UK health and social policies. However, the current bewildering patchwork of area–based initiatives means that, in many localities, it is impossible to evaluate the outcomes of particular targeted initiatives, let alone make sense of local planning consultations, Best Value reviews and (multi–agency) service reviews which run concurrently. The cumulative effects of this consultation "overload" threaten to swamp both local authorities and their service users. Consul–tation is itself a crucial yet deeply problematic process. There is an official view which holds that an "old" model of consultation—often tokenistic and unrepresentative—is being replaced with a "new" one. This paper examines and challenges that view in relation to the key policy areas of housing, social services and policing. It also pays particular attention to, and problematizes, the notion of "hard–to–reach groups", which is so dominant in the discourse of consultation. The paper argues that developing appropriate tools and recognizing that consultation is a process—not an event—are essential starting points in addressing these problems. The next step is to reconcile the principles of both evidence–based policy and user–led services into a strategic (and "joined–up") framework. But, when all this is accomplished, we still need to question the political and fiscal contexts in which policy–making takes place and within which the process of consultation is itself bounded.  相似文献   

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