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进入新世纪以来,由土地开发、征地纠纷等引发的农民维权现象较为普遍,有些甚至升级为重大群体性事件,给人民生命财产造成了重大损失。面对这些冲突,农民维权方式先后经历了"日常抵抗"、"依法抗争"和"以法抗争"三种行为模式的演变。作为转型期农民维权的新方式,"以舆抗争"有其自己独特的产生原因和维权步骤,也有自身其正、负两方面的社会效应,需要全面把握。"以舆抗争"的出现并不会完全取代传统维权方式,而是会在特定的维权情境中以最优的效果和其他维权方式进行组合,成为今后一段时期内越来越常见的维权方式,更加有力地表达农民的权利诉求,实现权利的维护。  相似文献   

This article reports diagnosis disclosure decision comments arising serendipitously in five focus group discussions with 34 HIV-infected New Yorkers over age 50. Three overarching disclosure themes demonstrate the complexity of diagnosis disclosure decision-making: (a) hiding or selectively disclosing, or stigma management; (b) partial disclosure because of the perception of partial control of the information; and (c) widespread or complete voluntary diagnosis disclosure, representing stigma resistance. Social workers and other human services practitioners should remember the diversity in the HIV population, the aging population, and the HIV-positive aging population. Experiences of HIV stigma and choices about diagnosis disclosure and stigma management or resistance are individual, reciprocal, and dynamic.  相似文献   

Current literature on resistance focuses on the elements of action and opposition as its main components. However, when we use the term resistance we are not necessarily referring exclusively to the active expression of opposition, but could also be referring to discussions about such events or to stimuli that may cause these acts. Thus resistance, for the purposes of this study, is perceived in terms of action, external conversation and stimuli, and it is argued that these external characteristics may be further processed through deliberation and internal conversations about resistance. An exploratory empirical study revealed inner aspects of resistance, and examined whether internal conversations about resistance could actually be experienced by agents. This article further supports the argument that, as individuals produce internal conversations about resistance, they may end by following one of the suggested options: they may keep their internal conversations unspoken, or produce a course of action related to resistance (and identified as such), or they may produce external conversations about resistance, or they may end by producing resistance that is not recognisable (to others) as such. In all these cases, internal conversations about resistance are involved and it is therefore argued that the causal impact of resistance may derive from agential processes and powers as well as from action, stimuli or external conversations related to resistance.  相似文献   


In Portugal, Spain, and South Africa, there has been a noted anti-neoliberal resistance, marked by the significant participation of the older generation in protest movements. Changing demographics, the global financial crisis, unemployment, poverty, and the reliance of the family nucleus on the pensioner, coupled with neoliberal and austerity-based reductions to welfare programs, pensions, health, and social care, has caused the “silver revolution.” As a population group that is often considered to be less politically active and robust members of society, such resistance is a noteworthy moment in society that needs to be considered and responded to.  相似文献   

“蚁族”是对高校毕业生低收入聚居群体的典型概括,被视为继农民、农民工、下岗工人之后的第四大弱势群体.本文采用实证主义研究方法,运用自编量表对“江蚁”的抗逆力水平进行测量与分析,得出结论:“江蚁”普遍面临着生存压力,其中三成缺乏必要的抗逆力;外在保护因素严重不足,自我效能感(自信心)与自知力(自我认同度)偏低是影响抗逆力...  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):235-242

This article deals with a worker struggling with a personal loss while simultaneously helping her group with the termination of a valued long term member. The focus is on the parallel grieving process and the resistance to mourning.  相似文献   

Problem-drinking drivers have, from the outset of the New York State Program in 1975, presented a real challenge to alcoholism treatment providers. The very nature of the "mandated" condition of treatment as a prerequisite for return of a driver's license lends itself to resistance and rage. A short-term group treatment model is a response to the difficulties encountered in fitting the problem-drinking driver into a treatment system that is primarily designed for latter stage-alcoholics in need of long-term, intensive rehabilitation. The short-term group approach is an application of situational crisis theory, adjustment demand theory, and treatment contracting. The intervention model begins with two individual family evaluation sessions followed by from twelve to sixteen group therapy sessions of ninety minutes duration each.  相似文献   

This article presents the concept of using leisure time as a potential coping resource for family caregivers of impaired older persons, that could be facilitated through a leisure education program within a caregiver support group. Included is a review of literature relevant to stresses of caregivlng, barriers to caregivers' leisure involvement, and rationale for a leisure education program within a family caregiver support group. It is suggested that leisure education programs be based on the Peterson and Gunn leisure education model which consist of four components: leisure awareness, leisure activity skills, leisure resources, and social skills. Each component is considered in relation to caregivers' situations. Reasons for caregivers' resistance to intervention and outreach techniques are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(4):295-307
This paper attempts to indicate what some of the similarities and differences are in clinical work with individuals and groups. This effort was stimulated by a desire to indicate that neither one extreme of "everything is the same" nor its opposite that "all social work methodology is different" is accurate. The author has used concepts such as relationship, transference, resistance, and group developmental phases among others to explore the potentials and limitations in applying these concepts to clinical work with individuals and groups.  相似文献   

We set out to explore the meaning of the attachment categories in the Cassidy/Marvin strange situation procedure, as employed in the home, using data from a longitudinal study of children adopted into UK families up to the age of 42 months from Romanian institutions, and of adopted children without the experience of institutional care––both groups being assessed at 4 and 6 years of age. Inter‐rater reliability was found to be good. Security (meaning the use of the parent as a secure base and no negative behavior on reunion) was the modal categorical rating in both the institution‐reared and comparison groups, but the category of anomalous non‐normative behavior (meaning a lack of any ordered attachment behavior as covered by the standard ratings), previously labeled ‘insecure‐other’, was more common in the institution‐reared children. Because this was unassociated with the usual manifestations of insecurity (such as avoidance or resistance) and because it was largely evident in interactions with the stranger, it is concluded that the adjective ‘insecure’ was not appropriate. Although this ‘insecure‐other’ category was associated with disinhibited attachment as reported by parents (meaning a lack of differentiation among adults, a willingness to go off with strangers and a lack of checking back with parents in anxiety‐provoking situations), it did not prove to be a good index of disinhibited attachment because changes over time in the ‘insecure‐other’ category were not associated with changes in the rate of disinhibited attachment. Also, whereas the rate of ‘insecure‐other’ fell markedly in the institution‐reared group between 4 and 6 years of age, it rose in the comparison group, raising queries over its meaning.  相似文献   

崔明霞 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):77-79
五代时期辽 (契丹族 )之所以未能称霸中原 ,在于辽的经济、军事力量不够强大 ,在于草原本位主义保守思想严重 ,在于内部政局不稳 ,争夺权利 ,武装叛乱 ,在于中原人民的强烈反抗。  相似文献   

王洪伟 《社会》2010,30(2):215-234
通过对鄂豫两省艾滋疫情高发区“艾滋村民”抗争的考察,笔者提出了当代中国底层社会抗争的两种社会学逻辑:求助于外的“合法抗争”和求助于内的“以身抗争”,一起形成了当代中国底层社会抗争的具有解释力、却又不同逻辑的社会学分析框架。本文考察了“以身抗争”模式的形成机理和运转规则,发现中国底层农民抗争的“非政治性”、“弱组织性”和“具体利益性”取向,“有组织”的政治抗争乃至革命性转化是不太可能的。  相似文献   

In the present study, children’s (2‐ to 5‐years old) lie‐telling was examined in relation to theory of mind (first‐order false belief understanding), executive functioning (measuring inhibitory control in conjunction with working memory), and presence of siblings in the home (no siblings vs. siblings; younger siblings vs. older siblings).  Lie‐telling was observed using a temptation resistance paradigm. Overall, of the 152 (74.9%) children who peeked at the toy, 73 (48%) lied during the temptation resistance paradigm. Children with higher scores on measures of first‐order false belief understanding, and measures that relied on inhibitory control, were more likely to lie compared to their truthful counterparts.  Additionally, children with older siblings were more likely to lie to the research assistant, and this relationship was independent of performance on cognitive tasks. Overall, results demonstrate that having an older sibling has an independent, direct effect on the development of young children’s lie‐telling abilities, irrespective of cognitive ability. These findings support the argument that lie‐telling is a behavior that is facilitated by both cognitive and social factors.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(1-2):61-75

This paper describes the use of small groups in an after-school tutoring program for children, ages 5 to 12. Five group work principles are emphasized: (1) beginning where the group members are and drawing upon their interests; (2) enhancing mutual aid among group members; (3) taking the stages of group development into consideration when planning activities; (4) using the leader's role in ways that encourage and are helpful to group members; and (5) believing that members have something valuable to contribute to the group. Incorporation of group work principles into academic enrichment programs, rather than reliance solely on one-to-one tutoring, is urged.  相似文献   

We review recent work on the accuracy of group judgmental processes as a function of (a) the competences (judgmental accuracies) of individual group members, (b) the group decision procedure, and (c) group size. This work on individual competence and group accuracy represents an important contribution to democratic theory and a useful complement to the usual emphasis in the social choice literature on individual preference and preference aggregation mechanisms. The work reported on is rooted in a tradition which goes back to scholars such as Condorcet, Poisson, and Bayes.  相似文献   

Threat, Group Identification, and Children's Ethnic Prejudice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This experiment tested predictions from social identity development theory (SIDT, Nesdale, 1999 ), that children's tendency to show out‐group prejudice depends on the strength of their in‐group identification and/or their perception of threat from the out‐group. Anglo‐Australian children (N= 480) aged 6, 7, or 9 years were assigned to a high‐status team and their identification with the in‐group (high vs. low) was manipulated together with threat from the out‐group (present vs. absent). The members of the out‐group were revealed to be of the same (Anglo‐Australian) or different (Pacific Islander) ethnicity to the in‐group. Results supported the SIDT predictions. In addition, consistent with socio‐cognitive theory (ST, Aboud, 1988 ), dislike for the out‐group at 6 years gave way to increasingly neutral reactions by 9 years of age. Ethnic composition of the out‐group did not impact differentially on liking but it did affect the children's desire to change groups. Strongly identified children were reluctant to leave their group regardless of the ethnicity of the out‐group, whereas children with low in‐group identification were more willing to change into a same‐ than into a different‐ethnicity out‐group. It is concluded that both social identity and social cognitive processes are implicated in the development of prejudice in middle childhood.  相似文献   

This article discusses an experiential assignment used in a group work course. Student groups meet throughout the semester with the task of developing a major group presentation. The assignment has the dual purpose of increasing student knowledge of diverse group approaches and providing opportunities to experience, identify, and apply group work concepts to their small-group experiences. The article uses excerpts from students' discussions about their group experiences to demonstrate the effectiveness of the assignment. Three primary themes are explored: (1) group development and emerging norms and roles, (2) issues of leadership, and (3) the role of conflict in the groups.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore the ways in which sixth, seventh, and eighth grade White girls from poor and working-class families in rural Maine understand, express, and react to dominant cultural definitions of femininity. Using a qualitative method, The Listening Guide, to interpret data gathered over the course of a year from weekly videotaped focus group conversations and individual interviews, I identify and underscore the contradictory nature of what constitutes appropriately feminine discourse and behavior for these girls—discourse and behavior that is radically different from the dominant White middle-class cultural ideal and that offers these girls a wide range of physical and verbal expression not usually considered under the rubric of conventional femininity. I then examine the girls' ambivalent relationship with middle-class propriety, as well as their anger, their longing, and, in some cases, their resistance to dominant cultural ideologies of femininity. Although such resistance may serve them well in their local community, it puts them at odds with the expectations of their teachers and other adults invested in the conventional feminine ideal and thus underscores their displacement in school and society. The Listener's Guide, I contend, provides a way to elucidate the struggles these working-class girls experience as they negotiate and contest contradictory voices and visions of appropriately feminine behavior and constructions of self vying for their attention and allegiance.  相似文献   

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