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We examine fourteen stable, racially and ethnically diverse communities in nine US cities to understand what produces such communities. These communities in the context of the US experience of increased, multiracial, and multiethnic diversity in the early twenty-first century can serve as a policy model as both the US and European nations look ahead toward more diverse societies. After providing a brief history of US segregation patterns, we provide an analysis of factors related to stable diversity. We found two types of diversity. Diversity-by-direction communities, which are more likely to be black:white communities, consciously worked to preserve diversity through an array of community-based efforts. Diverse-by-circumstance communities, which are more likely to be multiracial, multiethnic communities with significant immigrant populations, have been faced with an unplanned diversity, which they are now working to preserve. Among the characteristics of stable diverse communities are the presence of: social seams linking different groups, community organizations involved in preserving diversity, public discussion of values of what produces 'good' community, and distinctive physical or environmental characteristics that continue to attract new residents.  相似文献   

Choice by service users has been promoted in social policy across many developed welfare states, often on the grounds that it will incentivize providers to enhance quality and efficiency. But this instrumental motivation for the promotion of choice overlooks the possibility that choice, understood in the deeper sense of autonomy, has intrinsic value, as suggested by egalitarian and capability‐based theories of social justice. This article argues that the narrow motivation of choice policies leads to a focus on services rather than outcomes for individuals and fails to address deep‐seated inequalities in the opportunities people have for real autonomy. We test this concept using newly collected data for the UK. Our empirical findings indicate that disabled people are more likely to experience constrained autonomy in all respects, while being from a low socio‐economic group and/or lacking educational qualifications is a risk factor across several components. We conclude that improving the ‘choice’ agenda for policy requires: (1) adopting a more sophisticated concept of ‘choice’ such as the conceptualization of ‘choice as autonomy’ outlined here; (2) developing a better understanding of existing inequalities in autonomy, such as we begin to explore in our empirical results; and (3) tackling these inequalities through, for example, the removal of obstacles to active decision‐making by providing effective support and advocacy, especially for disabled people, and addressing the major structural barriers – poverty, ill health and geographical inequality – which place significant restrictions on the autonomy of those who are already disadvantaged.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the assumptions about the organically impaired elderly thmugh describing an effective summer day program, studying one of its panicipants, and relating a theoretical penpective. It discusses the helping principles applied in a life model and intenctionally oriented group and milieu approach. A sense of self is restored thmugh relationships with others. The provision of a positive experience which recognizes and bolsters stlengths and relatedness makes it more attractive to live more fully here and now.  相似文献   

Drawing upon a narrative study investigating the personal experience of 20 non‐resident mothers in the UK, the paper discusses how the atypical nature of their situation poses a potential threat to women's identity at both the personal and the social level. It is argued that more constructive adjustment is linked to women's ability to maintain a positive view of themselves as a ‘good’ mother in spite of their non‐resident status and that providing opportunities for women to ‘tell their story’ may be helpful in this respect. In addition to the cathartic effect of openly sharing an atypical mothering experience and defending against negative social judgements, exploring narratives can open up space, creating opportunities for new meanings and possibilities to emerge.  相似文献   

From a particular social group work perspective the con. cept of crisis has a different meaning than from the way it has been formulatedand used in social casework. Crisis is perceived as a variation of ongoing experience and an existential model of worker intervention replaces the medical model. The central themes of the paper are: (1) all living is struggle and all struggle is crisis; (2) crises are to be confronted, not eliminated: (3) all crises are group phenomena: (4) existentially, crises give expression to people's "here and now" being; (5) medical or psychological categories do not accurately describe crises for social workers and should be translated into "here and now" behavioral terms.  相似文献   

This article discusses an experiential assignment used in a group work course. Student groups meet throughout the semester with the task of developing a major group presentation. The assignment has the dual purpose of increasing student knowledge of diverse group approaches and providing opportunities to experience, identify, and apply group work concepts to their small-group experiences. The article uses excerpts from students' discussions about their group experiences to demonstrate the effectiveness of the assignment. Three primary themes are explored: (1) group development and emerging norms and roles, (2) issues of leadership, and (3) the role of conflict in the groups.  相似文献   

Youth with experience in the foster care system are often more susceptible to negative outcomes in adulthood due to higher levels of cumulative risk; however, there is little research on perceptions of resilience among this population. This mixed-method pilot study presents results from a modified prototype analysis that examined both qualitative and quantitative aspects of how emerging adults (ages 18–25; n = 18) with foster care backgrounds viewed the concept of “success.” Specifically, the approach involved a demographic questionnaire, modified prototype analysis, Developmental Assets® assessment, and focus group discussion providing valuable insight into the perceptions and experiences of emerging adults who have spent time in the care of foster families. Results share youth's perspectives of how their foster families contributed to resiliency and successful adult development. Findings indicate that the definition of “success” is complex and subjectively defined based on personal goals and that specific Developmental Assets® are important for foster families to promote youth resilience. This deeper insight into perspectives of former foster youth gained through the modified prototype analysis can guide agencies, advocates, and parents, permitting a more intentional promotion of success, and maximizing opportunities for resiliency.  相似文献   

A positive youth development perspective focuses on recognizing psychosocial strengths and providing social environments that contribute to the development of these in children and adolescents. Bereavement camps can provide such an environment as they help children cope with the death of someone close. The purpose of this study was to observe bereavement camps through the lens of positive youth development to determine the applicability of the eight features of positive developmental settings for describing bereavement camps (safety, appropriate structure, supportive relationships, opportunities to belong, positive norms, support for efficacy, skill building opportunities, integration of family and community). Observational notes were recorded by researchers during on-site visits to three different weekend bereavement camps. Results identified how each element of positive developmental settings was exemplified in either typical camp activities or bereavement-focused activities. For example, assigning campers to cabin groups based on age and gender provided opportunities to belong, and giving campers a comfort object and a big buddy provided supportive relationships. Findings were used to create a positive developmental settings observation checklist for use by bereavement camp practitioners to assess the extent to which each camp provides the requisite elements for promoting positive youth development.  相似文献   

More than 200,000 displaced Karen from Burma have been “warehoused” in displaced persons' camps on the Thai-Burma border for more than 20 years. Recently, the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) has embarked on the durable solution of resettlement to third countries for these people. In this paper, the experiences and perceptions of resettlement of Christian Karen are explored through the findings from two focus groups with recently arrived refugees, augmented by contextual discussions with Christian Karen community leaders in Australia. Focus group participants displayed a strong and overt sense of identity, both as individual Karen and as part of the Christian Karen community, locally and trans-nationally, indicating that Christian Karen identity remains intact during displacement and strongly influences the resettlement experience for this group.  相似文献   

Community Care for the Elderly -- Rhetoric and Reality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to A.C. Bebbington, Assistant Director, Personal Social Services Research Unit, Cornwallis Building, The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF. Summary This paper investigates the management and delivery of carefor 176 elderly people receiving both community health and socialservices. These people represent a crucial group if the communitycare policy is to become a reality, and they receive high serviceslevels. The study provides both quantitative and qualitativeevidence of inadequate case management and lack of co-ordinationin providing care. Assessment, determining services, and reviewwere all inefficiently managed. Liaison was non-existent forthe majority, and opportunities for substitution were missed.There could be conflict over role, particularly in relationto personal care. Innovations designed to tackle these problemsremain limited in scale. These difficulties are recognized andaddressed by the 1989 White Paper ‘Caring for People’which makes a number of proposals to clarify responsibilitiesand accountability. The different professional assumptions andwork practices among the plurality of agencies providing carewill need to be resolved if community care is ever to offera realistic alternative to care in institutions for increasingnumbers of people with high levels of dependency.  相似文献   

The social environment influences health outcomes for older adults and could be an important target for interventions to reduce costly medical care. We sought to understand which elements of the social environment distinguish communities that achieve lower health care utilization and costs from communities that experience higher health care utilization and costs for older adults with complex needs. We used a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach. We classified community performance based on three outcomes: rate of hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions, all-cause risk-standardized hospital readmission rates, and Medicare spending per beneficiary. We conducted in-depth interviews with key informants (N = 245) from organizations providing health or social services. Higher performing communities were distinguished by several aspects of social environment, and these features were lacking in lower performing communities: 1) strong informal support networks; 2) partnerships between faith-based organizations and health care and social service organizations; and 3) grassroots organizing and advocacy efforts. Higher performing communities share similar social environmental features that complement the work of health care and social service organizations. Many of the supportive features and programs identified in the higher performing communities were developed locally and with limited governmental funding, providing opportunities for improvement.  相似文献   

Summary The past decade has witnessed a move towards increased communityresidential care for the mentally handicapped, essentially involvingan expansion of hostels and group homes. The latter has beenviewed as a serious alternative only for the more able members:those sufficient in a modicum of independence and behaviouralskills. The present paper explores the importance of group interactionaldynamics within the framework of providing residential carein ordinary houses for groups of up to five mentally handicappedadults. The use of group theory perspectives concentrates onthe potential of individuals to achieve effective social skillsthat contribute to adequate group harmony. The findings illustratethe potential of meeting the needs of the less able within grouphome settings through an emphasis on assessment of total groupneeds rather than on an aggregate of individuals comprisingthe group. These are discussed within the contest of currentefforts both at policy and provider level to expand care withinthe community.  相似文献   

Why, in community decision making, do so few of those affected exercise opportunities to influence decisions? This question was investigated by comparing the behaviour and attitudes of men on state primary school committees with those of other fathers of children at the same 25 schools. Predispositional variables accounted for about 30% of participation variance, and this indicates a substantial influence. School committee members were comparatively more predisposed toward decision making, having acquired greater confidence and skills through education, occupation, and club activities. They were more concerned with educational outcomes, and had stronger social links with the school through their wives and other parents. It is suggested that more parents might be encouraged by opportunities to participate in familiar (eg. neighbourhood) groups under informal conditions, dealing with problems of immediate interest to them. Awareness of the work done by the school committee, and its effectiveness, are also important factors in participation.  相似文献   

汉旺学校社工站于2009年2月成立,致力于服务震后有康复需要的学生及其家长。本文是工作站康复工作的经验呈现。介绍了工作站从社会包容理念出发,以社工、康复治疗师跨专业合作为策略,以整体视角看待学生的多层面需要,并开展个别化的全人康复服务。工作站关注康复学生的环境,开展以家庭为本的支持性服务及有效的资源链接。为了巩固服务效果并让增加受益人群,工作站将服务拓展至社区,运用社区资源并开展社区教育,力求营造一个接纳、包容的社区氛围。作者期望本文可以为灾后重建社会工作有关的理论和实践问题的探索有所助益。  相似文献   


Lesbian and gay youth often face severe isolation, growing up in an environment that is frequently ignorant of their unique needs and hostile toward them. Youth groups can serve a vital role in overcoming this isolation in addition to providing a safe space for working out the various problems surrounding the stigma of growing up gay. This article presents several themes in group work with lesbian and gay adolescents based on the author's experience as a group worker at a lesbian and gay youth project. Isolation, coming out, learning/re-learning, and initiation into a community are offered as four main themes which provide a foundation for understanding how to help lesbian and gay adolescents in groups.  相似文献   

曾凯 《社会工作》2012,(5):54-59
本文从实践的层面,全面梳理国家部委确认的我国社区服务样板城市的标杆经验。对照国内标杆经验,分类分项剖析标杆经验的可复制内涵与途径,提出13个可操作的工作概念,供深圳市借鉴。  相似文献   

陈华珊 《社会》2015,35(5):101-121
对互联网技术的使用是否会增进公民的社区参与一直是一个具有争议性的问题,对于网络社区在其中如何发挥作用的相关研究却寥寥无几。本文利用大数据,采用一个案例,从社会网络分析的视角对此进行研究。通过区分不同性质的讨论网后发现,网络社区对业主的网络公民参与存在正效应,不同议题的讨论网关系可以相互转化,从而促进网络参与。  相似文献   

Retail business development is a broad goal for both private business interests as well as local policymakers, yet the goal of retail opportunities for local residents themselves is often seen as secondary. This paper considers the argument that retail opportunities and sense of community are in fact linked in important ways, links that reinforce the social fabric of a community and/or neighborhood. The paper first briefly reviews the inherent linkages between retail shopping and local development patterns, and then considers the sense of community in the context of Garfield County in western Colorado. Based on the key questions derived from this background, we formally test the inter-relationship between local retail spending and sense of community from detailed survey data, then more broadly consider the factors that critically shape a locality's “sense of community.” These findings shape several important policy implications.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of intergenerational service- learning, an experiential pedagogy that involves students in learning outside the traditional classroom while providing a needed service in the community. Examples of intergenerational service-learning projects are presented that have been successfully utilized by the authors. These projects demonstrate the importance of using reflective practice assignments to help students deconstruct and reconstruct images, beliefs and paradigms about older adults. In addition, problems and opportunities in developing service-learning projects in urban and rural settings and with the Hispanic community are described, as well as some of the types of learning that may result from implementing service-learning experiences in various social work foundation courses.  相似文献   

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