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As the global mobility of students has continued to grow, many of those who obtain their degrees abroad are seeking opportunities to stay in the countries where they received their education. Responding to these trends, several host countries have devised visa schemes to enable international graduates to remain in the country and work after graduation. Using a summative content analysis approach, this article provides an analysis of the content of the Optional Practical Training and Temporary Graduate Visa programmes situated within the economic, political and social contexts of the United States and Australia respectively. Graduation from a domestic institution is the core requirement of these programmes, directly implicating higher education in immigration issues and placing higher education institutions at the border of the state. As such, we must consider HEIs not only as a temporary home for globally mobile student sojourners but as the starting point for transnational talent on complex migration journeys.  相似文献   

Since 2008, about half a million children have arrived in Mexico from the United States, most of whom are US-born. However, due to limited statistical data, there have been few quantitative studies on their school integration. Using data from the 2017 School Integration Survey, conducted in 86 lower secondary schools in the Tijuana metropolitan area, we analyse the relationship between students’ liking of school and their binational school trajectories in this border city with high return migration. The results, based on a multivariate statistical analysis, show that students who studied in that country exhibit a lower liking of school, which correlates with a higher number of years of schooling in the U.S. and less time spent in Mexico since last arrival. Various mediating mechanisms are identified, such as limited Spanish proficiency, teacher indifference and lack of cultural identification with Mexico. The implications for education policy are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study analyzes two birth cohort surveys, the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children and Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, to examine variation in maternal depression by nativity, duration of residence, age at migration, and English proficiency in Australia and the United States. Both countries have long immigrant traditions and a common language. The results demonstrate that US immigrant mothers are significantly less depressed than native‐born mothers, but maternal depression does not differ by nativity in Australia. Moreover, the association between duration of residence and maternal depression is not linear: Recent arrivals and long‐term residents exhibit the highest depression levels. Lack of English proficiency exacerbates maternal depression in Australia, but protects against depression in the United States. Differences in immigration regimes and welfare systems likely contribute to the differing salience of nativity for maternal depression.  相似文献   

This article shows theoretically and empirically that an aggregate Euler equation relates the growth rate of per capita consumption to the real interest rate, the ratio of private wealth plus asset income to consumption, and the ratio of social security wealth to consumption. Using the estimated Euler equation, the paper then calculates the steady-state effects of social security reform. Reforms that reduce the ratio of social security wealth to consumption are found to shift the balanced growth paths for the capital stock, output, and consumption upward appreciably.  相似文献   

The historical links between international factor mobility and the extent of international trade are analysed over the long term for three high labour immigration countries (Australia, Canada and the United States) and one high labour emigration country (the United Kingdom).
Time series data are used. Current international openness is assessed relative to this experience. International factor market integration has increased over time with trade liberalization, suggesting that traditional Hecksher-Ohlin thinking cannot be readily used to account for long-term trends in several important economies.
Both trade and factor mobility have an episodic character that makes it misleading to assess current international openness only in terms of post-World War 2 economic trends.  相似文献   


Following the disclosure of decades of Episcopal cover-ups of child sexual abuse, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) promulgated the Charter for the Protection of Children & Young People(USCCB, 2002). This document requires that all U.S. dioceses and eparchies identify a code of conduct for clergy, employees, and volunteers. The Virtus Model Code of Pastoral Conduct (National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc., 2002) has been selected by many dioceses/eparchies. Other dioceses and eparchies have used similar variants. While codes of conduct for priests may seem reasonable, current codes do not distinguish between the functions of mental health providers and priests. As a result significant ministerial implications may effect pastoral service delivery. This paper focuses on risk management strategies, similar to those used by social workers and other mental health practitioners, that will become increasingly necessary for priests who provide pastoral counseling, spiritual direction, or any clinical-type intervention to parishioners and those seeking pastoral services. Specifically, dual relationships, mandated reported, duty to warn/protect, and documentation will be addressed.  相似文献   

Disproportionality in special education includes the underrepresentation and overrepresentation of children by gender, economic status, race, ethnicity, language, and culture. This article reviews literature on disproportionality in the United States, Germany, Kenya, and India. Societal views of disability, classism, racism, and inequitable assessment are among the factors that contribute to disproportionality. Preventative medicine, equitable access to resources, ethical and effective assessment procedures, and educational practices that are gender equitable and culturally responsive may reduce the problem of disproportionality.  相似文献   

Crimmigration, or the intertwining of criminal and immigration law, allows whether explicitly or implicitly for local law enforcement and increasingly other government agencies, to act as enforcers of both aspects of the law. Increasingly, practices and polices implemented within this realm are characteristic of interior enforcement practices, expanding beyond border enforcement. No longer are these solely the responsibility of federal immigration agents, but now local law enforcement participates in these seemingly hidden initiatives. In the process of this merge, the scope of citizenship and the applicability of certain rights is continuously narrowing in what Juliet Stumpf refers to in The Crimmigration Crisis: Immigrants, Crime, and Sovereign Power as “a society increasingly stratified by flexible conceptions of membership.” To unwind and reform the connections between these two systems requires the treatment of them as components of a larger emphasis on exclusionary social‐control ideology and practices, directed at immigrants and minorities alike.  相似文献   

The literature on globalization of services has tended to focus on advanced industrial nations, underestimating the important role Southern markets have played. Given the complexities of the global economy, much can be gained from exploring the ways in which flexible management practices and workplace culture in the United States and India have increasingly conjoined under an emerging set of common principles. In particular, one finds similar phenomena contributing to patterns of job insecurity in both countries: non‐standard employment contracts, long working hours, growing emphasis on individualization, and increasing control over workers. Interestingly, workers in both countries have similar strategies in staying employed as well as dealing with the growing insecurity. In neither country, however, has employment precariousness resulted in a backlash against the government. I posit the reason for this is that even as workers recognize the structural sources of job insecurity due to globalization, they individualize their failures and inability to cope with the changing market.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to assess the possible mutual influence between gambling, substance use, and delinquency over a two-year period during mid adolescence, (2) to test whether variables that are usually predictive of delinquency and substance use also predict gambling, and (3) to test whether the links between the three problem behaviors could be, at least partially, accounted for by common antecedent factors (impulsivity, parental supervision, and deviant friends) assessed during early adolescence. Seven hundred and seventeen boys participated in the study. Impulsivity, parental supervision, and friends' deviancy were collected when participants were 13 and 14 years of age. Gambling, substance use, and delinquency were collected through self-reports at ages 16 and 17 years. Results showed no influence or modest influence of problem behaviors on each other from age 16 to age 17 years, once current links and auto-correlations were accounted for. Conversely, the cross-sectional links between the three problem behaviors at each age were moderately high. Impulsivity, low parental supervision, and deviant friends were predictively related to each problem. Finally, a significant, although modest, portion of the covariance between the three problem behaviors was accounted for by these three predictors. The present findings contradict previous findings about the influence of gambling on other problem behaviors and support the notion of a general problem behavior syndrome fed by generic risk factors.  相似文献   

This article examines how Indian Americans’ religious organizations send not only financial remittances to India, but also social remittances that shape development ideologies. Comparing Indian‐American Hindu and Muslim organizations, I find both groups draw from their socioeconomic experiences in India and use their position as elite immigrants in the United States to identify and empower their respective religious constituencies in India and overturn different social relations (not just religious practices). Hindu Americans draw from their majority status in India to overturn India's lower position in the world system and support poverty alleviation efforts within a neoliberal development framework. Indian‐American Muslims draw from their poor status in India to overturn economic inequities within India by shifting India's development rhetoric from identity to class. Collective religious identities (expressed through organizations) not only affect the intensity of immigrants’ development efforts, but also their content and ideology. These findings urge us to fold transnational religious organizations into contemporary discussions on migration and development.  相似文献   


The authors surveyed 243 urban public university students who were born in the United States, China, and India to compare the health beliefs of the China-born, India-born, and US-born students. Although the China- and India-born students shared beliefs in many preventive and therapeutic practices of Western medicine with the US-born students, they retained some of their traditional health beliefs. This suggests that student health service clinicians should assess students' cultural beliefs and individualize healthcare for students from different countries  相似文献   

The authors surveyed 243 urban public university students who were born in the United States, China, and India to compare the health beliefs of the China-born, India-born, and US-born students. Although the China- and India-born students shared beliefs in many preventive and therapeutic practices of Western medicine with the US-born students, they retained some of their traditional health beliefs. This suggests that student health service clinicians should assess students' cultural beliefs and individualize healthcare for students from different countries.  相似文献   

Although one fourth of sterilized reproductive‐aged women in the United States express a desire to have their sterilization procedures reversed, the pathways leading to sterilization regret remain insufficiently understood. Particularly little is known about how cohabitation affects the likelihood of sterilization regret. This study used data from the 2006 to 2010 National Survey of Family Growth to investigate how relationship context shapes women's risk of sterilization regret. Our findings point to higher levels of regret among women who were cohabiting, rather than married or single at the time of sterilization. Experiencing poststerilization union dissolution or poststerilization union formation was also associated with an elevated risk of regret. Together, poststerilization union instability and selected background characteristics largely explained elevated levels of regret observed among women who were cohabiting at the time of sterilization. An association between regret and poststerilization union instability persisted, however, even when socioeconomic and reproductive background factors were controlled.  相似文献   

Historically, the coverage bias from excluding the United Statescell-only population from survey samples has been minimal dueto the relatively small size of this group. However, the unrelentinggrowth of this segment has sparked growing concern that telephonesurveys of the general public in the United States will becomeincreasingly subject to coverage bias. While there is evidencethat demographic weighting can be used to eliminate this bias,the availability of the weights lag behind the rapidly changingcell-only population. To explain the extent of the problem,we propose a reliable model to forecast cell-only populationsize and demographics. This model posits that a stable behavioralprocess, the rate of habit retention, can be estimated fromprior wireless lifestyle adoption in the United States and mayalso describe adoption of the cell-only lifestyle. Using measuresof incentive and habituation, we test this assumption by predictingchanges in the cell-only population size and changes in agedemographics. The accuracy of predictions confirms the two adoptionbehaviors are similar. We then develop forecasts of age demographicsthrough 2009, and show how cell-only lifestyle adoption leadsto potential coverage bias that is better addressed throughthis type of modeling rather than weighting from historicaldata.  相似文献   

According to the relevant literature, the relationship between government and the private foundation sector in Germany is marked by a paradigm of conflict very similar to the one that has often dominated the U.S. discussion of government/nonprofit relationships in the past. More specifically, scholars often hold that the development of foundations in Germany is largely hampered by an administrative and regulatory climate that weakens rather than strengthens the foundation community. Two main arguments are brought forth in this context: First, the expansion of the state bureaucracy into traditional activity fields of foundations crowds out the foundation sector; second, the structure of tax regulations is detrimental to a sound development of foundations. However, while these arguments figure prominently in the policy debate, they have neither empirically nor analytically been substantiated as of yet. Borrowing from organizational theory, this article critically evaluates the arguments in the light of available evidence in an effort to contribute to a better understanding of foundations in an international context.  相似文献   

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