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家庭组织的演变和重建家庭保障制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代社会的家庭组织呈现出核心化的发展趋势。家庭组织的演变也促使家庭功能转变,但家庭功能的转变并不表示家庭保障功能的削弱。要重新认识家庭对社会成员的基本保障作用,重建家庭保障制度。  相似文献   

I examine whether the effect of parents’ education on children’s educational achievement and attainment varies by family structure and, if so, whether this can be explained by differential parenting practices. Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, I find that as parents’ education increases, children in single mother families experience a lower boost in their achievement test scores, likelihood of attending any post-secondary schooling, likelihood of completing a 4-year college degree, and years of completed schooling relative to children living with both biological parents. Differences in parents’ educational expectations, intergenerational closure, and children’s involvement in structured leisure activities partially explain these status transmission differences by family structure. The findings imply that, among children with highly educated parents, children of single mothers are less likely to be highly educated themselves relative to children who grow up with both biological parents.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of family structure in the financial support parents provide for their children’s college education. Data are from the Health and Retirement Study. We focus on aspects of family structure that affect parental support and estimate shared family variance in investments as well as within-family variation using a multilevel model. Family membership accounts for about 60% of the variance in payment of college costs. Small family size, living with both biological parents (compared to one biological parent and a stepparent), higher parental education, and having older parents are associated with greater parental expenditures.  相似文献   

We use data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) to examine the role of family relationships in explaining why interracially dating youth have poorer psychological wellbeing than youth with same-race partners. Results indicate that interracial daters experience more symptoms of depression and anxiety and poorer family relationships than do same-race daters. The additive effects of their lower levels of family support and poorer quality parent-child relationships, however, do little to explain interracial daters' more negative wellbeing outcomes. The negative effects of interracial dating hold similarly for boys and girls and among White and Black youth. Interracial dating less negatively effects the depressive symptomatology of Hispanics, though, and actually appears to “protect” Asian youth from depressive symptoms. Our findings highlight the psychological wellbeing risks faced by many interracially dating youth and the protective benefits of close and supportive family relationships for romantically-involved adolescents in general.  相似文献   

How does the structure of the world economy determine the gains from participation therein? In order to answer this question, we conduct a state of the art network analysis of international trade to map the structure of the international division of labor (IDL). We regress cross-national variation in economic growth on positional variation and mobility of countries within the IDL from 1965 to 2000. We find that the highest rates of economic growth occurred to countries in the middle of the IDL over the course of globalization. Second, we find that upper tier positions in the IDL are converging with each other, but diverging from the lower tier. This suggests that the mechanism underlying the rapid economic growth in intermediate positions was their uniquely high rates of upward mobility, in turn a function of their middling position. Taken together, these findings suggest that a country’s long-term economic development is conditioned by its position in the IDL.  相似文献   

Competing explanations of the relationship between family structure and alcohol use problems are examined using a sample of American Indian adolescents from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Living in a single-parent family is found to be a marker for the unequal distribution of stress exposure and parental alcohol use, but the effects of other family structures like non-parent families and the presence of under 21-year-old extended family or non-family members emerge or remain as risk or protective factors for alcohol use problems after a consideration of SES, family processes, peer socialization, and social stress. In particular, a non-parent family structure that has not been considered in prior research emerged as a protective family structure for American Indian adolescent alcohol use problems.  相似文献   

经济工作的基本着眼点要引导各方面把主要精力放在深化改革,调整结构,提高经济增长的质量和效益上。本文通过介绍我国经济结构调整的历程,存在的问题及突出表现,探讨经济结构调整的对策。  相似文献   

Residential mobility is a common experience among Americans, especially children. Most previous research finds residential mobility has negative effects on children's educational attainment, delinquency, substance abuse, and physical and mental health. Previous research, however, does not fully explore whether the effect of mobility differs by child race/ethnicity, in part because many of the samples used for these studies were majority white or exclusively non-white or disadvantaged. In addition, previous research rarely fully accounts for factors that predict selection into mobility and that may also be related to the outcome of interest. This study simultaneously addresses both of these limitations by estimating the effect of moving homes on children's emotional and behavioral wellbeing using first difference models and a diverse longitudinal sample from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods. I find that, after controlling for a wide range of individual, caregiver, household and neighborhood characteristics, the effects of moving among African American and Latino children are significantly worse than among white children.  相似文献   

This study employed latent class analysis to create children’s family structure trajectories from birth through adolescence using merged mother and child data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (N = 1870). Input variables distinguished between biological fathers and stepfathers as well as mother’s marriages and cohabitations. The best-fitting model revealed five latent trajectories of children’s long-term family structure: continuously married biological parents (55%), long-term single mothers (18%), married biological parents who divorce (12%), a highly unstable trajectory distinguished by gaining at least one stepfather (11%), and cohabiting biological parents who either marry or break up (4%). Multinomial logistic regression indicated that mother’s education, race, teen birth status, and family of origin characteristics were important predictors of the long-term family trajectories in which their children grew up. These findings suggest that latent class analysis is a valuable statistical tool for understanding children’s complete family structure experiences.  相似文献   

王炜 《阴山学刊》2009,22(5):96-98
青少年犯罪的原因是多方面的,其中特别是家庭因素,对青少年违法犯罪有着非常直接的关系。父母冲突、父母缺陷、破碎家庭、家庭教育方法不当、家庭监管不力、家庭网络环境以及家庭氛围等都会使青少年形成不良个性,甚至走上违法犯罪的道路。  相似文献   

Although previous research demonstrates the importance of the availability of marriageable men, earnings, and employment stability for racial differences in marriage, it also suggests that other factors likely contribute to this variation. This study investigates a new factor that might help to explain racial variation in marriage, the kinship group. To explore this possible connection, we examine the influence of parental kin involvement experienced during childhood and adolescence on marriage in adulthood using all three waves of the National Survey of Families and Households. While few of the measures of kin ties have significant effects on marriage, some measures were significantly related and the patterns of associations sometimes varied by race.  相似文献   

陈晓阳 《阴山学刊》2009,22(2):61-66
希腊语表示“家庭”这个词的意思是“环绕圣火的人”或是“同一烟火下的人”,其意思是组成家庭的人就是那些被许可崇拜同一家火并祭祀同一祖先的人。因此家庭不是男女双方两性关系的结合。而是由灶神赫斯提亚联系起来的一家人,赫斯提亚是希腊家庭的组织原则。另外,希腊人的思想中一直莆绕着纯粹父系遗传的梦想,故而创造了“技子是炉灶中的一块烧焦的木柴”的王室神话以及大地生人的“地生人”神话,进而产生了“男人是种子,女人是地,孩子在母亲的子宫中生长,就像庄稼在撒下种子的土壤中生长一样”的思想。而孩子生下后的“十日礼”则彻底抹去了在母亲的鲜血和肚腹中出生的事实,同时也把妇女完全排除在城邦公民权之外。  相似文献   

This study draws upon a sample of men and women from Waves I and IV of Add Health to examine the linkages between the adolescent family environment and cohabitation behavior across the transition to adulthood. Using event history modeling the current paper considers the association between a variety of family factors and both the timing of first cohabiting unions and their outcomes (marriage, break up, still cohabiting). This paper also considers whether the impact of predictors for cohabitation timing and outcomes varies depending on the age of individuals. Results indicate that exposure during adolescence to family instability, parental cohabitation, lower parental SES, and low family belonging were associated with an elevated likelihood of entering into cohabiting unions, but primarily during adolescence and early adulthood. Family factors, including family belonging and parental relationship history, were also associated with the outcomes of first cohabitations.  相似文献   

在经济发展史上 ,古典经济学派盲目推崇用经济手段来解决一切问题 ,由此受到人道主义经济学家西斯蒙第的批判。事实证明 ,现代经济学的一个重大进展就是开始把伦理道德等意识形态问题纳入经济学的研究范围 ,强调在经济发展的同时注重人道状况的改善。经济发展应不以损害人道状况为前提。本文试图通过对经济发展与人道主义关系的阐述来阐明两者的契合之处。  相似文献   

利用2006年的全国调查数据(N=3015)和2008年的上海与兰州的调查数据(N=2200),对家庭整体利益观、为家人承担责任的观念、家庭中利他主义观和家庭工作价值比较四个维度进行城乡、年龄和教育群体差异的双变量和多元分析。研究结果显示,家庭整体利益观、为家人承担责任的观念未受现代化冲击,但代际间和合共生、互为一体的利他主义观念显示出与年龄和教育的负相关关系。与工作价值相比,家庭价值下降的假设没有得到支持。在经历了集体化时代之后的当代中国人的观念中,家庭并不是与个体主义价值相矛盾的领域,而在一定意义上是个体追求私人生活、实现个人价值的途径。  相似文献   

张骁飞 《殷都学刊》2010,31(1):65-72
本文对南宋著名学者王应麟所属四明竹林王氏家族及其文学间的关系进行了考察。文章从考述竹林王氏历代成员生平、人际网络、婚姻关系出发,概括总结了王氏家族的性格、门风、文学、文化成就,并对其与以王应麟为首的王氏家族文学形成、衰败的关系进行了较为合理的分析。  相似文献   

The July 2012 publication of my study on the outcomes of young adults who report parental same-sex relationship behavior raised a variety of questions about the New Family Structures Study and my analyses and interpretations of it. This follow-up article seeks to address a variety of the more common criticisms that have been raised, to offer new commentary and analyses, and to pose questions for future analysts of the NFSS and other datasets that are poised to consider how household dynamics are associated with youth and young-adult outcomes. The new analyses I present here still reveal numerous differences between adult children who report maternal same-sex behavior (and residence with her partner) and those with still-married (heterosexual) biological parents. Far fewer differences appear between the former and several other groups, most notably never-married single mothers.  相似文献   

赵海平 《阴山学刊》2009,22(1):82-86
沙特阿拉伯、阿曼、阿拉伯联合酋长国、巴林、卡塔尔、科威特、约旦由沙特、赛义德、阿勒纳哈扬、哈利法、萨尼、萨巴赫、哈希姆家族统治。这些统治家族拥有不容置疑的特权,控制着国家大部分重要职位。在经过现代化的洗礼后,这些君主国仍能保持家族统治,主要有以下原因:一是落后的生产力;二是伊斯兰教思想武器;三是民众对部落家族的感情;四是家族统治者的积极改革;五是西方宗主国的长期统治。  相似文献   

《周易》是研究中国传统性别意识和家庭观念的最根本文献之一。其卦象的推演与男女两性有着十分密切的喻指关系,而其富于辩证意味的推演/思维模式深刻影响到华夏民族对两性关系的认识和家庭观念的形成。一方面,《周易》关于家庭中男女关系的基本看法无疑是男性主导;另一方面,在经与传中,它又都有不把问题绝对化的表述,甚至还做出了一些相当明确的补充、修正,体现了值得注意的合理成分。《周易》的性别意识和家庭观念对后世产生的广泛影响在文学活动中也得到鲜明的反映。  相似文献   

经济全球化的本质与发展中国家的经济发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张雷声 《学术界》2001,(6):34-47
发展中国家融入经济全球化进程的经济发展,是受经济全球化的本质制约的.从世界资本主义体系形成和发展的视角进行考察,经济全球化的本质既表现为由发达资本主义国家发动并主导的经济运动,也表现为资本主义经济关系在世界范围的扩展.这一本质不仅决定了发展中国家的经济发展是挑战多于机遇,而且决定了发展中国家要发展经济必须加强自身的经济安全.  相似文献   

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