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本文把农合组织的行为抽象为农户和企业的二元博弈,分析了在契约环境和社会资本的影响下农合组织的产生、多样性及其内部治理结构的演化。研究结果表明:契约环境和社会资本之间是互补的,它们共同制约了农户和企业的策略选择;农合组织的存在性和差异性很大程度上取决于社会资本的大小,尤其是在契约环境较差时;契约环境的变动,会影响发起人和参与人的分成比例,即影响农合组织治理结构的演化。  相似文献   

Although stressful life events during adolescence are associated with the adoption of unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, both social circumstances and physical traits can moderate the relationship. This study builds on the stress paradigm and gene–environment approach to social behavior by examining how a polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene 5-HTTLPR moderates the effect of life events on adolescent smoking. Tests of interaction hypotheses use data from the Family Transitions Project, a longitudinal study of 7th graders followed for 5 years. A sibling-pair design with separate models for the gender composition of pairs (brothers, sisters, or brother/sister) controls for unmeasured family background. The results show that negative life events are significantly and positively associated with smoking. Among brother pairs but not other pairs, the results provide evidence of gene–environment interaction by showing that life events more strongly influence smoking behavior for those with more copies of the 5-HTTLPR S allele.  相似文献   

改革开放尤其是2006年以来,中国社会工作制度建设迎来前所未有战略机遇期。中国社会福利时代来临和以改善民生为重点社会建设,社会管理创新和社会服务体系建设,尤其是由人力资源大国转变为人力资源强国,不约而同聚焦社工教育制度和社工人才培养。本文运用文献回顾、基础理论研究、宏观政策研究、实地参观考察、比较政策研究等方法,首次全面、系统回顾改革开放30多年中国社会工作教育发展阶段与历史变迁轨迹,并提出了完善社工教育制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

在转型中国,当工人提出工资增长等诉求时,场景中个体行动似乎正在消逝,取而代之是大量的集体行动。是什么因素推动了这种行动的产生?在从个体行动到集体行动的过程中,其动员的中观和微观机制是什么?通过研究发现,社会结构变化、怨恨集聚、共同命运和宿舍空间是工人集体行动几个主要变量,其线性序列构成工人集体行动动员机制。我国人均GDP已经突破4000美元,由于社会日渐断裂,从而为工人集体行动提供了机遇;生活中的怨恨集聚为其动员提供了情感动因;集体命运在组织缺失下为集体认同动员发挥了重要作用;宿舍等公共空间为工人集体行动动员提供了独特生态环境。  相似文献   

男女两性协调发展在构建和谐社会中有十分重要的意义,两性协调发展可促进经济、社会协调发展,有利于人的全面发展,同时女性发展得到重视,有助于从根本上提高民族素质,推动三大文明建设。但实际生活中,实现男女平等、协调发展既面临传统与现实的挑战,又面临经济全球化、城市化、工业化进程带来的机遇。本文在分析这些情况的基础上,提出解决男女协调发展的途径。  相似文献   

The social stratification that takes place during the transition out of high school is traditionally explained with theoretical frameworks such as status attainment and social reproduction. In our paper, we suggest the cumulative dis/advantage hypothesis as an alternative theoretical and empirical approach that explains this divergence in institutional pathways as the result of the dynamic interplay between social institutions (in our case, schools) and individuals’ resources.We use data from the NLSY79 in order to compute institutional pathways (defined by educational and occupational status) of 9200 high school graduates. Optimal Matching Analysis and Cluster Analysis generated a typology of life course pathways. Our results show that both ascribed characteristics and students’ high school characteristics and resources are predictors of post-high school pathways.  相似文献   

在经济全球化中,中国若要在国际分工中获取更多的比较利益,必须更好地发挥自身的动态比较优势。企业家作为一揽子要素配置的支配者,在社会经济活动中处于核心地位,是中国社会经济开放与发展中关键的主动性资源,因此,亟需高度关注企业家这一稀缺资源。中国动态比较优势增进的动力源,是企业家资源拓展与才能的提升,对经济转型中的中国尤其如此。研究表明,企业家资源拓展的关键途径是市场规模的有效扩大,以此可构成企业家资源拓展与动态比较优势增进的互动纽带,并揭示"互动"的关联机理及实现途径,由此可拓展比较优势理论的内涵,增强其现实解释力,从而为中国更好地参与国际分工、提升国际竞争力,提供有益的思路。  相似文献   

The claim that ethnic diversity within the living environment would hamper bonding and bridging social capital has been studied extensively, producing highly inconsistent findings. We studied whether ethnic diversity effects depend on the geographic scale at which ethnic diversity is measured. We examined ethnic diversity effects on intra- and inter-ethnic contacts in the neighborhood, respectively on opposition to ethnic in- and out-group neighbors. Hypotheses were derived from Blau’s meeting opportunities thesis and contact theory, ethnic competition theory, and constrict theory. Using information about 2545 Dutch respondents with their locality defined as egohoods and administrative units, we found that ethnic diversity effects vary with the geographic scale. Ethnic diversity of smaller localities is positively associated with bridging social capital. At larger scales, the findings are mixed: ethnic diversity is positively related to inter-ethnic contacts and opposition to out-group neighbors. Ethnic diversity of smaller localities is negatively related to bonding social capital. In contrast to often-made claims that diversity within the local context would matter most, estimates of diversity effects are not always stronger when diversity measures are aggregated to smaller geographic areas.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that individual-level factors such as socio-economic disadvantage and discrimination account for lower levels of generalized social trust of immigrants when compared to natives. This study examines how individual and contextual economic conditions impact such trust gaps. We argue that—beyond objective economic circumstances—evaluations of economic opportunities matter for immigrants’ integration, and for their social trust. Using data from the European Social Survey 2012, 2016, merged with regional economic conditions, results from two-way fixed effects multilevel models show that gaps in social trust are wider in regions where the state of the economy is predominantly evaluated as being prosperous. Additional tests show that, in those regions, immigrants report higher levels of discrimination and lower levels of satisfaction with social life. This study adds the important finding to the literature on social inequality and immigrant integration that favorable economic conditions may, paradoxically, increase native-immigrant trust asymmetries.  相似文献   

马克思的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》第一次系统地概括了新世界观的基本思想。它在马克思主义哲学发展史上占据着重要的历史地位。其中关于实践与认识、社会存在与社会意识之间的关系,以及人的本质性、能动性等内容,对于思想政治教育有指导意义。文章主要从人与环境、教育的关系层面来探求《提纲》对思想政治教育的启示。  相似文献   

Although many of the world’s most serious outbreaks of conflict and violence center on religion, social science research has had relatively little to say about religion’s unique role in shaping individuals’ attitudes about these events. In this paper we investigate whether Americans’ religious beliefs play a central role in shaping attitudes toward the continuing threat of terrorism and their willingness to assist officials in countering these perceived threats. Our analysis of an original data collection of almost 1600 Americans shows that more religious respondents are more likely to express concerns about terrorism. However, this relationship is mediated by their level of conservatism. We also find that more religious respondents are more likely to claim that they will assist government officials in countering terrorism. This relationship remained even after accounting for conservatism, and people’s general willingness to help police solve crimes like breaking and entering.  相似文献   

本文考察了跨境学童产生的背景,研究与分析了长期游走于双城(香港和深圳)之间对儿童的学业、语言习得、社会交往、身份认同及人身安全等方面的影响,揭示了赴港生子与跨境学童现象背后的社会因素,最后又对孩子的真正需要、港人的身份风险进行了讨论。  相似文献   

在互联网、社交网络快速发展的外部环境中,在提出建设学习型政党的内在要求下,高校基层党组织建设面临着新的机遇和挑战.运用社会学中的社会网络分析法,对高校基层党组织成员关系进行研究,通过问卷调查,收集基层党组织成员间的社会关系数据,并构建社会网络,对高校基层党组织的成员关系,分别从整体关系网络和信任关系网络角度进行可视化的定量剖析,最后,结合网络分析结构结果,对如何建设学习型基层党组织进行了思考,提出了有针对性的政策建议.  相似文献   

徐珣 《浙江社会科学》2012,(4):33-39,156
在公共治理领域,现代传媒发挥着独特的作用,其规范性特征在于民主责任承担与民生事业关注两个层面.杭州民主民生的传媒行动,以现代传媒的实体化功能创新,建构传媒的场域效应、社会交往效应与治理效应.公共治理的现代传媒功能建构,关键在于建构合作治理的社会行动网络;其路径在于:导引社会行动,吸纳公众参与,促成制度规则体系的互动衔接.  相似文献   

包容性发展是我国新时期经济与社会发展的一个重要方向。旅游城市的发展要符合包容性发展即"以人为本"、"共享成果"、"民富优先"三个方面的要求。旅游城市的主要类型包括"工业资源型"、"历史积淀型"、"购物消费型"、"休闲娱乐型"和"城市风景型",各类型的旅游城市战略发展均面临着内部发展优势(S)和劣势(W)、以及外部发展的机会(O)和威胁(T)。基于各种旅游城市发展的SWOT分析,提出每种旅游城市战略发展应注意的方向。  相似文献   

方法论个体主义和方法论集体主义的分歧源于社会理论中的能动性与结构问题。方法论个体主义体现了一个极端,即强调行为主体而不是社会结构,是一种试图仅用个体相关的方式处理社会结构、制度和其他总体现象的方式。方法论集体主义体现了另一个极端,强调整体结构而不是个体,认为所有个体倾向或行为能够也应当从社会的、结构的、文化的或者制度的现象中得到解释。这两个极端都有其缺陷:个体主义否定结构影响,不承认多层次系统中存在着不同的"质"层级,集体主义对改变个体的过程和机制也未给予充分的关注。而对这两者的超越与综合则包括了结构化理论、批判实在论、凡勃伦制度主义、奥地利传统的互动主义以及基于现代系统论的系统主义等。结构化理论和批判实在论试图从实体层次上分离能动性与结构,凡勃伦制度主义和互动主义试图从不同的角度解释能动性与结构之间的双向因果关系,系统主义则采用系统论的思考方式,强调不同层级和不同网络中的循环因果关系。  相似文献   

铁省林 《齐鲁学刊》2007,(2):118-122
哈贝马斯认为,认识论是对认识的可能性条件的反思(批判性研究),这个反思的彻底性在于揭示认识的社会历史条件。马克思通过对劳动的综合作用的阐发不仅推进了黑格尔对康德认识论的批判,而且确立了从社会理论出发来构建认识批判的维度。虽然在马克思那里存在着劳动与相互作用双重因素,并且他借此说明了认识批判的社会历史意义,但他将相互作用归结为劳动,从而把批判的科学等同于自然科学。因此,必须重构马克思的认识论思想,区分劳动与相互作用,区分知识的不同类型,反思认识主体的社会历史性。所以,彻底的认识批判只有作为社会理论才是可能的。  相似文献   

消费者参与度是影响社交网络营销的重要因素,立足于我国互联网变迁的时代背景,以部分拥有互联网购物经验的消费者作为研究对象,通过对消费者社交网络营销参与度的市场调查资料的分析,发现影响消费者参与社交网络营销活动的因素主要是:消费者的性格特征,风险因素,营销形式,营销内容以及营销环节。基于此,提高消费者对社交网络营销的参与度,应从几个方面着手:注重互动沟通,提升品牌形象;线上线下有效互动,进行整合营销传播;创新营销方式,凸显营销价值;聆听网络口碑,关注意见领袖。  相似文献   

偏差青少年边缘化过程的互动机制及行为逻辑研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
偏差青少年边缘化过程是青少年与其社会环境互动的结果.从对受访的社区矫正青少年边缘化过程的研究发现,他们经历了游离、自衍和多元衍化的次生社会化发展阶段.从微观层面分析,"共认符号"和"协同行动"是青少年边缘化过程的互动机制;"寻求自我认同"与"自我实现"是青少年边缘化过程的行为逻辑.  相似文献   

Using data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study for full sibships of sizes two to five, we estimate models of the effects of social background, size of sibship, and gender on sibling resemblance in educational attainment. We find no differences in educational attainment by gender composition within those family sizes. Smaller sibships obtain more schooling, and men obtain more schooling than women. Smaller families are more heterogeneous than larger families, but the effects of measured social background characteristics do not vary by size of sibship or gender composition of sibship. The effects of social background variables on the schooling of women are uniformly smaller than among men, and the nonshared (within-family) variations in schooling are much smaller among women than among men. These findings could lead to incorrect inferences that families matter more for women than for men or that large families experience more varied outcomes than small families.  相似文献   

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