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公民参与;幸福表达的权利之维   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国是坚持人民主体的社会主义国家,作为公民和主权所有者的二元身份,人民既是政策执行的客体,又是政策制定的主体,保证人民参与事关自身利益的政策制定和公共资源的分配过程,实现社会主义人民当家作主、作为国家主人的权力。人民的参与权与幸福感的认知是呈现正相关的关系,为了保障这一权力的实现和权利的表达需要政府担负起更多责任,在开放对社会行为的容忍度的同时抓紧制度建设和整改,在教育的源头加强公民的参与意愿与能力,保障与鼓舞公民参与。  相似文献   

A mounting body of empirical studies demonstrates that first-generation immigrant children have a lower level of delinquency and crime but second and third-plus generations report a precipitous increase in these behaviors. Adopting a social network approach, we analyzed the behavioral and structural characteristics of children’s friendship networks across the first, second, and third-plus immigrant generations, and investigated the mediating role of these friendship traits in explaining generational disparity. Our results reveal that children’s friendship networks differ in structural (e.g., popularity) and behavioral features (e.g., network deviance) across immigrant generations. These friendship features, particularly network peer deviance, the percentage of second-generation friends, and children’s popularity mediate the association between immigrant generational status and children’s delinquency. Extending previous research, our study highlights the importance of applying the social network approach to understand delinquency disparity across immigrant generations and suggests that the composition of friendship networks play an important role in immigrant children’s delinquency involvement.  相似文献   

We examine a key modified labeling theory proposition—that a psychiatric label increases vulnerability to competence-based criticism and rejection—within task- and collectively oriented dyads comprised of same-sex individuals with equivalent education. Drawing on empirical work that approximates these conditions, we expect the proposition to hold only among men. We also expect education, operationalized with college class standing, to moderate the effects of gender by reducing men’s and increasing women’s criticism and rejection. But, we also expect the effect of education to weaken when men work with a psychiatric patient. As predicted, men reject suggestions from teammates with a psychiatric history more frequently than they reject suggestions from other teammates, while women’s resistance to influence is unaffected by their teammate’s psychiatric status. Men also rate psychiatric patient teammates as less powerful but no lower in status than other teammates, while women’s teammate assessments are unaffected by their teammate’s psychiatric status. Also as predicted, education reduces men’s resistance to influence when their teammate has no psychiatric history. Education also increases men’s ratings of their teammate’s power, as predicted, but has no effect on women’s resistance to influence or teammate ratings. We discuss the implications of these findings for the modified labeling theory of mental illness and status characteristics theory.  相似文献   

英国的“福利国家”创始于二战后工党执政期间,由于当时的国际国内环境,工党政府的福利国家建设把平等置于较为突出的地位。然而,过分强调平等而忽视效率却使英国经济付出了沉重的代价,人们对福利国家的批评日益增多。但工党的努力依然具有历史意义,应该在肯定福利国家成就的前提下考虑这些批评的合理性。  相似文献   

被选举权是标志和象征人民作为"主权者"的地位和身份之基本权利。公民依法主动竞争公共职位是被选举权作为民主权利的内在要求,也是市场经济需要竞争性政治的折射。被选举权的激活对于选拔政治人才,强化权力受托人的责任意识,推动公民参与,促进权力可持续发展,培养公民人格等具有特殊意义。规范被选举权的运作,需要建立和完善权力角逐的平等竞争规则、筛选过滤机制、对当选者的监督制约机制以及纠纷化解体系。  相似文献   

Subjective social status (SSS), or one’s perceived social standing, is linked robustly to mental and physical health and is thought to be determined in part by a cognitive average of one’s past, present and expected socioeconomic status. However, this averaging principle awaits a formal test. Further, cultures differ with regard to how they perceive and discount time. In this study, I draw upon cross-sectional data from the United States and Japan (2005 MIDUS non-Hispanic whites and 2008 MIDJA), which measured subjective status in terms of one’s perceived standing within a personally defined community. I compare equal and unequal cognitive averaging models for their goodness of fit relative to a traditional present-based model. Socioeconomic status is assessed broadly, in terms of past, present and expected overall work and financial situations. In the United States, averaging models do not fit the data consistently better than a present-based model of SSS. However, in Japan, averaging models do fit SSS consistently better. These fit conclusions are robust to controlling for negative affect.  相似文献   

《Social science research》1997,26(3):331-376
Along with other recent analyses of American social structure, Herrnstein and Murray'sThe Bell Curveoffers several hypotheses about the increasing centrality of cognitive ability in social stratification during the 20th century. These include growing cognitive sorting in education, occupational standing, and income and—by implication—increasing stratification of children's cognitive ability by their social and economic background. However, Herrnstein and Murray provide scant evidence of growth in cognitive sorting. Using data from the General Social Survey, we test each of these hypotheses using a short verbal ability test which was administered to about 12,500 American adults between 1974 and 1994. While weaknesses of the verbal ability test preclude definitive conclusions, they provide no support whatever for any of the trend hypotheses advanced by Herrnstein and Murray.  相似文献   

曾绛 《云梦学刊》2014,(4):115-120
福斯塔夫的身份隐含特定历史期及当时社会的政治、宗教和文化意义。经分析表明:福斯塔夫由于自我迷失和自甘堕落而表现出的厌世、投机和虚伪善变与当时社会意识形态的反映相一致;福斯塔夫的身份及其身份与行为的反差影射了亨利四世当权时动荡不安的政局,反映了王权与教权的夺与和封建贵族间为集团利益争斗的现实;福斯塔夫身份意义对当代社会仍具引导世人扬善抑恶和获得道德启迪的作用。  相似文献   

网络技术作为20世纪引领社会产生时代变革的标志性产物,在政治、军事、经济、文化等许多方面都产生了巨大的影响。人们的生活方式、思维方式也随着网络技术的普及产生了变化。这种改变既为人们提供多种便利,同时又暗藏着一些隐患。本文分析了网络社会的特殊属性,对网络社会产生的问题进行了整理,找出了问题的根源,并针对其要害提出具体有效的解决措施。  相似文献   

新中国成立初期,人民群众生活水平逐渐提高,摆脱了从前饥寒交迫的生活。但因国家财政紧张、卫生基础设施建设不足和民众卫生意识薄弱等因素导致的食物中毒事故不断发生,对新建立的人民政权构成了极大的挑战。上海市作为全国最大的金融、文化中心,人口众多,工业发达,食品需求量巨大,致使食品安全问题也不时发生。为应对日益严重的食品安全问题,保障新中国的生产建设工作,党和政府采取了一系列措施对食品安全问题进行了整治。经过治理,食品安全问题得到有效解决,提高了人民生活幸福感,增强了民众对中国共产党的政治认同。这一治理过程也为党和政府推进基层政权和社会主义现代化建设打下了群众基础,对新生人民政权的巩固具有积极意义。  相似文献   

新生代农民工城市融入中的社会认同考量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘玉侠  尚晓霞 《浙江社会科学》2012,(6):72-76,82,158
社会认同在新生代农民工的城市融入中至关重要.相比较第一代农民工,新生代农民工在务农经历、教育程度、职业期望、物质和精神要求、市民化意愿等方面有鲜明的群体特征.但目前社会认同困境阻碍着他们的市民化进程,主要表现为制度制约、自身地位制约、社会关系网络制约等.摆脱这一困境,需要政府创造良好环境,城市居民宽容接纳,新生代农民工积极提高自身素质及劳动技能等.只有达到了身份认同、城市认同和自我认同相统一,他们在城市才能感受到“主人翁”归属感,从而加速我国城市化进程.  相似文献   

Children of migrant mothers have lower vaccination rates compared to their peers with non-migrant mothers in low-income countries. Explanations for this finding are typically grounded in the disruption and adaptation perspectives of migration. Researchers argue that migration is a disruptive process that interferes with women’s economic well-being and social networks, and ultimately their health-seeking behaviors. With time, however, migrant women adapt to their new settings, and their health behaviors improve. Despite prominence in the literature, no research tests the salience of these perspectives to the relationship between maternal migration and child vaccination. We innovatively leverage Demographic and Health Survey data to test the extent to which disruption and adaptation processes underlie the relationship between maternal migration and child vaccination in the context of Benin—a West African country where migration is common and child vaccination rates have declined in recent years. By disaggregating children of migrants according to whether they were born before or after their mother’s migration, we confirm that migration does not lower children’s vaccination rates in Benin. In fact, children born after migration enjoy a higher likelihood of vaccination, whereas their peers born in the community from which their mother eventually migrates are less likely to be vaccinated. Although we find no support for the disruption perspective of migration, we do find evidence of adaptation: children born after migration have an increased likelihood of vaccination the longer their mother resides in the destination community prior to their birth.  相似文献   

社会认同是个体对其社会身份的主观感觉和确认。当前,“80后”已经或正在融入社会,逐渐成长为社会建设的主体。从不同维度对其社会认同进行研究,有助于由浅入深把握其精神面貌及生存状态,及时发现并积极化解其认同危机,使群体行为统一于国家的社会建设之中。  相似文献   

戚涛  刘兰兰 《学术界》2012,(5):181-190,289
惠特曼笔下的美国与现实中的美国之间存在不小的背离,学界多以他的理想主义作为解释,而背后的动因是什么,鲜有研究。本文以意识形态的功利性为切入点,借助精神分析的内投射理论,力图揭示这种背离背后复杂的建构机制。主张其建构一个美好民族身份的真正动机在于通过内投射的机制,实现自我建构:通过将美国渲染成为一个民主、平等、团结友爱的国度,将自己定义为美国的典型一份子,惠特曼完成了对自我的塑造——一个伟大的、建构中的、实践着维系着国家未来的兄弟之爱的民主个体。  相似文献   

This research addresses a long standing puzzle in the social sciences: why are stratified social systems accepted as legitimate (the way things “ought” to be) by those who are advantaged and those who are disadvantaged by them? We build on previous studies of self-evaluations to explain the legitimation of inequality. The research consists of two experiments designed to test the self-evaluation theory of legitimacy. The theory proposes that structural inequality becomes legitimated when individuals’ self-evaluations and the level of resources they receive are congruent. Study 1 examines the impact of structural power on self-evaluations. Results show that participants randomly assigned to advantaged positions in power structures earn more rewards and, as a result, develop higher self-evaluations than those randomly assigned to disadvantaged positions. Study 2 addresses the relationship between self-evaluations and legitimated structural inequality by testing competing hypotheses of legitimacy. The results partially support the self-evaluation theory and partially support competing arguments about legitimacy. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our work and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper explores the Partnermarktsurvey to analyze how the size and composition of individuals’ friendship networks are associated with the opportunities for contact and interaction provided by individuals’ immediate social environment. The size and composition of individuals’ social environment are strongly reflected in the size and composition of their network of friends. Several properties of an individual’s foci of activity help to transform mere contacts into opportunities for interaction. The paper suggests to combine macro-structural theory with micro-sociological theories about action and social capital.  相似文献   

农民政治认同的逻辑——以社会主义为对象分析   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
孔德永 《齐鲁学刊》2006,3(5):139-143
政治认同是人们在政治生活中产生的一种感情上和意识上的归属感,农民在历史和现实中形成了以生存伦理为认同的逻辑起点、以公正平等为最大的心理诉求、以自身的弱势地位为认同的主要障碍等为内容的认同体系。农民作为俄国和中国等东方社会主义国家中最大的社会群体,他们对社会主义政治制度认同与否,关系到社会主义事业的兴衰成败。社会主义国家的无产阶级政党只有认清农民特有的生活方式、思维模式及其政治认同的逻辑,才能增进农民对社会主义的认同度,使他们以饱满的热情积极参与社会主义现代化建设,建设社会主义和谐社会。  相似文献   

消费者参与度是影响社交网络营销的重要因素,立足于我国互联网变迁的时代背景,以部分拥有互联网购物经验的消费者作为研究对象,通过对消费者社交网络营销参与度的市场调查资料的分析,发现影响消费者参与社交网络营销活动的因素主要是:消费者的性格特征,风险因素,营销形式,营销内容以及营销环节。基于此,提高消费者对社交网络营销的参与度,应从几个方面着手:注重互动沟通,提升品牌形象;线上线下有效互动,进行整合营销传播;创新营销方式,凸显营销价值;聆听网络口碑,关注意见领袖。  相似文献   

Adolescents’ social cognitive understanding of their social world is often inaccurate and biased. Focusing on peer groups, this study examines how adolescents’ psychological, behavioral, and relational characteristics influence the extent to which they accurately identify their own and others’ peer groups. Analyses were conducted with a sample of 1481 seventh- and tenth-grade Chinese students who are embedded with 346 peer groups. Overall, females and older students had more accurate perceptions. In addition, lower self-esteem, higher indegree centrality, and lower betweenness centrality in the friendship network predicted more accurate perception of one’s own groups, whereas higher academic performance and lower betweenness centrality in the friendship network predicted more accurate perception of others’ groups. Implications for understanding the connection between adolescents’ psychological and behavioral traits, social relationships, and social cognition are discussed.  相似文献   

Flocking is oftentimes used to metaphorically describe social behavior. Do people actually flock in a way that avian species do? This paper develops a purely ecological mechanism for explaining similarity in human behavior by distinguishing between social networks of person-to-person ties and ecological networks of ties of observability. I test the “information center hypothesis” [Ibis 115 (1973) 517] from bioecology on the career mobility of professional managers who all graduated from the same university. In this case, spatial proximity in birds is replaced with sociodemographic homophily on an acquired status characteristic among persons. The results indicate that homophilous individuals exchange information about a favorable destination state by ecological ties of observability, that is, they follow the career mobility of fellow alumni and “flock” along with them.  相似文献   

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