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戴东生 《城市观察》2014,34(6):30-36
"丝绸之路经济带"和"21世纪海上丝绸之路"(简称"一带一路")是新世纪国家重大战略。宁波地处"长江经济带"与大陆沿海东部海岸线的T形交汇处,海向、陆向腹地广阔,是国家确定的42个国家级综合交通枢纽城市、21个全国性物流节点和长三角区域3个物流中心城市之一,在古代即是海上丝绸之路的重要发祥地。宁波要加快依托港口优势,打造港口经济圈,向内连接沿海各港口,并通过江海联运、海铁联运,覆盖经济发达的长江流域,辐射广袤的中西部地区;对外通过联结东南亚和日韩黄金航道,辐射东亚及整个环太平洋地区,形成"一带一路"海陆联运枢纽。  相似文献   

In 2013, President Xi Jinping launched the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a global strategy to catapult China onto the global stage through port and infrastructure development, financial, technological, trade and cultural connectivity. The BRI embraces six corridors, one of which is the Southeast Asian corridor. Among the BRI portfolio, the Chinese government has identified traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as an important health commodity for the global and Chinese Diaspora market. It is also promoted as part of the cultural and intangible Chinese heritage. This paper explores TCM as an important cultural power - a variant of soft power - that connects Mainland Chinese and global Chinese communities and enables the formation of regional social and economic networks that assist in the development of trade, leading to the formation of collaborative cultural basins between TCM institutions in China and Southeast Asian nations.  相似文献   

吕余生 《城市观察》2014,34(6):47-53
从广西的独特的区位优势和资源禀赋出发,分析了广西参与"一带一路"建设的战略任务,提出了广西参与共建21世纪海上丝绸之路的对策,认为这对强化广西服务中国中南、西南、华南,沟通东中西,面向东南亚的战略地位具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Pan-Turkism emerged in the middle of the 19th century as an attempt to uniting all Turkic people along the Silk Road from the Mediterranean to China. After the ascent of modern Turkey under Mustafa Kemal as well as the Soviet incorporation of Central Asia, pan-Turkism had practically withered – although apparently not as an ideology. Indeed, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent independence of the Central Asia republics have provided for the revival of the pan-Turkism vision, perceived by Beijing as a threat not only to its interests in Central Asia but, moreover, to Xinjiang’s internal stability and China’s sovereignty. While this vision could hardly be accomplished, China’s intensive preoccupation with pan-Turkism has facilitated its artificial resuscitation, though it appears already deceased. Xi Jinping’s One Belt One Road initiative aims, among other things, at blocking pan-Turkism.  相似文献   

The new generation of Southeast Asian Chinese society, who were locally born and grew up, have largely weakened their interaction with China. However, the growing business opportunities presented from the Belt and Road Initiative (the BRI), which was launched in 2013, serve as a big impetus for the new generation entrepreneurs to reengage China. Drawn upon an empirical case study of the new generation of Malaysian Chinese entrepreneurs, this paper argues that, the entrepreneurs regard institutional embeddedness as a critical channel to enhance their abilities to accumulate transnational social capital and strengthen their socio-economic networks with China. The transnational networks facilitate them to seize business opportunities from the BRI, and simultaneously reinforce their Malaysian national identity. Moreover, this study demonstrates the emergence of knowledge networks in the transnational space. It not only reflects the increasing interests of the new generation entrepreneurship in China's innovation and technology, but also reveals the developmental strategies of both the Malaysian and Chinese states.  相似文献   

The transnationalization of Chinese temples is producing new spatial imaginaries and adding cosmopolitan dimensions to Chinese Indonesian identities in the post-Suharto era. In 1999, the Indonesian state legally-sanctioned Chinese Popular Religion after decades of prohibition, ushering in a period of Chinese religious revival nationally backed by constitutional legitimacy. The recent emergence of transnational temple networks is providing a further form of cultural legitimacy based on symbols and statuses that circulate in a broader cosmopolitan transnational social sphere. Using case studies of three temples in Singkawang, Indonesia, each with a different form of international network, this paper shows how the transnational circulation of religious teachings, people, ideas, donations and deities can provide the raw materials for expressions of cultural identity which are locally rooted and embedded in specific ethnic politics of belonging. Forging transnational religious connections has the potential to develop into long lasting and formal institutional platforms of exchange, however, it often begins with informal, spontaneous and idiosyncratic encounters.  相似文献   

In his last major work, Charles Tilly presents a schematic history of the development of cities, states, and trust networks over the past five millennia. I reconfigure his “look across history” from a more assertively spatial perspective, pushing back the starting point of the geohistory of cities another 5,000 years to what is presented as the first of three “urban revolutions.” From this geohistorical viewpoint, cities and states do not emerge together de novo in Sumeria but the state is seen as being generated from earlier urbanization processes or what can be described as the stimulus of urban agglomeration. The generative power of cities or urban spatial causality, rarely addressed in the social science literature, is being re-discovered today as a primary source of societal development, technological innovation, and cultural creativity. In my schematic geohistory, the stimulus of urban agglomeration is traced over 10,000 years from its early role in the development of full-scale agriculture and the remarkable artistic creativity emanating from Çatalhöyük, the largest of the earliest urban settlements; through the formation of politically charged city-states and city-based empires; to the city-generated Industrial Revolution and the origins of urban industrial capitalism; ending in a look at the contemporary reconfiguration of cities and states and the shift from metropolitan to regional urbanization.  相似文献   

An introduction to a vast but uncompleted survey of world history, this article argues that the study of the changing relationships among cities, states and trust networks can help us understand key elements of the emergence of our modern world. Beginning in ancient Uruk in modern-day Iraq, roughly five thousand years ago, the essay defines each of its central categories: city, state and trust network. It poses four questions to be pursued throughout the rest of the study. What determines the degree of segregation or integration of cities and states? What determines the relative dominance of cities and states? What determines the extent of separation or integration between cities or states, on one side, and trust networks on the other? What difference do these variable configurations make to the quality of ordinary people’s lives?  相似文献   

中阿合作论坛的成立是中阿关系近50年来最重要的事件之一。本文通过笔者与多位阿拉伯国家驻华大使、“论坛”相关人士、中国学者间的直接对话,以及对“论坛”文献资料和数据的分析研究,回顾了“论坛”自2004年成立以来取得的成就,考察了“论坛”的成立对中阿关系的构建、发展、深化互信的影响,评估了“论坛”机制的成效。本文对“论坛”未来的发展提出了若干建议,认为中阿双方都应将中阿合作论坛当作引领中阿全面伙伴关系的重要机制和战略举措,借助这一机制和平台,全面贯彻、落实并推进中国的“一带一路”战略。  相似文献   

In Western Europe, cities grew fast between 1000 and 1300. This article looks at how the migrants moving to these emerging cities melded into communities and defended their collective rights in violent and hostile environments. It discusses a number of trust networks that were developed to meet the successive collective needs of particular social layers in rapidly changing urban societies. When a trust network became well-established and too large to allow face-to-face relations among all its members, institutions were created that operated under different rules.  相似文献   

In the light of his essay “Cities, States and Trust Networks,” contributors to this collection were asked to consider ways of building on or departing from the late Charles Tilly’s work. The authors in this collection addressed four major themes: (1) historicism and historical legacies, (2) trust networks and commitment, (3) city–state relations, and (4) democracy and inequality. Authors concentrating on historicism examined how, despite unanticipated consequences, social action nonetheless produced systematic, durable, social structures; they particularly focused on processes of identity formation and cultural reproduction. In regard to trust networks, contributors discovered a striking variety of forms and relationships and they investigated their origins and their relationship to institutions and culture. Looking at city–state relations, authors uncovered the richness and intricacy of the ties linking cities and states and showed that city–state relations were important not simply in terms of the autonomy or dependence of mutual ties, but also in the quality of these relationships. Besides the ties between cities and states other authors sought to focus on empires and wondered about the degree to which empire formation involved similar processes as state formation. Several authors developed this theme. Authors pursuing themes of democracy and inequality stressed how changes in citizenship and the expansion of parliamentary democratic forms might have complicated effects. The relationship between democracy and inequality was mediated by elites and institutions. Democracy constrained inequality but inequality also constrained democracy. Increased state capacity might enable states to remedy old inequities but it might also allow them to perpetrate new ones. The authors’ varied responses suggest promising directions for research on cities, states, and trust networks.  相似文献   

本文重点探析了穆斯林世界中的伊斯兰资本市场上发展最迅速的部分,即苏库克(Sukuk,即伊斯兰债券)市场。首先,笔者界定了苏库克作为专业术语所具有的特殊含义;其次,论述了苏库克的基本特点;再次,本文的第三部分论述了苏库克在其运作中出现的主要问题;最后,本文分析了苏库克在阿拉伯世界经济转型与中国“一带一路”战略中所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

杨宏烈 《城市观察》2013,25(3):184-191
我国传统城镇、村落、园林、祠寺、风景区等常有将重点景观归纳为"八景"、"十景"、"十八景"的集称文化现象。这种景观命名集称具有哲学、美学、心理学、文学、传播学等多方面的系统工程价值,对表现景观艺术的集成效应与观赏效果能产生积极的影响。探索其发展历程、思维模式、艺术构成、运用特色,对继承我国景观文化优秀传统,提升城市环境质量,实现人类诗意地栖居,具有广泛的现实意义。  相似文献   

满洲里是“一带一路”的重要节点、中欧班列的汇集地、中国最大的陆路口岸,陈佳带领的女子检车班就活跃在这里。她们肩负着国际联运车辆的技术交接工作,保障俄罗斯铁路车辆在我国境内的运行安全。在平凡的岗位上,她们奋力谱写华章,臝得了“口岸金花”的美名。  相似文献   

共同建设“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”不仅是中国经济进一步发展的客观需要,是深化改革开放特别是向西开放的国家战略,也是亚欧国家特别是中东国家的重大历史发展机遇。中国经济获得了举世瞩目的发展,而中东国家经济却在动荡与战乱中艰难前行。从全球经济来看,中国经济和中东国家经济处在不同的历史发展阶段,这种差异恰恰反映出经济合作中的互补性,双方应该把握历史机遇、利用互补优势、实现双赢的合作。明确中东在中国外交中的地位,中国对中东战略应该把握好拓展国际政治空间、加强国家安全、扩大经贸合作、注重提升软实力等四个发力点。  相似文献   

港口城市的成长经历了港城初始联系、港城相互关联、港城集聚互动、港城自增长等四个阶段。宁波城市的产生及其发展过程与港口的开发和兴衰紧密联系在一起,港口促进了城市规模的扩大、城市形态的变化和城市经济的繁荣。未来港口城市新的发展主流是港口组合城市的形成、综合功能的提升、文化内涵的挖掘和生态环境的优化。  相似文献   

广州作为国家历史文化名城、千年不衰港市,其兴起、发展与海上丝绸之路的兴盛历史有不解之缘。海上丝绸之路不仅深刻影响到广州商都形态、用地扩张方向和文化景观,更造就了广州文化的特质和风格。认识这两者的关系,对广州世界文化名城建设和发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

I have been a keen student of international intervention since long before my command of the United Nations forces in Cambodia. My military career has spanned much of the Cold War years and has taken me to places like Malaysia during the period of confrontation over its formation, Vietnam, Europe at the height of the strategy of Mutually Assured Destruction, and most of Southeast Asia. I was an instructor at the British Army Staff College at the time of the establishment of UNIFIL – the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon – a serious aberration in the determinedly passive international peacekeeping approach to that time. The earlier intervention in the Congo in the 1960s seemed to have warned the UN off anything forceful in disrupted states, leaving it to former colonial powers to extract themselves from their former areas of engagement with as much saving grace as they could muster. Many of them did not do this very well.  相似文献   

In this paper, we contribute to both the growing body of literature on social movement networks and the growing body of literature on change in networks by exploring patterns and mechanisms of change within the network of the ‘inner circle’ of the Provisional Irish Republican Army. Specifically, we focus upon the period between 1969 (when it formed) and 1988 (the last point for which we have been able to gather good data). Our primary aims are substantive. We want to know how this network changed over time. In addition, however, our analysis identifies changes which other analysts might look for in their networks and offers methodological suggestions for those who, like us, find that their networks do not meet the assumptions of mainstream approaches to modelling network dynamics. There is a further dimension to the paper, however. We are studying a covert social movement network. This is a special type of movement network whose organisation and dynamics are predicted to vary from other movement networks. Some have suggested that they are inclined to be relatively static because the need for trust within them is so great and the risk to whatever they hold secret so considerable when new ties are formed that their members tend only to recruit within the pool of their pre-existing ties and actively seek to minimise recruitment and the formation of new ties. One of the aims of our paper was to determine whether and to what extent this is so.  相似文献   

Scholars argue that trust is fundamental to maintaining a healthy society, and consequently, recent evidence that trust may be declining in the United States has generated an interest in the determinants of trust. According to the social capital literature, particularly the work of Robert Putnam, involvement in voluntary associations influences the development of generalized trust. One way in which organizational participation is thought to foster trust is through creating more diverse, or bridging, social networks. However, scarcely any research has empirically examined this mechanism. Using data from the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, I test whether network diversity (ties to persons from different social backgrounds) accounts for some of the influence of organizational involvement on trust. The results suggest that the influence of involvement in multiple associations on trust is largely mediated by its influence on network diversity. In addition, while recent research observes that some predictors of trust vary by race and ethnicity, I find no differences in these relationships across non‐Hispanic white, African American, and Latino respondents.  相似文献   

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