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Consider the following problem. There are exactly two defective (unknown) elements in the set X={x1, x2,…,xn}, all possibilities occuring with equal probabilities. We want to identify the unknown (defective) elements by testing some subsets A of X, and for each such set A determining whether A contains any of them. The test on an individual subset A informs us that either all elements of the tested set A are good, or that at least one of them is defective (but we do not know which ones or how many). A set containing at least one defective element is said to be defective. Our aim is to minimize the maximal number of tests. For the optimal strategy, let the maximal test length be denoted by l2(n). We obtain the value of this function for an infinite sequence of values of n.  相似文献   

Samples of size n are drawn from a finite population on each of two occasions. On the first occasion a variate x is measured, and on the second a variate y. In estimating the population mean of y, the variance of the best linear unbiased combination of means for matched and unmatched samples is itself minimized, with respect to the sampling design on the second occasion, by a certain degree of matching. This optimal allocation depends on the population correlation coefficient, which previous authors have assumed known. We estimate the correlation from an initial matched sample, then an approximately optimal allocation is completed and an estimator formed which, under a bivariate normal superpopulation model, has model expected mean square error equal, apart from an error of order n-2, to the minimum enjoyed by any linear, unbiased estimator.  相似文献   

The basic assumption underlying the concept of ranked set sampling is that actual measurement of units is expensive, whereas ranking is cheap. This may not be true in reality in certain cases where ranking may be moderately expensive. In such situations, based on total cost considerations, k-tuple ranked set sampling is known to be a viable alternative, where one selects k units (instead of one) from each ranked set. In this article, we consider estimation of the distribution function based on k-tuple ranked set samples when the cost of selecting and ranking units is not ignorable. We investigate estimation both in the balanced and unbalanced data case. Properties of the estimation procedure in the presence of ranking error are also investigated. Results of simulation studies as well as an application to a real data set are presented to illustrate some of the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

Ranked set sampling (RSS) was first proposed by McIntyre [1952. A method for unbiased selective sampling, using ranked sets. Australian J. Agricultural Res. 3, 385–390] as an effective way to estimate the unknown population mean. Chuiv and Sinha [1998. On some aspects of ranked set sampling in parametric estimation. In: Balakrishnan, N., Rao, C.R. (Eds.), Handbook of Statistics, vol. 17. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 337–377] and Chen et al. [2004. Ranked Set Sampling—Theory and Application. Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 176. Springer, New York] have provided excellent surveys of RSS and various inferential results based on RSS. In this paper, we use the idea of order statistics from independent and non-identically distributed (INID) random variables to propose ordered ranked set sampling (ORSS) and then develop optimal linear inference based on ORSS. We determine the best linear unbiased estimators based on ORSS (BLUE-ORSS) and show that they are more efficient than BLUE-RSS for the two-parameter exponential, normal and logistic distributions. Although this is not the case for the one-parameter exponential distribution, the relative efficiency of the BLUE-ORSS (to BLUE-RSS) is very close to 1. Furthermore, we compare both BLUE-ORSS and BLUE-RSS with the BLUE based on order statistics from a simple random sample (BLUE-OS). We show that BLUE-ORSS is uniformly better than BLUE-OS, while BLUE-RSS is not as efficient as BLUE-OS for small sample sizes (n<5n<5).  相似文献   

A stochastic approximation procedure of the Robbins-Monro type is considered. The original idea behind the Newton-Raphson method is used as follows. Given n approximations X1,…, Xn with observations Y1,…, Yn, a least squares line is fitted to the points (Xm, Ym),…, (Xn, Yn) where m<n may depend on n. The (n+1)st approximation is taken to be the intersection of the least squares line with y=0. A variation of the resulting process is studied. It is shown that this process yields a strongly consistent sequence of estimates which is asymptotically normal with minimal asymptotic variance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present Srivastava-Chopra optimal balanced resolution V plans for 2m factorials (4?m?8) which are robust in the sense that, when any observation is missing, each of these designs will remain as a resolution V plan.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a judgment post stratified (JPS) sample of set size H from a location and scale family of distributions. In a JPS sample, ranks of measured units are random variables. By conditioning on these ranks, we derive the maximum likelihood (MLEs) and best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) of the location and scale parameters. Since ranks are random variables, by considering the conditional distributions of ranks given the measured observations we construct Rao-Blackwellized version of MLEs and BLUEs. We show that Rao-Blackwellized estimators always have smaller mean squared errors than MLEs and BLUEs in a JPS sample. In addition, the paper provides empirical evidence for the efficiency of the proposed estimators through a series of Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Two sufficient conditions are given for an incomplete block design to be (M,S- optimal. For binary designs the conditions are (i) that the elements in each row, excluding the diagonal element, of the association matrix differ by at most one, and (ii) that the off-diagonal elements of the block characteristic matrix differ by at most one. It is also shown how the conditions can be utilized for nonbinary designs and that for blocks of size two the sufficient condition in terms of the association matrix can be attained.  相似文献   

Let p independent test statistics be available to test a null hypothesis concerned with the same parameter. The p are assumed to be similar tests. Asymptotic and non-asymptotic optimality properties of combined tests are studied. The asymptotic study centers around two notions. The first is Bahadur efficiency. The second is based on a notion of second order comparisons. The non-asymptotic study is concerned with admissibility questions. Most of the popular combining methods are considered along with a method not studied in the past. Among the results are the following: Assume each of the p statistics has the same Bahadur slope. Then the combined test based on the sum of normal transforms, is asymptotically best among all tests studied, by virtue of second order considerations. Most of the popular combined tests are inadmissible for testing the noncentrality parameter of chi-square, t, and F distributions. For chi-square a combined test is offered which is admissible, asymptotically optimal (first order), asymptotically optimal (second order) among all tests studied, and for which critical values are obtainable in special cases. Extensions of the basic model are given.  相似文献   

The superiority of using ranked set sampling, for estimating the mean of a population, over simple random sampling, is well established. This technique is useful when visual ordering of a small set of size (m) can be done easily and fairly accurately, but exact measurement of an observation is difficult and expensive. It is noted that for many distributions, an increase in the efficiency of ranked set sampling can be achieved by increasing the set size m. However, in practice, m should be kept very small so that visual ranking errors will not destroy the gain in efficiency. In this paper, multistage ranked set sampling is considered as a generalization of ranked set sampling, that results in an increase of the efficiency for fixed value of m. Steady state efficiency, the limiting efficiency as the number of stages approaches infinity, varies from one distribution to another. It is shown that this efficiency is always larger than 1, close to m2 for symmetric distributions and equal to m2 for the uniform distribution. Some real applications of the technique are discussed. Data on olive yield of olive trees is collected to illustrate the technique.  相似文献   

We propose optimal procedures to achieve the goal of partitioning k multivariate normal populations into two disjoint subsets with respect to a given standard vector. Definition of good or bad multivariate normal populations is given according to their Mahalanobis distances to a known standard vector as being small or large. Partitioning k multivariate normal populations is reduced to partitioning k non-central Chi-square or non-central F distributions with respect to the corresponding non-centrality parameters depending on whether the covariance matrices are known or unknown. The minimum required sample size for each population is determined to ensure that the probability of correct decision attains a certain level. An example is given to illustrate our procedures.  相似文献   

Recursive estimates of a probability density function (pdf) are known. This paper presents recursive estimates of a derivative of any desired order of a pdf. Let f be a pdf on the real line and p?0 be any desired integer. Based on a random sample of size n from f, estimators f(p)n of f(p), the pth order derivatives of f, are exhibited. These estimators are of the form n?1∑nj=1δjp, where δjp depends only on p and the jth observation in the sample, and hence can be computed recursively as the sample size increases. These estimators are shown to be asymptotically unbiased, mean square consistent and strongly consistent, both at a point and uniformly on the real line. For pointwise properties, the conditions on f(p) have been weakened with a little stronger assumption on the kernel function.  相似文献   

In comparing two treatments, suppose the suitable subjects arrive sequentially and must be treated at once. Known or unknown to the experimenter there may be nuisance factors systematically affecting the subjects. Accidental bias is a measure of the influence of these factors in the analysis of data. We show in this paper that the random allocation design minimizes the accidental bias among all designs that allocate n, out of 2n, subjects to each treatment and do not prefer either treatment in the assignment. When the final imbalance is allowed to be nonzero, optimal and efficient designs are given. In particular the random allocation design is shown to be very efficient in this broader setup.  相似文献   

Let X be a discrete random variable the set of possible values (finite or infinite) of which can be arranged as an increasing sequence of real numbers a1<a2<a3<…. In particular, ai could be equal to i for all i. Let X1nX2n≦?≦Xnn denote the order statistics in a random sample of size n drawn from the distribution of X, where n is a fixed integer ≧2. Then, we show that for some arbitrary fixed k(2≦kn), independence of the event {Xkn=X1n} and X1n is equivalent to X being either degenerate or geometric. We also show that the montonicity in i of P{Xkn = X1n | X1n = ai} is equivalent to X having the IFR (DFR) property. Let ai = i and G(i) = P(X≧i), i = 1, 2, …. We prove that the independence of {X2n ? X1nB} and X1n for all i is equivalent to X being geometric, where B = {m} (B = {m,m+1,…}), provided G(i) = qi?1, 1≦im+2 (1≦im+1), where 0<q<1.  相似文献   

One of the two independent stochastic processes (or ‘arms’) is selected and observed sequentially at each of n(≤ ∝) stages. Arm 1 yields observations identically distributed with unknown probability measure P with a Dirichlet process prior whereas observations from arm 2 have known probability measure Q. Future observations are discounted and at stage m, the payoff is a m(≥0) times the observation Z m at that stage. The objective is to maximize the total expected payoff. Clayton and Berry (1985) consider this problem when a m equals 1 for mn and 0 for m > n(< ∝) In this paper, the Clayton and Berry (1985) results are extended to the case of regular discount sequences of horizon n, which may also be infinite. The results are illustrated with numerical examples. In case of geometric discounting, the results apply to a bandit with many independent unknown Dirichlet arms.  相似文献   

Let EG(m, 2) denote the m-dimensional finite Euclidean space (or geometry) based on GF(2), the finite field with elements 0 and 1. Let T be a set of points in this space, then T is said to form a q-covering (where q is an integer satisfying 1?q?m) of EG(m, 2) if and only if T has a nonempty intersection with every (m-q)-flat of EG(m, 2). This problem first arose in the statistical context of factorial search designs where it is known to have very important and wide ranging applications. Evidently, it is also useful to study this from the purely combinatorial point of view. In this paper, certain fundamental studies have been made for the case when q=2. Let N denote the size of the set T. Given N, we study the maximal value of m.  相似文献   

Let GF(s) be the finite field with s elements.(Thus, when s=3, the elements of GF(s) are 0, 1 and 2.)Let A(r×n), of rank r, and ci(i=1,…,f), (r×1), be matrices over GF(s). (Thus, for n=4, r=2, f=2, we could have A=[11100121], c1=[10], c2=[02].) Let Ti (i=1,…,f) be the flat in EG(n, s) consisting of the set of all the sn?r solutions of the equations At=ci, wheret′=(t1,…,tn) is a vector of variables.(Thus, EG(4, 3) consists of the 34=81 points of the form (t1,t2,t3,t4), where t's take the values 0,1,2 (in GF(3)). The number of solutions of the equations At=ci is sn?r, where r=Rank(A), and the set of such solutions is said to form an (n?r)-flat, i.e. a flat of (n?r) dimensions. In our example, both T1 and T2 are 2-flats consisting of 34?2=9 points each. The flats T1,T2,…,Tf are said to be parallel since, clearly, no two of them can have a common point. In the example, the points of T1 are (1000), (0011), (2022), (0102), (2110), (1121), (2201), (1212) and (0220). Also, T2 consists of (0002), (2010), (1021), (2101), (1112), (0120), (1200), (0211) and (2222).) Let T be the fractional design for a sn symmetric factorial experiment obtained by taking T1,T2,…,Tf together. (Thus, in the example, 34=81 treatments of the 34 factorial experiment correspond one-one with the points of EG(4,3), and T will be the design (i.e. a subset of the 81 treatments) consisting of the 18 points of T1 and T2 enumerated above.)In this paper, we lay the foundation of the general theory of such ‘parallel’ types of designs. We define certain functions of A called the alias component matrices, and use these to partition the coefficient matrix X (n×v), occuring in the corresponding linear model, into components X.j(j=0,1,…,g), such that the information matrix X is the direct sum of the X′.jX.j. Here, v is the total number of parameters, which consist of (possibly μ), and a (general) set of (geometric) factorial effects (each carrying (s?1) degrees of freedom as usual). For j≠0, we show that the spectrum of X′.jX.j does not change if we change (in a certain important way) the usual definition of the effects. Assuming that such change has been adopted, we consider the partition of the X.j into the Xij (i=1,…,f). Furthermore, the Xij are in turn partitioned into smaller matrices (which we shall here call the) Xijh. We show that each Xijh can be factored into a product of 3 matrices J, ζ (not depending on i,j, and h) and Q(j,h,i)where both the Kronecker and ordinary product are used. We introduce a ring R using the additive groups of the rational field and GF(s), and show that the Q(j,h,i) belong to a ring isomorphic to R. When s is a prime number, we show that R is the cyclotomic field. Finally, we show that the study of the X.j and X′.jX.j can be done in a much simpler manner, in terms of certain relatively small sized matrices over R.  相似文献   

The problem considered in this paper is that of unbiased estimation of the variance of an exponential distribution using a ranked set sample (RSS). We propose some unbiased estimators each of which is better than the non-parametric minimum variance quadratic unbiased estimator based on a balanced ranked set sample as well as the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator based on a simple random sample (SRS) of the same size. Relative performances of the proposed estimators and a few other properties of the estimators including their robustness under imperfect ranking have also been studied.  相似文献   

We investigate several unbiased estimators of the size of a graph G which are based on sampled induced subgraphs, stars and dyads. By comparing their variances we find some general dominance relations between them, and we also give some conditions on G which guarantee some other instances of dominance.  相似文献   

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