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陈蓉 《人口学刊》2020,42(1):17-29
生育意愿研究有水平研究和趋势研究两个视角,后者更能反映人们观念的变迁,更能预判未来生育水平的变动。文章以上海市为例,采用横断历史元分析法(Cross-temporal meta-analysis),将1981年以来的30多年间上海市范围内开展的26项涉及居民生育意愿调查的结果串联起来,结合其中5项调查的个案数据分析,考察我国大城市不同社会经济特征人群的生育意愿纵向变化趋势并进行子人群间的比较。研究发现20世纪80年代以来上海户籍城乡居民的生育意愿均不断减弱并且二者逐渐趋同,生育意愿的"城乡之别"已然消失;在沪外省市流动人口的生育意愿强于户籍人口,"内外之分"仍然存在,但也显示出未来有趋同的可能性;独生子女与非独生子女的生育意愿比较显示户籍人口中独生子女与非独生子女的生育意愿差异极小,流动人口中非独生子女的生育意愿略强于独生子女;从不同文化程度和收入水平的人群比较来看,文化程度越高的户籍人口生育意愿越强,流动人口的生育意愿随文化程度的提高呈现"两头高、中间低"的特征,无论是户籍人口还是流动人口,高收入人群的生育意愿均相对较高;但是无论哪个人群的平均意愿子女数均已低于2个孩子。  相似文献   

代际支持对农村老年人生活满意度影响的纵向分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章利用2001年、2003年和2006年安徽省农村老年人生活状况跟踪调查数据,采用个体增长模型,结合农村实际状况,考察代际支持对农村老年人生活满意度的影响。结果发现老年人获得子女提供的经济支持、代际间双向的家务帮助和情感支持提升了老年人的生活满意度;在代际支持对生活满意度的影响中,老年人获得子女提供的经济支持对获得子女提供的家务帮助具有替代作用;结果反映了农村家庭代际支持仍是以老年人的需求为中心,揭示了养儿防老的儒家孝文化在中国农村仍盛行,而老年人为子女的牺牲精神现实生活中不可被轻视,揭示了代际支持对老年人生活满意度的影响机制为主效应模型的增益作用。  相似文献   

Based on the constructionist point of view applied to Subjective Well-Being (SWB), five hypotheses were advanced about the predictive power of the top-down effects and bottom-up processes over a five years period. The sample consisted of 297 respondents, which represent the Italian sample of a European longitudinal survey; the first phase was conducted in 1995 and the follow-up in 2000. Satisfaction judgments were collected on Overall Life Satisfaction (OLS) and on seven Life Facet Satisfaction (LFS) domains. The top-down effects were measured using a method derived from the constructionist point of view. Life conditions, which represent the bottom-up processes, were gathered by structured questionnaire and were optimized by a factor analyses. A stepwise regression was performed in each satisfaction judgment to test the five hypotheses, which were confirmedwith only few exceptions. The results revealed that the top-down effects were a significant predictor in all satisfaction judgments, especially in OLS, where it was the strongest predictor. Life conditions (bottom-up factors) were less strong predictors than the top-down effects, but they became strong predictors if they were gathered at the same time as satisfaction judgments.  相似文献   

低生育水平下的生育成本收益研究——来自江苏省的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章应用江苏生育意愿与生育行为调查结果,研究符合二孩生育政策妇女的生育行为、生育计划和生育观念,主要从妇女的角度分析生育威本和生育收益,并应用多元统计分析方法重点分析生育成本对妇女生育计划的影响.研究发现,育龄妇女大多认为满足精神需求是最重要的生育理由,而第二个孩子的养育成本是主要考虑因素.在控制了年龄、受教育程度、居住地、户口性质、婚姻状况、生育观念等特征后,生育的经济成本和心理成本对妇女生育二孩的计划有显著影响.  相似文献   

In this paper we re-estimate the effects of breastfeeding patterns on the timing of resumption of menses after controlling for maternal nutrition and maternal stressor variables. The analysis shows that simple hazard models, used on data from a longitudinal study in Guatemala, provide estimates of effects on timing of resumption of menstruation that are (a) comparable to others discussed in the recent literature and (b) generally consistent with hypotheses relating patterns of lactation, maternal nutritional status, and maternal stressors to processes that accelerate (decelerate) resumption of anovulatory cycles.  相似文献   

洪鸽  刘廷国 《西北人口》2003,(2):64-64,F003
本文就卫生监督部门多年来在提高甘肃服务行业人口素质方面所采取的措施和发挥作用进行了简要论述,为今后更好的开展这方面工作进行了积极有益的探讨。  相似文献   

We show that individuals in a job with a higher percentage of females earn lower starting wages with an employing organization. This holds true with controls for individuals’ human capital, job demands for skill or difficult working conditions, and detailed industry. We use a measure of sex composition that applies to detailed jobs: cells in a three-digit census occupation by three-digit census industry matrix. We use pooled panel data from the 19791987 waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. The unit of analysis is the spell-the time in which a person worked for one organization. The dependent variable is the first wage in the spell. We use models with fixed-effects to control for unmeasured, unchanging individual characteristics; we also show results from OLS and weighted models for comparison. The negative effect on wages of the percentage female in one’s job is robust across procedures for black women, white women, and white men. For black men the sign is always negative but the coefficient is often nonsignificant.  相似文献   

Using data collected from the Woman’s College (WC) Alumni Study, the purpose of this study was to determine whether perceived health status is related to physical activity in older women. A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between amounts of physical activity and self-reported health status. The results of the current study reveal that the level of physical activity is significantly correlated with perceived health status. The findings of this study have implications for the assessment of older individuals’ health and may lead to interventions that are tailored to increase physical activity among older women.  相似文献   

本文从我国实际出发,分析了农村剩余劳动力流出及其回流对农田生态建设的影响,趋利避害,因势利导,为新形势下我国农田生态建设提出相应的建议,以期为我国经济建设提供良好的生态环境支持和强大的经济动力。  相似文献   

BackgroundSignificant adjustments to maternity care in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the direct impacts of COVID-19 can compromise the quality of maternal and newborn care.AimTo explore how the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected frontline health workers’ ability to provide respectful maternity care globally.MethodsWe conducted a global online survey of health workers to assess the provision of maternal and newborn healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. We collected qualitative data between July and December 2020 among a subset of respondents and conducted a qualitative content analysis to explore open-ended responses.FindingsHealth workers (n = 1127) from 71 countries participated; and 120 participants from 33 countries provided qualitative data. The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the provision of respectful maternity care in multiple ways. Six central themes were identified: less family involvement, reduced emotional and physical support for women, compromised standards of care, increased exposure to medically unjustified caesarean section, and staff overwhelmed by rapidly changing guidelines and enhanced infection prevention measures. Further, respectful care provided to women and newborns with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection was severely affected due to health workers’ fear of getting infected and measures taken to minimise COVID-19 transmission.DiscussionMultidimensional and contextually-adapted actions are urgently needed to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision and continued promotion of respectful maternity care globally in the long-term.ConclusionsThe measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic had the capacity to disrupt the provision of respectful maternity care and therefore the quality of maternity care.  相似文献   

In 2001, Quebec changed its point system, a system that selects immigrants based on specific observable characteristics. The explicit objective was to increase the number of French-speaking immigrants, with no deterioration in overall labor market performance. To achieve this, points for French and education (specifically bachelor’s degrees) were increased. In parallel, points for a subjective assessment of “adaptability” were decreased. In line with the initial objective, we find more French-speaking immigrants with bachelor’s degrees, and no worsening in labor market outcomes after the reform. These results hold in a difference-in-differences and triple differences analysis. This paper shows how point systems can be used to shape the immigrant workforce according to policy goals.  相似文献   

India launched the Safe Motherhood Scheme (Janani Suraksha Yojana or JSY) in 2005 in response to persistently high maternal and child mortality rates. JSY provides a cash incentive to socioeconomically disadvantaged women for childbirth at health facilities. This study explores some unintended consequences of JSY. Using data from two large household surveys, we examine a policy variation that exploits the differential incentive structure under JSY across states and population subgroups. We find that JSY may have resulted in a 2.5–3.5 percentage point rise in the probability of childbirth or pregnancy over a 3-year period in states already experiencing high population growth.  相似文献   

量与质互渗:从社会适应视角解析老年人口问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈勃 《西北人口》2008,29(5):1-4,7
老年人口给社会带来什么样的问题或带来多大的问题并不完全取决于老年人口在总人口中所占比重或绝对数量的大小,而还取决于老年人口是由什么样特征或特质的个体组成。老年人口问题研究由于过于重量轻质,正处在一个难以继续深化与提升的境地。社会适应是考察老年人口问题最主要、最基本的质的因素。人口数量若与社会适应相互渗透.便能极大地推进有关老年人口问题的研究。  相似文献   

王雨磊 《南方人口》2012,27(4):39-45
农民工的身份认同问题一直是学术界关注的焦点,本研究从消费对于农民工身份认同的影响的角度,使用大规模的量化数据,证实了消费对于农民工的身份认同具有显著影响,农民工的集体消费对其工人身份认同成正比,但是私人消费水平却与农民工的工人认同成反比。研究发现:农民工的低工资、低福利是罪魁祸首。在现阶段,提高农民工工资,覆盖农民工的社会福利,是解决农民工问题的关键。  相似文献   

Recent projects on international instrument development have produced a wide array of health indicators that may be used for cross-cultural field-testing, however more information on their cross-cultural performance in relation to health determinants is necessary. The current study approaches one step for international conceptual validation by analysing the association between various health determinants and different types of health outcomes (mental health, quality of life) across a range of countries or geographical areas. The current study is based on the EUROHIS project that has been conducted in a sample of 4849 adults across 10 European countries. Results highlight that interactions between health determinants with subjective mental health, general health and quality of life (QoL) differ between Western European countries, Eastern European countries and the Newly Associated States as well as Israel. Using a MIMIC model approach, we were able to show that the impact of each of the sociodemographic variables cannot be interpreted on the basis of its single loading but only seeing the interacting with other indicators. Future studies should include sociodemographics in MIMIC models in each latent factor before carrying out regressions on a larger scale. Future investigations will require larger and representative samples to (a) test models on latent factors of mental health and QoL and (b) on the basis of these findings test overall structural models across countries.  相似文献   

Given the intrinsically sequential nature of childbirth, timing of a child’s birth has consequences not only for itself but also for its older and younger siblings. The paper argues that prior spacing and posterior spacing between consecutive siblings are thus important measures of intensity of sibling competition for limited parental resources. While the available estimates of child mortality tend to ignore the endogeneity of sibling composition, we use a correlated recursive model of prior and posterior spacing and child mortality to correct it. There is evidence that uncorrected estimates under-estimate the effects of prior and posterior spacing on child mortality.
Sarmistha Pal (Corresponding author)Email:

根据2014年中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS)数据,从身体和心理健康、经济状况、社会参与、养老期望几个方面探讨我国老年人养老的突出需求和特点.对老年人家庭规模、成员构成、居住方式、子女状况等家庭养老资源和社会保障、医疗卫生服务、养老设施、社会服务等社会养老资源展开分析.研究发现:空巢家庭的老人已达47.53%;有12.54%的老年人需要不同程度的照料;失能老年人的孤独感问题和农村老年人的认知问题比较突出;老年人的经济独立程度提高,但城乡、地区之间的养老金差异较大;参与正式劳动就业的老年人比例下降而公益活动参与比例提升;我国老年人在享受老年优待、高龄津贴等福利方面取得了显著进展,但养老设施或机构的覆盖面存在明显的城乡差异.  相似文献   

陕西省返贫人口特征分析与对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扶贫开发,经过七年艰苦奋战,取得了初步成效,但返贫现象却十分严重。陕西省的返贫人口大致有五类,返贫的根源是人口增长导致生态失衡、人口分布不合理、人口素质偏低、人口产业结构落后、社会保障制度不健全等。  相似文献   

This paper explores the linkages between value orientations, demographics and the quality of life perceptions for Singaporeans based on a nationwide values and lifestyles study conducted in 2001. The quality of life perception is assessed using cognitive evaluations of satisfaction with life in general (subjective personal well-being) and with aspects of living in Singapore (subjective social well-being). Five different value orientations, namely family values, materialism, status consciousness, societal consciousness and traditionalism, are examined for their effects on quality of life. The key demographics used are gender, age, marital status, education and personal income.  相似文献   

老年人的养老意愿是建立养老服务体系必须考虑的重要方面.文章根据中国人民大学2014年"中国老年社会追踪调查"数据,分析我国老年人的养老意愿及其影响因素.采用多分类Logit回归模型比较城市和农村老年人的居住意愿.分析发现城市老年人的居住意愿受个体、家庭、社区三类因素的共同影响,呈现多元化特点,而对农村老年人居住意愿有显著影响的因素则基本集中于家庭因素.结果表明城市老年人更趋向于独立居住或入住养老机构,而农村老年人对社会养老服务的需求更取决于家庭成员的态度和支持程度.  相似文献   

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