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This study examines the role of subordinate participation in the effectiveness of audit hours budget decisions in accounting firms. The study compares decisions influenced by organizational factors (such as organizational policies or the preferences of the superior) to decisions that conform to the Vroom-Jago (VJ) model. Our results indicate that actual level of participation used in budget decisions appears to be based primarily on perceived preferences of superiors and participation styles available under the circumstancesof the individual audit. However, results also indicate that decisions consistent with the Vroom-Jago model are characterized by higher decision quality and increased subordinatedevelopment. Since managers are apparently reluctant to use decision styles that conflictwith organizational factors, accounting firms may wish to gather information regarding the attributes of the decision context and use the VJ model to establish their available decision styles and determine the preferences of superiors. Doing so has the advantage of considering decision-specific attributes while enhancing the probability of manager compliance with a desired decision style.  相似文献   

One justification for eliciting and representing the judgment strategy of an expert in a rule-based expert system (RBES) is to facilitate knowledge transfer to individuals with less expertise. However, prior research suggests complexities and potential problems when using RBESs for training. In this paper, a conceptual framework of user learning from RBESs is presented. It is proposed that learning may be ineffective when the problem representation of the RBES is inconsistent with the user's mental representation of the task-domain knowledge. An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of consistency (inconsistency) between the problem-solving strategy of RBESs and individuals' memory structures. Groups of subjects whose memory structure either matched or did not match two RBESs' problem-solving strategies were examined using an internal control evaluation task. The results suggest that learning was facilitated only for groups with congruence between the RBES's problem-solving strategy and a subject's memory structure.  相似文献   

An auditor gives a going concern uncertainty opinion when the client company is at risk of failure or exhibits other signs of distress that threaten its ability to continue as a going concern. The decision to issue a going concern opinion is an unstructured task that requires the use of the auditor's judgment. In cases where judgment is required, the auditor may benefit from the use of statistical analysis or other forms of decision models to support the final decision. This study uses the generalized reduced gradient (GRG2) optimizer for neural network learning, a backpropagation neural network, and a logit model to predict which firms would receive audit reports reflecting a going concern uncertainty modification. The GRG2 optimizer has previously been used as a more efficient optimizer for solving business problems. The neural network model formulated using GRG2 has the highest prediction accuracy of 95 percent. It performs best when tested with a small number of variables on a group of data sets, each containing 70 observations. While the logit procedure fails to converge when using our eight variable model, the GRG2 based neural network analysis provides consistent results using either eight or four variable models. The GRG2 based neural network is proposed as a robust alternative model for auditors to support their assessment of going concern uncertainty affecting the client company.  相似文献   

Despite the growing number of investigations examining decision support systems (DSS), relatively few empirical studies have evaluated the effects of DSS on problem-solving processes. This study uses protocol analysis to investigate the impact of a specific decision aid on problem-solving processes in a semi-structured problem. Results indicate that decision aids influence the problem-solving processes of decision makers. The effect of a decision aid is found to be contingent on familiarity with the decision aid, task familiarity, and the interaction of these two factors. Suggestions for incorporating interaction effects and problem-solving processes into future examinations are proposed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in information systems technology have made it possible to support the work of interacting groups using networked personal computers. A laboratory experiment was conducted using a group decision support system to evaluate effects of anonymity and proximity on group process in automated group problem solving. Twenty groups of four persons each performed an idea-generating task using an interactive electronic brainstorming program. This experiment's main findings were: (1) Group members working anonymously and apart generated more comments. (2) Working in the same room increased satisfaction. (3) Highest levels of perceived system effectiveness were reported under anonymity.  相似文献   

Decision aids (DA) used in online shopping contexts have been shown to improve users' product choices. Given that previous research (e.g., Byrne & Griffitt, 1973 ) has demonstrated the positive effects of perceived similarity on an individual's evaluation of others, this study investigates the effects of users' perceived similarity with a DA on their evaluations of that DA. More specifically, we investigate the effect of users' perceptions of the similarity between their own decision process and that followed by the DA to arrive at a recommendation (decision process similarity), as well as the similarity between the recommendations made by the DA and users' initial choices (outcome similarity), on their evaluations of the DA's usefulness and trustworthiness. The results of this study show that perceived process similarity exerts positive and significant effects on users' perceptions of the DA's usefulness and trustworthiness. However, the effects of perceived outcome similarity on trust are completely mediated by perceived process similarity. It is also observed that the level of the user's domain knowledge moderates the effects of perceived decision process similarity on both perceived usefulness and trustworthiness. These results have implications for DA design. It is important that designers consider the process by which users make decisions for themselves and align the DA's decision process with those of the user's, especially for the novice user. The full mediation of the effect of outcome similarity on trust by process similarity highlights how a similar decision process can mitigate some of the negative effects of outcome dissimilarity.  相似文献   

One of the more difficult but intriguing problems in the tax field is the decision of when (and how) to settle tax disputes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and when (and how) to litigate. Research in this area of decision making is limited and has concentrated on the probability of winning in the judicial system. This paper examines the tax litigation decision for suits in the Small Claims Division of the U.S. Tax Court. Four examples are presented which involve varying degrees of information regarding the likelihood of a settlement and differing risk attitudes. The maximum amount the taxpayer should be willing to spend in pursuing litigation is derived for each case.  相似文献   

This article describes three experiments that investigate the impact of data presentation on framing, which is the differential evaluation of objectively equivalent information given different frames of reference. The experiments were designed to vary the amount of information and the format of presentation (tables versus graphs) provided to the decision maker to gain an understanding of the mechanism underlying framing. The inferred information model proposed by Johnson and Levin [11] is utilized to explain the results of the three experiments in terms of the redistribution of weights attached by the decision makers to the attributes of the prospective outcomes. The results of the three experiments indicate that framing effects are observed only when the presentation of data facilitates the shifting of weights among the attributes of the available alternatives. The results further indicate that framing is eliminated as more information is displayed. However, presentation of additional information does not eliminate framing when a graphical format is utilized. Finally, no framing effects are observed when uneven amounts of information are used to describe two alternatives in the same decision task.  相似文献   

Motivated by the asset recovery process at IBM, we analyze the optimal disposition decision for product returns in electronic products industries. Returns may be either remanufactured for reselling or dismantled for spare parts. Reselling a remanufactured unit typically yields higher unit margins. However, demand is uncertain. A common policy in many firms is to rank disposition alternatives by unit margins. We propose a profit‐maximization approach that considers demand uncertainty. We develop single period and multiperiod stochastic optimization models for the disposition problem. Analyzing these models, we show that the optimal allocation balances expected marginal profits across the disposition alternatives. A detailed numerical study reveals that our approach to the disposition problem outperforms the current practice of focusing exclusively on high‐margin options, and we identify conditions under which this improvement is the highest. In addition, we show that a simple myopic heuristic in the multiperiod problem performs well.  相似文献   

The explanatory potential of four forms of expectancy theory with additive and multiplicative expectancy terms and linear and nonlinear valence functions were contrasted. A behavioral decision-making theory approach was used when 101 subjects were asked to make 128 hypothetical job-choice decisions. More than 25,800 decisions under a within-subjects framework were analyzed. Results indicate that the majority (83 percent) of subjects employed additive or multiplicative expectancy models with linear valence functions. However, the predictive efficacy of the expectancy theory model was improved for 17 percent of the subjects when nonlinear valence terms were introduced. The findings imply that different functional forms of expectancy theory may be needed to model individuals' decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Strategic applications of information systems (IS) are considered by IS researchers to be determined by contextual factors such as environmental uncertainty, and influenced by attributes of the processes preceding them, such as planning and top management support. For better management of the process leading to these applications, it is essential to understand the relationship between process attributes and contextual factors. Utilizing a contingency approach, this article takes a step toward such an understanding. Based on successful strategic IS applications from 81 large companies, it examines the relationship between the context of these applications and the decision-making process leading to them. The results indicate that the external environment is related to whether a rational or political decision-making process is used. The IS function seems to influence the use of the decision process implied by IS researchers, one in which the top management champions the strategic application, while the IS managers contribute by conducting in-depth analysis. However, the organization structure was not related to any decision process attribute. The implications of these findings for future research and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

This laboratory experiment studied the effects of source and participant anonymity, and differences in initial opinions in an electronic meeting system (EMS) context. Results indicated that (a) inhibition to participate did not mediate the effect of anonymity on participation as suggested in prior deindividuation and EMS literature; and (b) the effect of anonymity on participation, satisfaction, and postdiscussion agreement depended on the level and type of anonymity involved and whether initial opinions among group members were similar or different. A mechanism that suggests that anonymity may cause participants to focus more on their task by turning attention away from other participants partly accounts for the effects of source and participant anonymity on participation in this study. Future work should focus on determining how different types and levels of anonymity influence process and outcomes in different types of groups.  相似文献   

Despite the development of increasingly sophisticated and refined multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, an examination of the experimental evidence indicates that users most often prefer relatively unsophisticated methods. In this paper, we synthesize theories and empirical findings from the psychology of judgment and choice to provide a new theoretical explanation for such user preferences. Our argument centers on the assertion that the MCDM method preferred by decision makers is a function of the degree to which the method tends to introduce decisional conflict. The model we develop relates response mode, decision strategy, and the salience of decisional conflict to user preferences among decision aids. We then show that the model is consistent with empirical results in MCDM studies. Next, the role of decisional conflict in problem formulation aids is briefly discussed. Finally, we outline future research needed to thoroughly test the theoretical mechanisms we have proposed.  相似文献   

Three laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of bar, symbol, and line graphs for performing a variety of elementary information extraction tasks using two dependent variables, time and accuracy. The findings indicate that the degree of support provided by a particular graph format for a particular data extraction task depends on the matching of format and task in terms of their anchoring characteristics. Anchoring, in this context, refers to the phenomenon that specific and diverse parts of a graph are segmented by the reader to act as salient and relevant cues, or anchors, when different classes of information are to be extracted from the graph. A data extraction task has high x-value (y-value) anchoring if the x-axis (y-axis) component is represented in the question as either a given value or an unknown value. Conversely, a task has low x-value (y-value) anchoring if the x-axis (y-axis) component is not represented in the question as either a given value or as an unknown value. Data extraction accuracy was not significantly affected by presentation format. Bars provided the best time performance for data extraction tasks having high anchoring on both axes but were not appropriate for tasks having low anchoring on either the y axis or both the x and y axes. Line graphs tended to be worse in terms of time performance for tasks having high anchoring on both axes although they were as fast or better than other representations for tasks having low anchoring on both axes. Symbol plots appeared to possess anchoring characteristics associated with both bars and line graphs. Symbols (as with bars) tended to produce a time performance superior to that of line graphs for tasks having high anchoring on both axes; and (as with line graphs) symbols allowed faster results than bar graphs for tasks having low anchoring on either the y axis or both the x and y axes.  相似文献   

An empirical taxonomy of industrial customers' information source use is developed based on a survey of 636 industrial customers across a wide range of different purchase situations. The taxonomy reveals five distinct information source mixes. Each mix consists of the combination of individual information sources used in a purchase situation. The five information source mixes are related to select underlying characteristics of purchase situations. The results indicate that the multivariate dimensions of purchase involvement, purchase complexity, and multiple influence are all significantly related to customers' choice of an information source mix. Implications of the taxonomy for marketing management and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on a belief revision model recently proposed by Hogarth and Einhorn [35], the present research investigates the effects of information presentation orders on tax professionals’ belief revisions about ambiguous tax treatments. Also examined in the study are the impacts of the tax professionals’ experience and the client's tax preference on the belief revision. The results show that the experienced tax professionals’ belief revisions are affected by the presentation order manipulations, but unaffected by the client preference manipulations. In contrast, the inexperienced tax professionals’ belief revisions display a reverse pattern.  相似文献   


The evaluation of strategic alternatives is a particularly difficult task. This difficulty is due to the complexities inherent in the evaluation process and the lack of structured information. The evaluation process must consider a multitude of relevant information from both the internal and external environments of the organization. Various analytical and normative models have helped decision makers utilize large volumes of information in strategic evaluation; however, most of these models have some limitations. We present a multiple criteria decision support system, called strategic assessment model (SAM), that addresses some of the limitations inherent in the existing models. SAM captures the decision maker's beliefs through a series of sequential, rational, and analytical processes. The environmental forces—decomposed into internal, task, general opportunities, and threats—are used along with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), subjective probabilities, the entropy concept, and utility theory to enhance the decision maker's intuition in evaluating a set of strategic alternatives.  相似文献   

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