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ABSTRACT: During the eighties Italy has evolved into being a receiver of immigration. However, the existence of large Italian communities abroad, and the persistence of exit migratory flows (although amply compensated by re-entry flows) show that the connotation of Italy as a country of emigration still persists. This paper points out the differing composition of present immigration flows to Italy compared to those of Italian migratory flows towards the more industrially advanced European countries over the past decades. The labour forces that constitute these present day immigration flows often possess medium to high educational qualifications, and are more frequently absorbed into the tertiary and agricultural markets, rather than the industrial sector. These immigrants rarely have regular, unionized occupations, and satisfy a demand for precarious, unstable labour which is in expansion in Italy, as in other countries. Furthermore, these immigration flows are directed not only towards those regions with high employment rates, but also to those with high unemployment rates. Thus, the implications are that the character of present day emigration can only be clearly understood by taking into account the highly segmented aspect of the labour market.  相似文献   

This paper analyses both theoretically and empirically the effects of immigration on the wage rate of native workers. There is rare evidence in empirical literature that immigration generates a fall in the wages of manual workers. By hypothesizing an economic system where advanced firms buy an intermediate good from traditional firms, which employ manual workers in both clean and dirty tasks, the latter being more disliked by native workers, we present a theoretical model that justifies these results. We conclude that native skilled wages always increase whereas native unskilled wages can both increase or decrease with immigration. An empirical analysis of the Italian labour market follows, showing that native workers' wages always rise with immigration.  相似文献   

Cinzia Rienzo 《LABOUR》2014,28(3):288-308
This paper assesses the effects of immigration on the increasing residual wage inequality in the USA and UK from 1994 to 2008. It does so by using an extension of the Lemieux (2006) methodology, whereby counterfactual residual variances are constructed to account not only for composition effects (changes in education‐experience of the workforce), but also for increasing immigration in the labour force. The empirical analysis reveals that residual wage inequality is higher among immigrants than among natives. However, increase in immigration does not seem to represent the major force behind the increase in residual wage inequality for the USA and for the UK.  相似文献   

Since the end of the 1970s Italy has moved from being an out-migration country to being a foreign immigration country, but very few studies have addressed the factors determining the wages of immigrant workers, owing to the lack of available data. In this paper we analyse the determinants of the wages of immigrants in some areas of Latium and Campania, where the share of illegal immigration is relatively high, using the results of a set of sample surveys which collected information on several aspects of the immigration process in the years 1993–94. The purpose of the article is to shed some light on the factors underlying wage distribution among the immigrants using an estimation method that controls for sample selection problems. According to the empirical results, income differences seem to be relatively high among immigrants. Differences in labour market integration among sexes and area of origin clearly emerge from the results. Moreover, legal status plays an important role in the explanation of the wage gap between documented and undocumented immigrants, also because of the different occupational sector structure in the two groups.  相似文献   

This paper draws together evidence from across the UK public services to present an analysis of public sector organisational change that has been observed and experienced since the 1980s. The argument is that the pattern of persistent change, packaged as a myriad of reform measures, has been centrally concerned with solving the labour problem—low worker productivity and managers not being able to manage—in what are labour intensive services. The now familiar managerial discourse of empowerment and high commitment working practices is highlighted and express linkages are drawn between such themes and the day-to-day practices of performance and human resource management, seen here to be key levers in solving the same labour problem through a reduction in the quality of working lives of many public service workers.  相似文献   

Enrico Pugliese 《LABOUR》1992,6(1):165-180
Abstract. The article intends to point out some of the main changes that are taking place in the structure of the labour market in Europe and the role played by the recent waves of immigration from Third World countries. The main features of these new migratory flows are that they involve a much larger number of states, both as sending and as receiving countries. Secondly the majority of the migrants workers tend to hold secondary labour market jobs or to work in the informal sector. These two aspects make today's international migrations very different from the intraeuropean migratory waves that concerned a much lower number of countries and were directed towards industrial areas.  相似文献   

Immigration to the UK, particularly among more educated workers, has risen appreciably over the past 30 years and as such has raised labor supply. However studies of the impact of immigration have failed to find any significant effect on the wages of native‐born workers in the UK. This is potentially puzzling since there is evidence that changes in the supply of educated natives have had significant effects on their wages. Using a pooled time series of British cross‐sectional micro data on male wages and employment from the mid‐1970s to the mid‐2000s, this paper offers one possible resolution to this puzzle, namely that in the UK natives and foreign born workers are imperfect substitutes. We show that immigration has primarily reduced the wages of immigrants—and in particular of university educated immigrants—with little discernable effect on the wages of the native‐born.  相似文献   

Directors commonly “punish” CEOs for overly risky behavior by rebalancing their compensation to include more restricted stock and fewer stock options. This paper extends the behavioral-agency model to describe how CEOs will manage their holdings of stock and stock options in response to this form of compensation rebalancing. In doing so, it finds that CEOs respond by selling existing stock holdings and accumulating option holdings. This behavior achieves the opposite incentive structure that such rebalancing intends to create, raising questions about the effectiveness of compensation rebalancing in reducing risky decision making.  相似文献   

Riccardo Leoni 《LABOUR》1994,8(1):19-55
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to test econometrically a number of models of labour supply which fall within the neoclassical and Keynesian theories, in an attempt to obtain indications of validation of the theories themselves. The econometric assessment, carried out with a cohort approach to labour supply, shows that Italian female participation rates react well to the variables belonging to both the neoclassical versions of models — with the exception of the version regarding intertemporal choices — and the Keynesian ones. Both in terms of testing for the selection of alternative regression models, such as those for non-nested hypotheses and for selection of regressors, and of “internal” investigation within the estimated models, the results obtained are not without ambiguity. They therefore leave open the question as to which theory can explain labour supply in the most significant and appropriate way.  相似文献   

Following poorly performing acquisitions, the board of directors often redesigns the CEO’s annual compensation package to include less risk-encouraging stock options and more risk-discouraging restricted stock. This study explores the emerging area of post-acquisition compensation management and proposes that CEOs can indirectly, but effectively, defend against compensation rebalancing. Specifically, we find that CEOs may counteract the effects of compensation rebalancing by delaying the exercise of existing stock option holdings. Fortunately, this insight also offers valuable implications including the ability of the board to limit the CEO’s defense by adjusting stock option exercise windows.  相似文献   

Abstract. International migration of labour has become a burning issue and is on the lips of politicians, social scientists, employers and workers. It has has become a global issue, with national borders becoming less important due to process of economic integration. The issue is very complicated since many factors are involved: unemployment, the stand of trade unions and national movements often opposing more liberal immigration rules, non-adherence of countries to international norms, in particular ILO labour standards. However, there are also gains for both labour-exporting and labour-importing countries. The article tries to trace the history of international norms concerning international migration of labour, as well as to touch upon hard facts accompanying such migration. It is difficult to collect these in a systematic manner, given the dearth of information on the subject, due to its sensitivity. However, the paper provides a variety of contro-versial information which is from the press rather than from official data, and therefore difficult to verify. It is a subject on which considerable prejudice clouds rational debate.  相似文献   

The study investigates the determinants of unionization in a country — Finland — where union density, defined as the number of unionized members divided by the labour force, has risen 60 percentage points in 32 years, from 22 percent in 1960 to 82 percent in 1992. The theoretical framework of the study is based on the background information obtained from surveys inquiring why individuals join a union. The empirical analysis for the period 1962–92 shows that the model is capable of explaining long-run trends in union density in a very satisfactory manner. The results imply that institutional features of the labour market, characterized by the benefit mark-up variable and a dummy variable capturing labour legislation and public policy toward unionization, play an important role in the development of union density. An interesting policy implication of the study is the prediction that union density would fall considerably if earnings-related unemployment allowances were to be cut to the level of the basic unemployment allowances.  相似文献   

Vani K. Borooah 《LABOUR》2002,16(3):453-468
The measurement of unemployment, like that of poverty, involves two distinct steps: identification and aggregation. In this two‐step process, the issue of identifying the unemployed has received considerable attention but, once the unemployed have been identified, the aggregation issue has been addressed by simply ‘counting heads’: the unemployment rate is conventionally defined as the proportion of the labour force that, on a given date, is unemployed. This, in particular, leads to differences between individuals, in their unemployment experiences being ignored when the unemployment rate is being computed. This paper — predicated on the proposition that what matters to a person is not just the fact of unemployment but also its duration — proposes a methodology, derived from the measurement of income inequality, for adjusting unemployment rates so as to make them ‘duration‐sensitive’. In consequence, different values of the ‘duration‐sensitive’ rate will, depending upon the degree of inequality in the distribution of unemployment duration, and upon the extent to which society is averse to such inequality, be associated with the same value of the conventionally defined unemployment rate. A numerical example, based on published data for seven major OECD counties, illustrates the methodology.  相似文献   

股票质押率的合理与灵活设定对于降低质权人风险,从而避免市场恐慌情绪蔓延具有重要意义。考虑到现有研究和实务操作往往只是简单地基于波动率来计算股票质押率,而忽视了流动性、杠杆和交叉持股等因素对股票质押率的影响,即在股票质押率定价过程中未能考虑质押标的的流动性风险和组合再平衡风险。鉴于此,本文分析了杠杆对投资者资产组合价值的影响机理,以及交叉持股对质押标的的正反馈效应,构建了一个兼顾波动率、流动性和组合再平衡风险的股票质押率定价模型。另外,通过模拟分析发现,杠杆及流动性冲击均显著影响股票质押率;且与仅基于波动率预测的传统模型相比,本文提出的定价模型所计算的股票质押率要显著低于前者,结果证明本模型确能有效解决杠杆过高、交叉持股情况下,股票质押率的合理调整问题。  相似文献   

We introduce financial constraints in a theoretical analysis of illegal immigration. Intermediaries finance the migration costs of wealth‐constrained migrants, who enter temporary servitude contracts to repay the debt. These debt/labor contracts are easier to enforce in the illegal than in the legal sector of the host country. Hence, when moving from the illegal to the legal sector becomes more costly—for instance, because of stricter deportation policies—fewer immigrants default on debt. This reduces the risks for intermediaries, who are then more willing to finance illegal migration. Stricter deportation policies may thus, ex ante, increase rather than decrease the flow of illegal migrants. Furthermore, stricter deportation policies worsen the skill composition of immigrants. While stricter border controls decrease overall immigration, they may result in an increase of debt‐financed migration. We also show that there are complementarities between employer sanctions and deportation policies. We use available evidence to check the empirical consistency of the theory. (JEL: J61, K42, O17)  相似文献   

The operations of the dispatch department of a manufacturing organization have been analysed in terms of matching the labour supply to the labour demand (as determined by customer orders). The problem differed somewhat from those traditionally associated with dispatch departments since set-up costs and company policy resulted in high stocks being carried. In this context, service level did not refer to the ability to supply a customer from stock, but to the proportion of orders processed within a specified time interval. The operations of the department were simulated using FINSIM—a computer simulation package developed for the BBC microcomputer. FINSIM offers the capability of seeing the simulation proceed graphically on a visual display. The final outcome of the study was an aid to decision-making consisting of a family of curves of service level against the maximum acceptable time allowed to process an order. This set of curves allowed prediction of the quantifiable consequences of any proposed changes in the department. Of particular significance was the use of the curves to help demonstrate that the seemingly important delays to order documentation within the computer department were in fact inconsequential.  相似文献   

Michele Salvati 《LABOUR》1989,3(1):41-72
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this paper is to test the Regulation Theory (la Théorie de la Régulation) ‘ on a subject — the long cycle of rigidity/flexibility in labour markets and industrial relations we have experienced between the late sixties and now — that should be one of the central concerns of such a theory, being linked to one of its basic concepts: the Rapport Salarial. Does the theory of regulation help us (more than rival theoretical frameworks do) in explaining why we underwent a rigidity/flexibility cycle? And in explaining why this cycle took such different forms in different countries? In order to achieve this purpose, the author first distinguishes several meanings, or dimensions, or rigidity/flexibility (money and real wage, numerical, functional, intensive, dualistic, geographical) and goes to some length in analysing why comparisons in this field between national industrial relations systems and labour market arrangements are rather difficult to perform. Having done that, the author argues that regulation theory is of little help in understanding our diachronic question — why we went through a flexibility cycle — because such a theory does not make any strong bet on the causes of change in the institutional arrangements of labour markets and industrial relations. On the synchronic question — why the forms of the cycle have been so different cross-nationally — the conclusion is that Regulation Theory can be useful as a focusing device, as an ideal-type, but that a lot of nationally-specific materials have to be added in order to obtain adequate answers. The paper ends up with a methodological discussion on the statute of regulation theory. It is argued that it is neither theory nor history: it is a series of ideal-types of system-integration, connected by ex-post, historical linkages.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the impact of both the number of immigrants and their human capital on the welfare of the host economy. We will show that in the presence of ‘social increasing returns’ in human and physical capital accumulation, arising from a labour market characterized by a costly search and by randomness of the matching technology, immigrants’ skill level may influence the investments in human capital of natives as well as the investments in physical capital. We will find that the immigrants’ human capital interacts with social increasing returns making them stronger or weaker according to the level of immigrants’ human capital relative to that of natives. If immigrants have a higher level of human capital, increasing returns are accelerated, while if immigrants’ human capital is lower, increasing returns are weakened if not reversed. The consequence of this behaviour is that in the first case immigration has a positive impact on native welfare and there is a positive interrelation between the skills of natives, the skills of immigrants and the firms’ level of physical capital. In the second case immigration may have a negative impact on the welfare of natives, on the skills of native workers and on the physical capital of firms.  相似文献   

In this paper we assess whether regional disparities in the euro area stimulate labour mobility, using migration behaviour in US states as a benchmark. Large regional disparities within European countries and size differences between them and US states led us to select regions as the appropriate unit of analysis for Europe. While the level of net immigration flows with respect to population is similar in the USA and the euro area, our study shows that its sensitivity to regional disparities differs considerably. Indeed, migration is much more significantly influenced by income disparities in the USA than it is in the Euro-11, both in the short and the long term. Furthermore, the responsiveness of net migration inflows to shocks to the relative unemployment rate is negative in the regions of the USA, but nil in those of the Euro-11. Finally, risk factors (identified in the theoretical model as the variance of income) are significant determinants of migration decisions in Europe but not in the USA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This Paper the existing literature on optimal capital utilisation and shiftwork patterns by arguing that labour is not the only input to exhibit a price which varies over the time of day week or year Indeed in certain situations as in the w e of capital intensive industries which are heavy consumers of electricity labour costs may not even be the most important consideration The introduction of a second varying input price can completely alter the optimal operating times of production units Once this extension has been adopted it is a fairly easy final step to demonstrate that some firms face a strong inducement to develop technologies which allow them to use their capital and labour independently This type of technological change has become commonplace in recent years but largely unexplained by the existing literature These developments have important implications for the organisation of work patterns and the flexible use of the labour input  相似文献   

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