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丁世涛 《学术交流》2012,(5):193-197
2011年3月11日日本东部海域发生9.0级强烈地震并引发海啸,继而发生核泄漏和核废水排放超标。面对灾难,日本的媒体表现出前所未有的新闻专业主义和媒体自律精神,引起全球新闻业的关注,尤其是在疏导民众、安定人心、维持社会秩序以及保证政府的政策顺利实施等方面起到了不可估量的作用。从中可以看出日本媒体实际上是在一个看不见的却又是无时不在的强大的磁场下被控制着,其中有着历史和文化的原因,也有着政府的控制和管理的原因,但是,更重要的还是因为日本的媒体是一个企业化的管理模式,势必会打上企业文化的烙印。  相似文献   

The growing variety of possibilities in one life course raises coverage, fairness and social adequacy questions about existing public pension provision. This paper examines problems of drop-out, full-time housewives, carers, divorced or remarried people and those engaged in atypical work in Japan. A possible solution will be a universal basic pension financed by a consumption-based tax. It is also advisable to expand social security coverage of the earnings-related pension to any earners irrespective of their earnings amount, if any. In implementing this provision, an integrated single social security pension number for each person is required, and this has already been introduced in Japan. The 1999 government reform plan for pensions is also mentioned.  相似文献   

本文通过对日本电影摄像技师事件的介绍分析,对承包合同与劳动合同进行了甄别和判断,对电影摄像技师的劳动者性质和法律地位进行了探讨。随着文学、艺术、影视等特殊领域就业形态的多样化,及时准确地界定和判断其劳动者的性质,提供相应的劳动保护是十分重要的。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Meryl Aldridge, Department of Social Policy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD. Summary The belief that the profession gets unusually poor news mediatreatment is entrenched among social workers. As a result, thesocial work press regularly prints articles discussing the issueand suggesting solutions. This paper outlines the main sociologicalapproaches to theorizing about the media and locates the majorityof the profession's own accounts of its coverage within an idealist/pluralistmodel. Examples of positive presentation of social work arethen considered, but it is argued that many of these come fromlocal media. Approving items in the national press have beenlinked mainly with disasters and with the work of voluntaryagencies. Given the search for profit in a consumption-led society,it is unlikely that national news media, particularly the press,will fully endorse social work as it delivers state welfare.Attempts by social work agencies and professional institutionsto re-educate the media can have only limited success and shouldbe more carefully targeted.  相似文献   

当今世界公共危机频发,新闻媒体快捷有效进行舆论控制和危机应对意义重大。本文从日本新闻媒体在公共危机传播中的角色定位;日本新闻媒体对公共危机的快速应对;日本新闻媒体在危机传播中的舆论调控和媒体对危机事件的报道原则方面阐述了日本新闻媒体在公共危机中的传播效应和功能,从而为我国新闻媒体应对公共危机事件提供借鉴。  相似文献   

范作申 《日本学刊》2003,(5):91-104
通过对在华求职日本人基本情况的分析,可以探寻日本文化、日本人价值观的异地融合、演变问题.从众心理、生存竞争等是导致日籍员工工作意识发生变化的主要因素.  相似文献   

李谦  范珞 《学术交流》2003,(4):158-160
准确的定位是新闻媒体生存与发展的基石。在市场经济条件下 ,受众因素对媒体发展的影响越来越大。新闻媒体要做到定位准确、风格鲜明 ,就必须对受众群体做细致的分类研究 ,引用受众的细分原则 ,使其在新闻传播中发挥应有的作用  相似文献   


Touch, as it is conventionally conceived, appears to be lacking in everyday Japanese intimate relationships. Here, the “touching spaces” between Japanese people are explored, challenging assumptions about closeness and intimacy. Based on ethnographic research conducted in Japan, this review suggests that “finite” conceptions of touch, body, and subjectivity limit our understanding of experiences of closeness in a Japanese cultural context. Instead, how the space between people is inhabited, and the feelings in this space, seems much more significant. In sum, Japanese experiences of touch, particularly in a familial context, should best be seen as a tangible and sensuous connection that is not just felt in the body. Focusing on two body practices, this review explores the connection and embodied experience of closeness in the Japanese family vis-à-vis co-bathing and co-sleeping. It ends with a summary of the design of these sites of intimacy and some ways in which communication and bonding can be enhanced.  相似文献   

Russia is experiencing the "mediatization" of society as electronic communication technologies penetrate everyday life. This has contradictory effects since it increases the means of manipulation of and access to information at the same time that people can expand and personalize their use of media. The functioning of technical innovations in Russia is determined by social factors, by the relations of power established in society, by social and individual resources, and by the level of culture and education.  相似文献   

张东 《日本研究》2015,(1):67-74
明治宪法标榜天皇主权与职能性分权,同时以议会代表国家公义,这从根本上为超然主义提供了可能。超然主义实为近代日本政治之底流,它并未随藩阀政治的结束而消失。在藩阀政治受挫后,伊藤博文、桂太郎等通过政党实现的只能是相对超然主义,而且,他们的期待最终被政党所出卖。经过大正民主运动,超然主义作为政治潜流持续存在,并与政党一样获得发展,当宪政常道下的政党政治被民众质疑和抛弃时,新官僚力倡普选,以民众广泛参政强化天皇权威,同时否定政党组阁的正当性,超然主义卷土重来,并显得比明治时代更为成熟,成功逆袭政党政治,它看似基于民意,实则相反,政府超然于民众与议会之外,这也为法西斯独裁专制打下了基础。  相似文献   

日本众参两院宪法调查会近日分别通过了对宪法历经五年调查后做出的报告书,结束了半个世纪以来关于"是否修改宪法"的争论,第一次明确了修改宪法的必要性.日本现行宪法因第九条而被称为"和平宪法",修改宪法的焦点集中在第九条,众议院宪法调查会<最终报告书>在"承认自卫队和自卫权的存在"、"允许海外行使武力"、"行使集体自卫权"上达成多数意见,反映了日本安保政策上的根本转变.作为"三党意见的最大公约数"出台的两院宪法调查会报告书是日本各党派斗争和妥协的产物,表明了两大保守政党主导日本政局的现状.两院报告书的出台加快了修宪的进程,预示了修宪的主要方向,将对日本的内政外交产生重大影响.  相似文献   

本文认为,日本人的认识观具有多重性。日本文明与天皇制及东亚儒教文化、西 方文明和本土的武士道精神结合起来,形成了不同于大陆国家中国和半岛国家韩国的日本 岛国文化特征。日本也因此形成了不同于中韩两国历史认识的日本人认识的特质。本文从 上述日本文化特质出发,分析了日本人对天皇制、日本战犯远东国际审判和靖国神社等历史 认识问题的层次及其成因。  相似文献   

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