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This study investigated the effects of ethnic minority adolescents' ethnic self‐identification (host country, dual, or heritage country) on friendship choices among ethnic majority and minority peers. Hypotheses were derived from similarity–attraction and social identity theory and tested using longitudinal social network data from 1,004 middle school students (five schools) in Germany. Results showed that ethnic minority adolescents' ethnic self‐identification affected friendship selection beyond ethnic homophily. While host country and dual identification was beneficial with respect to friendships with both ethnic majority and minority peers, heritage country identification was detrimental to relations with both of them.  相似文献   

基于社会认同理论探索青年消费者全球化品牌认同的驱动因素,考察驱动因素与品牌认同对全球化品牌购买倾向的影响,研究结果显示:全球化品牌认同的驱动因素包括全球维度、传播维度、真实维度与差异维度,其中,全球维度、传播维度是外在驱动线索,真实维度与差异维度是内在驱动线索。传播维度对品牌认同的影响作用最强,其次分别是差异维度与真实维度,而全球维度对全球化品牌认同影响不显著。另外,全球化品牌认同对品牌购买倾向有显著的影响。  相似文献   

According to racial invariance positions and mainstream sociological perspectives on race and crime, race differences in structural conditions should account for most if not all of the racial composition (or percent black) effect on aggregate‐level violence rates. However, prior research (mostly conducted prior to 1990) generally provides mixed or contrary evidence for this position, showing instead that greater concentrations of blacks are linked to increased violence even after accounting for racial differences in socioeconomic conditions. The current study uses recent data and a novel unit of analysis to go beyond extant research in two ways. First, we include percent Latino in our examination of the extent to which both racial and ethnic composition effects on violent crime rates are mediated by racial/ethnic disparities in socioeconomic disadvantage. Second, we test whether racial/ethnic composition effects are conditioned by size of place, through the use of census places as a uniquely varying unit of analysis. We find that both black and Latino composition effects are partly explained by controlling for structural conditions (especially structural disadvantage), but this characterizes smaller places much more than the largest, most urbanized places.  相似文献   

While much has been written about identity formation and the politics of ethnicity among minority communities in various parts of modern-day Southeast Asia, the same cannot be said regarding the Malay community of Singapore. This article seeks to address this scholarly neglect by bringing into sharp focus the dynamics, processes, and circumstances that shaped Malay identity in postcolonial Singapore during the 1980s. By interweaving historical data with theoretical insights derived from the works of Andrew Willford, Manuel Castells, and Richard Jenkins, among others, this article provides an analytical reading of the global, regional, and local developments that brought about an ethnic resurgence within one of the largest minority groups in this island city-state. Such developments prompted the Singapore government to devise new laws and employ multi-faceted strategies to regain its legitimacy in the eyes of a certain segment of the population, and to enhance its ruling capacity. The problematics embedded within the state's interpretation of Malay identity and the effects of citizen resistance against state policies are considered in detail in the final sections of this article.  相似文献   

The purposes of this research were: (1) to determine whether background characteristics of attorneys and judges affect the awarding of child support orders and (2) to determine whether institution of 1987 Ohio child support guidelines provides predictable and fair child support awards. It was concluded that the two sets of background characteristics had separate effects on the awarding of child support oders. Attorney's background characteristics affected receipt of child support awards. Judges' background characteristics affected amount of child support awards. Institution of the 1987 Ohio child support guidelines did not provide predictable and fair child support awards. Attorneys were found to be reluctant to win child support awards for their clients. Judges with low integrity scores were found to be deviating from the 1987 Ohio child support guidelines.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to test the impact of an enhanced version of STARBRIGHT World (SBW2)-a private computer network for hospitalized children. The impact of SBW2 was assessed with a series of 44 replicated single system designs. Utilizing an ecological momentary assessment approach, self-reports were obtained regarding children's perceptions of their pain intensity, pain aversive-ness and anxiety. The results from the single system designs were aggregated using meta-analysis. Children experienced significantly less pain intensity, pain aversiveness, and anxiety in the SBW2 condition. These findings provide evidence regarding the effectiveness of SBW2 and demonstrate the utility of employing meta-analysis with single system designs.  相似文献   

How do new parents differ from their childless counterparts in social and psychological resources, daily strains, and psychological well‐being? Using a nationally representative panel of 1,933 adults who were childless at the first interview, we compare 6 indicators of adults' lives for those who became parents and those remaining childless several years later, controlling for earlier states. Becoming a parent is both detrimental and rewarding. With the exception of social integration, which is greater for all groups of new parents compared with their childless counterparts, the effects of parental status on adults' lives vary markedly by gender and marital status. Unmarried parents report lower self‐efficacy and higher depression than their childless counterparts. Married mothers' lives are marked by more housework and more marital conflict but less depression than their childless counterparts. Parental status has little influence on the lives of married men.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of timing and message appeal of a crisis response on organizational perceptions and behavioral intentions on social media. Using a health crisis scenario, a 3 (one hour vs. one day vs. one week after the crisis) × 2 (emotional vs. rational appeal) between-subjects experiment (N = 502) found that a crisis response posted one day after the crisis on Facebook elicited greater trust towards the hospital in crisis compared to a response posted in one week. The one-hour response and one-day response did not show differential effects on trust towards the hospital. The effect of timing was mediated by perceived credibility of the crisis response. In addition, the emotional appeal triggered greater trust, perception of reputation, and intention to “like” the post; whereas the rational appeal elicited greater intention to share and comment on the post. The study provides both theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   


Research suggests that college students know relatively little about human papillomavirus (HPV), and that educational interventions increase knowledge of HPV. However, to date, there are no published studies testing the effects of computer-based education on attitudes toward being vaccinated in this population. The present study of 119 college students explored the effect of a web-based intervention on participants' knowledge of HPV and attitudes toward HPV vaccination. Participants were randomized to a web-based, self-administered HPV educational intervention or to a control group. Knowledge and attitudes were assessed at baseline, after the completion of the intervention, and at one-month follow-up. At baseline, women knew more than men about risks and symptoms of HPV. At immediate and long-term follow-up, the intervention group had better knowledge of HPV and more positive attitudes toward HPV vaccination than the control group. There were some gender differences in response to the intervention; increases in knowledge of HPV were greater in men, while changes in attitudes toward vaccination were larger in women.  相似文献   


Rape myth acceptance, likelihood of raping, and sexually coercive behavior of 145 fraternity men randomly assigned to a control group or a rape-prevention program were surveyed. One third of 23 fraternities on a mid-Atlantic public university campus volunteered to participate in the study. The rape-prevention intervention consisted of “the men's program,” a victim empathy-based presentation titled “How to help a sexual assault survivor: What men can do.” Although no evidence of change in sexually coercive behavior was found, significant 7-month declines in rape myth acceptance and the likelihood of committing rape were shown among program participants. In the case of rape myth acceptance, the 7-month decrement remained lower in the participant group than in the control group. Implications of using these initial findings from the men's program for rape-prevention programming are discussed.  相似文献   

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