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《Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work》2013,32(3-4):105-122
Abstract The U.S. federal government, through Charitable Choice, has opened public funding for the delivery of social services to faith-based organizations (FBOs) more than ever before. This increased access to governmental funding at all levels has led to a closer examination of the evidence base on the effectiveness of the services provided by FBOs, and the capacity of FBOs to respond to data needs for accountability and program improvement efforts. This paper discusses the current status of evaluation research on FBO services and the emerging data needs among faith-based providers. Promising avenues for enhancing the current understanding of outcomes of FBO services are explored such as (1) adopting outcome measurement practices in use within the current nonprofit sector, and (2) developing more rigorous research designs tailored to the special contexts of faith-based services. The paper suggests an agenda in which FBO operators, funders, and evaluators work together to move forward in improving the evidence base on faith-based services. 相似文献
《Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work》2013,32(3-4):129-150
Abstract Despite public policies that promote an increased role for faith-based organizations in the delivery of publicly supported services, insufficient attention has been paid to assessing how service delivery by faith-based and secular providers might differ. This study considers the issues involved in evaluating the role of faith-based organizations within the broad context of a community's social service offerings. Criteria are developed for assessing role differences by comparing the types of services, delivery approaches, and service locations offered by different types of providers. The approach is then illustrated using a large sample of social service providers in Los Angeles County. Important role differences are revealed. Faith-based organizations offer fewer and different types of services than their secular counterparts. The results suggest a modest and focused role for faith-based organizations in social service delivery, but one that is complementary to the efforts of secular providers. The methodological issues raised by such analyses are highlighted. 相似文献
《Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work》2013,32(3-4):5-18
Abstract This paper provides an overview of assessing the effectiveness of newly legislated social policies. In an era of growing public reliance on faith-based social services, it is imperative to be accountable and assess the efficacy and effectiveness of this set of providers. It discusses the paucity of such attempts and the complications involved in measuring effectiveness of social programs, especially when religion is involved. It then reviews the contributions provided in this volume and draws conclusions for future Studies. 相似文献
《Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work》2013,32(2):43-57
Abstract The enactment of the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity and Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) in 1996 led to sweeping changes in U.S. welfare policy and practice. Given the time limits placed on adult recipients of cash assistance, and the multiple barriers to employment that many of these recipients face, alternative intervention strategies need to be developed. Welfare-to-work interventions provided by faith-based groups are one such intervention strategy. This paper discusses the rationale for faith-based services and introduces research conducted on one particular faith-based model of intervention for the target population. Findings presented center on participants' perceptions of the faith-based services they received, particularly on aspects of the program that were helpful and meaningful to them. 相似文献
《Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work》2013,32(3-4):241-259
Abstract The policy debate over faidibased initiatives has prompted calls for comparative effectiveness research. Drawing examples from an evaluation of California's Community and Faith-based Initiative (CFBI), we illustrate a research strategy that takes local networks as the primary unit of analysis. This approach focuses on understanding the roles different organizations play within local service delivery networks, and on analyzing how local actors coordinate services to affect participant, organization, and system outcomes. The network perspective casts new light on policy options, and suggests that caution is necessary when using administrative data to interpret program effectiveness. 相似文献
Findings, issues, and lessons learned about program evaluation are examined from a national qualitative study of 15 faith-based human service programs targeting those in need in urban areas. Using a grounded theory design, five properties emerge as part of the evaluation network: (1) philosophy of accountability, (2) legitimacy, (3) evaluation design, (4) feedback loop, and (5) barriers to evaluation. While funders expect measurable outcomes to evaluate service effectiveness, respondents acknowledge other competing expectations of multiple constituents in religious and secular communities. What emerges is an excellent example of managing multiple program evaluation demands in programs that are particularly facile at process evaluation in the interest of quality service and relationship building. The article concludes with important lessons learned about the process of program evaluation. 相似文献
This study examines factors influencing “formal” volunteering (that is, to an organization) and “informal” volunteering (that is, volunteering carried out individually outside of an organizational context) and the relationship between these two activities. We hypothesize that formal and informal volunteering activities are positively interrelated but that they are shaped by different types of personal resources: involvement in social networks increases the likelihood of both types of volunteering, but human capital increases the likelihood of formal volunteering rather than informal. The bivariate probit regression results emanating from the Independent Sector's “Giving and Volunteering in the United States, 2001” survey are generally supportive of the hypotheses. The findings suggest that nonprofit and public organizations that involve volunteers consider the pool of informal volunteers as a fertile ground for recruitment and find ways to better utilize older Americans in formal volunteering. The results also suggest that volunteer recruitment through organizational membership may be an effective strategy. 相似文献
Institutionalization of health promotion interventions occurs when the organization makes changes to support the program as a component of its routine operations. To date there has not been a way to systematically measure institutionalization of health promotion interventions outside of healthcare settings. The purpose of the present study was to develop and evaluate the initial psychometric properties of an instrument to assess institutionalization (i.e., integration) of health activities into faith-based organizations (i.e., churches). This process was informed by previous institutionalization models led by a team of experts and a community-based advisory panel. We recruited African American church leaders (N = 91) to complete a 22-item instrument. An exploratory factor analysis revealed four factors: 1) Organizational Structures (e.g., existing health ministry, health team), 2) Organizational Processes (e.g., records on health activities; instituted health policy), 3) Organizational Resources (e.g., health promotion budget; space for health activities), and 4) Organizational Communication (e.g., health content in church bulletins, discussion of health within sermons) that explained 62.3 % of the variance. The measure, the Faith-Based Organization Health Integration Inventory (FBO-HII), had excellent internal consistency reliability (α = .89) including the subscales (α = .90, .82, .81, and .87). This measure has promising initial psychometric properties for assessing institutionalization of health promotion interventions in faith-based settings. 相似文献
Muriel Armijo;Carlos Willatt; 《Children & Society》2024,38(1):1-15
In this paper, we address the relationship between ethics committees and children involved in qualitative educational research in Chile. In light of a central and recurring challenge (protection versus participation) and its implications, we reflect on informed consent as an instrument that embodies the power of ethics committees within the research process. We inform this reflection with extracts of visual ethnographic fieldwork carried out in 2017 in a marginalised school in Santiago, Chile, with children aged from 8 to 13. We draw on the principles of the Belmont Report (respect, beneficence, justice) to contrast procedural with situated ethics. 相似文献
A substantial percentage of volunteer needs are met by a relatively small percentage of individuals. Community volunteer organizations may address these shortages by recruiting volunteers using media campaigns. However, problems occur when perceptions of volunteering differ between volunteers and the organization, with race emerging as a key factor in shaping these perceptions. This article addresses such a gap in perceptions by using focus group data to consider the extent to which African American male volunteers' perceptions and actions align with those of a major US volunteer organization. Our results provide insights on how groups can more successfully reach out to potential volunteers by recognizing and overcoming perceptual and actual differences regarding volunteerism. 相似文献
Dhira Crunkilton 《Journal of Technology in Human Services》2013,31(2):162-173
Journey Mapping is a unique Internet-driven program evaluation tool supporting both qualitative and quantitative data collection. Successful implementation of the tool requires minimal training. The Journey Mapping website is updated on a regular basis to include new features; all users log on and work with the latest version. Journey Mapping supports collection of program outcome data, as well as data for program refinements. Realizing the full potential and benefits of Journey Mapping may depend on integrating the system with staff job designs and the overall mission of the program. 相似文献
Rebecca Taylor 《International Journal of Social Research Methodology》2015,18(3):281-292
Anonymisation processes are an embedded, if contested, element of ethical research practice. Current debates, highlighting various challenges to anonymity, suggest the importance of situated ethics and negotiated solutions. However, the strategies adopted are necessarily mediated by the researcher’s epistemological positions. Longitudinal studies with their extended timeframes and intensive research relationships tend to amplify ethical dilemmas and highlight the contingency and fluidity of ethical processes. Here we explore how temporality intersects with epistemology in a qualitative longitudinal (QL) study of organisations located in a contemporary policy context. We reflect on the confidentiality and anonymity dilemmas that develop and change over time, the strategies adopted and the implications of these for the type of knowledge produced. We suggest that QL studies entail flexibility within epistemological frameworks. These issues have particular resonance and consequences for researchers in light of contemporary pressures around public scrutiny of academic performance and wider debates around public sociology. 相似文献
《Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation》2013,12(3):1-2
Abstract This exploratory, qualitative research was conducted to obtain the perspectives of people with significant physical disabilities regarding factors that have facilitated and hindered the development of a positive self-concept, participation in the broader society, and the formation of interpersonal relationships. The sample was high achieving in terms of education and/or career and attributed positive self-perceptions and their success in the broader society and interpersonal relationships to the attitudes and perceptions regarding their abilities, talents, and potential modeled in supportive family relationships. Females reported the influence of significant others most often, and males the effectiveness of their personality characteristics. Societal barriers, both practical and attitudinal, were reported along with the process for developing a positive self-perception despite these. 相似文献
《Journal of Policy Practice》2013,12(4):55-68
Abstract Debate surrounding the Faith-Based and Community Initiatives draws both fire and praise as the Bush Administration continues to promote the federal funding of partnerships among state and local government and faith-based service providers. President Bush has endorsed religious groups as valuable partners in delivering services that address social problems through a series of Executive Orders. The intent of this article is to further our understanding of the history related to these executive decisions, the different conceptualizations for defining and classifying faith-based organizations, the issues surrounding faith-based organizations, and the legislative effort to make the faith-based initiative a permanent statutory feature. 相似文献
Olav Helge Angell 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2008,19(3):296-315
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate and explain how a Norwegian voluntary, faith-based organization—the Gospel Centre
of Norway (Pinsevennenes Evangeliesenter)—successfully substituted a “network” for “market” strategy vis-à-vis the public sector in order to obtain organizational
legitimacy and financial security. During the first decade of its existence it obtained a unique position in its relationship
with the state, as a separate item in the budget of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. The organization operates in
the field of substance abuse rehabilitation, i.e., in a situation where instrumental effectiveness is difficult to assess.
In such a situation ritual or other institutional criteria may replace effectiveness criteria and impression management is
shown to be a successful strategy. Attention is paid to the relevant environmental conditions under which this organizational
change of strategy was successful.
Olav Helge AngellEmail: |
《Journal of Technology in Human Services》2013,31(3-4):5-22
SUMMARY This paper illustrates the potential for Management Information System (MIS) technology to integrate information collection, management and reporting within a single program or network of organizations. Properly devised and created, MIS applications can improve administration, service delivery and practice evaluation. Three strategies are offered to guide the design and development of MIS software. This paper is based on lessons from the production and implementation of MIS software that serves as a management and evaluation tool for a nationwide policy demonstration. Data from the MIS have helped to shape state and federal policy. 相似文献
《Journal of intergenerational relationships》2013,11(1):113-132
Abstract This article provides strategic insights into developing and evaluating an intergenerational shared site program at The Community Programs Center (CPC) in Port Jefferson, NY. Conducted under a grant from the Administration on Aging, attention is given to the meth odological challenges in conducting intergenerational evaluation research. The Project Evaluator found that the use of videotaping created a host of difficulties for both the staff and participants. Emphasis is given to chronicling the critical importance of developing a multi-pronged approach to gathering data, and the consequences of utilizing graduate students as evaluators. The evaluation component involved comparing two groups of child/elder participants within a day-care setting during an eight-month period of time. Each session was videotaped and later analyzed for changes in certain participant attributes. Based on the observations gathered, it was found that curriculum development, staff commitment, and programmatic flexibility were critical components in creating an intergenerational-shared site program. Also, the teaching orientation of the intergenerational facilitator was found to play a role in fostering communication among the participants. Important recommendations are provided for both intergenerational practitioners and research evaluators who want to replicate the CPC model. Although positive change was observed in select participants, future evaluation efforts must track change and activity outcomes over a greater period of time. 相似文献
《Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work》2013,32(3-4):223-240
Abstract This study examines the methodological challenges associated with conducting research on faith-based organizations. The arguments advanced are based on a group of comparative case studies conducted by the authors on secular and faith-based providers in three different social service domains: (1) transitional housing, (2) parent education, and (3) residential substance abuse treatment programs. All case studies utilized the same research protocol. The study identifies the lessons learned from comparative case study research on faith-based organizations when a similar protocol is implemented to examine a variety of social service domains and provider types. 相似文献