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This paper examines the systems development life cycle (SDLC) as one major way to improve successful development, implementation and use of computer applications in human services. The systems development life cycle of a hospital-based case management system is described to demonstrate a successful system. Issues of the uniqueness of human services applications, the use of microcomputer technology, and prototyping as an alternative to the SDLC are analyzed in relation to the case study.  相似文献   

Australian hospitals regularly care for patients who cannot be discharged routinely due to complex psychosocial needs that manifest as barriers to discharge. These long-stay or “stranded” patients are at risk of detrimental health outcomes resulting from their extended stay while also potentially delaying admission for those who need acute care. This article discusses a new social work led model of care developed at an Australian metropolitan hospital that targets long-stay patients with psychosocial barriers to discharge. The model of care, overseen by a specialist social worker and assistant, demonstrates how the social work profession can take leadership within the psychosocial realm to improve both organisational and patient outcomes.  相似文献   

Homeless children are typically exposed to the worst environmental conditions associated with poverty. Despite recent attention to psychosocial risks associated with homelessness, limited attention has been paid to stress-related symptoms in homeless children. Better understanding of homeless children’s experience of stress could point the way toward improvement of services for them. The purpose of the present exploratory study was to assess associations between child psychosocial riskfactors and emotional and behavioral symptoms of stress in homeless children, Twenty-two homeless nlothers of 29 children between the ages of 2 and 10 were surveyed about known psychosocial risks for homeless children and completed the Pediatric Emotional Distress Scale (PEDS), a 17-item measure of stress-related symptoms in children. Findings suggest that the stress-related symptoms of these children are related to the cumulative effects of environmental risk factors. The PEDS appears to be a sensitive measure of stress in children, and its brevity provides an advantage in assessments in high-stress situations. More developmental work with low-SES samples, however, is recommended.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis examines how interpersonal sensitivity (IS), defined as accurate judgment or recall of others’ behavior or appearance, is related to psychosocial characteristics of the perceiver, defined as personality traits, social and emotional functioning, life experiences, values, attitudes, and self-concept. For 215 independent studies reported in 96 published sources, higher IS was generally associated with favorable or adaptive psychosocial functioning. Significant mean correlations were found for 27 of the 40 categories of psychosocial variables; these categories covered many different personality traits, indicators of mental health, and social and work-related competencies. Moreover, many additional studies that fell outside these conceptual categories also showed significant positive relations between IS and numerous other psychosocial variables. Taken together, the results support the construct validity of IS tests and demonstrate that IS is associated with many important aspects of personal and social functioning.
Judith A. HallEmail:


This paper reports on a two-year project which developed a computerized multiagency database of respite service users. The project's primary aim was to make seven non-profit respite programs technologically self-sufficient in terms of clinical information. The outcomes of computerization for these agencies are discussed, as well as modifications during the post-project period.  相似文献   

This study explores social workers’ perspectives on the psychosocial effects of psychotropic drug treatment of their adolescent clients. Using a mail survey, we asked a national sample of experienced clinical social workers to answer questions about their perceptions of the effects of such treatment on the sense of self and social well-being of an adolescent client. The survey questions also explored associations between perceived psychosocial medication effects and characteristics of the client and the treatment. The findings suggested that social workers viewed medication treatment as having greater beneficial than harmful psychosocial effects on their adolescent clients, but that both effects existed simultaneously. The most important factors associated with the perceived effects of medication that emerged from social workers’ reports included the etiology of the disorder, the type of drug treatment and its effectiveness in addressing symptoms, the client’s “competence,” and the quality of the relationship between the client and the treating social worker. This study provides direction for future research on a neglected but important question. It would be helpful to broaden the scope of professional discourse on the advantages and disadvantages of psychopharmacologic treatment for youth beyond the effectiveness or safety of the treatment to include questions concerning clinicians’ perceptions of the effects of drug treatment on youths’ sense of self and social well-being.  相似文献   

2009年,以色列、伊朗和阿富汗等中东国家相继举行大选。以色列"利库德集团"时隔四年重执权柄,伊朗保守派竞选连任成功,阿富汗普什图族则再掌政权。中东大选表现出社会政治发展的转型性和国家安全的现实威胁性两大共性特征,而不同的历史文化又使其表现出政治发展道路的多样性和政治发展水平的不平衡性等个性特征。一系列大选将对"巴以和平进程"、"伊朗核问题"和"阿富汗重建"产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

2009年,以色列、伊朗和阿富汗等中东国家相继举行大选。以色列利库德集团时隔四年重执权柄,伊朗保守派竞选连任成功,阿富汗普什图族则再掌政权。中东大选表现出社会政治发展的转型性和国家安全的现实威胁性两大共性特征,而不同的历史文化又使其表现出政治发展道路的多样性和政治发展水平的不平衡性等个性特征。一系列大选将对巴以和平进程、伊朗核问题和阿富汗重建产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

通识教育作为一种全人教育,在理念、目标和内涵上与社会主义核心价值观教育存在着高度一致性,为"90后"大学生培育和践行社会主义核心价值观提供了一种新的教育理念和实践形态。为此,发挥两者的耦合效应,从课堂教学、校园文化、社会实践三个维度来深入探索促进社会主义核心价值观教育融入通识教育的途径,并着力构建培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的长效机制。  相似文献   

大学生群体的同学关系呈现出日渐疏离的趋势,这种疏离状况具有普遍性,并不受性别、年级、年龄、生源地等因素的影响。这种同学关系疏离的普遍性状况,实质上是当前社会关系普遍断裂的一个表现。而社会关系的普遍断裂正是转型时期社会失范的重要内涵之一,因此,大学生同学关系的普遍疏离在一定程度上反映了社会失范的普遍性,高校存在的普遍性疏离的危机问题向高等教育提出了巨大的挑战,通识教育可以成为化解普遍性疏离的重要渠道。  相似文献   

陈勇鸣 《科学发展》2011,(10):99-105
从“六普”数据看,上海人口状况与全国有较大不同,全国人口增速减缓,上海人口增长加快;全国人口老龄化加速,上海常住人1:2的老龄化下降,户籍老龄化上升;上海“少子化”比全国更突出;上海比全国获得更多的人口红利;全国人口向经济发达地区流动,上海人口向城郊结合部和郊区流动;上海劳动人1:7高峰年龄段提前全国5—10年,一方面给上海带来就业压力,另一方面使上海比全国更早进入退休高峰期,社会保障面临更大压力。大量外来劳动力进入上海,给上海养老保险制度改革带来契机。扩大城镇养老保险覆盖面,拓宽社会保障资金筹措渠道,加快户籍制度改革,加强对外来人口的服务与管理。加快老龄事业建设,积极应对人口老龄化。  相似文献   

Thousands of children are adopted into the United States each year, many of whom have spent a significant portion of their pre adoptive lives in an institutional setting. Post-institutionalized (PI) children adopted into the United States are often referred for mental health services at higher rates than other groups of children. There is a lack of research examining differences in clinically referred PI children and other groups. The purpose of this study was to address this gap in knowledge. Results from multiple analysis of covariance and follow-up pairwise contrast analyses found significant differences only between PI and domestic adoptees (DA). Specifically, DA exhibited poorer functioning in the areas of attention problems and social problems. Mean scores were above the 85th percentile for all indicators for all groups, indicating the severity of psychosocial problems for the sampled group of clinical referrals. More research is needed that compares the psychosocial problems of PI children to other adopted youth.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the association between mothers’ perceived need for psychosocial services due to exposure to political violence, and theirs and their children’s psychological distress. A representative sample of 904 Israeli mothers of young children aged 2–6 were asked to fill out a questionnaire about exposure to war and other types of trauma, psychological distress, social support, and perceived need for help. The results showed that mothers who reported a need for psychosocial services due to exposure to political violence had higher levels of exposure to political violence, depressive symptoms and more emotional problems in their young children than mothers who reported no need for help. Those who reported a need for psychosocial services also had less social support even when all other variables are controlled. Furthermore, Arab mothers and mothers with low family income perceived a greater need for psychosocial services. The implications of this study are relevant for policies of outreach to vulnerable groups in situations of ongoing political violence.  相似文献   


Domestic and family violence (DFV) is recognised as a health care priority. Women experiencing DFV use health services at a higher rate than the general population. Hospital social workers are an important component of a public hospital response to domestic and family violence but how prepared are they for this role? This research study explored the readiness of social workers in a Melbourne metropolitan hospital setting to respond to DFV. Results indicated that although the social workers had a knowledge base highly relevant for responding to DFV, many lacked specific knowledge of risk assessment, safety planning, legislative responsibilities, and referral pathways for support, including legal support. As a result, it was likely that they were not adequately responding, either by not recognising when they needed to, or with knowledge and confidence when they did. They also identified a range of organisational enablers, including policy, time, and safe conversation spaces.

  • Hospital social workers have a central role to play in responding to domestic and family violence.

  • Hospital social workers need to be better prepared for domestic and family violence responses.

  • Social workers require ongoing training and organisational support including practice protocols and guidelines, and the provision of time and private, safe spaces for sensitive conversations to occur.

  • Universities should ensure that the role of hospital social workers is considered within curriculum addressing the area of domestic and family violence (DFV).


Jay Y. Wu   《Journal of Socio》2008,37(6):2535
Current definitions of organization/corporate cultures overemphasize long-run equilibrium and underplay short-run dynamics; they stress commonalities and overlook diversities, underscore emic analyses and lose sights of etic analyses, and separate the intangible from the tangible; plus are “model unfriendly.” As an alternative approach addressing these problems, we propose a new General Behavioral Model (GBM) and then derive two new definitions of OC that view organizational cultures as [1] accumulated choices and [2] interactions among critical masses of people. Theoretical characteristics and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(2):115-118
Introduction.?The relationship among lifestyle, aging and psychological wellbeing was evaluated in Japanese working men.

Methods.?Self-administered questionnaire on six lifestyle factors and the General Health Questionnaire 12-item version (GHQ12) were administered to 3306 male workers. Health practice index (HPI) was calculated as a desirable lifestyle score by summing up each binary lifestyle score (0, 1), ranging from 0 to 6. To check validity of the study outcome, the authors repeated twice with 1 year interval. HPI was categorised into three groups by the score of 0–2, 3–4 and 5–6.

Results.?The number of subjects categorised by HPI was 532, 1967 and 807, respectively. The mean value of GHQ12 significantly decreased as the HPI increased by adjusting age. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to predict GHQ12 by six lifestyle scores, and age, sleep, night snacking and exercise were significantly related to GHQ12. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted and age in 50s, two-shift work, sleep, night snacking and exercise were significantly associated with GHQ12.

Conclusion.?Although cause–effect relationship cannot make clear, some of desirable health practices and aging were closely related to psychological wellbeing judged by GHQ12.  相似文献   

The study of children' and adolescents' perceptions of bullying has become a topic of particular interest in the scientific community as it enables one to better understand the processes of aggression and victimization, and consequently the emergence of new perspectives that will allow anti-bullying programs to be better matched to their targets. This paper analyzes adolescents' perceptions of bullying and the forms in which it is manifest, finding a difference between the perceptions held by aggressors and victims. It also examines the influence of the factor 'frequency of aggression' on those perceptions. The data acquisition instrument was a questionnaire applied to a sample of 2295 teenagers (M = 13.8, SD = 1.4). The results show that the victims' sole criterion for their conceptualization and identification of bullying is the 'intent to cause harm'. The aggressors, however, stress the criterion of 'power imbalance' rather than 'intent to harm'. The results also show that, as the aggression committed or suffered decreases in frequency, both aggressors and victims tend to legitimize various modes of bullying as a form of peer interaction.  相似文献   

Following the introduction of the Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990, the Veterans Health Administration developed its own advance medical directive (AMD) policy, which most recently states that documentation is mandatory for all hospital patients in all settings. The object of this study was to assess the effectiveness of AMD documentation at a local Veterans Affairs Medical Center. AMD documentation was compared among three inpatient services: surgery, medicine, and psychiatry. Retrospective in nature, 594 inpatient cases were compared. Results revealed that, overall, the rate of AMD documentation was 37.7%. AMD documentation on surgery was statistically more frequent (45.6%) than for either medicine (33.2%) or psychiatry (34.5%). The difference between the numbers of days to AMD documentation for all three services was not statistically significant. While there was no statistically significant difference across gender, Caucasians had AMDs documented more frequently than African Americans (p < .001). Logistic regression reveals that social worker and physician intervention, not patient-specific variables, are the primary predictors of AMD incidence. Policy makers may need to consider the realities of hospital care, especially in emergency settings, and be more specific in the steps of implementation of the policy in the evenings, weekends, and holidays. True adherence to policy implementation may require hospital administrators to increase staff and educational efforts so that the concept of AMD communication and documentation is completely explained to all staff and patients. Policy should include an electronic record reminder that is renewed every 3 years and provisions for accommodating patients who arrive on weekends and holidays, with special awareness of the particular communication needs of minority groups. The study conclusions are that further inquiry is needed to understand these policy nuances to enable the Veterans Affairs Administration to improve its policies and performance in this important aspect of healthcare.  相似文献   

House fires are a common occurrence in the United States, often happening as isolated, personal disasters. This qualitative study examines the responses of 12 children, ages 6 to 17, who were survivors of 12 separate home fires in a Mid-Atlantic city. Two thirds of the families involved were single-parent families receiving public welfare. Children were interviewed between three and four months after the fire. Nine categories concerning the fire experience and its aftermath were identified: exposure, loss, displacement, attribution, stress responses, changes in relationships, self-report of changes in behavior, child's perception of parent's stress and child's view of adulthood and the future. Psychosocial themes that emerged included a sense of fear and blame, sleep disturbances, and a sense of vulnerability. Parents rated their children on a quantitative measure of behavior and social competence. The behavior rating scale revealed that half of the parents rated their child's adjustment after the fire as not normal. Children's reactions to larger-scale disasters are indicated. Implications of these findings for social work practice are discussed.This study was supported by a grant from the Hassel Foundation, Philadelphia, PA.  相似文献   

In this correspondence I postulate a complementary consideration to an article recently published in Nonprofit Management & Leadership: “Factors Attracting Individuals to Nonprofit Management over Public and Private Sector Management” (LeRoux and Feeney 2013). The aim of this correspondence is to provide avenues for further research based on an evaluation of the authors’ analysis and their embedded assumptions on causality and interdependency of the variables used. I perform an extended empirical analysis of the same data as used in LeRoux and Feeney (2013) in which inherent assumptions are adjusted based on available literature. Results show that their conclusions need nuancing, and that further research could focus on (1) a clearer distinction between antecedents and effects of sector of employment, and (2) the different relationships across sectors between work‐related variables, such as job satisfaction, job flexibility, or job clarity.  相似文献   

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