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For many adults, adolescent sexuality is problematic. For adolescents, it may be problematic, powerfully alluring, or simply a part of becoming an adult. Either way, and irrespective of whether they have ever had sex, young persons seeking mental health counseling in an urban mental health clinic express a strong desire to talk about sex and sexuality. Significant gender and age differences are noted in desire to talk about sexuality and mediated by involvement in sexual risk behaviors. Having experienced forced sex is directly related to desire for counseling about sex and sexuality. The findings presented in this article compel clinicians to engage all adolescents in meaningful dialogue about sex and sexuality.  相似文献   


School-aged adolescents spend much of their time in school. As a result, it is important for mental health practitioners who work with adolescents to address their clients' educational concerns and risks. Based on data “mined” from an adolescent intake questionnaire (Adquest), this study explores how adolescents view their educational life and their need to address educational risks clinically. Likewise, the world of work, also important to adolescents, is discussed. Overall, adolescents are concerned about their educational risk factors, want to be employed, and want to talk about both with clinicians in a mental health context.  相似文献   


Inner-city adolescents receiving mental health services often get inadequate medical care. However, when those who seek counseling are asked about their health concerns, they say they want to discuss them with their therapists. Based on responses to a clinical self-assessment questionnaire (Adquest), adolescent mental health clients reported sleep difficulties, weight and eating concerns, and frequent headaches and stomachaches. Age and gender differences in patterns of vulnerability and willingness to talk were explored.  相似文献   


To describe the process that clinicians use to engage vulnerable urban adolescents in mental health counseling, the authors propose a tri-partite model of clinical engagement that takes into account: (1) consumer preference; (2) risk and worry; and (3) youth development (YD) perspectives. These conceptual lenses embody what adolescents want to talk about, their exposure to behavioral and environmental risks, and their coping and strengths. Based on responses given by urban adolescents seeking mental health services to a clinical self-assessment questionnaire (Adquest), this paper uses this tripartite model to summarize patterns of risk that service applicants experience, what they worry about, and how they cope. It explores the substructure of adolescent risk and vulnerability, through factor analysis of relevant items across a broad range of Adquest life areas, to develop a typology of adolescents by risk and worry. Patterns of coping and desire to talk across a range of life areas within this typology are described, as are the practice implications. The authors conclude that even those adolescents who most concern clinicians—because they have high environmental and behavioral risk and low worry-present many different opportunities for engagement.  相似文献   


Via a practice-based research collaboration, clinicians, supervisors, and managers in an urban adolescent mental health program studied previously collected intake information concerning adolescent risk exposures, behaviors, worries, and self-assessed coping. In addition, desire to talk with a mental health counselor about specific risks and worries was systematically analyzed with the aim of generating practice insights into the clinical challenge of engaging urban adolescents in mental health services. Though provided with research consultation, practitioners were full participants in all aspects of the researchprocess. This organizational development process placed strains on the participants and organization, but many benefits were derived from it. One significant benefit was that mining the expressed concerns of clients gave participants a powerful vehicle for reshaping services. The organization came to see its clients as more than mere service recipients, resulting in a recommitment to Youth Development principles and a renewed effort to increase direct client participation in organizational life.  相似文献   


Objective: The present study examined variations in the degree of smartphone use behavior among male and female adolescents as well as the association between various degrees of smartphone use behavior and the vitality and mental health of each gender.

Participants: A total of 218 adolescents were recruited from a junior college in September 2014.

Methods: All the participants were asked to answer questionnaires on smartphone use.

Results: The findings showed that adolescent females as compared with adolescent males exhibited significantly higher degrees of smartphone dependence and smartphone influence. Positive correlations were observed between the duration of smartphone use on weekends and the vitality/mental health of the male adolescents; negative correlations were found between smartphone dependence and the vitality/mental health of males.

Conclusion: The findings demonstrate that adolescent females are deeply affected by their smartphone use. Smartphone dependence may decrease the vitality and mental health of male adolescents.  相似文献   


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and sexual-orientation questioning (LGBQ) adolescents have many of the same health needs as straight adolescents. In addition, they must learn to manage a stigmatized identity that may create confusion, anxiety, and emotional turbulence for them. Beyond stigma, LGBQ youth are often found to be at higher risk for substance abuse, violence, depression, suicide, and sexual health problems. Based on responses given by urban adolescents seeking mental health services to a clinical self-assessment questionnaire (Adquest), this article examines the relationship between sexual identity and risk factors related to safety, health, sex, substance use, family and friends, worries, and their desire to talk about these in counseling. Findings indicate that LGBQ youth are at higher risk than straights, and express greater desire to talk about substance use, health, their personal lives, and their friends. Mental health practitioners working with these young persons must properly assess and address their risks by creating a sense of community and safe environment for open discussion.  相似文献   


This report presents an evaluation of an interactive voice response telecommunications system developed for adolescent health risk screening. The technology provides a means to screen adolescents for general health risks and to score self-reported risk immediately. Adolescents listen to a series of prerecorded risk questions on standard touch-tone telephones and respond by pressing the appropriate keys on the keyboard. Health care workers are provided immediate feedback in the form of a summary fax report. The fax report indicates the adolescent's risk level and suggested interventions. This paper reports on an evaluation of this technology to collect self-reported risk data for 116 adolescents seen in an urban family practice center in Cleveland, Ohio. Clinical impressions of the new technology are reported for a pilot cohort of 22 physicians. The authors examine the process of using this technology to implement screening guidelines in various settings.  相似文献   


Correlates of race/ethnicity and perceived racism among 760 urban, predominantly Hispanic/Latino and African-American, adolescent mental health clients were investigated using an exploratory, clinical data-mining approach. All racial/ethnic groups reported substantial rates of racism, ranging from 80.0% for Asian/Pacific Islanders to 32.4% for Hispanic/Latinos. Racism was associated with significantly elevated environmental risk (e.g., violence, sexual abuse or assault, exposure to drug use), behavioral risk (e.g., drug use) and worry (e.g., worry about hurting self or others, worry about doing dangerous things). Overall, racism was significantly associated with more negative health and well-being outcomes than ability to get a gun, sexual orientation, and being enrolled in school. The authors conclude that experience of racism should be routinely assessed at intake to mental health services along with traumatic experiences such as physical or sexual abuse.  相似文献   

We examined whether adolescent sexual abstinence predicts better adult mental health. A total of 1,917 adolescents, recruited from middle schools at age 13, were surveyed at ages 13, 18, 23, and 29. In bivariate analyses, adolescent sexual abstinence was associated with better mental health at age 29 for females, but not for males; three adolescent factors, educational prospects, family bonding, and unconventionality, were investigated as explanatory variables of this relationship. The abstinence–mental health relationship was nonsignificant when educational prospects were included in multivariate models, and was marginally significant when family bonding and unconventionality were included; all three explanatory factors accounted for significant proportions of the variance in adult mental health. Girls who are uninvolved in school, have weak family backgrounds, and exhibit unconventionality may have poor adult mental health, whether or not they abstain from sex in adolescence. Interventions that strengthen adolescents' connections to families and schools may reduce risk for long-term mental health problems.  相似文献   


Exposure to violence has harmful psychological effects on adolescents, and when asked, inner-city adolescents will talk openly about violence in their lives. In response to a clinical self-assessment questionnaire, prospective adolescent mental health clients revealed high rates of exposure to physical, sexual, and community violence: 73.5% had witnessed violence, 43.6% had been a victim of violence, 26.4% had had their bodies touched in a way that made them feel uncomfortable, 24.4% had been threatened with a weapon, and 11.1% had experienced forced sex. Clients also expressed substantial worry about their own and their friends' dangerous behaviors. Desire to talk to a counselor about safety was significantly related to overall safety risk (p < .001), and over three-quarters of adolescents either wanted or needed to talk with a counselor. Age and gender differences in patterns of vulnerability and type of counseling need were explored.  相似文献   

Four distinct patterns of adolescents' behavioral, emotional, and physiological responses to family conflict were identified during mother–father–adolescent (= 13.08 years) interactions. Most youth displayed adaptively regulated patterns comprised of low overt and subjective distress. Under‐controlled adolescents exhibited elevated observable and subjective anger. Over‐controlled adolescents were withdrawn and reported heightened subjective distress. Physiologically reactive adolescents had elevated cortisol coupled with low overt and subjective distress. Regulation patterns were associated with unique mental health trajectories. Under‐controlled adolescents had elevated conduct and peer problems whereas over‐controlled adolescents had higher anxiety and depressive symptoms. Physiologically reactive adolescents had low concurrent, but increasing levels of depressive, anxiety, and peer problem symptoms. Findings underscore the importance of examining organizations of regulatory strategies in contributing to adolescent mental health.  相似文献   


As the adolescent population living in this country undergoes dramatic demographic changes in the 21st Century, increasing both in numbers and ethnic/racial diversity, practitioners and policy makers need to understand the prevalence of and trends in adolescent risk-taking behaviors, morbidity and mortality. Significant disparities in health status exist by ethnicity/race and gender in areas including: unintentional injury, violence, mental health, substance use, sexual behavior, and disease prevention. The epidemiological profile can help mobilize communities to address adolescent health issues. Developing effective interventions will require an ecological approach that builds on adolescents' assets and takes into account the contexts in which they live.  相似文献   


The family system is integral to adolescent mental health and HIV risk. However, few studies have addressed family variables and adolescent outcomes among African American families. This study tested a longitudinal model of parenting, adolescent mental health, and adolescent HIV risk, among a community sample of low-income, urban African American families from the Collaborative HIV prevention and AdolescentMental Health Project (CHAMP). Consistent with general adolescent population data, we expected less parental monitoring, greater psychological control and less positive parenting to increase risk for adolescent depression and conduct problems. We hypothesized that these variables would in turn increase rates of HIV risk. We followed one hundred and thirty-four African American youth and theirmaternal caregivers as part of the CHAMP project. Study variables included: positive parenting, parental monitoring, psychological control, adolescent distress, conduct problems, and recent HIV risk. We examined the relationship among these variables via longitudinal path analysis. Age was strongly associated with increased adolescent HIV risk. Contrary to hypotheses, more parental psychological control was marginally associated with less HIV risk, while positive parenting was marginally associated with greater HIV risk. Adolescent depression was associated with more conduct problems, but unrelated to HIV risk. Thus, parenting practices generally considered negative might actually be protective among some lower SES African American families. This underscores the importance of extending studies of family context and adolescent risk behaviors to diverse social and ethnic groups. Designing prevention programs for diverse groups will require articulating culturally specific effects for different parenting practice.  相似文献   

College health professionals must find new ways of educating students on finding and evaluating consumer health information, specifically in the online environment. Librarians are trained as information professionals; however, librarians at general academic libraries are not taking a lead role in providing consumer health information. Objective: The authors' purpose in this research was to determine the health information resource needs of college and university students and provide a model for collaboration between college health professionals and academic librarians. Participants and Methods: The authors compared data from a national survey on college health (N = 54,111) with their own results from a survey of general academic librarians (N = 17) to create recommendations for synching students' reported health information needs with librarians' resources. Results: Although the Internet was students' second most-often consulted health information source, they ranked the believability of online health information above only television. In the librarian survey, although 12 respondents indicated that health information provision is a library's responsibility, the majority (n = 11) believed their library's consumer health outreach to be passive. Conclusions: The authors offer recommendations for partnerships between college healthcare professionals and academic librarians to better provide this information to students.  相似文献   


Although adolescents seeking mental health services may not consider them related, the prevalent co-morbidity of substance use and mental health problems makes it imperative that practitioners find ways of engaging troubled youth about substance issues. Based on their responses to a clinical self-assessment questionnaire (Adquest), this study shows that mental health service applicants are willing to disclose their substance use behaviors and are open to talking about them to intake workers. Age and gender differences in substance use patterns and willingness to talk are explored.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated the negative influence of sexual debut during adolescence on mental health outcomes. This article contributes to this literature by investigating whether sexual debut has negative effects on mental health among South Korean adolescents and whether the timing of adolescent sexual debut matters. Drawing on longitudinal data from a nationally representative survey, we first predicted mental health outcomes at one year after high school graduation using first sexual intercourse that had occurred before the outcomes were measured. In a second statistical model, adolescent sexual debut was defined as first coitus that had occurred before high school graduation. Sexual debut was associated with an increase in problematic aggressive behaviors for both genders. In contrast, only girls experienced a rise in depressive symptoms after becoming sexually active. For girls, having sex before high school graduation was correlated with worse mental health outcomes to the extent that sexual debut even enhanced the risk of suicidal ideation. We concluded that the negative effects of sexual activity among South Korean adolescents are attributable mainly to the sexually conservative atmosphere and gendered sexuality in that country.  相似文献   


The author briefly reviews Mental Health on the Campus: A Field Study, published in 1973, noting areas of consensus and points of tension or disagreement that were reported in that study. He then assesses the extent to which the current state of mental health on the campus is an echo of that report. These comparisons form the basis for anticipating the probable direction of future developments in campus mental health. The areas and issues considered include the increased diversity of the student body, the stable incidence of psychotic disorders, the increased prevalence of gender-related diagnoses such as sexual abuse and eating disorders, the continuing financial pressures bearing on campus mental health programs, and the forms of care and treatment that fiscal and other circumstances are imposing. The author concludes that although the resources available and the particular challenges that are faced may have changed, the traditional goals of a campus mental health program, as articulated 75 years ago when the American College Health Association was founded, remain valid, even if they are difficult to attain.  相似文献   

Two studies were constructed to examine the associations between custodial parents' negative disclosures about the other parent after a divorce and parent–adolescent relational quality (closeness and satisfaction) and adolescents' physical and mental health. In general, the results suggested that even though negative disclosures about the other parent might be associated with more cohesive relationships between custodial parents and adolescents, it does not mean that adolescents are immune to the physical and psychological effects of such disclosures. In Study 2, negative disclosures about the other parent were associated with adolescents' increased reports of physical and mental health symptoms. The results revealed a similar effect for general divorce information and adolescents' mental health. However, there was no association for catharsis and adolescents' physical and mental health. The results from both studies also revealed that adolescents perceived that their custodial parents disclosed more negative information about the other parent than the parents perceived that they disclosed.  相似文献   


Research strongly supports an increased risk of substance use disorders among the adolescent children of addicted parents. However, little documentation exists of how these adolescents fare when they present for treatment. This article uses data taken from a two-state study on the effects of adolescent substance abuse treatment to examine the characteristics of adolescents with substance-abusing parents and their outcomes following an episode of outpatient treatment. Although such adolescents enter treatment with greater problem severity in a range of areas, outcomes appear similar to adolescents with no substance-abusing parents. The impact of family and individual counseling on outcomes was also examined, demonstrating mixed results for adolescents with substance-abusing parents.  相似文献   

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