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Based on fundamental studies from behavioural genetics and ecological psychology, the morphogenesis-as-ontology thesis reformulates behavioural science to conform to two dynamic patterns characteristic of the human genome. The first is inherent in the code. The second is intrinsic in transformations essential to development and learning. Consequently, by the same patterns that the genome links human ontology to the biosphere, mind and nature become inextricably linked by anatomy, biophysics and chemistry.

Like the genetic code, our perceptual systems are organised as complementary pairs. Hence complementarity emerges as the default pattern for human thought. Consequently, from the experimental psychology's perspective, complementarity inextricably links everything to everything else. The result is an individual perspective that views mind and nature as a necessary unity. Thus synchronicity between mind and nature becomes a necessary consequence of morphogenesis-as-ontology.

The benefit is conscious understanding of mostly subconscious choices. However, adopting a morphogenetic perspective is tantamount to acknowledging the validity of a radical complementation that characterises the pattern of reasoning generated by and inherent in morphogenesis. The cost is abandonment of a number of revered paradigms, along with many conventional linguistic categories and mathematics that are cherished and supported by deeply entrenched cultural biases.

Hierarchical reasoning sees Homo sapiens as a threat to several species and the ecology. From the morphogenetic perspective the primitive state of human control is too limited to threaten either. When morphogenesis-as-ontology introduces a personal, subconscious, paraverbal reality populated solely by raw feels, conventional hierarchical reasoning is shown to be unrealistic in a morphogenesis epistemological framework. Though the potential consequences for the future of behavioural genetics, behavioral research, ethical philosophy, politics and economics may be extensive and profound, the consequences for the Earth's ecology will be negligible.  相似文献   


<![CDATA[Clay Shirky's focus in his book, Here Comes Every-body, is on ‘the power of organizing without organizations’. The challenges from the book's focus and the title of his essay, ‘Ontology is overrated’, come at a time of crisis when practically all the institutions are now under critical public review and Lakoff's ‘new reality’ is reevaluating the roles of language, philosophy, logic and mathematics. Consequently, if Mindscape is considered, institutional ontology and personal ontology are divided into six categories, all antagonistic due to irreconcilable differences regarding priorities. Worst, people experience and define ‘reality’ differently under different circumstances and mindscape modes, depending on the state of their mindscape modes. The result is a multiverse, a global constellation of virtual realities. From some perspectives it would be reasonable to conclude, that the genome strategy presented here together with its implied paradigm merely compete with a host of other myths and metaphors for the imagination.]]>

<![CDATA[True, small world networks are organizing personal ontology in a multiverse of virtual individual realities. Even so, virtual realities do not imply arbitrary realities. All life as we know it is included in the genome's cluster gestalt strategy. Mapping of the human genome marks a turning point because a wrong choice is not an option. Morphogenesis as ontology suggests that the genome and ecology remain in sync by genome corrections that are often experienced as natural catastrophes. Ostensibly, the genome's cluster gestalt strategy consists of producing individual variants of the genome. Only those individuals that survive the dynamics of Earth's ecology and reproduce to continue to contribute code to the gene pool. There are species that reproduce by cloning, others by sexual reproduction. Humans and dogs are just two of countless species that cling desperately to an eventually to be incinerated rock in space.]]>  相似文献   

Practical concepts and interventions for counsellors and their clients are presented based on Maruyama's concept of feedback. Elements of psychodynamic theory, Weinberg's theory and Moreno's role theory are reformulated in terms of feedback. The concept of feedback also links network theory and chaos theory; cognitive challenges and psychodynamic interpretation. This forms an integrative framework for understanding human functioning. Human functioning emerges from the interaction of innumerable intrapersonal and interpersonal feedback loops. The feedback loops organise a network of actions, ideas and feelings, and a network of roles. Some feedback loops tend to intensify life difficulties, while others tend to resolve these difficulties. The counselling interventions evolved from problem‐gambling counselling practice, and sample interventions are provided based on a composite problem gambler.  相似文献   


A reading is presented of The Namesake and The Tree Bride as diasporic novels that transnationalise the host culture by inscribing the ethnicity and history of Bengal on to the cultural topography of America. This interpolation is contextualised both in terms of the 'Bengal connection' — the now occluded saga of Bengal's rich commercial and intellectual contacts with New England from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries — and the changing paradigms of immigrant socialisation from the melting pot to multiculturalism and beyond. The inference drawn is that the non-Eurocentric and non-Atlantic 'Bengal connection', which may be taken as emblematic of other such strands in American society, not only troubles monologic myths of 'Americanness', but simultaneously interrogates the sufficiency of the 'Atlantic' template as the marker of a multi-ethnic nation. A suggested alternative is Tagore's 'vernacular nationalism' that admits intrinsic otherness as integral to its conception of national identity.  相似文献   


This article advocates that inter-ethnic contact and cross-cultural traffic condition the possibilities of imagining Asian American and Chicana/o identities, respectively, in early Asian American and Chicana/o novels. Using Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior and Sandra Cisneros' The House on Mango Street as my primary examples, I demonstrate how early Asian American and Chicana/o literatures that have been critiqued almost exclusively within binary analytic paradigms articulate identity within a diverse field of racial and cultural differences. I argue that, in order to regard properly the inter-ethnic trends of recent US fiction and to liberate foundational minority texts from ethnic specific enclaves within US institutions, scholars need to recognize how negotiating a diverse spectrum of racial and cultural distinctions is a critical element of the early Asian American and Chicana/o literary imagination.  相似文献   


In the aftermath of mass migrations from Europe, most Americans have been of European descent, i.e., “white.” From said migration light skin evolved as the American ideal not irrelevant to people of color. Using a sample of African-American college freshmen, hypotheses were formulated to assess extent of the problem and by inference the Bleaching Syndrome. According to these data, there is a statistically significant relationship between self-identified skin color correlated with light skin providing evidence of the Bleaching Syndrome (the conscious awareness of the cognitive and attitudinal levels of the similarities and differences between the dominant group mainstream and dominated out-group to negate one's self for the purposes of assimilation). Those who study people of color are then challenged to decipher the maze of tradition and create a suitable climate for the study of human behavior in the social environment. In this they will accommodate social justice and an overall ability of diverse groups to assimilate.  相似文献   

Vygotsky proposed that schools have an essential role to play in the socialization of scientific or academic concepts. The aim of this article is to expand and revise Vygotsky's proposal using Grice's work on the informal logic underlying everyday conversations. We argue that both academic and everyday conversations rely on Grice's Cooperative Principle and his maxims of quantity, quality, relation, and manner. These two types of conversations do differ, however, in terms of the degree and type of accountability to which the participants are subjected. For example, even among familiar interlocutors, mathematics explanations must exhibit informativeness, logical coherence, veridicality, relevance, and clarity. One teacher's requesting and revoicing strategies (types of conversational metamessages) are examined to illustrate the contributions of a Gricean perspective to our understanding of the socialization of the mathematics register.  相似文献   


Family involvement in school, children's relationships with their teachers, and children's feelings about school were examined longitudinally from kindergarten through fifth grade for an ethnically diverse, low-income sample (N = 329). Within-families analyses indicated that changes in family involvement in school were directly associated with changes in children's relationships with their teachers and indirectly associated with changes in children's feelings about school, with student–teacher relationships mediating this latter association. Increases in family involvement in school predicted improvements in student–teacher relationships, and, in turn, these improvements in student–teacher relationships predicted improvements in children's perceptions of competency in literacy and mathematics as well as improvements in children's attitudes toward school, more generally. These results are consistent with systems theories of child development and help answer why family educational involvement matters for low-income children. This research was supported by a grant to the authors from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (5R03HD052858-02). Principal investigators of the School Transitions Study were Deborah Stipek, Heather Weiss, Penny Hauser-Cram, Walter Secada, and Jennifer Greene, who were supported in part by grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, The Foundation for Child Development, and the William T. Grant Foundation.  相似文献   


Debora Vogel (1900–1942) helped develop modernism in Lviv in the interwar period. As a philosopher and writer, she was able to make connections between the dominant Polish school of philosophical logic (the so-called Lviv-Warsaw School) and the artistic circles in Lviv, to which Bruno Schulz, Stanis?aw Ignacy Witkiewicz and Leon Chwistek belonged.

Inspired by Cubism and Surrealism, but also by recent philosophical discussions, Vogel developed a writing technique called montage. In her poems and prose written in Yiddish and Polish, she reflected on the relationship between humans and modern urban architecture, playing with mathematical or geometric words and color predicates. At the same time she abandoned traditional narrative models with her style of writing.

In view of the above, this article presents Vogel's experimental writing practices and aesthetics concepts by locating her work in Lviv's culture of knowledge.  相似文献   


This paper reflects upon some mixed messages found in recent consultation and framework documents that have been issued as part of the debate surrounding the Government's emphasis upon education and training within its 'modernisation' agenda. It identifies the long-standing arguments about 'testing' versus 'learning' or 'contextual' paradigms and suggests that, perhaps, there is still scope to influence the future direction of social work. The author has drawn upon his research with social workers and their team managers in current post-qualification award programmes to argue for a renewed emphasis upon the inter-personal and relationship aspects of educational processes within more broadly conceived socio-cultural contexts. A focus upon reflexively defined concepts of 'engagement' and 'assessment' is used to explore constructivist arguments that locate individuals within an interplay of potential and constraints. It is argued that constructive engagements within revised conceptions of assessment can form the basis of a framework of continuing professional development that starts from and develops the unique realities of social work practice. This requires the committed involvement of more people, in the negotiation of a professional practice agenda for knowledge creation through relationships, rather than the imposition of more measures.  相似文献   


This article traces an evolution in Jack London's views on violence from 'Revolution', The Iron Heel and 'Goliath' to The Assassination Bureau. In the former, London hailed acts of terrorism as a means of revolutionary struggle; in the latter, he denounced violence as a socially inexpedient tactic. Possible reasons for this shift in vision are considered. One of these was the impact of dramatic events in Russia. Methods used by the 'Fighting Organization of the Social Revolutionary Party' were indirectly described in The Iron Heel and viewed approvingly. A subsequent disillusionment with its activities is reflected in The Assassination Bureau. The role of William Walling, a famous journalist-socialist who became a prototype of Winter Hall, is discussed in the article. The plot of the never-completed late novel and the characterization testify to a change, though temporary, in London's Social Darwinistic sensibilities.  相似文献   


Although the name of the folklorist Peter Kireevskii is well known to historians of nineteenth-century Russia, comparatively little has been written about his place within the Slavophile circle. Some scholars have treated him as the 'first' Slavophile. Others have questioned whether his views were in any sense really Slavophile at all. This article argues that Peter Kireevskii's life-long interest in Russian folklore was rooted both in his understanding of the Russian countryside and his exposure to the influence of a Russian Romantic tradition that viewed the narod as the authentic representative of national identity. It suggests that Kireevskii was from his youth convinced that Russia possessed a culture and history that was equal in value to any country in the West, but that it was only in the late 1830s that he stressed the role played by Orthodoxy in shaping Russia's development. Although his mature views brought him closer to the Slavophile 'mainstream', there were always some elements that set him apart, perhaps reflecting the fact that Slavophilism was a more eclectic and diverse phenomenon than sometimes realized.  相似文献   


Bureaucratic confusion and client dissatisfaction since the 1996 changes in welfare policy opened opportunities for third party advocacy on behalf of welfare clients. This paper evaluates Los Angeles ACORN's case advocacy program for welfare clients. Outcomes analyzed include client satisfaction with ACORN's advocacy and effects of the program on welfare clients who later became ACORN members. Ninety-one percent of clients surveyed (N = 99) stated they were satisfied with the resolution of their welfare case complaint. Eighty-eight percent of respondents stated ACORN did a better job resolving their problem compared to the welfare department. Unique aspects of the program include peer advocacy and opportunities for welfare recipients to join ACORN and work on welfare policy changes among other issues.  相似文献   

Social work's conventional “value-talk” presents a professionally neutral value-system for making moral judgements, but paradoxically neglects the professional social role of making moral judgements on behalf of society. Conventional statements of social work's moral values neglect economic, political, and aesthetic value judgements and issues of logic, rhetoric, and epistemology, which should also be included in value debate. Social work's value codes are not 'basic', because they are not usable in practice, are not distinctive, comprehensive, or universal. Historical and sociological evidence suggests that social workers make moral judgements of their clients on behalf of society. These judgements should be earned out within a more comprehensive and better articulated value system, which is applied in the detail of everyday practice.  相似文献   


In the work of Levinas, thought of the Other establishes an infinite responsibility and in that of Derrida's latest work an infinite duty of hospitality. Such thought nonetheless leaves a problem of judgement and decision. This paper uses the work of the French philosopher René Girard, and in particular his account of scapegoating, to critically discern between malign and benign otherness. It argues that a logic of undecidability needs an ethical hermeneutics capable of discerning between good and evil.  相似文献   


The western portion of the Canada-US border has always been problematic. Since it does not follow any 'natural' divide, such as a river, lake, or mountain range, it tends to be seen as an aberration, a political construct that lacks logic of its own. However, in his 2009 satire Border Songs, the Washington State novelist Jim Lynch reintroduces the Canada-US border as a marker of significant cultural and political difference. Even though he describes the international boundary as a 'nonsensical' line, Lynch suggests that people on the two sides of the border have remarkably different views of the world, notably when it comes to such issues as pot-growing and terrorism.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to outline and assess the utility of a model capable of accounting for several consequences of confinement. Toward that end an attempt is made to integrate several variables emphasized by the two basic paradigms which have been advanced to account for patterns of assimilation into the inmate society, the “deprivation model” and the “importation model,” into a model that draws heavily on the logic of Etzioni's compliance theory.

The findings, which are based on an analysis of data obtained from a sample of 276 inmates confined in a maximum security penitentiary, provide substantial support for the theoretical expectations. Specifically, two measures of assimilation into the inmate society, degree of prisonization and type of social role adaptation, are shown to be related to several indicators of preprison experience, prison-specific influences, and the quality of post-release expectations. These two assimilation variables, in turn, are shown to be strongly associated with variables which imply that coercive organizations of the type represented by prisons are most unlikely to attain any rehabilitative goals. To the contrary, they seem far more likely to stimulate changes that are predictive of postrelease reinvolvement in criminality.  相似文献   

This paper examines two fundamentally different types of government work programs that have been implemented in the U.S. from the 1930's through the 1980's. Voluntary job creation programs, such as the Works Progress Administration in the 1930's and the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act in the 1970's, have created conflicts with the logic of capitalist production- for-profit. Contradictory regulations designed to avoid these conflicts have led to criticisms of the programs as "make-work" and inefficient. On the other hand, mandatory programs, such as workfare and the 1988 Family Support Act, have channeled welfare recipients into the low wage labor market and are consonant with production-for-profit criteria. Drawing on this analysis, principles and policies are suggested for a progressive government work program.  相似文献   

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