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Classroom teachers routinely face the values crisis of the divorce explosion that has become characteristic of a society that no longer considers marriage and family a sacred trust. Frequently students bring their problems to school with them where they reach out to their teachers for help they often are not able to get elsewhere. More teachers should learn to accommodate the needs of the growing number of children experiencing a values crisis associated with divorce. The first step is for school systems, schools, and teachers to become better prepared to teach human values along with facts and concepts. The second step is for teachers to develop ways to supplement the school counselor's role in working with the children of divorce, a task often requiring a system-wide or school-wide effort. Without such help, however, teachers still can learn to recognize and respond to pleas for help when they occur in the context of a math, science. English, or other course. Often teachers can help by just being willing to listen and to allow a free exchange of ideas within the framework of generally accepted community values and proven counseling theory.  相似文献   

Children's relationships with their teachers are critical for classroom-based learning, but children growing up in poverty may be at risk for lower-quality relationships with teachers. Little is known about how changing schools, one poverty-related risk, affects teacher–child relationships. Using growth curve models that control for a host of other poverty-related risks, this study explores the association between children changing schools frequently (defined as three or more school moves) between preschool and third grade and the quality of their relationships with their teachers over these five years in a low-income, ethnic-minority sample. Children who frequently moved schools were reported to be less close to their teachers in third grade and experienced steeper declines in closeness than children who did not change schools frequently. Moreover, the effects of frequent school mobility at third grade were robust to other poverty-related risks, including residential mobility, parental education risk, family income, and single-parent households. Changing schools was unrelated to children's conflict with teachers. We discuss these findings in the context of policies that support students’ transitions when changing schools.  相似文献   

Over a million children under the age of 18 are involved annually in the breakup of their families through divorce. The majority receive no support to help them cope with the crisis. This paper proposes the establishment of situation/transition groups within the schools, led by school mental health personnel: school psychologists, social workers, and guidance counselors. The groups provide immediate crisis intervention and ongoing support to children of divorcing parents, as a means of preventing the development of psychopathology.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(4):221-246

This paper examines data from a panel study on the long-term effects of parental marital quality and divorce on relationships between parents and adult children. Attention is focused on whether these effects vary by age and gender of child as well as the theoretical explanations linking mother-father and parent-child relations. The relational quality between adult children (18-31 years old) and both mothers and fathers is examined from the perspective of both children and parents. Among intact families, parental marital quality has long-term effects on father-child relations, regardless of gender, whereas short-term effects are characteristic of mother-child relations and only perceived by mothers. Further, although divorce without remarriage hurts sons' relationships with both fathers and mothers, it hurts father-daughter relations even more. Mother-daughter bonds appear to be improved by divorce, with declines in income explaining a large portion of the tendency for divorce to affect father-child relations.  相似文献   

Research on divorce has found that adolescents’ feelings of being caught between parents are linked to internalizing problems and weak parent‐child relationships. The present study estimates the effects of marital discord, as well as divorce, on young adult offspring's feelings of being caught in the middle (N =632). Children with parents in high‐conflict marriages were more likely than other children to feel caught between parents. These feelings were associated with lower subjective well‐being and poorer quality parent‐child relationships. Offspring with divorced parents were no more likely than offspring with continuously married parents in low‐conflict relationships to report feeling caught. Feelings of being caught appeared to fade in the decade following parental divorce. These results suggest that, unlike children of divorce, children with parents in conflicted marriages (who do not divorce) may be unable to escape from their parents’ marital problems—even into adulthood.  相似文献   

The impact of divorce on children has been well documented over the past 30 years. Divorcing parents who are also experiencing clinical depression often have a compromised ability to parent well and to give the children needed support. Children are then impacted both by the divorce itself and the effects of parental depression. They are at higher risk of numerous problems including poorer physical health, deficits in academic performance not attributable to intellectual limitations, poor social functioning, conduct disorder and other disruptive behavior problems, phobias, and other anxiety disorders. Because children of depressed parents are at higher risk for depression themselves, they should be monitored for depressive symptoms. If there are concerns, the child should be assessed by a mental health professional.  相似文献   

This study compares children who experienced divorce in childhood with those who were young adults when their parents divorced to differentiate between long‐term effects of divorce resulting from preexisting factors, including the child's behavioral problems and psychological status as well as the family's economic circumstances, and those resulting from divorce itself. We used National Child Development Study data on 11,409 British children born in 1958 and followed up until age 33. Children's long‐term welfare appears to be linked both to conditions preceding and following the divorce event. The results point to some limitations of existing studies on divorce and suggest caution in drawing conclusions about average effects of divorce. The impact of divorce appears to be a complex blend of selection and socialization.  相似文献   

The authors used child fixed effects models to estimate the effects of parental divorce and death on a variety of outcomes using 2 large national data sets: (a) the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort (kindergarten through the 5th grade) and (b) the National Educational Longitudinal Study (8th grade to the senior year of high school). In both data sets, divorce and death were associated with multiple negative outcomes among children. Although evidence for a causal effect of divorce on children was reasonably strong, effect sizes were small in magnitude. A second analysis revealed a substantial degree of variability in children's outcomes following parental divorce, with some children declining, others improving, and most not changing at all. The estimated effects of divorce appeared to be strongest among children with the highest propensity to experience parental divorce.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that recent increases in parental divorce have inhibited the development of trust among offspring. This proposition is tested by examining whether parental divorce is associated with offspring trust in parents, intimate partners, and others. Data come from the Marital Instability Over the Life Course Study. Results reveal that although parental divorce is negatively associated with trust, these effects largely disappear once the quality of the past parent‐teen relationship is taken into account. The one exception is trust in fathers where children of divorce remain at higher risk of mistrust. Trust in parents, intimates, and others is strongly linked to positive parent‐teen relationships regardless of parental divorce. Contemporary relationship experiences also influence trusting intimates and others.  相似文献   

Without exception divorce is a significant event in the life of any child. For the child, divorce may represent a sense of loss, a sense of failure in interpersonal relationships, and a prelude to a difficult transition to new life patterns. Unfortunately, in our society today there is a limited support system available to the family through this process of change and emotional stress. Today, regardless of even religious beliefs, it is widely accepted that there are those situations in which it is impossible for all family members to remain together in the traditional pattern of living. The psychological effects of divorce and separation on children cannot be viewed in a unitary way. The circumstances around the divorce and separation must be considered as well as the age, sex, and personality makeup of the child. When we consider the effect of divorce or separation on children, we must equally consider the effects of living in a home where there may be ongoing tension, conflict and stress. "For the sake of the child," regardless of the short and long-term consequences, divorce or separation at times is the most viable solution to optimizing the potential of that child for sound emotional and personal growth.  相似文献   

There has been much research on the influence of parental divorce on children, but less is known about whether and how a later-life parental divorce influences the lives of adult children. Through qualitative interviews with 40 adult children of divorce—those whose parents divorced after they were 18 years of age—adult sibling relationships were explored to determine if a mid- to late-life parental divorce affects the adult sibling relationship. The majority of participants reported that their sibling relationships were not negatively affected by the parental divorce; however, a minority of participants noted that their adult sibling relationships were negatively affected, especially if they “took sides” during the parental divorce.  相似文献   


This is a replica of a study carried out in 1988. Its main objective is to reexamine after 20 years how teachers' and 8th-grade students' evaluations of a child's academic, social, and emotional functioning are affected by the knowledge that the child's parents are divorced. One hundred and twenty junior high school students and 115 female teachers watched a specially produced film of a child engaged in various activities. The child's gender and family structure were experimentally manipulated. The main results show that whereas in the earlier study both teachers and the students rated the child of divorce more negatively than the child of an intact family, in this study this was true only for the teachers. These and other results are discussed in the context of cultural attitudes, the more extensive contact teachers have with children of divorce, and the risk that they and their students become trapped in the Pygmalion cycle.  相似文献   

The authors examined the effects of divorce on the school behavior of a sample of 32 second, third, and fourth grade children. Results suggested that coparental relationsip variables (such as frequency and quality of interaction) may be more significant influences on children's school behavior than the marital status of their parents. In this regard: (1) only one significant differences was found in the school behavior of children from divorced and those from the control group of intact families; (2) regression analyses did not select family status as a significant predictor of problem variables and children's school behavior. These results have implications for teachers and for mental health professionals who counsel post-divorce families.  相似文献   

The effects of parental emotional divorce on the levels of depression, anxiety, stress, and aggression in children, as measured by the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) and Aggression Questionnaire were studied. The measures were administered to a sample of 81 Iranian children ranging in age from 10 to 12 years old; 50 were in the legal divorce group and 31 were in the emotional divorce group. Children of emotionally divorced parents showed significantly higher levels of emotional and behavioral problems than counterparts from legally divorced parents. They reported more depression, anxiety, stress, and aggression. Additionally, moderate, severe, and extremely severe levels of emotional and behavioral problems were more common among emotional divorce children than legal divorce ones. In conclusion, the findings clearly showed that emotional divorce is more harmful than legal divorce. The differences between emotionally divorced and legally divorced families and the diversity of emotional and behavioral reactions among their children are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of divorce on children in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A structured questionnaire was conducted with 1,742 divorced women and SPSS was used for quantitative data analysis. The aim of this quantitative analysis was to determine the social, psychological, health, and schooling effects of divorce on children (ages 1–18) in the UAE. The study confirmed that children are adversely affected. The study found that divorce was associated with a higher incidence of several impacts of divorce such as economic hardship, lack of concentration in school, sleeping disorders, and challenge and stubbornness. This is the first study in the UAE exploring the social, psychological, health, and schooling effects of divorce on children and to gain an understanding of the unknown aspects of the divorce phenomenon in the region.  相似文献   

Research has revealed many detrimental effects of divorce upon children often related to ongoing conflict between biological parents. A therapeutic model, demonstrated by a case example, is presented which targets the conflict between divorced parents. This therapeutic approach is based upon negotiating cooperation among custodial and nonastodial parents. This is accomplished by clarifying the changed relationships resulting from divorce between the adults and children allowing all members of the divorced families to grieve the loss of predivorce relationships. Distinct new relationships are defined between all family members which reduce the need for adults to compete in relationships with the children.  相似文献   

We investigated the link between migration, family structure, and the risk of dropping out of upper secondary school in Mexico. Using two waves of the Mexican Family Life Survey, which includes 1,080 upper secondary students, we longitudinally modeled the role of family structure in the subsequent risk of dropping out, focusing on the role of migration in single motherhood. We found that children living without a father because of international migration or divorce or separation are at a greater risk relative to children in 2‐parent households. Economic characteristics of the household provide a partial explanation for children living in single‐mother households because of divorce or separation but do not explain the greater risk of dropping out for children with fathers in the United States.  相似文献   

It is generally difficult to separate the effects of divorce from selection when analyzing the effects of parental divorce on children’s risk behaviors. We used propensity score matching and longitudinal data methods to estimate the effects of parents’ divorce on their children’s binge drinking, alcohol consumption, tobacco use, marijuana use, and hard drug use. The children were between 12 and 18 years old in the first survey and between 18 and 24 years old in the second survey. Our results suggest that parental divorce significantly increased the probability of risk behaviors in their children. Moreover, many of these adverse impacts persisted over time, especially among teenage girls.  相似文献   

Children's computer exposure is rapidly growing. Several studies have suggested children using computers may be at risk of developing musculoskeletal symptoms. General models and theories relating to the causality of negative musculoskeletal outcomes in adult workers demonstrated relationships between workplace factors and musculoskeletal outcomes. When examining children's computer exposure it is evident that their use is different. Even though risk factors may be similar, due to the nature of children and their computer environments, the potential risk factors and thus a proposed model of causal relationships between exposure and outcomes may differ. Objective: To develop a model of factors influencing computer exposure and musculoskeletal symptoms in children. Methods: 1351 children (or their parents for Year 1 children) in school Years 1, 6, 9 and 11 (ages ~ 6,11,14,16 years) from 10 schools in Western Australia were surveyed on a range of user characteristics, computer exposure and musculoskeletal symptoms. Results: Potential risk factors for childrens' computer exposure and musculoskeletal outcomes were multivariable. Factors such as age, gender, somatic complaints, flow, computer anxiety, computer, TV and physical activity exposure, and SES were related to computer exposure and children's reports of musculoskeletal symptoms. Significance: Developing a child-related computer exposure model to understand relationships between potential risk factors and musculoskeletal symptoms will assist academics, teachers and parents to develop a better understanding of the risk factors for children's computer exposure.  相似文献   

No-fault divorce laws, and the lowering of the age of minority from 21 to 18 years have combined to have unintended negative impact on the children of divorce. Previous research has shown that children whose parents are divorced are at increased risk for emotional problems and a reduced standard of living. This study was conducted to learn more about the effects of parental divorce on a young person's access to a college education. A questionnaire was developed to learn how students pay for college, and what non-financial support they receive from parents. The questionnaire was administered to a randomly selected sample 9 of 19 students at a state university. Findings indicated that young people whose parents were divorced received higher Pell grants, were more likely to provide more of their own necessities, and were more likely to repay their college loans themselves. Further, young people whose parents were divorced were much more likely to have their material and fnancial needs met by their custodial parents rather than their noncustodial parents. Implications are that young people with divorced parents may have less financial support for college from their family, and the support they receive is much more likely to come from their custodial than noncustodial parent. Changes in child support laws and financial aid policies are recommended.  相似文献   

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