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The hypothesis that the relations of effortful control and impulsivity to children's agreeableness would be at least partly indirect through their resiliency was tested. Eighty‐two children (M age=58.67 mos.) were participants. Children nominated peers on agreeableness and completed a behavioral measure of effortful control. Teachers and a subsample of parents reported on children's effortful control, impulsivity, resiliency, and agreeableness. In a structural equation model, effortful control predicted high agreeableness, and this relation was indirect through resiliency. Impulsivity predicted high resiliency and was negatively related to agreeableness. In an alternative model, effortful control predicted high resiliency indirectly through agreeableness and impulsivity was not related to agreeableness. A third model indicated that with the exception of a path from effortful control to agreeableness, agreeableness and resiliency did not predict effortful control or impulsivity. The findings suggest that effortful control and impulsivity may contribute to resiliency and agreeableness, that resiliency and agreeableness are interrelated, and that resilient children are not overly controlled.  相似文献   

The significance of the synergy between promoting resiliency and the strengths-based perspective is well established in gerontological social work. This article reports on qualitative research that suggests another potentially productive synergy, one that can result from the interaction between the capacities for resiliency and lifelong learning. These findings emerged from a qualitative study involving 12 older women (ages 64–72) participating in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Southern Maine. Lifelong learning is defined as a cognitive process by which individuals continue to develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes over their lifetime. The implications of the data are considered from a multidisciplinary perspective that includes gerontological social work, educational gerontology, and adult learning. Specific social work research and practice initiatives that could confirm and operationalize this synergy are suggested.  相似文献   

Case consultation is an important part of deepening a clinician's therapeutic skills. However, consultation is not theory neutral: Each theory of therapy guides consultants according to their particular theoretical orientation. Control-mastery theory assumes that clients come into therapy desiring to solve their problems and have a tentative unconscious plan for working in therapy. These assumptions have been supported by 40 years of research data. Although control-mastery theory is written in everyday language without jargon, it takes considerable time to learn to apply the theory because each plan formulation is case specific. Consultation relies on the examination of detailed process notes, within and across sessions, as well as the therapist's affective reactions to the client. Initially, it can help the therapist formulate the client's unconscious plan and determine the types of interventions that will be most helpful. Consultation is also useful during ongoing therapy to help the therapist maintain (or regain) the focus on the client's unconscious plan, especially when it is derailed by transference enactments.  相似文献   

Challenges exist in assimilating palliative care within community-based services for nursing home eligible low-income elders with complex chronic illness as they approach the end of life (EOL). This study assessed the feasibility of a consultation model, with hospice clinicians working with three Care Wisconsin Partnership Program teams. Consults occurred primarily during team meetings and also informally and on joint patient visits and were primarily with the palliative care nurse addressing physical issues. Fifty-seven percent of consultant recommendations were implemented. Benefits of consultation were identified with focus groups of clinical staff as were opportunities and barriers to the implementation. Models of integration are proposed.  相似文献   

This article describes an approach for working with individuals who have dementia, along with their spouses or partners. The 5-week intervention focuses on helping couples communicate, reminisce about the story of their relationship, find photographs and mementoes from their past, and develop a book that incorporates these mementoes. This clinical approach highlights the strengths and the resilience of couples and adds to the limited repertoire of dyadic interventions for dementia care which are currently available. Preliminary findings from 24 couples are presented, including the intervention's feasibility and acceptability.  相似文献   

折衷整合心理咨询理论与实践探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国内外研究表明 ,折衷整合的心理疗法正呈现出强盛的发展势头 ,将成为未来心理咨询治疗的主流。异常心理问题主要表现在认知、情绪、行为三个方面。在遵循人性化、实用化、整体化原则的基础上 ,采取各种适宜的方法 ,围绕认知、情绪、行为进行咨询治疗 ,就会取得全面深入的效果  相似文献   

范明林  程金 《社会》2005,25(5):118-142
中国城市社区建设自上世纪90年代初起发展至今已有十多年的历史,在这个历程中,城市社区建设不仅与社会结构转型、管理体制转轨、社会组织功能分化和重新定位的社会演进密切联系,而且与民众主体意识的逐渐萌芽和民间组织自治化趋向不断增强的社会现实相互促进(朱健刚,1999;王思斌,2001)。因此,社区建设及其未来走向是一个值得关注的话题。一、引言1949年以后的中国社会结构是以国家权力的不断强化为其主要特征的(路风,1989;孙立平、王汉生,1994)。1954年通过《城市街道办事处组织条例》,开始逐渐健全由市、区、街道和居委会组成的城市行政管…  相似文献   

Even though only one person in the marital relationship is likely to have the diagnosis, demenita really has two victims-the inflicted spouse and the caregiver. Research on both these 'victims' to date, has been largely restricted to furthering an understanding of the issues from a medical and stress/burden perspective. Only limited attention has been given to addressing the psychodynamic issues which evolve in reaction to the disease process. These issues however, have important implications on service needs and utilization and warrant exploration. Self psychology offers a promising framework for doing this. The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of dementia on the marital unit using this theoretical perspective.  相似文献   

Potential uses of time-series designs for formative program evaluation are illustrated, and the relationship between single-case experiments and quasi-experimental time-series designs is discussed. Four variations of time-series design are presented: interrupted time-series with follow-up, replicated time-series, step-wise time-series, and time-series with reversal patterns. Advantages and limitations of each design are considered in relation to program evaluation, and attention is given to special problems in using time-series data in organizational research.  相似文献   



School shootings have approached epidemic levels in recent years. While mental illness is undoubtedly involved in nearly all cases of mass school violence, we sought to determine how environmental context may exacerbate preexisting personal factors. The present study investigated the associations between mass school shootings, school enrollment size, student–teacher ratios, and student transitions.


Our sample consisted of twenty-two mass school shooting cases between January 1995 and June 2014. Information about school shootings was gathered using preexisting school shooting databases and news media reports. Using state and national databases, data regarding school size and student–teacher ratios of incident schools were collected. Information about schools where shooters previously attended, as well as state average school statistics, were also obtained.


Schools where mass shootings occurred had significantly higher enrollments than their state average counterparts. Additionally, students who committed a mass school shooting were significantly more likely to have previously attended a school with a smaller student body and/or a lower than state average student–teacher ratio.


Our findings are consistent with previous literature indicating that smaller schools are less likely to experience acts of mass violence. Additionally, our results suggest that transitioning from a smaller, more supportive school to a larger, more anonymous school may exacerbate preexisting mental health issues among potential school shooters. The results of this study have significant implications for educational policy reform.  相似文献   

随着越来越多的农民工子女进入了城市的打工子弟学校,关注打工子弟学校发展存在的困境及解决措施是有必要的。本文论述了打工子弟学校的缘起及其存在的内外困境,然后结合学校社会工作的理论和笔者参与的实务工作说明学校社会工作者的介入对于打工子弟学校的作用,从而探讨学校社会工作介入的模式和方法。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of an 8‐week Parent Effective Training (PET) program on family communication and flexibility. Forty‐two pairs of Korean parents were randomly assigned to either an experimental group that provided the PET program or a control group that did not offer the program. The two groups were compared on pre‐, post‐, and follow‐up measures of PAC(Parent‐Adolescent Communication), ENRICH(Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and Happiness), and FACES(Family Adaptability Cohesion Evaluation Scale), while controlling for the effects of socio‐demographic variables. Compared with the control group, the experimental group showed significant improvements in family communication between parents and children and between the husband and the wife but no such improvements in family flexibility. These findings suggest that the PET program is a useful short‐term tool for Korean parents wishing to enhance family communication.  相似文献   


Requirements for non‐Maori researchers to consult with Maori compete with “by Maori for Maori” research agendas. Nevertheless, Maori provide varying forms of consultation, with Maori perspectives rarely being entered into the literature. Following an invitation from the Centre for Social Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation (SHORE), members of the Whariki Research Group agreed to take a consultative role, providing Maori input into the New Zealand Values Survey 2004. After initial examination of the survey instrument and follow‐up on previous consultation with Maori, Whariki's main role focused on questions relevant to the Treaty of Waitangi (signed in 1840 between the United Kingdom and Maori) and to Maori. The questions and related findings were of particular salience in the context of ongoing controversy and challenges to the status of the Treaty in New Zealand and to the position of Maori. Here we describe research processes and relationships and present the findings with reference to their social and political implications.  相似文献   

清道光年间,以唐鉴为核心,从其问学的倭仁、曾国藩、吴廷栋、何桂珍、吕贤基、窦等在京理学士人形成了一个交游群。这一维持数年的交游群体培养了一批理学骨干中坚,开启了晚清程朱理学的两种治学路向。晚清程朱理学的复兴可以说肇始于此。  相似文献   


This paper discusses the initiation of an infant preschool child psychiatric consultation service in a tertiary level paediatric hospital, where there had been no service such as this in the past ten years. The case presented illustrates the complex nature of both feeding disorders in infants and the cases seen in this tertiary level institution. It also describes a parallel process: The mother who was uninvolved with her infant and the hospital that was indifferent to the child psychiatric-consultation service development process. An understanding of the psychodynamic aspects of the child, the mother, and the interactions between the medical team and the child psychiatrist were crucial to the success of the treatment. This psychodynamic understanding is also essential to the development of a continuing working relationship between the child psychiatric-consultation liaison service and the hospital.  相似文献   

周志荣 《社会工作》2008,(16):18-20
目前,我国高校新生工作基本沿袭过往的以思想教育和管理为主的模式,已很难解决当代大学生的需求和问题。本文以华南农业大学的助理班主任工作为例,以平等、尊重、助人自助的社工理念指导工作,构建治疗性、适应性、发展性、协调性四种工作模式,从理念和方法上创新高校新生工作。  相似文献   

The meaning of literary works arises from the reception and transformation of the works by their receivers. It is through understanding via experience that this work-receiver relationship is realized in literary reception. In literary reception, meaning assumes multiple forms, including the perceptual and experiential form, the universal and general form, and the historical and continuous form. The realistic foundation of meaning is pluralistic; it is the unfolding of structurality and contextuality of the real history in literary reception and transformation. The reality’s deconstruction and construction of the historical structure appear in the form of specific issues and draw the attention of reception, and give rise to the expectation of meaning in this reception. The reception of meaning is based on such an expectation, so the meaning is constrained by the already existing expectation. Meaning has non-linguisticity, which comes from the non-linguisticity of the implications of literary works and that of literary reception, and is revealed in the interaction of the two in the receptive relations. The non-linguistic meaning is universal.  相似文献   

徐文培 《学术交流》2003,(3):149-152
美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森于 1 977年发表的《所罗门之歌》探索了主人公奶娃走出白人文化和价值观的影响 ,认同和寻找黑人文化和传统的人生旅程。小说所表现的疏离的人际关系成为作品主题很重要的一部分 ,并揭示了 2 0世纪三四十年代美国社会白人价值观对黑人的影响。  相似文献   

中印关系的确定性和不确定性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国和印度是两个崛起中的亚洲大国,中印关系是亚洲地区最重要的双边关系之一。中印之间既有独立外交、发展要务、共同崛起、健康竞争、睦邻政策、亚洲大国、地区合作、全球协调等确定性的方面,它们是中印关系稳定和良性发展的基础和机遇。同时两国之间又存在信任赤字、边界问题、力量对比、美国因素、巴基斯坦、海上通道、核武因素、印度入常等不确定的领域,它们是中印关系不稳定和有可能朝不利方向发展的问题和挑战。  相似文献   

本文在分析高校辅导员职责与学校社会工作存在契合点的基础上,探讨学校社会工作与高校辅导员工作的结合原则,进一步构建学校社会工作与高校辅导员工作结合的模式,并就该模式在具体运用时的保障条件做了相关探讨。试图通过高校辅导员工作与学校社会工作相结合模式及其运用等方面展开的探讨,以期能对辅导员的专业化发展提供一些可能的视角,从而进一步探索辅导员的专业化发展空间。  相似文献   

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