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The number of Mexican immigrants in the USA tripled between 1990 and 2015. In 2015, about 12 million undocumented immigrants lived in the USA, including 6.6 million undocumented Mexican immigrants. More than half of the undocumented immigrants in the USA enter the USA legally and overstay their visas. Therefore, it is essential to predict whether visa applicants overstay their visas or not. We use a set of pre-immigration variables for more than 6,281 individuals from Mexico to predict their legal status in the USA. By using eight machine learning techniques, we conclude that we can predict correctly the legal status of 80 per cent of Mexicans who migrate to the USA.  相似文献   

人工智能从产生到现在仅有60多年,但因其产生的社会巨变却越发深刻。人工智能逐渐从生产领域走向人们的日常生活,已经成为现代社会科技进步的标志之一,并正在引导和改变着人类的生存、生产、生活方式。马克思主义哲学是时代精神的精华,是解决时代问题的科学理论指导。马克思主义人学思想是马克思主义理论体系的重要组成部分。大数据、云计算、人工智能、基因工程等的发展使人的存在方式发生巨大变革,但也不乏人工智能威胁论、技术决定论,以及关于人工智能是否具有人的自我意识与主体性的争论,等等。因此,马克思主义人学思想有责任、有能力去解答这些争论。当人工智能技术开始飞入寻常百姓家,人工智能机器人就不再是一个机械工具,而是一种具有拟人化能力的智能人。智能时代人机关系发生的深刻变化最终带给人类的是奴役还是共存?关于这个问题,应立足于马克思主义人学思想,探讨人工智能技术对人的实践、自由、本质、价值、发展方面的影响,以人学视角把握当代人机关系,思考当代人工智能对人的现实意义,构建未来人工智能新思路。  相似文献   

人工智能构建了大学生劳动教育客体的学习空间,促进了大学生劳动教育介体的系统整合,带动大学生劳动教育环体的深刻改变.传统的"接受型"劳动教育范式难以适应人工智能带来的新变化,因此,推动大学生劳动教育范式转换显得十分必要.人工智能赋能大学生劳动教育施教主体,拓宽了大学生劳动教育接受途径,改进了大学生劳动教育接受内容,这为人工智能时代大学生劳动教育范式转换提供了可能性.基于此,我们要促成人工智能时代大学生劳动教育的心理接受,优化人工智能时代大学生劳动教育的接受过程,提升人工智能时代大学生劳动教育的接受效果,从而实现传统劳动教育范式向接受型劳动教育范式的转换,推进人工智能时代大学生劳动教育的创新发展.  相似文献   

This article discusses the relationship in the U.S. between current symbolic interactionism and computer sciences—specifically, distributed artificial intelligence (DAI). The general thesis is twofold. First, current interactionist approaches to organization, science, and technology show a special affinity to goals and problems of DAI research, and in research style, methods, and theoretical concepts, symbolic interactionism can provide useful suggestions in the design of DAI systems. Second, a good way to analyze the relationship between computer sciences and symbolic interactionism is reflexive of theoretical concepts provided by interactionist approaches. In this sense, DAI is a “going concern” which extends across various fields and intersecting social worlds connected through a set of conceptual “boundary objects.” It is concluded that the interaction between technology and sociological thought must go beyond a mere exchange of ideas. What is required is continual, hands-on, trans-disciplinary collaboration.  相似文献   

The analysis reported in this article is grounded in the practice of classroom-based developmental or transformational research and focuses on the distributed views of intelligence developed by Pea (1993) and by Hutchins (1995). The general areas of agreement with this theoretical perspective include both the nondualist orientation and the critical role attributed to tool use. Against this background, I focus on two aspects of the distributed view that I and my colleagues have found necessary to modify for out purposes. The first concerns the legitimacy of taking the individual as the unit of analysis, and here 1 argue that the distributed view implicitly accepts key tenets of mainstream American psychology's characterization of the individual even as it explicitly rejects it. The second modification concerns distributed intelligence's characterization of tool use. Drawing on a distinction made by Dewey, I argue that it is more useful for the purposes of instructional design to focus on activity that involves using the tool as an instrument, rather than focusing on the tool itself.  相似文献   

Two studies set out to provide information regarding social environment contexts of trait emotional intelligence. In an initial exploratory study, participants with higher emotional intelligence were associated with close others of high emotional intelligence. A second longitudinal study examined the effect of social environments comprising higher or lower emotional intelligence on changes in emotional intelligence of residents in these environments. This study assessed the emotional intelligence and subjective well-being of residents of colleges at the start of a semester and again three months later. A higher composite college residence emotional intelligence index predicted an increase in participants' emotional intelligence and positive affect. These effects were especially strong for first-semester residents. The results offer new information regarding social environment contexts of trait emotional intelligence and extend findings regarding contagion of emotion and transmission of individual differences in complex emotion processing.  相似文献   

陈茂华 《交通与港航》2011,25(2):24-26,55
根据企业经营管理的特点和实际需要,充分运用信息技术手段,建立一个动态发展、功能齐全且高效率的智能化管理系统,进而实现企业的经营管理目标,已成为当务之急.该文在对传统公交企业推进智能化管理的现状、存在问题进行分析的基础上提出建议.  相似文献   


A man who tells secrets or stories must think of who is hearing or reading them, for a story has as many versions as it has readers. Everyone takes what he wants or can from it and thus changes it to his measure. Some pick out parts and reject the rest, some strain the story through the mesh of prejudice, some paint it with their own delight. A story must have some points of contact with the reader to make him feel at home in it. Only then can he accept wonders.  相似文献   

社会文化型智力迟钝或"文化家族性智力迟钝"是一种与环境劣势、文化劣势和心理劣势有关的智力迟钝.患者智力缺陷程度较轻,没有明显的生理残疾迹象.其中,约65%是男性.社会文化型智力迟钝儿童在学习上存在困难,但其日常生活的表现却易为人们所接受.这类儿童大多出生在经济状况、社会地位和教育程度均不怎么理想的家庭.本文介绍了一个跨文化研究:生活在阿巴拉契亚山脉的成人和儿童,并且探讨了下面四个问题:(1)改善早期的文化环境是否有助于干预社会文化型智力迟钝儿童?(2)人们是否已经认识到自然环境对社会文化型智力迟钝的效应?(3)营养不良是否会导致社会文化型智力迟钝儿童?(4)学校教育是否会造成社会文化型智力迟钝儿童?  相似文献   

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